stecesworld · 2 years
This☝️☝️☝️ I agree with this, sesshomaru was my favorite in the Og him and his whole arc I loved so much...I hope now that this trash fire is over his reputation and character is able to heal. There will always be a scar on him from now on. But hopefully we can get passed this and continue remembering as a fandom True sesshomaru.
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Yeah, they actually did this scene of three CHILDREN talking about how they have died and how that has been related to Sesshomaru and his lack of care for them. Perhaps the only important question in this horrible What-If, was Towa asking if their father really cares for them, cause both Setsuna and herself died at one point. She even says that, if Sesshomaru had helped them, that wouldn't have happened. And then Rin joins in and can't think of anything better to say than: "I've also experienced death."
This is horrible, and tragic, and it just shows, once again, how far they were from truly understanding Sesshomaru, cause they stripped him of one of his greatest learnings in Inuyasha: to respect and appreciate the lives of others and to stop thinking of himself as a god.
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He learned it the hard way (please, note how he makes more expressions in this single panel of the manga than in the entire Yashahime series). He thought of himself as a god with the power of life and death over everyone, and, therefore, it made no sense for him to appreciate neither one nor the other. He could kill whoever he wanted and revive them too if he wanted. He had no respect for how valuable a life is. But being unable to revive Kagura hurts him, and this, along with losing his daughter Rin, makes him understand and become a better person.
But then Yashahime just ignores all that and shows us a Sesshomaru who, being able to intervene to save his daughters from the dangers to which he exposed them, decides not to cause they must become "stronger" because they are hanyous, after all he has Tenseiga and he can revive them later 🙄🙄 Don't tell me that OG Sesshomaru, having learned the lesson with Kagura and Rin, is going to be so trusting and risk the lives of all his loved ones just for a stupid rite of courage.
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stecesworld · 2 years
So I have been thinking.
As all of you know I don't watch Yashahime. However I do keep up with the news of the anime to see what is going on. After all, though I hate Yashahime with a firery passion. It is unfortunately apart of the Inuyasha universe. However Cannon or non cannon it may be. And Inuyasha has always been one of the animes on the top of my list of favorites since I was young. So, I bite back my disgust with the Yashahime thing and keep myself updated the best I can so I know where/how my beloved franchise is going. That is why I haven't left. If any of you were just about to say" Well if you hate it so much just leave."
Anyway, I digress. This will be the first actual post in a long time that is not the mad nonsensical screaming of a broken hearted embittered old fart of a fan. And actually a post that contributes to the discussion of the fandom about the Yashahime series.
And that is a theory of mine that has been rolling around in my head for quite some time, Actually ever since we met kirimaru's daughter Rion. A theory that oddly I have not seen discussed on the yashime tags what so ever. Which I find rather odd. Unless it has been and I just haven't seen it. Lol
Anyway my theory is the prophecy says that kirimaru is supposed to be defeated by a being that is neither human nor demon but everybody automatically assumes that it's the half demon daughters of stupidmaru. But what if it's not a half demon at all? what if the one to defeat kirimaru is actually his very own daughter Rion? After all she's not human nor is she a demon, she's a spirit an undead. The prophecy never explicitly stated that it had to have been a half demon that defeats kirimaru all it said was that it was a being that was neither human nor demon and everybody just assumed it was a half demon.
But think about it kirimaru has pretty much gone insane in his search for a way to bring his daughter back to life and he's going to use towa's body in order to do that. But towa is Rions friend. And she doesn't want to use her friend's body as a vessel to become living again, she thinks it's wrong. So what if in order to save Towa she defeats her own father? I mean think about how tragic that story would be the father who does everything he possibly can to bring his beloved daughter back from the dead ends up being killed by her very own hand.
The prophecy fulfilled not by the sisters but his very own Yashahime.
Anyway that's just been my theory for a while and since the series is coming to an end here pretty soon. I thought now would be a good time to get this thought out before it was too late.
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stecesworld · 2 years
Okay, I am furious, this is the the most angry I have ever been at an anime show ever. I never thought I would hate an anime show as much as I despise yashahime.
