stephi0208-blog · 7 years
Rascal Flatts - Here Comes Goodbye
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
Rascal Flatts - Here Comes Goodbye
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 111: 063 DJ 3
The  question is why do you share photos on social media? Well for starters social media is the only other way I communicate. I do not talk to many people because that is just the way I am. Social media is also a faster and easier way for my family to catch up and see things. I never really wanted any social media account but when all my friends were getting a Facebook I felt like I needed one. I do not really post much to social media unless I want people to see it or if it has been awhile since my last post. I have thought about deleting all my accounts because of drama. My family on the other hand is really the only reason I have kept my accounts. With my family living 700 miles away Facebook and Instagram is easier to communicate with them through photos or messaging. I also post photos to social media because pictures can say more then any amount of words can. I believe photos have a lot of meaning behind them too. Some photos can show sadness but behind that sadness might be something more in depth like depression or anger. There can be a picture of a cat or dog and people will see cuteness but what some do not see is that a cat or dog might have a purpose in someone's life. Photos have so much more meaning than anyone truly thinks and it kind of irritates me because I personally deal with depression and the photos I post might not show that but behind them that is how I feel. No amount of words can truly define someone but may, just maybe a since picture can. Photos are not a person or a living thing but to me photos have a heart. So that is why I post photos to social media.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 111: 063
For starters i have many personal achievements that make me proud. For instance, I won first place in horse judging in tenth grade, I have been student of the month, was given many awards in band but what makes me most proud is getting accepted into college. When I moved down here to Kentucky almost two years ago I started senior year in a new school not knowing anybody. I did not know much about Kentucky but I did know one thing and that was that I wanted to become a veterinarian. I started to apply to many different colleges and one day when I got home from school I had mail. I opened my mail and started to cry because I did not think I could do it, I did not have faith in myself that I would get accepted into college. The University of Kentucky was my top choice to go and there it was in front of my eyes the acceptance letter. I also got accepted into another great school but that was six hours away and I wanted to stay close. Not only was I proud of my myself everyone around me was too. College is challenging I think but as long as I try my best that is all that matters. I may not get to go to vet school but nobody can ever say I did not try my best. Life goes on in many different directions but that is up to you which road you want to take. I took the long road, college, but I believe as long as I keep my head straight I can do anything I wish to do. To me getting an award is nice but getting the chance to be what I want is amazing because it is what one should do, never give up.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 podcast medical marijuana
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD110:023 DJ11
Would you consider deleting your Instagram account?
I would consider deleting my Instagram account but at the same time i would not. I do not use my Instagram like most people do. I only get on Instagram to check on my niece to see what she is up to and to see what my friends back in Pennsylvania are doing because we no longer talk. The only reason I have an Instagram account because i wanted to fit in when Instagram was hot. I would delete my account because i do not use it but i would keep it because it is the only way i can stay informed of Pennsylvania business. There is also no reason to delete any kind of social media because although i do not have drinking pictures or nudes on mine a lot of people do and if it gets deleted it is still lingering around the internet. Also if i were to delete my account my fiance and other people might think i am trying to hide something because everyone i know, knows i do not use Instagram like most people do around the world. If i were to delete my Instagram account i would not mind because that means less drama, less notifications, and less social media. The only kind of communication i have to friends and family is through social media because I do not like people and i do not like to talk to people. Instagram is not a big deal but if it was facebook I would delete that would be a no because facebook has a lot of meaning to me because Facebook is the way Brandon and I met. Instagram can be deleted for all i care. So be it my pictures will linger on the internet but its not like my pictures have anything bad involved in them.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 DJ 9
How do female and male roles differ in my family is kind of a hard question to answer. As far as i can think male and female roles do not differ in my family much. For female roles my mom is in charge of all the paper work and accounting and is the one that everyone goes to, to get permission to do or get something. My mom feeds the animals and mows the yard, my mom does all the cleaning and cooking. My step-dad (Kevin) does all the farming and the one buying new parts to fix broken farm equipment. Kevin mainly does all the hand on stuff around the farm. The kids (my sisters and I ) do the stuff my mom cannot do and we do everything we can to help out. Female and male roles do not differ a whole lot when you live on a farm because everyone has to do something. One thing I can think of that is different is Kevin does what my mom tells him to when he feels he wants to do it but when my mom is asked to told to do something she does it right away. In my family there is too many of us, eight kids, seven grand-kids, and two parents over the age of 50. With so many of us there is always something everyone can do so there really is not much of a difference in the role of females and males. When someone is not feeling well or is in injured and cannot do anything someone always steps in and helps out. For example the day we moved in my dog bit my head so everyone stopped what they were doing to help and then my mom and i went to the hospital and i had to get stitches, the next day we unpacked the trailer and everyone told me to go sit down so i did not over do myself and started to bleed again. Everyone in my family has their own role if you really want to think about it but the one role that is key is to be a family and be there for one another.  
