stfurichie · 2 years
⋆⋆⋆ 🦄 ⋆⋆⋆
It wasn’t difficult for Mabel to start getting goggly eyes for someone. The thing was it never seemed to work out. From her prior experience dating was actually really difficult and she  wasn’t a pro by any means. She wanted to have someone to go to the movies with and share popcorn, a plus one to her friend’s birthday parties, she wanted to have a person. Of course she had Dipper but this was different. Mabel didn’t think Richie would’ve wanted anything to do with her. The fact he wanted to spend time with her made her feel warm inside, maybe she wasn’t such a freak after all. She tried to put on her best smile and not totally blow it right away. “I guess I just assume since I’m bored then anyone else who wanted to hang out here would also be bored. Like a big water cycle except instead of water it’s boredom.” The girl looked at her wristwatch before back to the boy in front of her. “Still like almost an hour… Super lame,” she said giving a small pout before sitting back down at the register. 
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Truth be told, Richie was bored, but he wasn’t going to give up so quickly. It was the competitive side of him that was pushing him forward. He shrugged his shoulders, hardly understanding the water cycle comparison. “Looks like you’ve kept yourself pretty occupied,” he pointed out with a grin as he motioned to her paper airplanes and other origami that he couldn’t pinpoint what the shapes were supposed to be. An hour was going to feel more like days, but he was sure he could get her to hang out with him afterwards — then the real fun could begin. “Aw, that’s not so bad — We could go do something after this, something fun, if you don’t have any plans? What d’ya say?” He asked cooly, clearly trying to be persuasive. “And we can kill time here before then, talk or whatever.”
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stfurichie · 2 years
Teagan remained silent for a moment, eyes focused on the sidewalk in front of her instead of her boyfriend. They’d never spoken about the elephant in the room that grew bigger with time, but was now really the time to? She didn’t want to ruin the one night they managed to spend together without bickering and ending in someone going home in tears. If she’d avoided talking about his infidelity for this long, surely it could wait another few hours until the morning, couldn’t it?
It was giving him the easy way out for now, and though Teagan was never one to be known for being soft, she considered it a selfish decision more than one to benefit Richie. She didn’t want to ruin the night for herself, either. “Me? No, I’m fine,” she insisted, finally looking up into his blue eyes and curled smirk. “Totally fine, unless there’s something you need to be honest about,” Teagan added, not letting him entirely off the hook. “I don’t stir shit, Richard, not on purpose. The shit comes to me muddled, and I just clear it up for everyone, that’s all,” Teagan stated simply, eyes squinted from the fluorescent lighting of his building’s lobby as they entered the automatic doors inside. 
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Richie noticed the silence immediately, having an idea of what Teagan could be thinking about. This was the first time they were so close to talking about the elephant in the room, but would she actually say something? He was used to fights with the blonde, things turning from 0 to 100 in an instant, but they’d been having a lot of fun tonight, so he wondered if this would keep him safe for the time being. Did Teagan really wanna ruin their good time over this?
Richie shrugged his shoulders, smile still present. She was playing it safe, and he didn’t blame her. It kept things good between them. “Not that I can think of.” He kept the answer simple, pretending to be oblivious to keep her in a good mood. Luckily, the subject got changed, laughing as soon as she got defensive. “Hey, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. You work with what’s given to you, we gotta respect that.” He lead them to his place with his arm still around her side, other hand fumbling with the keys he pulled out of his pocket. “Alright, alright,” he said as he opened the door for them, letting her enter the first, “I know the drill. Drinks first, then we chill.”
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stfurichie · 2 years
“One enemy does not equate to a dozen fake friends, dummy,” Van said with a sigh. It was clear they weren’t going anywhere and Van was too stubborn to move first, so this is what they had to deal with. They did not appreciate the way they referred to Ralph and their glare could probably cut him in half if they had laser eyes or something cool than that. But of course, it was just them and their glitch. “I honestly don’t give a shit what Teagan thinks anymore. I do however give a shit about how address Ralph…” Without Ralph, Van would be dead and they knew that. He was more than a friend he was family and Van did not fuck around when it came to found family. “Ralph is busy. Wouldn’t like me being out here anyways. So, let’s not talk about him. He’s got enough to worry about.” They sighed again, holding their new drink in their hands but not sipping at it quite yet. There was already enough in their system for them to make as questionable a choice as talk to Richie, but that didn’t mean they were trying to overdo it at the moment. “Before you say shit, we are not having a moment.”