As you all know for this who have been reading my blog. I have openly stated that I love Rin. I love her, I think Rin was adorable, funny, and so full of life and potential. True she needed rescuing constantly, but she was brave, caring and truly thought about others and genuinely wished to help people. Even those considered enimes at the time. Such as Kohaku and Kagura. Everytime I saw Rin, I smiled and was excited to see what the head strong, kind hearted little bean would do. She gave me little sister vibes. When Inuyasha ended I found myself wishing there was a next generation so that I could see what became of Rin.
Now after this last episode of yashahime I looked on the tag to see the latest news about this newest episode and let me tell you. The amount of Rage screaming I had going on inside my head while I watched/read the scene with Rin and her daughters was defending. My last post Justice For Rin was the only thing I was able to say at the time because the rest of my thoughts was nothing but incoherent screaming and ranting that I couldn't put together.
Now that I am calmer I have to say.
To those who claim to love Rin, who claim to be huge Rin Stan's. Yet love Yashahime should all be ashamed of yourselves. You should all be furious, you all should be raging, pissed about how this dumpster fire of a story has Ruined her. You all should be cursing the names of sunrise and the bastards who wrote this story.
Now I am not talking about SessRin. I hate that ship but I was willing to give it a chance. Maybe it could have been something. I don't care about your preference on that ship so please don't come on this post to defend it because this is not about that.
This post is strictly about Rin. As a character, as a mother, as an everything. Not about her and Sesshomaru. Not about her and her daughters. Just, her.
How can any of you who loved that little girl from the orginal anime or read about her in the manga watch this garbage and what it did to her and think this is okay!? Was this truly what you wanted for her? Was this really the future you wished for her!? Was this honestly what you saw in your mind for her!? If your a shipper, is this how you had hopped she would be treated by the man she loved? If your not a shipper but a Rin Stan. Is this how you pictured she would be treated by all those who were meant to be her friends and family? Seriously?! How can you all who claim to love this little girl as a chara just sit there and praise this Bull Shit of a story!?
Look at what they have done to Rin!!!
Look at her!! How can anyone watch this show and smile and say. "Yep this is exactly how I wanted this to happen." How can you make excuses for the people who have tarnished, and tainted that innocent little girl!? "Oh it's historically accurate." Bullshit! You all know it's not stop claiming it is! "Oh it's the culture all women that time act like that and are subservient" Fuck you! Why are you making that excuse?! Sango doesn't act like that and she's from that time! Geninji's mother didn't act like that and she's from that time! Sesshomaru's mother doesn't act like that and she's from that time! Even Iziyoi who was the softest of all the women I just mentioned didn't act like that. True we only saw her briefly, but you were able to see that she was a kind hearted princess that when she commanded someone they listened. The only one who didn't was that ass hat who killed Toga.
What about the girls now? Setsuna, Towa and Moroha. Are you all seriously telling me that when these girls get together with thier appointed love interests that you want to see the same thing happen to them that has happen to Rin!? If that is how thier culture is meant to be then you have all Damned those three young women to that same fate! Do you all seriously see those three girls acting the same way Rin is acting right now!? Now I know some of you are going to be like. " Well of course Towa won't act like that she was raised in the modern age. She has modern ideals and morals." So what about Setsuna!? She was raise in the feudal age. What about Moroha she is a young woman of the feudal age. Do you honestly think they would act like that? No! You all would be furious!
So why are you okay with Rin!?
Why is Rin okay to be shat on? Why are you allowing this to happen to her when all the other women on this anime are not!? Why are you all excusing this!? Why is this okay!?
Think about it everyone please! Even if at the end of the series everyone gets a so called "Happy ending" and Rin is reunited with her daughters and her husband and is smiling and hugs them close and it's all butterflies and rainbows. Rin still won't have a true happy ending. She will still be the worthless, subservient, meaningless husk of a woman. Who's only purpose in life is to be a baby factory! Please I beg all those who say you love Rin open your eyes and see what has happened to her! Be furious, be angry, show everyone how much you love her by opening your mouth and screaming
"This is not Okay!!"
