stickykiss · 2 months
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dpr ian // viu1 hk interview
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stickykiss · 2 months
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stickykiss · 2 months
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bang chan x fendi.
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stickykiss · 2 months
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joonwoo  is  all  sorts  of  tense  and  as  bad  as  seojun  feels  about  putting  him  into  this  train  of  thought,  he  will  have  a  little  pep  in  his  step  now  that  he's  clarified.  these  two  ends  of  the  spectrum  cancel  each  other  out  and  make  for  an  oddly  neutral  expression.  or  maybe  it's  the  whole  it's not you  bit.  who  can  be  sure.  "it's okay. you should have this- whatever you want." seojun  thinks  about  his  partner,  joonwoo's  too.  their  dynamics  have  a  c l e a r  contrast,  but ...  "to  clarify,  i  am  not...seeing  them  at  all.  like  that.  i  don't  want  you  to  keep  from  trying  things  though.  if  you  guys  are-"  he  dwindles  off  and  scratches  his  head,  scooting  closer  to  joonwoo  all  the  while.  "i  know  it's  been  a  while."
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"i  am."  joonwoo  lies  through  his  teeth,  but  the  truth  is  he  doesn't  have  the  perfect  answer.  "it's  not  you,  i  swear."  he  supposes  it  is  one  of  the  possibilities  that  he  should  have  acknowledged  when  he  signed  up  for  the  show,  that  he  might  end  up  falling  for  more  than  one  person.  "it's  just  been  a  while  since  i  let  myself  feel  things  like  this."  his  demanding  schedule  as  an  athlete  doesn't  leave  much  room  for  a  thriving  private  life,  to  say  the  least.  "and  i  do...  like  you  a  lot."
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stickykiss · 2 months
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layne  slings  his  bag  over  his  shoulder  and  follows  his  host's  lead  toward  the  washroom.  from  the  doorway  layne  watches  as  dohyun  handpicks  a  towel  from  the  linen  closet  to  rest  on  the  counter  for  him.  comfy. "i  do,  i  do."  it's  polite  of  him  to  ask,  no  matter  how  common  it  should  be.  "thank  you  so  much.  for  all  of  this."  layne  can  only  squeeze  in  a  fraction  of  a  bow  in  return  before  dohyun  is  giving  him  space. this  shower  isn't  as  long  as  it  could've  been,  doing  his  best  to  be  mindful  of  the  hot  water  and  his  company  out  there  waiting  on  a  meal.  drying  his  curls  with  his  tee  shirt,  layne  realizes  they  hadn't  gotten  a  change  of  clothes  before  he  hopped  in !  it's  fine,  it's  only  a  touch  embarrassing.  "ah,  dohyun ?  would  you  be  able  to-  did you leave the clothes out here ? "  the  door  is  open  only  enough  for  him  to  peek  out  into  the  surrounding  area  in  case  he  was  missing  something-  also  embarrassing  to  think  about.  dohyun's  build  isn't  that  different  from  his  own.  surely  whatever  he  chooses  won't  be  that  uncomfortable  as  long  as  it  isn't  too  snug...
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And even if they were friends, Dohyun had a somewhat honest way to talk to people. He felt like that honesty sometimes was the best way to go, at least about simple things like this. And no, he wasn't judging the other by his overall appearance. He had a cute face, but he could see the lack of sleep and.. safety. Which surely pulled at his heartstrings. "I surely have some clothes I could lend you in the meantime and we could toss your clothes into the washing machine now." Dohyuns lips pursed just shortly while he considered his options. "Well, here, follow me." He was motioning for Layne to follow him, showing him the bathing room. He entered it a moment later so he could get a big, fluffy towel out of the cupboard. "You eat meat?" He was giving Dohyun a gentle smile. "I hope a shower or bath makes you feel better." He was bowing shortly before walking back to the door, just so he could quickly leave the bathroom.
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stickykiss · 2 months
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it's  almost  like  this  guy  knew  what  they  were  talking  about !!  stacy's  brows  raise  and  he  nods,  humming  as  he  takes  a  sip  of  their  gift.  it's  zingy,  for  starters,  and  he  puckers  at  the  tang  before  shuddering  with  it.  whew !  "dang."  he  murmurs,  letting  himself  sit  with  the  flavor  a  bit  before  taking  another  sip.  "dang !"  this  was  so  good  that  stacy  almost  wanted  to  make  a  tiktok  for  it.  unfortunately  for  the  public,  he's  feeling  particularly  gatekeepy,  especially  with  this  sweet  barista-  oh.  owner.  well,  yeah,  that  would  track.  most  employees  wouldn't  give  something  out  for  free,  huh ?  "mm,  i  bet  that  can  be  difficult,  but  you  really  nailed  this.  this  is  summer.  was  there  any  inspiration  behind  it  or  did  it  just  come  to  you  like  a  delicious  vision ?"
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"No worries. Many visitors always underestimate how hot it can be around here, with the ocean just five minutes away," Micha answered with a hint of a smile. They were used to seeing people forgetting to drink properly and it was just part of his personality to be comforting, not always thinking how a business owner. Besides, it was a good way to try out new drinks before deciding if they should be added to the menu for the Summer. "Yeah, I own the café. You know, with those big chain names around, you have to try and keep up so I add new drinks for different seasons here and then."
