steadypaintercoffee · 3 years
How Fandrum Is Taking Over The Celebrity Ecosystem With Its Unique Platform
Are You A Fan or Audience? Here’s How To Tell And Why It Matters
Blog about acting as a fan and being an audience.
Fandoms are made up of people who love something and other people who love the same thing. Fandoms are based on community, which means liking things that others also like or covering walls in posters or wearing cosplay. Fandom is what happens when fans unite with other fans or like one thing over another.
Fans call themselves “Star Wars” fans, but they also call themselves “Trekkies” and “Warsies” and “Hyperspace Crossroaders.” Fans wear costumes to conventions, and then go home. But with Fandrum, what happens in the overwhelming majority of cases is not just a small group of friends who like something alike getting together; it’s an enormous community that stretches across the globe, made up of thousands and thousands of strangers who have built a relationship around something they enjoy together.
There are many fandoms out there. Each one is unique and sets itself apart from the rest. But, something all fandoms have in common–what makes someone into a fan–is their sense of community.
But in the digital world, where fans, audiences, creators, consumers and influencers are more intertwined than ever, it's tricky to pinpoint differences between fandom and audience behavior.
Possessive for Favorite Character 
You absolutely love your character, but why? 
It’s because your fan community invests more than just their money in the characters. They invest their time, emotions, and energy. Fans want to feel as though they were a part of the creation process. In other words, many fans are possessive over their favorite characters.
Fans love to have their voice heard. They’re possessive, and the reason is that they form a close attachment with the brand, show, and actor. And it’s only natural that they wouldn’t rest until they were reassured that their beloved character would become its best version. 
Fans Love Their Characters 
Unlike the rest of us, fans don’t see themselves as a separate entity from the brands, people and things they love. They are die-hard supporters, they follow every single piece of news and they would go to great lengths to defend their loved one. 
Fans can get so emotionally invested in their favorite franchises, tv-shows, games or bands that when something threatens to end what they have come to love so dearly, a protective shield is activated and an army of fanboys is born.
Fans Can Make or Remake Shows 
Fans may not be the ones determining how a character/show/movie will evolve. But they are paying attention, and they are aware of the power they have to make or break (or remake) it.
Communities and Fandoms allow fans to interact with their favorite creators, to build their own passionate fandoms, and to connect with other fan bases around the globe can be a double-edged sword for those creators. 
While these avenues for engagement are great for drawing in new fans, they can also bring to the surface issues in a franchise's narrative or fandom management that many feel should have been taken care of much, much earlier.
At their best, fan communities can be spaces where creators and fans can engage in thoughtful conversation about a franchise’s narrative and its world. 
But now the point is, which platform provides the best opportunity to develop these fans who are too passionate about their favorite movies and characters. 
FANDRUM- A Platform where fans are celebrated
Fandrum is a social media app specially designed for fans (Bollywood, Hollywood, and All Regionals ) which connect a fan to their favorite Actors, Celebrities, and youtubers. Fandrum is just not about uploading photos/videos but sharing your views about your favorite actor with other fans . Its an amazing experience when you get to interact with your favorite actor. You can join their fandoms and can redeem any reward by collecting Fan Tokens. 
Fandrum is available to download free on Google play store. Fandrum App is a concept of connecting Fans with their favorite Actors and Celebrities across the globe. 
Fandrum has famous actors from India and also from around the world and their followers. So, now you can share your photos on social media with actors and your friends just like any other regular social media app.
This app will definitely help bollywood fans stay connected with their favorite star from anywhere around the world . 
The Fandrum app is not just limited for celebrities but for all regional actors too. Now, there is no need for an actor or celebrity to spend money in order to promote themselves as they can do it through fandrum. 
Explore the features of this app:
Free access app
Two-way communication for fan and celebrities
Create fandoms/ fan pages
Create and curate fan art
Everything in one app
Latest news and updates about celebs
Reward fans with experiences 
Superfan Contests
AI technology
Fan Value Calculator
 Download this app now to explore the best of rewards and closets connections with your favourite idols
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