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Richie shrugged his shoulders, already over the conversation. He was bored and wanting to have fun, even if that meant causing trouble in the process. Besides, he wasn’t forcing Vanna to talk to him — they easily could’ve walked away if they wanted to. That’s how he knew they didn’t completely hate his guts. Their glare didn’t scare him all that much — Teagan’s was much scarier in his eyes. “What? Is that not what he is?” Richie replied, completely oblivious to how much he was pissing them off. “Oh, so you’re being rebellious, huh? Now that sounds interesting,” he smirked. Now he could definitely tell that he was getting on their nerves, but that only made him wanna keep pushing. “Aw come on, what would be so bad about that?”
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stfurichie · 2 years
continued from here
Richie nodded in agreement as he drank from his own beer. Sometimes, it got old hanging out with the racers all the time, so he didn’t mind finding other friends elsewhere. Besides, Bucky was never scared to cause any trouble with Richie. That’s what he loved about the guy, even if he could even be on a different level than himself sometimes. Neither of them had to be fake around one another — they just got each other. “Double the trouble, double the charm — that’s very fitting for us,” Richie laughed, holding his beer up to clink it against Bucky’s. “What kind of trouble should we cause tonight? Any ideas?” @buckaye​
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stfurichie · 2 years
continued from here
Lindsay was hot, there was no denying that, and Richie was also well aware of his own attractiveness. He’d thought that made them a match made in Heaven, but .. Maybe it was a match made in Hell. He knew he wasn’t the smartest guy around, but Lindsay’s intelligence was nowhere to be found. She couldn’t even get his own name right. He huffed a small sigh, but forced a smile as she placed her hand on his. “It’s Richie ....” He reminded her, for probably the millionth time now, through his forced smile, all while keeping his tone light. “I always wanna have fun, you know me.” While karaoke wasn’t his immediate choice for fun, at least it included a bar. Maybe getting some drinks with the blonde would make this easier on himself. “Sure, I’ll buy us some drinks, you can sing me a few songs. Why not?” @herhotness​
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stfurichie · 2 years
Teagan couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his overconfidence, finding it kind of cute. Richie was the only person she could think of that was so unapologetically himself around her that she didn’t have to wonder what kind of a person he was. She wished that he would challenge her a little bit more, of course, but she would take what she could get. Though she knew it was better than Richie, he was somehow the only one who could tolerate her crazy, too.
While she was used to getting a car home, Teagan was actually happy to walk this time. It was extra time to spend with Richie, and the cold wasn’t too awful tonight. With his arm around her side, she slid her own around his waist, leaning into his chest. The true reason why they hadn’t been hanging out as a couple involved what he did while she wasn’t around, but Teagan was careful in saying that aloud. “I don’t know, you tell me, babe. I don’t want to stir shit, but you have felt a little distant, you know. I just hope you’re never too far away,” she added wistfully, heaving a bit of a dramatic sigh.
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Teagan’s laugh only further boosted his confidence, as if he needed any more of it. Despite how much he’d cheated on the blonde and couldn’t seem to get his shit together fully, he did love her. They complimented each other so well, worked together better than anyone else he knew. Perhaps if he didn’t get drunk and be stupid so often when she wasn’t around, he’d be a better boyfriend to her. Clearly, drinking alongside Teagan had the opportunity to bring out his sweet side toward her.
Richie could tell they were teetering on a subject that they both avoided talking about, even with the alcohol in his system. He wasn’t stupid, he knew deep down. He was just curious to see her response, and it was clear that she wasn’t going to admit it out loud. He continued to butter her up anyway. “I’m never too far away, Teag. You know that,” he reassured her, looking down and giving his signature smirk. His grip around her waist tightened ever-so-slightly as she sighed dramatically. “Also, you don’t have to lie to me. I know you love to stir shit,” he couldn’t help but point out with a chuckle. “If you ever think I’m being too distant, just tell me. You’ve never been afraid to be honest before, so I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
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stfurichie · 2 years
Deep down, Teagan hated to admit that she did have love in her heart for her idiot boyfriend. He didn’t treat her as well as he used to, and both of them knew it. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to demand more or hope that one day he would figure it out. “Unfortunately, that’s true,” she admitted, giving a reluctant crack of a smile. While the thought of going home with him sounded kind of boring, it was better than being alone; he was right about that. “And let you have your way? What’s the fun in that?” Teagan teased, only slightly serious. She sipped the rest of her drink quickly, placing the empty glass down on the bar with a sigh. “I guess you can have this one, but you’re making the drinks,” she insisted, though it was a tiny price to pay for giving Richie what he wanted. Regardless, she slid her hand into his and placed a peck on his lips. “You ready to go?”
