stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
myAgent - a filmmaker’s collaboration app
The final product of my UI/UX course.
I designed the entire interface from start to finish which included sketches, wireframing, experience mapping, and several rough prototypes.
(I also flew the drone in the video)
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
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Personas created for my Spotify projects they are an amalgamation of several (5) usability tests conducted to better understand Spotify’s potential issues.
Tools: Adobe Illustrator
Time: ~2 hours
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
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Warning, my process is hideous.
While I’ve heard that recruiters are often interested in the dirty process behind a designer’s work, I almost feel like I want to be the exception to that rule since my sketches are for me and only me. I also throw out way more of them than I keep.
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
A video essay for a writing class. Co-Written, edited and voiced by Andy Shin.
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
These were the final mockups for our Spotify Feature (Creative Mode), a method for having more control over your Spotify Playlists. 
Done in Adobe Illustrator
Time: ~5 hours
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
For our Interface Design class, we had to come up with 3 feature proposals for the Spotify mobile app, these were our suggestions.
Done with Adobe Illustrator.
Time: 3 hours planning, 4 hours in Illustrator
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
A short film that I worked on for a colleague’s class project. I helped write the script and also assisted in directing, cinematography and choreography. I also appear in the starring role. The film won several in-class awards, including Best Comedy and Best Action.
Filmed with Canon 80D, edited in Adobe Premiere.
Time: ~1 month
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
Another print poster showing the dissected parts and description of a toy lightsaber.
Done in Adobe Illustrator
Time: ~4 hours
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
Another poster I did for research about the element.
Done in Adobe Illustrator.
Time spent: ~3 hours.
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
I provided the visual design for this research project about a certain type of plastic.
Done in Adobe Illustrator.
Time spent: ~2 hours
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
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X-Wing model that I built in Maya and rendered inside of an HDRI lighting sphere, and then edited in Photoshop. Posted both before and after versions.
Done in Maya & Photoshop.
Time spent: ~5 hours
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
A resume that I made to showcase my graphic design. As I am a student, I’ve strategically omitted work experience, it only lists what I’ve worked on and am capable of working on.
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stefsportfolio-blog · 7 years
Made over roughly half a semester for a narrative class, I wrote and designed all story elements and designed the user interface.
Created in Tyranobuilder Studio.
If you want to try it, click the download link below.
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stefsportfolio-blog · 8 years
pottedPicasso is a twitterBot term project I collaborated on during summer 2016. It’s a physical Arduino circuit that when attached to a plant, collects data on the surroundings (moisture, light, temperature) and uses the data to procedurally generate art and post it on Twitter.
I worked on the graphic design, ideation, and code.
Time: A whole semester
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stefsportfolio-blog · 8 years
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This is a print poster I designed as a satirical product advertisement for cookies that are made out of car by-products. 
Time: ~4 hours
Tools: Illustrator
What it shows: Visual design, writing.
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stefsportfolio-blog · 8 years
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This is another weekly project for my design class this semester, another fantasy product, a fridge that only opens when it wants. We set up the physical prototype with fridge magnets for the infographic. I made an accompanying motion graphic as well.
Time spent: ~ 4 hours
Tools: Illustrator, After Effects
What it shows: Visual design, physical prototyping, animation.
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stefsportfolio-blog · 8 years
This is a print poster that I designed as part of a brainstorming process with a colleague for a fourth year design class. It’s a mock infographic for a fantasy product that interprets binary data and projects a display.
Time spent: ~2 hours
Tools: Adobe Illustrator
What it shows: Visual Design
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