stellamacmillan · 5 years
“Everyone’s so grouchy these days, don’t you lot realize you’re going to get crow’s feet -- or worse, frown lines!?” Estelle crinkles her nose in disgust at the thought. Perhaps not the most tasteful of comments considering the situation, but her mouth had the tendency to run off thoughtlessly. A third year went missing, which was obviously tragic. Estelle was as torn up about it as anyone with half a mind, she just found ignoring the unfortunate things made carrying about as usual far easier. In a rare moment of genuine kindness, she clears her throat. "All things considered, how're you handling it all?"
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stellamacmillan · 5 years
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Is that ESTELLE MACMILLIAN? It’s so nice to see them back at Hogwarts! SHE is 17, and a HALF-BLOOD, 7th YEAR HUFFLEPUFF and totally looks like the muggle CAMILA MENDES. They are known to be CONFIDENT, and METICULOUS but also have a tendency to be HAUGHTY and DUBIOUS. There are whispers around the castle that in the unrest that is brewing they are NEUTRAL. 
OTHER INFO: She’s ¼th Veela.
Full Character Name: Estelle Fernanda Macmillan
Does your character have siblings? What are their names?: She’s an only child.
What is your characters best subject in school? Surprisingly? Herbology.
What is your characters wand?: Come back later, I need to do the test on Pottermore. rgnsrlgk
Can your character cast a Patronus? What is it? What memory do they use?: She is noncorpeal right now, the shape it would take if she were able to is currently unknown.
Who is your characters best friend?: She doesn’t have one, I’d like to plot one out for her though!
Does your character look up to anyone? Who?: Other than herself? Her late mother, who put the stars in her sky. Her father is also quite important to her.
What is your characters relationship like with their family?: The only immediate family she has left is her father, who dotes on her like you wouldn’t believe. Stella is incredibly spoiled, and it couldn’t be more obvious. He’s a good man and a good father, which shines through in how he takes care of his daughter.
If your character has siblings, do they have a favorite?: N/A
What is your characters go-to spell in a duel?: Incarcerous
What spell does your character use most often?: Wingardium Leviosa, so she doesn’t have to carry her books to and from class. 
TW: parent death, mental illness, manipulation, suicide mention.
She’s Mr. Ernie Macmillan’s daughter, so that’s fun. Strap in lads. Her parents met when the schools came together for the triwzard championship. He asked her to the Yule Ball, which originally started as a plot to get back at respective significant others (or, in his case, to rub Hannah’s nose in it bc………how dare she not go w him?) but stranger things have happened.
They fell and love and it was definitely a whirlwind relationship. They spent their summers following split between Scotland and France. They were married as soon as the war ended, and after Ernie came back to repeat his seventh year, he made the move to be with her and to work under his father-in-law at the French Ministry of Magic. All was well and good for them; they lived happily and were over the moon when Estelle came along.
She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and wanted for nothing. Literally, the girl could not have been more spoiled. She STILL is.
Her mother was a Cursebreaker so she got to experience all sorts of things in different magical communities. She’s quite cultured as a result. She speaks French (which is her mother tongue), English, Spanish, and some Greek.
This bitch had it made up until second year. She was yanked out of class near the end of term and shipped home without given any information. It wasn’t until later that night that her dad sat her down and did his best to explain why her mother was no longer with them.
A few blood purists were unhappy with the fact that Ernie gave up his pureblooded line and decided to mate with someone beneath him (not to mention the fact that he’s always been on the light side and even fought in the war prior).
So, naturally, they stuck their nose where it didn’t belong and found out that Mrs. Macmillan suffered from mental illness. They decidedly used that to their advantage and began manipulating her. Eventually it ended up being too much for her to handle and they drove her to suicide. Her father never told her the more gruesome details to spare her the heartache, only that she’d died tragically.
So, ofc she’s in the dark about the true circumstances and has no idea how/why she’s lost her mum.
Her father couldn’t handle staying  and being so close to the tragedy, so away they went. Enter in her being forced out of her childhood home and being made to move to dirty Scotland, tbh.
Transferred to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons in the middle of her third year. She absolutely despises the school and (most) of it’s inhabitants. Isn’t apart of any clubs or even on the Quidditch team because she can’t be bothered, she’s well and truly tired of everything.
Neutral as fuuuuuck, definitely hasn’t picked a stance in the impending war. Decisions? Don’t know her. 100% in it to protect her money and her own skin, basically. Has tendencies towards the good side bc she’s not a monster, but she’s….not great, either. Very morally grey.
Doesn’t much like that she’s halfblooded; and by that I mean she hates it. CANON DIALOGUE: I’m part veela, so that basically cancels out the halfblood ///:
2 good 4 u. Pompous, self-important, the list goes on. Probably scares people bc they never know what the fuck she’s going to do. A Reckless Nightmare ^TM.
i left out so many things this is rly only scratching the surface but uhhhhhhh, I’ve talked a lot so come love my trash baby she needs friends.
P.S. If I missed any triggers with the darker bit of her bio, pls let me know!
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stellamacmillan · 5 years
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Lopaz Outfits: Veronica Lodge
↳ 2x14
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