steadyowlvision · 5 days
Be with someone who makes you happy.
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steadyowlvision · 5 days
People empty me. I have to get away to refill.
Charles Bukowski
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steadyowlvision · 5 days
“we can fix it together” & “talk to me, what’s wrong?” type of person >>>
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steadyowlvision · 5 days
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steadyowlvision · 5 days
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steadyowlvision · 13 days
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art: The Great Cosmic Mother, OoooKATIooo0
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steadyowlvision · 19 days
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I asked the leaf whether it was frightened because it was
autumn and the other leaves were falling. The leaf told me,
“No. During the whole spring and summer I was completely
alive. I worked hard to help nourish the tree, and now much
of me is in the tree. I am not limited by this form. I am also
the whole tree, and when I go back to the soil, I will continue
to nourish the tree. So I don’t worry at all. As I leave this
branch and float to the ground, I will wave to the tree and tell
her, ‘I will see you again very soon.'”
That day there was a wind blowing and, after a while, I saw
the leaf leave the branch and float down to the soil, dancing
joyfully, because as it floated it saw itself already there in the
tree. It was so happy. I bowed my head, knowing that I have
a lot to learn from the leaf.
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
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steadyowlvision · 21 days
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steadyowlvision · 21 days
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I feel is my responsability to share this. As a "little" huh heads up.
Most of us are recurring to VPNs and the like, and it's true people are disappearing. On top of that, there have been instances of usamericans literally tagging venezuelan authorities when they see a venezuelan trying to share info about the protests and the situation. I wish i was lying.
Anyways, I just feel the need to share awareness somehow.
Update: Twitter and other webpages have been blocked and can only be accessed with VPNs. There's even more concerns about people arrested being taken to El Helicoide. If people really doubt venezuelans, I'm begging you to do your own research about El Helicoide and La Tumba (If you aren't sensitive)
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steadyowlvision · 22 days
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I give you my heart đŸ«€
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steadyowlvision · 1 month
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steadyowlvision · 1 month
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steadyowlvision · 1 month
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You cannot convince a flower to open by arguing with it. When you care for a flower and consistently provide what it needs, it will blossom in time.
The same is true of the human heart.
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steadyowlvision · 1 month
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steadyowlvision · 1 month
Se me acercan zorros y lobas en las Ășltimas
Pero yo soy el rey de mi repĂșblica
Vete lejos, aquĂ­ no vuelvas mĂĄs
Solo quiero estar en paz y contigo no se da ✹
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steadyowlvision · 1 month
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“The master said You must write what you see. But what I see does not move me. The master answered Change what you see.” ― Louise GlĂŒck, Vita Nova
Photo: from Andrei Tarkovskys "The Mirror" 1975
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steadyowlvision · 1 month
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