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via weheartit
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person: you’re pretty cool!
me: oh my god prepare to be very disappointed
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☁︎Wasted Wonderland☁︎
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Aesthetic 🌙
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☁︎Fuck Reality☁︎
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☁︎Fuck Reality☁︎
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I normally wouldn't reblog this but if you ever need help please please please try to reach me be4 you even think about doing anything💞💛💜
What happens once you kill yourself? Because I'm ready to go.
You wanna know what happens once you kill yourself? Your mother comes home from work and finds her baby dead and she screams and runs over to you and tries to get you to wake up but you won’t and she keeps screaming and shaking you and her tears are dripping onto your face and your dad hears all the screaming and runs into the room and he can’t even speak because the child that he loved and the child that he watched grow up is gone forever and finally your little sister runs into the room to see what all the fuss is about and she sees you dead. The person she looked up to and loved. The person she bragged about to  her friends, the person she wanted to be just like when she grew up, the person that made her feel safe. But she’s never really going to get to grow up and smile and laugh and love because she’ll always be consumed with this feeling of missing you. And now there’s something missing from your family and they can barely look at each other anymore because everything reminds them of you but you’re gone and hurts more than anything. and you think that your mom never cared because she was always busy and yelling at you to finish your homework and clean your room and forgot to say I love you sometimes but really, she loved you more than anything and she doesn’t leave the house anymore, she can’t even get out of bed and she’s getting thinner and thinner because it’s too hard to eat. Your father had to quit his job and he doesn’t sleep anymore, every time he closes his eyes he sees his baby dead, and the image never goes away no matter how much alcohol he drinks. And at school your best friend sees that your seat is empty and she gets this sick feeling in her stomach and that’s when she hears the announcement. You killed yourself. And suddenly she’s screaming and crying in the middle of class and no one even bothers comforting because they’re all  busy sitting there staring at your empty seat with tears dripping down their cheeks and all she wants is for you to hug her and tell her it’s gonna be okay like you always did, but this time, you’re not there to do it, everything is dark now that you’re gone and her grades are slipping, she barely goes to school anymore and she ended up in hospital after taking too many pills because she wanted to see you again. the girls who used to make fun of the way you dressed feel their throats get tight, they don’t talk to each other anymore, they don’t talk to anyone, they’re all in therapy trying so hard not to blame themselves but nothing works. and your teacher who always gave you a hard time stares blankly at the wall, she quits her job a few days later. And then your boyfriend hears the news and he can’t breathe, he still calls you a lot just to hear your voice and he talks to you on facebook but you never message him back, he can’t fall in love again because every girl he meets reminds him of you, he’s never going to get over you, he loved you and he cries himself to sleep every night, hating himself and slicing his skin because he couldn’t save you and he’s never going to hold you in his arms or hear you laugh again. Now everyone who knew you, whether they were a big part of your life or someone you passed in the hallway a few times a week, they carry this aching feeling around inside them because you’re gone, and they miss you, and they don’t know why you left but it must’ve been their fault and they should’ve stopped you and they should’ve told you they loved you more and that feeling is never going to go away. And so you killed yourself
but you killed everyone else around you too. 
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☁︎Fuck Reality☁︎
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☁︎Fuck Reality☁︎
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☁︎Fuck Reality☁︎
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☁︎Fuck Reality☁︎
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So what's your Mercury sign???💖
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Basics of Astrology
Aries: March 21—April 19
Taurus: April 20—May 20
Gemini: May 21—June 20
Cancer: June 21—July 22
Leo: July 23—August 22
Virgo: August 23—September 22
Libra: September 23—October 22
Scorpio: October 23—November 21
Sagittarius: November 22—December 21
Capricorn: December 22—January 19
Aquarius: January 20—February 18
Pisces: February 19—March 20
What These Signs Mean:
Aries - Active, Demanding, Determined, Effective, Ambitious
Taurus - Security, Subtle strength, Appreciation, Instruction, Patience
Gemini - Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Changeable
Cancer - Emotion, Diplomatic, Intensity, Impulsive, Selective
Leo - Ruling, Warmth, Generosity, Faithful, Initiative
Virgo - Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful
Libra - Balance, Justice, Truth, Beauty, Perfection
Scorpio - Transient, Self-Willed, Purposeful, Unyielding
Sagittarius - Philosophical, Motion, Experimentation, Optimism
Capricorn - Determination, Dominance, Perservering, Practical, Willful
Aquarius - Knowledge, Humanitarian, Serious, Insightful, Duplicitous
Pisces - Fluctuation, Depth, Imagination, Reactive, Indecisive
Your Signs:
- ________ Rising
- ________ Sun
- ________ Moon
- ________ Mercury
- ________ Venus
- ________ Mars
- ________ Jupiter
- ________ Saturn
- ________ Uranus
- ________ Neptune
- ________ Pluto
What Those Signs Mean:
Rising: Your rising sign, in short, is you're actual Zodiac. It is based off of time zones in which the day you are born. The names for them are Aries, Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces, and Cancer. Your Rising sign might be found easily on first impressions you might give.
Sun: This is who you are in personality, your normal self. This is how you may act if alone, and is your inner traits. How you act can be described with this sign, also as to who you are.
Moon: You may call the moon sign you have your emotions. It influences your decisions. It is how you feel on the inside, whether everyone knows this or just you. It holds your loves and fears, hates and excitements. Anything, really.
Mercury: is how you may be like in time of communication, reasoning, intellect and awareness. It's known for it's power of the brain.
Venus: The sign of Venus is based upon the time you were born and can be called something of Love.
Mars: is in charge of attraction and raw energy for that matter.
Jupiter: The planet of Jupiter is responsible for luck and good fortune. Whether the optimization is for humor or good will, it's going to be a major apart of you no matter what. It's the happy part in your life. You need it there.
Saturn: This sign, Saturn, is here for the parts in life with things like restriction and limitations. Found as you get older, this is known for being you as you grow up.
Uranus: is here for the change in life. The sign can be for the worse or better at times, and it's a part of life you'll eventually come across. Take it, hit or miss, and in the end it might make you better than it seemed.
Neptune: can be called dreamy, for this matter. The sign for this works as great influence, fantasy, and imagination seen in your daily life, so to say. With this, you might find it almost as if a dream.
Pluto: Not the same change with Uranus, but Pluto is part of big change. It's more of transformation. Life challenges thrown your way will lead to this sign, Pluto.
I hope that helped! If you have any questions about your signs or how to find them, you can ask me @dxncingblxck or any other astrology blog basically. Have fun and happy astrology-ing!
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