Rin deserves better! Justice For Rin! Rin's new life! Fuck you sunrise!
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stecesworld · 2 years
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stecesworld · 2 years
So sunrise can age up and draw an adult Shippo. Make him look good and you can see he is an adult, or at least in his late teen because to me he looks around 20. Even if it is just a temporary form and for a few moments they still took the time to draw an older Shippo. But they can't do the same curtsy for an adult Rin? What the hell?
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stecesworld · 2 years
So! I am going to call it right now. The reason Bakamaru is so badly injured in whatever episode he is supposed to be brutally injured in. Is because he is protecting Rin. Like I said, now that she's out of the tree she is going to constantly be in danger. (( Sadly that was something that carried on from The OG. She was always needing to be saved in that too.)) Shitshomaru is going to come to her rescue like he always done. Then get his ass beat so hard that he will be close to death. (( To be honest I hope he dies in this anime to put his assassinated character to rest but I know they won't do that.)) Then three things will happen
1: After he is beaten so badly Kirinmaru will then go after Rin again. But before he can kill her Inukag, Moroha and the Wounder Twins break free of the pearl and stop him in his tracks.
2: There will be a fight, Inuyasha will do a couple of "Uhahas" and "Zubabas" to the Squees of Inukag fans. But the main fighters will be the three girls...well mainly Towa and Setsuna because you know Moroha is going to get knocked out in round one. Kagome may or may not do a "Take that!" Or a "Hit the mark!" depending on if sunrise decides to use her or if she is going to try and heal idiotmaru but fail. To a crying Rinse despair. Then!
3 : Either Rin will cry her eyes out over his dying body and her tears will heal him with the power of love! Or The most likely of scenario. The battle will end and Towa will use the broken Tensega to bring him back from the dead. Like she did with her sister. With a possably of a speech of your our father and we love you. You protected us,we don't want you to die! Or something along those lines. He will then wake up fully healed to everyone's crying yet smiling faces. Inukag will forgive him for being a dick bag and all will be well after Rin screams "Lord sesshomaru!" And possibly throws herself into his arms.
End Episode
Now like I said I don't watch this show any longer. I have been getting all my info from here on tumbler. But from what I know of this kind of show I can see this happening. All of my fellow Antis who read this and watch the next episode or two depending of is Sunrise decides to make it a Cliff hanger to milk everything out. Let me know how close I got I gotta know. Lol.
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stecesworld · 2 years
Ahahaha hahaha! This is amazing! I have never seen that before! That fits this perfect! I am dying!🤣😂
I have been reading about how aweful of a mother Rin is for keeping the memories of Setsuna all these years and causing so much pain and anguish because of it. I have seen people say that both she and Shitshomaru deserve one another because they both are terrible parents.
I have been watching the gifs of the scene were Rin confessed to doing this to setsuna and then finally returning Setsunas memories to her.
But my first thought isn't rage because of how aweful an act that was but of. HOW THE HELL CAN SHE DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!?
Rin is a human! A full blooded, nothing special about her human! She has no spiritual powers what so ever and has never been seen nor read about being able to do anything mystical what so ever. So how in the hell was she able to hold onto her daughters memories? Especially after the dream butterfly was distroyed. Then just summon a bright magical ball of light and give Setsuna memories. WTF?! Rin should have not been able to do that!
Now if it was Kagome in the tree and she kept Morohas' memories that would make sense because Kagome is the most powerful priestess of the series and would definitely have the power to do that kind of thing. Would she do it? Hell no she would never torture her daughter like that. But she would have the power to do so.
Now, if they had made it so that Treekyo had been holding Setsunas memories for Rin and Rin asked Treekyo to return them to her daughter that would make sense. Because Treekyo most definitely has the power to do such a thing. But they didn't! They said Rin herself chose to keep those memories from her daughter because they were "Too painful." An act Rin should never have been able to do. SHE'S A NORMAL HUMAN! WERE THE HELL DID THAT POWER COME FROM?!
