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holy hell the new promo dropped a BUNCH of important stuff oh my go d
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as you’ve probably noticed, this blog doesn’t exactly have much activity going on at the moment. i’ve been spending time on my other roleplay blogs, so they’ve mostly been taking up my time. as well as that, with sv.tfoe being on a hiatus, it’s a little hard to keep the muse going. understandably, a lot of other blogs have been going a bit mia too i’ve noticed.
there’s a bunch of promos going around now for s3, and i’ll probably only be around a little while after each of those roll out. once the actual two hour event happens, i’ll probably have a bit more activity ( if not frequent ) on star. for now, i’m sorry about the randomly showing up and disappearing without actually doing starters / replies as such. i just don’t have the muse at the moment, as well as being in a currently dead fandom. hopefully this will be fixed with the two hour event.
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        ★・゚: *✧  ❝ BWAAAAAAH! ❞
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★・゚: *✧ ( asfalis ) ;
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          ❝  STAR,  we’re  both  like,  FOURTEEN.    That’s  as  far  as  I  know  of  you  in  terms  of  your  birthday.    Come  to  think  of  it,  we’ve  never  even  celebrated  your  birthday  on  Earth  before.    Nor  do  we  even  know  when  your  birthday  is.    Does  Mewni  even  have  the  same  kind  of  date-keeping  that  we  have  ??  ❞
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        ★・゚: *✧  ❝ Now that I think about it... I don’t think we do. That’s... pretty weird that I never noticed until now. I’m SORRY, Margo --- that was a jerk move of me for saying what I said. I don’t think I even know YOUR birthday. Forgive me? ❞
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★・゚: *✧ ( asfalis ) ;
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          ❝  What  I  THINK  is  happening,  is  you  using  your  magic  to  do  something  that  I  would  or  would  not  approve  of.  And  it  might  be  the  LATTER  that  I’m  feeling  right  now,  young  lady !!  ❞
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         ★・゚: *✧  ❝ Ew, you sound like my mom right now and that’s NOT a good look for you, Margo. Do you even know my birthday? Because I could be older than you and you don’t even know it. I’m ashamed of you --- my BEST FRIEND doesn’t even know my age. Shameful, truly shameful. ❞
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                                               you only saw her beauty                                              but not the iron underneath
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★・゚: *✧ ( galacticlas ) ;
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  “ n-noo ?  “ casually brings out the portal gun and wiggles it. “ m-my Grandpa made this. y ou just zap up a portal and step through and WHAMO! you’re there. h-how would you even rig scissors to do all the tech junk needed with th-that ? “
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         ★・゚: *✧  ❝ Nah---!! Dimensional scissors don’t NEED weird tech stuff to work. It’s MAGIC, duh! How else would it work? All you gotta do is think of the place you wanna go, cut into the air and there’s your portal~ ❞ star pauses momentarily, noticing the similar pattern in both objects.  ❝ Huh. Kinda weird that they both work the same way. ❞
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note: in the future if i ever accidentally write sara instead of star i am so sorry.
the trouble of having muses with eXTREMELY SIMILAR NAMES
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★・゚: *✧  ( asfalis ) ;
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❝  If  what  I  think  is  happening,  IS  HAPPENING…
          It  better  NOT  be…  ❞
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          ★・゚: *✧  ❝ Uhhh... Maybe? It depends on what you THINK is happening, because there’s a tiiny possibility that it’s my fault and what you think is happening IS actually happening. ❞
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"I don't know if I would go to THAT extreme."
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          ★・゚: *✧  ❝ It’s fiiine~! ❞
          HER SHOULDERS ARE RELAXED, leaning back slightly as she speaks. star’s wand is held loosely in her hands and she spins it within her fingers with ease, feeling confident about her suggestion. it truly was an extreme way to go about with things — but the princess has confidence in her magic abilities and the boy’s own skills that it could work. she’s known for having spells that leave devastating after-effects anyway, extremities are a part of star’s nature as a mewman being. especially considering her family have a game they end up playing each year ( simply because nobody gets along ) of climbing a mountain with several death traps on it.
                      ❝ I’m basically a PRO at this by now, I know what I’m doing~! ❞
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( SHE’S A BOLT OF LIGHTNING IN A HOT PINK DRESS ) indie star butterfly roleplay account 
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★・゚: *✧ ( @galacticlas ) ;
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           ★・゚: *✧  ❝ But if you DIDN’T use dimensional scissors ------ then HOW did you even get here in the first place? They’re kiiiiinda essential to dimension travelling. ❞
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I AM SO SORRY FOR NEGLECTING THIS BLOG but lanimer week is next week and my town elects a 14 yo every year to become queen and there’s a coronation and everything so it’s giving me star muse that i’ve been SEVERELY lacking for a while
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I’m not going to fight them. EXcEPT THAT I AM!
Finn the Human (via incorrect-adventure-time-quotes)
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