Where’s Lion?
Connie hadn’t dared to see Steven since the day he came back. A tension had built up between the two, and Connie, while happy for his return, didn’t feel like interacting with him again, at least temporarily. She insisted they could’ve defeated Topaz and Aquamarine together, but Steven kept thinking that he had to pay all the consequences, because it was his fault that she and a few others got abducted in the first place.
But to give himself up the way he did was completely unnecessary and also really risky. He could’ve died. And what then? What assured that more gems wouldn’t come to steal more humans while Earth still existed? The answer was nothing.
However, Connie knew she couldn’t give him the cold shoulder for long. Not speaking to him wasn’t going to solve anything, it would be just casting the problem aside. Now that her mind was clearer, she decided to go back to the beach house and settle things down in a civilized way.
The girl walked down the boardwalk when a strange poster caught her attention.
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Pink, magical, old??
Likes: naps, Lion Lickers
Dislikes: enthusiasm
…What. What happened to Lion? Didn’t he warp back home after he teleported her to her own house? Well, that’s what logically would’ve happened. Maybe it did happen and he became missing after that. Then again, how could she know this? What if he really got lost because of her? Then there’d be no time for conflicted feelings. The pink felide must be found.
She walked upstairs once she arrived to the temple and knocked on the door, hoping Steven, or at least someone was home.
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“Oh...my, uh, biggest fear...?” The boy blushed slightly as he itched the imaginary irritation on his cheek. “That would have to be losing Connie.” 
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(hi, just found your blog) break my muse: you can't save everyone. Your cute little "power of friendship" doesn't work. Look what you've done: Jasper, Eyeball, Bismuth. Wake up sunshine, it's time to face consequinces for what you've done. Life isn't all eating donuts and playing ukelelle, you gotta make tough choices, you gotta make sacrifices.
The boy knew they were right, there was no denying that. His night terrors had been getting worse lately, and all he could do was deal with them. But this, this made him even more afraid. Slowly, he rose his hands to the sides of his head and and clenched his eyes shut as the sweat began to pour down his face. “B-But I just have to...to try...I ...” Tears began to form in his eyes, he began to break down while his voice cracked. “"It's hard...” 
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Please tell me your favorite things about my portrayal/muse?
Anon is acceptable.
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Send "🔥" For My Muse To Admit A Fear They Have.
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{⭐️} Okay...so I know it's a little much to ask since we really worked hard on those threads, but if anyone who role played with me would like to again, just let me know, but we might have to start up on something new since I disappeared for so long...and it's pretty hard for me to get back into the groove of a thread. So, comment if you maybe want to start on a little something, maybe a Drabble of some sort? Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience! 
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I’m back (sorta)
{⭐️} Hey guys, I’m sorry I disappeared for so long. Things are happening plus school stuff, but I will try my best to start back up again!
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‘Yoooo Ste-man !! High five !!’
“Hey Amethyst! Haha, high five!”
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Break my muse. Exploit their insecurities and weaknesses. Do whatever it takes to make them angry or cry.
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reblog this if you actually like following me.
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The feeling of her hands wrapping around his made him feel some sort of relief. It brought him back to reality, slightly. When her forehead rested against his, he was almost sure that she could feel the vibration of him trembling so much. Her soft voice broke through the silence and he let out slightly choked sobs. She was right. She couldn't. It was then that he realized that he had to explain everything to her. The dreams, the pain it was causing throughout his poor little mind. 
He squeezed her hands tightly as he sobbed. “I...I wanted to help them...all of them. But I couldn't...” He shook his head repeatedly and took a deep and shaky breath. “I just...let Jasper go corrupt...I threw Eyeball into spaceand left her...a-and I poofed Bismuth...but they didn't deserve that...they were all just...misunderstood... I thought I could handle it, Garnet...all of it...maybe I could have fixed everything...”He looked into her eyes sincerely, continuing to shake his head, the tears spilling in bulges down his cheeks. “But I couldn't...I can't...Instead I just...pretend that I'm something better than the bad parts, something other than the mess that I am, just so nobody would see just how much it hurts...” He broke down, falling into her lap, exhaustedly. Just explaining himself took a lot out of him, and it was going to take time to heal himself. Because though he may have healing powers, this was something more serious, something deeper than any injury. 
His Fate
Garnet let him pull away, watching him for a few seconds before she encircled his trembling hands with her own. She rested her forehead against his. “Shh.” She whispered, shutting her eyes. “It’s okay, Steven.” She knew something was very wrong, something that even the fountain couldn’t fix.
