stealthhack-blog · 7 years
Planting the seeds of anxiety in the minds of those ‘heroes’ was easier than even this talon agent thought it’d be. Spread some rumors here, sprinkle some suspicious activity there....and they just lapped it all up. Overwatch in its reformative state was, perhaps, a touch more delicate than Sombra had predicted. Sending out their members and allies alone, in the open, like some sad attempt at recon....? It was all working too well. Though, when you were setting the strings up for your marionette....you couldn’t get too cocky. Not until that noose was ever so gently placed, inescapably, around their neck.
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“Dios mío would you take a look at that? A little conejita without her big bad meka? Did they really send a celebrity out and about, hoping no one would recognize her? It’s almost cute how stupid that is!”
Now, she knew Overwatch never was very good at being secretive with it’s more...public face, and now that it’s darker branch had been disbanded, this became even more apparent. These people, those kids and all their optimistic dreams, it was clear they weren’t really ready to deal with what Talon had in store for them. Poor little things-....fun to play with though. They were lucky this was more of a pet project she put together herself, or else Amélie would have had a field day with these uncloaked fools.
Too bad! It looked like Sombra would get to play with this little bunny all by herself today. All it took was a well-placed translocator and she could sneak her way through to the girl. Maybe a threat or two would get her to spill her guts, or maybe........playing with her head a bit first would be a more beneficial use of Sombra’s time...?
With the threat of Talon on the rise, Overwatch was not holding back it’s punches when it came to the brutal reality of the situation. 
How could they, with the world still suffering from the Omnic Crisis, attempts at peace were fragile, delicate, and could be disrupted by the simplest and smallest of things. Two steps out of line could throw everything off balance, and it seemed that was the intent Talon held.
Every action held consequences, every life taken pushed forth the fears of war once more.
But Hana was no stranger to a fight.
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In fact, she had volunteered for this mission. One of her first since her recruitment, and a chance to prove that the youngest member was one of the strongest. Not that she was in this for the bragging rights.
Intel had said that Talon agents had been sighted trying to recruit high threat personal into their ranks, and the last thing Overwatch needed right now was to deal with even more risky people.
Of course, bursting into a recruitment drive in a MEKA would draw for more attention than it was worth. The heavy hitter would be on call if the need arose, but for now Hana was tasked simply with finding the agents and shutting them down.
Simple enough. The small cafe was too public for serious confrontations, anyways.
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stealthhack-blog · 7 years
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((Like this po~ost for a sombra starter!))
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stealthhack-blog · 7 years
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stealthhack-blog · 7 years
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”If you hold the information.....you hold all the cards.”
💀- Indie Sombra/Olivia Colomar RP blog
💀- 8+ Years of RP Experience
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💀- Open to most ships
💀- 21+ Mun
💀- Multiverse, multi-timeline, and multi-fandom friendly
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