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 DJ8
Will you be wearing a Halloween costume this year?
No, I am not going to be wearing a costume for Halloween this year. I have not worn a costume for several years simply because i think Halloween is for smaller kids. I do not get joy out of getting dressed up and i do not know why. I will be dressing my dogs up for Halloween though as a ladybug and a pirate. I do not get into Halloween like i do Christmas but i never really did. Halloween is just another day in my life that i goes on and i go to school, work, or spend time alone. The past five to six years i have not done anything for Halloween because i had other stuff to do or like one year my dads car broke and i did not want to go because i was in one of my moods. Dealing with anxiety i think has a lot to do with me getting into things such holidays, birthday, and any other event. I just live day by day. My dad and sisters on the other hand are into dressing up and stuff like that but that is also because they have kids and my dad has always been into Halloween. The last time i dressed up for Halloween I dressed up as my step-dad by braiding my hair, wearing a straw hat, jeans, boots, and one of his long sleeve shirts. Nobody understood why I dressed up as him but i think i did it because i thought it would be funny. Halloween to me is about candy and excitment to those who do not get much and to kids in general. I do put lights up and wear weird clothes but i do not find dressing up necessary because i am learning how to adult and learning that there are kids who need to joy more than i do.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 DJ7
Empathy is the ability to share and understand the emotions of others. It is a construct of multiple components, each of which is associated with its own brain network. There are three ways of looking at empathy.
First there is affective empathy. This is the ability to share the emotions of others. People who score high on affective empathy are those who, for example, show a strong visceral reaction when watching a scary movie.
They feel scared or feel others’ pain strongly within themselves when seeing others scared or in pain.
Cognitive empathy, on the other hand, is the ability to understand the emotions of others. A good example is the psychologist who understands the emotions of the client in a rational way, but does not necessarily share the emotions of the client in a visceral sense.
Finally, there’s emotional regulation. This refers to the ability to regulate one’s emotions. For example, surgeons need to control their emotions when operating on a patient.
Another way to understand empathy is to distinguish it from other related constructs. For example, empathy involves self-awareness, as well as distinction between the self and the other. In that sense it is different from mimicry, or imitation.
Many animals might show signs of mimicry or emotional contagion to another animal in pain. But without some level of self-awareness, and distinction between the self and the other, it is not empathy in a strict sense. Empathy is also different from sympathy, which involves feeling concern for the suffering of another person and a desire to help.
With hat said, empathy is not a unique human experience. It has been observed in many non-human primates and even rats. Although empathy is felt in the world it is not often felt by everyone even some point in their lives.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 DJ6
What have been your experiences with catcalling or other kinds of street harassment? 