“I can’t read minds, Steven.” She kept her voice calm, hoping he would try and focus on that instead of whatever was in his head. There was nothing physically wrong anymore, so that was the only explanation for how he was acting. “I want to help you, but I need you to tell me what you’re thinking first.” She paused for a few seconds. “No secrets. I promise.”
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His face lost enthusiasm for a moment, and he froze, staring at the controls. He wasn't sure if it was safe because of what happened with the asteroid belt. “I...uh, yeah! But maybe when we’re closer to Earth? I don't want to get us lost...and we’re pretty far out...what about all the asteroi-” 
Stopping mid-sentence, he looked down at his stomach toward where his gem was. “I mean...my gem is Rose Quartz...I'm...half human and half gem.” He sighed out. He guessed he didn't fully introduce himself to her of what he actually was...or maybe who he was. “Rose quartz is my mom...and to humans, a mom is someone who brought them into the world...someone they love very much.” His voice got lower, quaking slightly. “But...most gems to me are like humans. They think, feel, and see things almost like each other. Sometimes, they just have to take time to just...get to know each other. We might be different...but...that doesn't mean we don't deserve life...” He sighed, defeatedly. "I just wish the Diamonds could see that...” He wiped away an oncoming tear with his sleeve.  
Freeing you
“Yes.” Topaz nodded, smiling a bit that he at least seemed to have a basic knowledge of how things worked. “The thing next to that shows orientation, which is…hard to explain, in space, but it makes sure the ship doesn’t get turned around.”
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Happily, the boy led her though town, obviously not noticing the strange looks she was getting. Though, some people did greet him on the way, and in return he greeted them back with a simple smile and a wave. 
With the entrance to the park in sight, he ran faster, pulling her along harder. “We’re here!” His feet slowed down once they were in. “"Just look at all these rides and games! is there anything you see that you'd like to try first?” 
“What is Funland?” Bismuth followed him out the door and away from the house. She didn’t have much frame of reference for amusement parks. Homeworld had nothing like them, and they hadn’t been around during the war, either. 
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He shook his head in defeat and rested his chin in his hand. “I did...plenty of times...but they just...think it's best to blame it on me...it’s easier to blame it on me...all because I have her gem. So I must be her, right...?” He said, knowing that it wasn't true. But was there really a chance that he could change everyone's minds? Not to them. He couldn't blame them, though, they didn't know anything about humans and how....or rather, what he was. “Anyway...” He shook his head trying to rid the thoughts. “Thanks for letting me rant. But...why were you sitting all alone out here?” 
“I know it hurts but you have to hold on a little longer, okay?” (Hey, this is foottimerednosemysterykids. I saw that you liked for a starter. So I decided to send you a starter from Arnold. :D)
Steven looked at the blonde haired boy. “It’s just…” He looked downward, swinging his leg back and forth a bit. “Really hard sometimes, you know?” His voice pitched slightly higher at the end of his response. You could tell he really had something on his mind.
{⭐️} Sweet! Thanks! c: 
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He pulled her a little more faster, excited to get there, but slowed down once she asked. Oops. Maybe he should've been more specific. Assuming she didn't know much about it, he looked ahead. "It's an amusement park. To...amuse humans...?” He sort of questioned, trying to explain it better. "It's a fun way to pass time! There's food, rides that you can ride on, and games! Like...that card game we played yesterday, but more...physical!” 
“What is Funland?” Bismuth followed him out the door and away from the house. She didn’t have much frame of reference for amusement parks. Homeworld had nothing like them, and they hadn’t been around during the war, either. 
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“Hey! This isn't so hard!” He said, staring down at the buttons she had been explaining. “And the buttons even come with little pictures beside them!” This wasn't going to be so hard, was it? He didn't think so. It was almost like flying a plane, the only hard thing about it was that it was in space, not on a planet. If you were lost, there was really no way of getting around it. He wasn't as nervous about flying the ship, but more nervous of where he was going to be flying it. Good thing it had something like a GPS built into it. “Y’know...I don't think humans and gems are all that different.” He said, fidgeting with his thumbs as he looked down at the buttons. It was evident there was a smile on his face. 
Freeing you
“Yes.” Topaz nodded, smiling a bit that he at least seemed to have a basic knowledge of how things worked. “The thing next to that shows orientation, which is…hard to explain, in space, but it makes sure the ship doesn’t get turned around.”
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