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Structure Research.
Helene Binet
James Austin
Ezra Stoller
Julius Schulman
G.E. Kidder Smith
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Illuminate Research.
Tim Simmons
Jason D Page
Dean Chamberlain 
Matthew Fangs
John A Ryan
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Move It Research.
Mind Game 
In a Heartbeat
The Call
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Movie Poster Research.
The commuter 
Peaky Blinders
John Wick
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Almost Nothing Research.
Michael Kenna
Denie Bester 
Mark Meyer
Julian Schulze
Kevin Saint Grey
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Catch Me If You Can Research.
Bob Martin 
Marc Aspland 
Neil Leifer
Bill Frakes
Adam Pretty 
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Clean white Research 
Platon  Antoniou
I have chosen this image because of the composition, he is in the middle of the image and takes up the whole image , i also like the shadows that have been created on his face with how is hands are placed
Richard Avedon
I have chosen this image because i like how she has been positioned to show the side of her face. i also like how her hair and clothes contrast from the background and how there is a slight shadow from her ear to jawline.
Ben CK
I have chosen this image because i like how simple and neat it is, i like how there is dark shadows on the models cheekbones to make them stand out more compared to the rest of her face. i also like how you can see the catch light in her eyes.
Richard Avedon
i have chosen this image because i like how the red stands out from the white background and feel if it was in black and white would create a nice contrast from the background. i also like how there is a harsh shadow on her cheek bones which makes them stand out more.
David Bailey 
I have chosen this image because of the harsh shadows on the models face and how it creates a contrast from the sides of his face and rest of his face. i also like how is clothing contrasts from the background. 
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What happened in the 1870′s (Photography)
The gelatin emulsion is invented by Richard Maddox. Gelatin emulsion (lightweight gelatin negative plates), 
Invented by Dr Richard Leach Maddox in 1971. Most common in silver gelatin photography, made up with silver halide crystals, spread over gelatin.
Hermann Wilhelm Vogel discovers dye sensitization
hurter and driffield begin systematic evaluation of sensitivity characteristics of photographic emulsions 
Heat ripening of gelatin emulsions is discovered. 
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What happened in the 1870′s
Can opener was invented
The Franco-Prussian war
Great Chicago fire
Montgomery ward begins first mail order catalog ‘’wish book’’
Japanese calendars 
First practical telephone was invented
Queen Victoria appointment as empress of India   
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Significant Moment
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Self Portrait Plan.
Camera ‘Nikon D5200′
18-55mm Lens
Self Portrait:
I have decided to shot my self portrait in my room as this is were I feel most myself and comfortable.
A place you are connected too:
The location i have picked is Victoria park, the reason i have chose this location is because i have a lot of good  memories at this park weather that be with family or old friends. I also enjoyed going when i was a young girl and i still like going during the summer at the age of eighteen.
An object that’s significant:
I have a chose of two ideas which is books or roses
The reason i have chose books is because I am a massive bookworm and get easily lost in a book. Also i remember when my parents or older brothers would read me a book at night and this brings back memories of it
The reason i have chose roses is because my grandma had a glass rose which was given to me. i have loved roses from a young age as the bright colours always drew me into them (red,pink.yellow and orange). 
i will have a few issues while taken my location shot in Victoria park such as the lighting and weather. I will need to check the weather forecast the night before and the morning before i leave.
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Triptych Photography.
Apart of our ‘Who Am I’ project was to create a triptych, which includes a self portrait, significant object and a significant place.
“What is a triptych? It’s a type of three-fold art that is typically hinged together as carved panels side by side. The artistic works compliment each other with similar subjects or a relatable message.” - http://www.thephotoargus.com
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Self Portrait Research.
Francesca Woodman
I liked this image because it has a lot of mystery to it and makes you ask a lot of questions such as why is she in the corner? what has happened to her?. i also liked how she has used a slow shutter speed and long exposure to almost blur herself out.
Jo Spence
I like this image because of the backstory and the emotions that are coming through, such as powerless, scared, vulnerable. The ‘X’ has a powerful meaning because when she found out she had breast cancer the doctor marked her right breasted with an ‘X’ and said “that’s the one that has to be removed’.
Claude Cahun
i like this image because Cahun didn’t follow the ‘gender roles’ and if you take a quite glance at this image you would think that Cahun was a man because of her shaving head and coat.i also liked how she used a mirror to create a reflection. i feel like this image has a lot of emotion behind it which in my opinion you can see in Cahun eyes.
Man Ray
I have chosen this image because i believe there is more to this image, Ray has no emotion on his face, its very simple but when you look into his eyes its a different story they hold a lot of emotion in them and that’s the main point of this image is his eyes. i also like how he only has half a beard, it makes you curious  as to why. is he fed up with it?or is there another reason.
Robert Mapplethrope
I have chosen this image because i like how simple and clean the composition is. also he doesn’t have a lot of emotion on his face but has an sad or angry look in his eyes which draw you in. i think there is a reason as to why his facial expression. i also like how he is given off a ‘bad boy’ vibe in the image with his leather jacket and cigarette in his mouth.
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Annie Leibovitz.
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Anna-Lou ‘’Annie’’ Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer.
Leibovitz was born in Waterberry, Connecticut on October 2nd 1949, Her mother  was a modern dance teacher and her father was in the U.S Air force, This caused the family to move around frequently with her father’s duty assignments. Leibovitz took her first photograph when her father was stationed in the philippines during the vietnam war.
Leibovitz became interested into various artistic endeavors and began to write and play music at Northwood High School in Silverspring Maryland. She then went on to study at The San Francisco Art Institute, Where she began to study paint for several years, she also continued to develop on her photography skills.
Her inspirations at the time was Robert Frank and Henri Cartier- Bresson they influenced her during her time at San Francisco Art Institute ‘’Their style of personal reportage taken in a graphic way’’ Leibovitz has also cited Richard Avedon’s portraits as an important and powerful example in life.
Leibovitz returned to the states in the 1970′s and started working for rolling stone magazine, in 1973 publisher Jann Wenner named Leibovitz chief photographer of rolling stone, she done this job for 10 years. She worked for the magazine until 1983, also her intimate photographs of celebrities helped define the ‘’rolling stone’’ look.
Leibovitz photographed ‘’the rolling stones’’ in San Francisco in 1971 and 1972, she served as the concert-tour photographer ‘’the rolling stone, tour of the americans ‘75′’ her favorite photo that she captured was of Mick Jagger in a elevator.
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Leibovitz work has been used on numerous album covers and magazines, she is the first woman to have held an exhibition at the Washington National Portrait Gallery in 1991.
Leibovitz licensing images have been represented by contract press images and a photojournalism agency based in New York in 1991. She creased to be represented by Jim Moffat at a corporation for art and commerce in 2009.
Leibovitz won the royal photographic society’s centenary medal and honorary fellowship (HonFRPS) in recognition of sustained to the art of photography in 2009. In 2013 she won the prince of asturias award for communication.
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