In all honesty I was confused at first when I read the statement because I had no idea what catcalling is until i looked it up. According to "Dictionary.com" catcalling means, and i quote, "make a whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature to a woman passing by." I have had no personal experience with catcalling or street harassment but one of my high school years in band we were marching a parade in the town of Ephrata in Pennsylvania some guy on the side decided to shout and say something sexual and very disrespectful to the color guard because they had very little clothing on. i find it disgusting when even little kids under the age of 10 get called out because of some child molester and i honestly think people are in the wrong 100% to even try something like that. The problem with street harassment and catcalling is that nobody can do anything about it because the women have not been physically harmed and have not been touched. Since i have not had any personal experience with this type of problem I decided to do a little research and found that 84% of women first experience some kind of street harassment before the age of 17 and in my mind it is shocking how bad catcalling is. I had found on CNN women often think to themselves " Head down, look straight ahead. Earbuds in, volume off. Walk quickly, but with purpose. Don't make eye contact unless you need to. Look behind you every few blocks, make sure you're not being followed. Don't be obvious. It's not nighttime. You're not in a known drug zone, or the sketchy part of town." I have felt like that at times even when i just walk out on the porch to let the dogs out at night. I find no reason that women should have to feel like they are being stalked or pressured to do something they dont want to. Women should feel safe even when they take their first step outside.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 DJ 5
How do you feel about your last name?
In all honestly I love my last name. I am Italian and i have grown up being asked time after time if I am related to Vince Lombardi and I always say I do not know. I may or may not be related to a famous football player but that does not matter because I was raised in a loving caring family. Although I love my last name I cannot wait until I get to change it to Taylor. My family has been through a lot and I love the fact that I get the chance to carry the last name of my grandparents that I never met but have heard tons of stories about. The surname Lombardi is very common throughout the whole of Italy especially in the north-east. Records of the surname date back in the twelfth century to one Peter Lombard. Another reason I love my last name, Lombardi, is because of pasta. Everyone eats pasta some point of time in their life and some like it and some do not. I could eat pasta all day everyday in anyway. My last name does not define who i am or what i am gonna be in the future but it is a part of me i do not wish i never had. If i was not born as a Lombardi I would not have been raised the way i was because raising a child is a two person job even through there are many single parent families around the world. I love my sisters, dad, mom, and everyone else in my family and i would not trade them for the world. Yes your last name is just a name you carry for the rest of your life but I carry my last name with high faith and pride.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 DJ4
Have you ever interacted with the police?
I am going to get to the answer straight up, yes, I have interacted with the police. It was near the end of senior year I let my friend borrow an old phone of mine because she had her phone taken because her step-mother thought she was doing things she shouldn't have been doing and her step-mother found out and took it from her. One day I wanted it back since it was mine and so I drove to her house and asked nicely for my phone back several times then she started to yell and call me names and the next thing I know she comes out of her house with a baseball bat. She was threatening me and telling me to leave I honestly got pissed and started to yell and call her names back. I leave and find out from my friend her step-mother called the police on me and pressed charges against me for trespassing and whatever else. The very next day My mom  was contacted by the police lady at the school and found out about everything, about charges being pressed and that I went and tried to handle it all on my own. My mom two days later contacted her step-mother and got everything settled out, I got my phone back, and no longer had charges pressed against me. I learned from that mistake for sure and I have never been so scared in my life. On the bright side the day all of that happened I opened a letter I had gotten in the mail from the University of Kentucky and found out that I had been accepted majoring in Animal Science Pre-Vet. So all in all I think I learned that I will never let anyone borrow any of my things again unless I am right there and that good things do happen in life.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023 DJ 3
What are your family stories about sacrifice?
