steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
I have been in a slightly better mood than normal. I think the meds may be working on that front. I did have a sleep paralysis attack this morning. I was laying in bed and could hear my family up getting ready for the day, but I couldn't move. I tried and tried and couldn't move. I could hear him calling for me and could sense him standing in the corner.  I was finally able to break out of it and he disappeared.  
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Meds got upped again. Woke up a few times last night feeling like I was going to throw up. Each time I woke up the Shadowman was in my face screaming at me. Hopefully the meds will kick in and make this end. I feel like Ill never get better. I feel worthless, because I cant take care of my family.
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
He’s been very loud the past few days. Mostly the same stuff. Had a meeting at Danielle's school today. It was hard for me to concentrate on what was being said in the meeting. I feel like I’m all over the place. Cant stop waking up at 4am for some reason too.
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Every time Krissy leaves the house I cant stop thinking that she might not come back. I keep thinking that He is going to take her away from me, he being the Shadowman. I keep thinking that he is gonna cause her to be in some kind of accident. He keeps saying that he will take all my loved ones from me and make it where its just me and him. I don’t want to be with just him. My mind has been a bit hazy the past few days. Its almost like I’m on auto pilot at some times and I don’t remember what I’m doing. I hope he is not winning...
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Medicine has been upped. I’ve been taken off one medicine that I've been on for two years. Keep seeing figures out the corner of my eye all morning. They are standing at the door, they are watching me, why wont they leave me alone. Why cant i be normal. I don’t understand why this is happening to me. Why cant I get better. Why do i see the things i see. Why do I hear the things I hear. Why cant anyone else see and hear them. He wont stop talking to me. The shadows wont leave. I cant stop thinking about death. It stays on my mind. I’m terrified. Maybe i need to go away for awhile. Maybe that is the only way i can get real help, but then I would be alone with the monsters. I don’t think i’m strong enough to fight them. 
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
I have been extremely tired lately. Going to bed around 4-5pm and then waking up at 4am. I have been an early riser most my life but never this early. In the evenings its like my brain is shutting down and i feel i need to go to sleep because I have nothing better to do at that moment except sleep. Hallucinations continue, since I started this new medicine. I feel like I need to see my PSY doc a lot sooner then just every 4 weeks. Think ill mention it to her.
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Heard a new voice last night. It was a female voice. She only spoke for a second. Cant remember what she said. Just remember the voice.
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Haven’t been keeping up lately. Started seeing a counselor and a psych doc. Have only been to them a few times. They are switching up my medicine and its only been a few days, and I no changes. He’s mad that im talking to them. The Shadow Man still haunts me. Maybe they can help, I dont know yet. Guess we will see...
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Rough few days. His voice has been really loud lately. So loud that it screams over my own. Feel like just giving up. Not like anyone cares. Most people around me only care about themselves anyway. He terrifies me, but hes there. Lost...
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Have had 3 nights of attacks back to back. Could it be because the veil is thinnest this time of year?
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Ended up talking to a friend of mine I have know since he was little about the Sleep Paralysis and the Shadow Man. Turns out he has it to along with one of his brothers. The three of of compared stories and they were all very similar. The feeling of terror and dread. Not being able to move and the lose of breath. Seeing the shadow man or at the very least sense him in the room. They even confirmed that it seems to happen more when they slept on there backs. I feel a lot better knowing that 2 people that im pretty close with have the same issue as me. Granted theirs are not as extreme as my attacks, but it still happens.
SN: We also got to talking about an experience we had when we were kids down in there childhood homes basement. It was late at night and we were looking at a picture of an alien in this book that one of them had and the picture was clear as day. You could see the details perfectly. About that time the basement door to there garage swung open and the toilet seat in the bathroom down there fell. We all freaked out and went upstairs. While up there we all laid down to go to sleep, and then a light in the kitchen fell from it fixture, freaking us out even more. Later on that night we remembered a strange light coming out of there parents room, and there wasn't a tv or any other lights on. The next morning we all got up and talked about how freaked out we were the night before. Someone grabbed the book we were looking at and turned it to the picture. When we looked at it the picture was blurry and non of the details were there anymore.  So it got me to thinking that what if this event was somehow related to the Shadow Man attacks that we all have had. What if the Shadow Man had targeted us as kids and was feeding on our fear and then stuck around all of us, like a virus?  
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
My youngest daughter has seen the shadow man. She said she saw him at the foot of the couch staring at her and that it scared her. I don’t know if I should tell her I see him to. Is this my fault that she sees them too???
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
The screaming wont stop, the negative energy is at an all time high. Its pissed, like I have never felt before. About a month ago I had gotten some fish and set them up in my room. Around this time is when the attacks had began to weaken. I thought that maybe the fish had something to do with it. The fish have been healthy and have showed no signs of being sick, water and everything is perfect. The fish have been slowly dying off 1 by 1 and they always die at night. Could this be the Shadowman’s work? Does he feed on death? I don’t know, just a thought...   
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
He’s back...
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steelfireinc-blog · 6 years
Bad dreams are starting to come more often, sleep has been a bit unrest full, and the presence seems to be keeping a good distance. I can still feel it there tho. Still have yet to be alone and see what happens.
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