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_ Samstag schon! ZINE RELEASE - Dombummel Text and photos: Jasmin Neumann & Camila Machado Illustration: Camila Machado Graphic design & Print: SdK 24.8. @ nachladen with original photos (and photos that are not in the zine) and a little DOM taste with popcorn, candy and drinks. We love the Hamburger DOM. But on our walks at the DOM we saw unicorns, Disney characters and talking ice creams next to womanized sexy potatoes, women partially dressed, jokes about women being witches and many female breasts and butts. In this zine we combine photos, illustrations and texts to raise questions such as: For whom are these images? Who decides about them? Do we need them?
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Die Preise A3 Risoprint get it here: https://sternstundendeskapitalismus.de/produkt/die-preise/ oder im guten, alten nachladen. sternstrasse 17, HH
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STERNSTUNDE NULL // Ein Film über die "Sternbrücke" in Hamburg-Altona.
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nachladen. sternstrasse 17 20357 HH
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"Quite frankly I thought [Lacan] was a total charlatan. He was just posturing for the television cameras in the way many Paris intellectuals do. Why this is influential, I haven’t the slightest idea. I don’t see anything there that should be influential."
Noam Chomsky
get the t-shirt here:
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how to disarm Boston Dynamics drone dog
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A man who believes himself to be a grain of seed is taken to the mental institution where the doctors do their best to finally convince him that he is not a grain but a man; however, when he is cured (convinced that he is not a grain of seed but a man) and allowed to leave the hospital, he immediately comes back very trembling of scare – there is a chicken outside the door and that he is afraid that it would eat him. “Dear fellow,” says his doctor, “you know very well that you are not a grain of seed but a man”. “Of course I know that,” replies the patient, “but does the chicken know it? get the t-shirt here: https://sternstundendeskapitalismus.de/produkt/der-grosse-andere-zizek-away/
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„Man kann das Spiegelstadium als eine Identifikation verstehen im vollen Sinne, den die Psychoanalyse diesem Terminus gibt: als eine beim Subjekt durch die Aufnahme eines Bildes ausgelöste Verwandlung.“ get the t-shirt here: https://sternstundendeskapitalismus.de/produkt/der-grosse-andere-lacan-home/ #spiegelstadium #objeta #lacan#dergrosseandere #t-shirt #zizek#slavojzizek #dasichistnichtdasich#JacquesLacan #nachladen#sternstundendeskapitalismus
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Out now: Pareidolia is dead “Pareidolia was at one time considered a symptom of psychosis, but it is now seen as dead.” Abigail Richter Pareidolia is dead - von und mit: Elisabeth K, Boris Guschlbauer, Yoriko Seto, Alexandra Rügler, Vera Bekema, Jürgen Landt, Laura Martin, Cody, Svart Myr, Jannis Poptrandov, Verena Schestak, Sorina Vazelina, Radomil Rychlost, Bernd Spyra, Clemens Schittko, Kai Pohl und Tim Reuscher. 12 x 16cm, 32 Seiten +Miniposter, mehrfarbiger Risoprint Get it here: https://sternstundendeskapitalismus.de
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Pareidolia is dead. out now!
Pareidolia is dead Von und mit: Elisabeth K, Boris Guschlbauer, Yoriko Seto, Alexandra Rügler, Vera Bekema, Jürgen Landt, Laura Martin, Cody, Svart Myr, Jannis Poptrandov, Verena Schestak, Sorina Vazelina, Radomil Rychlost, Bernd Spyra, Clemens Schittko, Kai Pohl und Tim Reuscher
 Posterart: Svart Myr und Tim Reuscher
12 x 16cm, 32 Seiten +Miniposter, mehrfarbiger Risoprint
Get it here: https://sternstundendeskapitalismus.de/produkt/pareidolia-is-dead/
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Pareidolia is dead. Coming 2/1/2021
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coming 10/10 2020: Kwiaty Ogórków - Zine zur Gruppenausstellung Gurkenkunst "Dill with it IV - tied & pickled" @ nachladen, Sternstrasse 17, HH Mit Beiträgen von Neele Bunjes, Vera Bekema, Till Mantel, Sternstunden des Kapitalismus, Elevate Ecky, Dada Reinhardt und Weiteren.
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Turned upside down. Chalk lessons. 1896.
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Shimmering isles
21 x 29,7cm, ink on paper, Kevin Lucbert, 2020.
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