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Even if Teagan wouldn’t admit her love for Richie, he knew it was there. He could see it in her gaze and her smile, and he knew for a fact she wouldn’t keep him so close if she didn’t feel that way about him. From the way she had treated Vanna, he knew she would kick him to the curb in an instant if she felt any different. He smirked though, hearing it aloud making it all the more better. “Oh, I can show you all kinds of fun, Muttonfudge, don’t underestimate me,” he teased in return. Even if he thought Teagan was hot when she often took charge, it was still fun to take that place at times. The liquid confidence definitely helped with that. “Deal,” he grinned against her lips, nodding his head. “Yeah, let me close out the tab.”
After giving a generous tip to the bartender and attempting to order an Uber, the couple decided to walk back to his place instead. It wasn’t too far anyway, and they wouldn’t have to deal with the awkwardness of a random driver playing strange music as they drove them back. He had an arm wrapped around her side as they walked together, a cold breeze present but the alcohol in their systems keeping them warm. “You know, I feel like we haven’t done this in awhile — hung out just you and me. What’s up with that?”
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stfurichie · 2 years
Van could honestly gag, but that would probably make him more interested in them and they would like to avoid that if possible. “Well it’s obvious you spend twelve hours in it trying to make it look like you don’t wear makeup. Trust me though, everyone knows.” Van knew there was always a chance that Teagan knew the truth. They didn’t think Teagan had it in her to own up to being wrong about a situation even if it was in her face. Still didn’t mean that they didn’t want her to know. It was dumb, but Van considered themselves an honest person. So even with things being mangled and done with, they still wanted to go out an honest person. “I’m sure for ya it isn’t. I don’t expect getting deep is something you’re capable of at all, actually. So again, no idea what the heck you want from me.” They finished their drink and looked him dead in the eye. “Don’t ya got like…way too many fake friends to complain to?”
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Richie rolled his eyes. Sometimes, Van being so defensive got so boring, always thinking back to how he’d gotten a kiss out of them once (even if it resulted with a slap afterwards — worth it). He knew that resulted from the doxing for the most part, but that wasn’t something that he could entirely be blamed for. In fact, he thought it had been kind of stupid overall, but he’d never admitted that to the other. He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Sometimes they get so old y’know? There’s more to life than fake friends,” he admitted as he took a swig from his own drink. In reality, he was more of the fake friend than any of the other racers. “Anyway, you and I both know how much it would drive Teagan crazy if she found out we were talking. I know she can’t stand you, but her and I have different views on certain things, believe it or not.” That was always what it came down to with Richie’s decision making — how bored he was, how much alcohol he was indulging in, and what Teagan’s reaction may be. “What about you? Where’s that one criminal you’re always hanging around?”
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stfurichie · 2 years
Teagan rolled her eyes as he turned toward the bar, unimpressed. She wasn’t sure what he was expecting her to say to that when she had to beg him to refill her drink; any other normal boyfriend would’ve taken notice, she thought. It was the price of complacency, she figured. “You think buying your girlfriend a drink with your endless money pit is doing it all? My standards must be low.” She was only half teasing, but accepted the drink, anyway, bringing the red liquid to her lips. Teagan only liked the sweeter things in life, especially when it came to drinks. That applied to romance, too, but the well of it had seemed to run dry when it came to her own boyfriend. “Color me unimpressed. You’re going to have to do a lot better than that,” she challenged with a raised brow, sipping from her straw.
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Richie knew that there was so much more he could do for Teagan, but what would be the fun in that? It was the push and pull that kept things interesting between them. Tonight, he was feeling the pull — maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe he just genuinely missed her touch. “Come onnn, you know you love me,” he said with a playful pout, watching as she brought her straw to her lips. “Why don’t we go back to my place after this. I’ll get us an Uber, we can mess around ..” He trailed off, brushing a blonde strand of her hair behind her ear. He was buttering her up, just how he knew she liked it. It was really only fun to give her just what she wanted when it benefitted himself. “I know neither of us wanna go home alone tonight. Plus, this place kinda blows. I’ve got better booze in my own fridge.”