May 29th, 2017 was Memorial Day and I was in the kitchen making some noodles when my fiance came running through the house saying "get your keys babe mom was just in an accident". Sadly my fiance's step-dad sacrificed his life to try and save his mom and two nephews (3 yrs and 6 months). It was a day nobody should have had to ever experience. A fifth-wheel camper was improperly  hooked up and as the truck going the opposite direction from Brandon's family came over a slight bump in the road the camper came loose and started to head towards his family. Scotty did everything he could knowing he had little time before they got hit. Scotty looked over at Brandon's mom and said "We are gonna get killed I love you". At that time Bonnie was turned around  handing lane (3 yrs old) a cookie and the next thing she remembers is looking over at Scotty as he took his last breath. We all say that Scotty did it for his family. He took his life trying to save others around him. Bonnie was rushed to Stanford's hospital while Colt (6 months old) was flown to UK hospital. Bonnie had scratches and cuts but that's all other than being covered in blood. Lane on the other hand had just one little scratch on his hand, and Colt was not responsive to anything but his heart was still beating. It took  everyone they had at the scene 4.5 hours to remove Scotty from the car because the steering wheel was pushed up into his chest and the camper was on top of him. Meanwhile as the scene was being cleaned up we all headed to UK hospital. Colt was hooked up to a bunch of tubes and moniters and 5 long days later he was pronounced brain dead. Two funerals in 4 days was not easy but the positive thing is colt was an organ donor and he saved 3 other lives. It has been a little over three months since that tragic accident and it still affects those surrounding us. We now know that Scotty did it for his loving family and Colt is a Superhero.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
What do older generations misunderstand about yours?
Older Generations misunderstand a lot about our Generation. They believe that we spend too much time on our phones and other technology, we don't go outside enough and that we are lazy. They believe this because they see a few teenagers like that or see something in a newspaper and think all teenagers are like that. A lot of us to go outside and play sports, work hard on things, and spend time on school and studying. They also don't understand the power of technology. Just about everything in today's world has some sort of technology. There are multiple ways of communicating like through cell phones, e-mailing, texting, and others. We have faster ways of transportation like modern cars. Our cars come with a radio, A/C, windows that go down with a button, you can even clean the windshield without manually doing it. Everything is changing.
Another thing that older generations do is change. They don't change even with the environment and people around them. The rest of the world is advancing while they are staying in the past. They also don't understand the technology is a necessity. They are needed for both work and school. At school, you have access to multiple textbooks all in one phone. Your phone can even be a calculator, you can even type documents and do work on it. There is so much available to do, but they fear change and don't take the time to learn the new ways. My parents have smart phones and use them, but even they don't know the full power of them. All they know is to text, call, and download apps like games and more ways to communicate. They don't even know about the basic things like the calculator, flashlight, face-time, and other tools. The reason being is that they don't take the time to learn more about the phones. This is with all other technology as well, they don't want to advance in time with the rest of the world, instead, they are staying where they are. Older generations need to accept change and understand what is going on at the moment. There is too many examples to say but it's usually along the line of your parents or grandparents saying they don't know how to use something nor want to.
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stephi0208-blog · 7 years
WRD 110:023
What are you looking forward to, or dreading this year?
As a freshman in college what I am dreading the most is being away from my fiance and family. I have been living with my fiance for the past four months and it honestly feels weird not being up his hind end all the time. I am dreading leaving my family because it is just my mother and my stepdad at home farming almost 400 acres and milking about 90 cows. Although I miss my fiance and my family I am happy to be in college. I get to have time alone, and I am able to move forward with my career. The thing i am looking forward to the most is getting closer to becoming a Vet. It takes a lot of schooling to do what I want to do and most people lose all hope and motivation but me, I have motivation and those at home pushing me to be the best I can be. I look forward to losing weight as well. I am not the thinnest person alive but I am also not the heaviest but one thing I know for sure is that I am not happy with my weight. I have many things to be looking forward to during my first year of college but I also dread a lot of things too. I wish I could stay home for the rest of my life but if I want to become a Veterinarian and have a family of my own one day I know I am going to have to go to college, get my degree, and then I will be able to care for all the animals I can. Living the life as a freshman in college is challenging but I, I am willing to overcome all challenges and face my fears to get stuff done.
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