Did she get magic powers after Stupidmaru shot 20ccs of Future killer into her womb? Is demon semen so full of power that it can give humans magical abilities? If that's so did Inuyasha's mom have powers? What about Giningie's mother? Did she get super powers? What about the human mother's of all the half breed children in Shinori's (( idk if I spelled that right)) villege, did they get power? Or is Dumbassmaru's Baby batter just that special?
We're there hell did her powers come from?! And now that she's out of the tree will she continue to use them? Or were they just one pump chumps like FuckYouMaru and will never been seen nor used ever again?
Groan, this anime give me a headache and I don't even watch it..I hate you Shitrise. You Fucked and fucked up my not only my favorite characters but my favorite anime.
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stecesworld · 2 years
Has anyone else notice that all the shippers say that Rin chose to be with Stupidmaru. Some even said that she seduced him and that she wanted to be with him. But most S**Rin art that they draw of them kissing normally has her with a surprised and sometimes confused expressions?
Like what's up with that? If Rin really wanted to be with him and she was the one seducing him then why do those guys usually draw her with shocked looks on her face when Shitshomaru kiss's her? That doesn't come off as young woman seducing the man she loves. That screams young girl who had no idea the man she looked up to had feelings for her and had not even thought of him in that way before.
It's very contradictory to thier statements.
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stecesworld · 2 years
Well, now that Rin it out of the tree and free of the curse. Let's make a bet to see how long it will take before her life is in danger and she needs to be Rescued again... Oh hey look at that.
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Did anyone have the Next Episode? If so congrats you win!
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stecesworld · 2 years
I have been reading about how aweful of a mother Rin is for keeping the memories of Setsuna all these years and causing so much pain and anguish because of it. I have seen people say that both she and Shitshomaru deserve one another because they both are terrible parents.
I have been watching the gifs of the scene were Rin confessed to doing this to setsuna and then finally returning Setsunas memories to her.
But my first thought isn't rage because of how aweful an act that was but of. HOW THE HELL CAN SHE DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!?
Rin is a human! A full blooded, nothing special about her human! She has no spiritual powers what so ever and has never been seen nor read about being able to do anything mystical what so ever. So how in the hell was she able to hold onto her daughters memories? Especially after the dream butterfly was distroyed. Then just summon a bright magical ball of light and give Setsuna memories. WTF?! Rin should have not been able to do that!
Now if it was Kagome in the tree and she kept Morohas' memories that would make sense because Kagome is the most powerful priestess of the series and would definitely have the power to do that kind of thing. Would she do it? Hell no she would never torture her daughter like that. But she would have the power to do so.
Now, if they had made it so that Treekyo had been holding Setsunas memories for Rin and Rin asked Treekyo to return them to her daughter that would make sense. Because Treekyo most definitely has the power to do such a thing. But they didn't! They said Rin herself chose to keep those memories from her daughter because they were "Too painful." An act Rin should never have been able to do. SHE'S A NORMAL HUMAN! WERE THE HELL DID THAT POWER COME FROM?!
Did she get magic powers after Stupidmaru shot 20ccs of Future killer into her womb? Is demon semen so full of power that it can give humans magical abilities? If that's so did Inuyasha's mom have powers? What about Giningie's mother? Did she get super powers? What about the human mother's of all the half breed children in Shinori's (( idk if I spelled that right)) villege, did they get power? Or is Dumbassmaru's Baby batter just that special?
We're there hell did her powers come from?! And now that she's out of the tree will she continue to use them? Or were they just one pump chumps like FuckYouMaru and will never been seen nor used ever again?
Groan, this anime give me a headache and I don't even watch it..I hate you Shitrise. You Fucked and fucked up my not only my favorite characters but my favorite anime.
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stecesworld · 2 years
Well if it dose, I hope all the people who are watching this trash heap of an anime who are solely watching for Inukag/Moroha blink, sigh and turn it off for good. Because loyal fans who are hoping to see Moroha get reunited with her parents do not deserve to be Burned like that.