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stfurichie · 2 years
continued from here
Richie was very back and forth with Van, and he wasn’t entirely sure why. Sometimes, he wanted to push their buttons for the fun of it, sometimes he wanted to spend time with them and get closer to her, and other times there was something about them that irritated him. Was it hatred? Jealousy? He honestly wasn’t sure, but seeing them while he was drinking didn’t help the confusion. “I look at myself in the mirror every day, Schweetz, doesn’t do much,” he admitted casually, taking a swig from the drink in his hand. Clearly, he wasn’t looking in the mirror in the way Van was suggesting, but maybe he was avoiding doing that on purpose — he most likely wouldn’t like what he sees. He almost laughed at their next question, a smirk forming. “What d’you want me to say? I’m pretty sure she already knows.” He and Teagan left a lot of things unsaid in their relationship, it was the only way they could really stay together without driving each other insane. “Damn, so defensive. It’s not that deep.” @vcnschweetz​
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stfurichie · 2 years
continued from here
Truthfully, hanging around at someone’s job was the last thing that Richie wanted to do with his free time. He never had to work a day in his life, so why would he wanna watch someone else doing it? He had an important task at hand though, so he had to suck it up and give his signature smile to get the brunette to fall into his trap. She was cute, a little dorky for his taste but an easy target. It was always the chase that intrigued him the most — once she was all in he’d probably grow bored. Perhaps slow and steady would win the race, for he needed to get her to trust him first. It was all in good fun, at least that’s how he saw it. He could tell he caught her by surprise, and his smirk didn’t falter. “Yeah, why not?” He asked, letting his elbows rest on the counter and leaning forward a tiny bit. “Doesn’t look like you got much else going on, anyway. How long you got ‘til your shift ends?” @lastmabelcorn​
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stfurichie · 2 years
continued from here
“Says me,” Richie answered as if it were obvious. “You don’t believe me?” He put a hand on his chest as if he should be offended. In reality, she wasn’t wrong for not believing him — he didn’t do very much to show his affection toward her, besides the rare moments of sweetness that randomly seemed to surface. The two blondes had a complicated relationship, but they worked with what they had. They both knew each other like no one else, and appreciated the rockier parts of each other that others would consider giant red flags. The toxic part of Richie found Teagan’s red flags to be the sexier parts of her. “I know, I’m hilarious,” he smirked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He proceeded to get the bartenders attention without hesitation, willing to do just about anything for Teagan. Ordering a Dirty Shirley for her should have wounded his manhood a little bit, but he was pretty used to it. His own drink still rested in his grasp, sliding hers toward her as soon as the bartender brought it over. “See, what’d I tell you, Teag? I do it all for you.” @missmuttonfudge​
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stfurichie · 2 years
Richie Fluggerbutter // 23 // Socialite // Amity Park
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Species: Human Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: He/Him Favorite song: @ My Worst — Blackbear Big three: Gemini sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Character description
Richie has always carried himself with confidence. It came with having a lot of money and parents who saw him as a golden boy, but there’s always been so much more to him than what’s on the surface. He’s mischievous and calculated, and knows exactly how to get whatever he wants. He knows that as long as he plays the part that people want to see and shines his pretty smile, he can have others wrapped around his finger in an instant. He probably would have been an amazing actor, but instead his priorities lie with his family’s real estate company. He should definitely be the last person on Earth to be inheriting the company eventually, but he is constantly grateful that he grew up an only child. He’s never had to worry about his future, and that’s why he could instead just live in the now and have fun along the way. He gets easily wrapped up in drama, relationships, and partying, which was what he wasted his time doing while in college. He didn’t give a shit about school, but his dad wanted him to major in business to make sure he was ready to step up in the company someday. Richie thinks he’s ready now, but his parents say otherwise. At least he has the racers to stick by him, despite that he’s an obvious backstabber and doesn’t worry about hurting them in the long run. He doesn’t really fear getting caught for all his bullshit, because he’s never had to actually face any consequences before. Hopefully, none of it catches up to him someday!
- Teagan is his ride or die, even though he cheats on her and doesn’t treat her all that great. She’s still the one girl he’s truly loved and been with the longest. He hasn’t fully realized it, but he’s really just scared of being fully committed to her. He doesn’t want to feel tied down and stuck — he wants to be free to do whatever the fuck he wants.
- He typically cheats when he’s drinking, which isn’t exactly a rare occasion. He throws parties at his place quite a bit, which he used to do at his parents’ mansion until they finally helped him get a place of his own. They probably got sick of the maids complaining about the messes he created. His house isn’t as big as his parents, but it’s his own, and he could always get something bigger later on. It does get lonely sometimes, but that’s all the more reason to throw more parties and sleep around in his free time.
- Skating isn’t exactly one of his priorities, but he has fun with it in the meantime. He mostly does it because it’s what connected him with the friend group in the first place, but he’s pretty sure once the company is his, skating will become a thing of the past for him.