Moroha has been through enough. Her parents actually loved her and was fighting to keep her with them. They had no choice but to send her away to save her from what they believed was death. At the hands of Sesshomaru no less!
I mean think about it! Inuyasha and Kagome are running and fighting for not only thier lives but the life of thier baby. All the while being chased by Thier brother who teamed up with the bad guy! When they thought he had become thier ally. Inuyasha and Kagome sent Moroha away to save her life with the thought that they were going to die and they wanted her to live as safe and happy as she could.
They didn't know that when Hachi dropped her off she would then be given to some Random subordinate of Kogas then sold into Slavery.
If any parents should be praised in this garbage pile it should be Inukag! They sacrificed thier lives to save thier daughter.
If Sunrise dose something so cruel as to have Moroha who was wrongly ripped from her parents and forced to live the life of indentured servitude lose the Black Pearl because of something stupid like tripping or being knocked around for laughs. (( If I hadn't stopped watching the anime back back in season one after the double edge Moroha episode that shows her getting sold.)) I would definitely shut it off and never watch it again.
Moroha was dragged into this mess because Stupidmaru had a brain fart and did the one thing he never did. Listened to Jakens Bullshit! Jaken has been known to be stupid. In the OG series OG Sesshomaru was intelligent enough to know when Jaken was being dumb and punished him accordingly. In this one... nooope Moronicmaru just gose on ahead and dose what he seas without even giving it a single thought!
Also! Inuyasha and Kagome we're not even the targets of Zero or Kirin. it was only Bakamaru and his spawn. He tore apart his brothers family for no reason! Moroha should have never lost her parents! But she did because of Stupid.
So if I was them, if Moroha lost the black pearl because Funny, clumsy or careless Moroha. I would say fuck you shitrise and never watch another episode. The fans do not deserve that treatment and Moroha for certain doesn't deserve that treatment.
Apparently in the sub Moroha is gonna get the black pearl in the next episode, but my expectations are so low I'm just expecting sunrise to have her fucking lose it somewhere so they can have their "hahaha careless Moroha" joke and milk out delaying inukags return even further
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stecesworld · 2 years
Sooo.... I gotta say.
Every single person in the fandom should be pissed beyond words that this trash picture EXSISTS!
First!: it's a big Fuck you from Rumiko herself. Because she is clearly making a drawing to be as intentionally veauge and manipulative on purpose. So that the battle between the fans continues and that keeps Yashahime relevant! That keeps getting it publicity. Then people who are brand new to the franchise begins watching this shit excuse of a "Sequel" believe this is what Inuyasha is all about! It taints the orginal series! Those who like it and not understand how wrong and bad it is, thanks to never having seen the orginal. Will start buying merch meaning, money in not only sunrise but her own pockets! Then those who don't like it will hear of the orginal and thanks to this piece of trash being thier Introduction into the series will automatically think the original is trash as well and not even bother giving it a try. Missing out on a truely wonderful series!
2nd!: It shows that Rumiko dose not give a flying rats ass about how her fans feel or gives a care about the franchise it's self! Because she is she continuing no encouraging the fighting between sides with this. I mean come on! Why kind of creator dose that to thier fanbase? That Kemono that Rin is wearing is clearly meant to be seen as a nod to Kagura. True it's missing the circles so it's not an exsact match. But the coloring and lay out of the kimono is supposed to be similar enough that you will get a Kagura message.How you Interpret that message is up to you. But we should all be completely 💯% in agreement that even if it's not kaguras exsact clothing it's close enough for us all to know what it's supposed to represent. Kagura. Whether it's a slap in the face to sessrinners and "making a statement that she's against sessrin" or a back hand to Antis by saying "I support sessrin and now here's Rin Cosplaying" It dosen't matter it's obvious that it's meant as a Kagura statement in some way!
WTF Rumiko!? What kind of sick SOB are you? That you would draw something so blantinly Fan Hate?