- Vanna really changed things up within their friend group, and he didn’t like that. Teagan started acting all weird, and something about Vanna made him want her. Why did they play so hard to get? Why didn’t they just fall for his act like everyone else so easily did? It was as if they could see right through him, and something about that was strangely intriguing.
- He likes to push his luck, which is probably stupid but his ego is too big to care. While any smart person in his shoes would keep Teagan close and treat her better, he likes to see how far he can go. That’s another reason why he cheats, why he does stupid things to receive reactions out of people. No matter how much he’s done wrong, his parents don’t seem to bat an eye, and it’s honestly boring. He knows they love him deep down, but they only show it through money and hand outs. They don’t push him to do or be better, besides proving himself worthy to run the company, and it’s kind of shitty. When will they realize everything he’s doing is a big cry for attention?
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stfurichie · 2 years
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OBIE BERGMANN IV & AKI MENZIES Gossip Girl 2.06 How To Bury a Millionaire
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stfurichie · 2 years
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Richie Fluggerbutter || 23  || Socialite || Amity Park
“Huh? …It’s the Glitch!”
✨ Biography:
Richie Fluggerbutter has never ever been told no in his life. He was the only child to the Fluggerbutter name, which meant not only did his family own over half of the homes throughout Animania with their real estate company but that he was the sole heir to the fortune that came with it. Ever since he was a kid he was getting away with absolutely everything he ever did, good or bad. He was cute and his parents didn’t think he could do anything wrong, and that spoiled nature followed him as he got older. When it came to social settings he liked to be the one on top and he didn’t do well if people tried to do anything less than what he said. So it only made sense that he gravitated towards Teagan Muttonfudge that fateful summer at King Candy’s Roller Rink. She was terrifying and cunning, and she reminded him a lot of himself, which only made him more attracted to her. Together, they formed their own squad and terrorized the roller rink because they were all the best skaters there and they deserved to show that off. The squad consisted of Catie, Mina, Swizz, Lloyd, Carolyn, Adeline, Susanna, and June, aside from Teagan and himself. Together they were the Sugar Rush Racers and their reign of terror went beyond King Candy’s. If they were crossed by anyone in Animania, they would feel sorry. They all had enough money combined to own Animania and Richie planned on it someday.  No one ever suspected he was such a manipulative person because he had the sweetest persona and played dumb (sometimes he was not palying) when it served him.
As much as he loved Teagan, he loved himself more. He constantly cheated on her with either other members in their squad or strangers at bars and clubs. He honestly didn’t know why he did it sometimes other than because he could. Besides, he knew Teagan wasn’t all that innocent herself. When Vanna von Schweetz entered the picture it turned the entire squad into an even more vicious version of itself. Vanna constantly rejected him, which only made him want them more, and they were suspiciously close with Teagan for a little bit, which annoyed him greatly. Eventually he wore Vanna down and got a kiss from them, and when Teagan had decided to ruin their life shortly after he assumed it was because she found out. He had no idea the two hooked up and he really wasn’t smart or aware of anyone other than himself to find out. When things with Teagan were sucky, he had Catie and June to lean on. Those two were the most eager to betray Teagan and while he didn’t agree with any of that, he still thought it was fun to hook up with them. They were the loudest voices when it came to doxing Vanna and while Richie was the one who personally got the information, he still didn’t feel great about it. His boys, Lloyd and Swizz think it was because he misses the chase of Vanna, but Richie just thinks its because there are far worse things they could have done. But that was months ago and Richie had other things on his mind. Like inheriting the family business. Every time he tells his family he is ready, they tell him he’s not. He is over the waiting and the more they reject him, which they never did before, the more he acted out. Richie knows that his destiny is beyond roller skating and petty drama. He just wants the chance to show what he is capable of.
Species: Human Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: He/him Favorite Song: @ my worst by blackbear  Big Three: Gemini sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Mabel Pines: His friends bet that he could get Mabel to fall for him and he is not one to lose, so the game is on. He is sure that he can make Mabel putty in his hands and when he does that….he will cut her off. Teagan is the only one not aware of this bet.
Princess Morbucks: She is a nasty woman and Richie adores her for it. He honestly thinks that sometimes she could be his soulmate. At the same time…her agenda is just too boring for him. He could never be satisfied with just her.
Bucky Mondel: He likes the guy. He thinks he is a little gross, but also cunning. When the two of them hang out, he knows that the ladies need to watch out.
Based On: Rancis from Wreck-it-Ralph Faceclaim: Rudy Pankow FC Change: Negotiable Availability: Taken
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stfurichie · 2 years
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Billionaire Boys Club (2018) Directed by James Cox
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stfurichie · 2 years
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#certified cuties
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