Not only is it fan hate but really bad Fan Hate look at how aweful that was drawn. We all know that Rumiko can draw way better and this clearly shows that she was only half assing it to churn out something acceptable. She didn't put any thought into this, she didn't put any effort into it. (( Asside from the blatant middle finger that is Ringura/Ragura))
3rd!: As a Rin stan I am fuming. Why!? Why dose Rin have to wear that!? Why can't she have something of her own?something that doesn't scream I'm A LITTLE GIRL! Or something that doesn't smack you in the face with KAGURA!! Something that makes her a person, a valued chara? A kemono that is new and seas Adult Rin. With whole new patterns/color palette. Something that when we fans see it we think, "Oh That's Rins' new Adult clothing." Something unique only to her that couldn't be mistaken for anyone else's or traced back to when she was a child. Why can't Rin be Rin!? Why dose she have to be, The New Kagura?! Why dose she have to be a plot device?! Why dose she have to be a Statement!? Why can't she just be a character!? Everyone else gets to be characters. Even the Wounder twins. Even that stupid pin wheel of time carrying mofo gets to have more personality. Flashbacks! Like Morohas' shitty mentor gets more thought and love put into them than Rin dose! STOP SHITTING ON RIN!
In conclusion..
This is getting praise!? This is getting love!? We all should be more pissed off than sesshomaru was when Mōryōmaru mocked Kaguras death.
And that, is the true purpose of this drawing. Nothing more nothing less...and that is not something to celebrate.
I will be here in the corner morning what has become of Rin and this fanbase at the hands of these monsters.
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stecesworld · 2 years
Ahem...So, Sunrise, can you explain something to me?
If Sesshomaru and Rin were never meant to be father and daughter. If all of thier interactions were meant to be a prelude of romance and she was always meant to be his...eeegh wife...
Then please, explain.
Sesshomaru = Kirinmaru
Rin = Rion
They pretty much have the exact same names!! And from what I have been seeing/reading the exsact same dynamic!
Please tell me how is a relationship portrayed by one group, Kirinmaru & Rion, a father and daughter relationship. But the exsact same relationship portrayed by the other group, Sesshomaru & Rin is the precursor to being lovers?!
By your logic sunrise and the story you have created Rion is hot on her way to being Kirinmaru's baby mama!
What makes this even worse is that from what I have been reading all of Sesshomaru's character development and redemption arc is going to Kirinmaru?! If that's so, then, why, when he changes it will be seen as his love for his daughter? But when Sesshomaru changed it was seen as a man changing for his lover?
Like WTF?! If Kirin is giving the same arch as Sesshomaru then by all your logic sunrise he would be changing not because he is a father who loves his daughter and doesn't want to lose her. But because he is a man who Is in love with said girl and dosen't want to lose his future wife!
You can't have it both ways Sunrise! Either Sesshomaru and Rin were father and daughter like you are showing Kirin and Rion to be Or Kirins just waiting for his little girl to become old enough to give birth!
Well, Sunrise, I'm waiting....
Oh also, Rion, seriously? Rion? Like you really thought no one would notice that it's just Rin but with an O in it? Come on sunrise....
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stecesworld · 2 years
You know what's sad? I actually actually hope Rin dies in this series and stays dead. Not because I hate her, quite the opposite actually.I love Rin I am a huge Rin stan. I think she's an adorable little girl and who had such potential and wanted for her the happiest of futures. When I heard that there was a generation 2 of Inuyasha coming out I was so excited to see who Rin grew up to be.
I had always thought she would be Kagome's apprentice, who specializes in healing, both human and demon, thanks to her bonds with Kaede and Sesshomaru. Kaede is how she will learn about healing humans and her bond with sesshomaru would give her the drive to learn how to heal demons. With her own fighting style that was a mix of demon slayer fighting from Sango and Kohaku and archery/holy fighting from Kagome & Miroku. Just incase she needed to defend herself.
KohRin is also my flag ship and I had always had it in my mind that she would marry Kohaku, have like three kids, with Grandpamaru comming to visit. But I was also happy if she didn't fall in love and stayed a single pringle as well and have awesome adventures.
There was sooo much she could have become and I was ecstatic to see what they had done with her.
But then Yashahime came out and when I saw that she had become the bride of Sesshomaru, had his twins, then was cast asside like a broken doll having accomplished nothing but being a baby factory. Made me cry.
Everything that she could have become. All the stories they could have made with her in them. All the potential she had... completely flushed down the toilet. Seeing her sleeping with in the tree with nothing but having babies. Was the worst thing to have been done to her. No one loves or even cares that she is even gone. Some don't even remember that she even exsisted. The only reminder of her presence is her and Sesshomaru's daughters. That from the what I had seen of the anime,Sesshomaru didn't even care about.
Rin was distroyed. True they have made a season two that from what I have seen here on tumbler had given her the smallest of personalities but she was instantly cursed to die and thrown into the tree seven days after giving birth. ((A curse that if her love with Sesshomaru was actually real would have never happened in the first place. For the true OG sesshomaru would have never have let Zero live if she had so much as even thought about hurting his loved one. He would have taken her head from her shoulders before she even had the chance to curse Rin.))
They have taken everything from her. She is the most tragic character in this whole series. A little girl who lost her parents to bandits. Lost her life to wolves. Then was cursed to continuously die and revive by the hands of demons. Her only biological family torn from her side before she even had the chance to hold them. A husband who can care less about if she's alive or dead and a future that holds nothing for her but being a perfect subservient wife and brood mother. Her chance to be a doctor, a demon slayer a priestess. Ripped from her before she even had the chance to lose all of her baby teeth.
I hope Rin dies in this anime so that she can finally be released from the curse that is her life and giving the chance to reincarnate like Kikiyo did and live a life that she deserves. One were she's happy, loved and can become the Queen she deserves to be.
But..I know that won't happen. Sunrise will find a way to keep her alive and she will wake up from her cursed slumber and instantly be the airheaded, subservient wife that forgives everything that happened and only wants to love her lord. Be at his beck and call ready to bare him a new hord of Hanyo children with a smile. For that's all she is good for. Untill the next Yokai comes along and tries to kill her once more.
I am sorry,Rin......
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stecesworld · 3 years
I have been looking at the new manga that came out for YH and I have to wounder. Is there a way to distinguish Rin from Kagome? Everytime I see attempts to make her an adult she still looks like Kagome. Even in this manga you have her side by side with Kagome and the honestly look the same just Rin has wavey hair.
I know Kagome is supposed to look pretty much exactly like Kikiyo but when you put Kagome and Kikiyo together you know who is Kagome and who is Kikiyo. They look different. But Rin... She doesn't look like her own person. She just looks like a Kagome twin. It's kinda like they wanted Kagome with sesshomaru but couldn't take her from Inuyasha so they tore her in two and gave both brothers a piece.
This is also extremely creepy for me because I have always HC Rin as Kagome's ancestor with how they pretty much look exactly alike and well with YH making sesshomaru Rins husband...Yeeeah.....🤢
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stecesworld · 3 years
So, I was thinking, I know this is an anti sessrin thread but i had to ask. I am a KohRin shipper, always have been, I think they are adorable and are my flag ship when it comes to Inuyasha ships.
But,a strange ship I couldn't help but think of was Rin X Shippo. They seem like they would have a lot of fun. Rin would be very supportive of his training and I can see her even giggling at some of his tricks. Maybe even joining in, since she has been seen with a small mischievous side . Plus I can see Rin speaking up when she thinks he has gone to far and keeping him check. Since we have seen her sass Jaken a time or two. So I know she has it in her to keep Shippo from going too far.
What do you all think, would they be cute? Or is Rin and Shippo too weird?
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stecesworld · 3 years
She's so cute! I love her! You did an amazing job. I especially love her hair and the layers it has. Well done.💙💜❤️
The moko moko that she is wearing sesshomaru gave it to her when she was a little child and the ear rings are from kagura sesshomaru's wife she gave it to her when she grow up she told her don't let your job as a demon slayer stop you from being pretty girl you are free
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That's how rin and kohako daughter look like when she become a demon slayer like her father
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