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stickykiss · 2 months
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freddie  has  been  through  a  lot,  this  soyeon  knows,  and  for  him  to  continue  every  day  as  bravely  and  as  bright  as  he  does-  is  a  feat  in  itself.  soyeon  can't  mend  the  wounds  or  brush  them  away,  but  he  can  continue  to  hold  him  up  and  offer  his  support.  he  won't  shy  away  from  the  hardships,  not  when  this  is  where  freddie  needs  someone  most.  "i  wish  things  could  be  more  predictable  too.  it  may  not  feel  like  it,  but  you  can  rest, you know.  if  not  your  mind  then  your  body, at least."  resting  a  hand  on  freddie's  shoulder,  soyeon  looks  him  over  and  presses  his  lips  into  a  hard  line.  "could  i ... meal  prep  for  you ?  do  you  need  help  at  home ?  what  can  i  do  to  help  you  make your days easier ?"
continued from here, @stickykiss
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freddie's  eyes  fill  with  tears  easily  enough.  he  is  usually  the  one  providing  comfort  and  optimism  for  others,  but  lately  everything  has  been  going  south,  and  even  someone  as  lighthearted  as  him  feels  crushed.  "nothing  is  working  out  like  it's  supposed  to."  he  should  have  known  that  it's  only  a  matter  of  time  for  his  mother's  health  to  further  deteriorate,  but  he  didn't  expect  it  to  happen  at  such  devastating  speed.  "and  i'm  just  so...  tired."
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stickykiss · 2 months
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Trouble (Lyric Video) by Laufey
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stickykiss · 2 months
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JULIE Midas Touch ★ 240409
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stickykiss · 2 months
replies coming in the morninggggg ~~~ weirdly busy saturday that i capped off w boys planet. now to ruminate and recover w my heated blanket 🧘🏻 good night world.. zz
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stickykiss · 2 months
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"if  this  is  the  response  i  get  for  asking  then . . ."  trailing into mumbled nothings, eye contact  wavering,  finding  something -  anything  else  to  focus  on,  imelda  bites  at  the  corners  of  her  mouth.  their  tone  from  the  get  go  was  a  bit  accusatory,  they've  realized  now,  but  sarang  is  tumbling  into  something  that  they  haven't  seen  before.  heard  about  in  passing,  sure,  but  everyone  talks.  doesn't  mean  it's  true.  well.  avoidant  meets  insecure.  two  magnets  repelling.  "i  shouldn't  have  come  at  you  like  that.  i  don't  want  you  to  feel  cornered  into  anything  and  i'm  sorry  that  i  put  you  there,  i  just.  don't  get  into  situations  like  this  often."  obviously.  "believe it or not i actually enjoy your company. if me being interested in you as a person outside of like, whatever this is, is weird or not your speed then that's . . . cool. i'll cope." a dry laugh, cheeks hot.
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❝   ...   yeah   ?   isn't   this   how   it   fucking   works   ?   i   don't   owe   you   an   explanation   about   every   fucking   little   thing   i   do   or   say   or   think   -   if   you   wanna   know   that's   on   you,   not   me,   and   if   it   matters   that   much   then   you   should,   i   dunno,   ask   like   a   regular   person   would   do   ?   ❞   unable   to   hide   exalted   tone,   arms   already   thrown   in   the   air   defensively   -   the   last   thing   they   needed   was   a   headache,   especially   when   they   didn't   have   any   booze   just   yet.   ❝   it's   not   a   puzzle,   though.   i   made   it   very   clear   that   all   you   gotta   do   is   just   ask.   are   you   dumb   or   something   ?   ❞   head   tilts   to   the   side,   question   lingering   in   limbo   between   genuine   and   sarcasm.   ❝   you   should   know   by   now   that   i   don't   come   to   people   for   emotional   shit.   we   hook   up,   have   a   one   night   stand,   a   quicky   -   whatever   the   fuck   you   wanna   call   it,   but   i   don't   do   emotions,   i   don't   do   sentimental   shit,   'kay   ?   either   accept   it   or   let   me   go.   ❞
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stickykiss · 2 months
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often  described  as  an  optimist,  yusin  is  starting  to  understand  what  that  meant  when  she  dwells  on  her  host's  words.  it's  a  lovely  area  even  with  the  history-  maybe  especially  because  of  that.  neglect  does show itself  in  the  lack  of  upkeep,  where  the  concrete  laid  is  cracked  and  housing  weeds,  where  litter  crowds  the  corners  and  hugs  at  the  structures  .  .  .  something  like  this  was  home  to  her  once.  oddly sentimental. "yeah  ?  do  you  have  experience  ?  "  she's  lighthearted  with  her  question,  picking  up  her  pace  to  keep  by  their  side.
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"it has a high crime rate, pickpockets making a more small part. It isn't rare for tourists to find people bumping into them, ripping phones out of their hands, or taking smartwatches. Sadly, the politicians never cared much for this part of the city, leading to it but social media is good at only showing the nice sides," Seiki explained. "If you care for architecture, I'd suggest the English gardens on the other side. The charm is about the same and it's very romantic if you go there in the evening hours shortly before sunset."
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stickykiss · 2 months
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insecurity  shows  itself  in  intensity  and  withdrawal.  lars  is seeing  two  different  sides  of  azar's  coin  in  record  time.  he  makes  no  effort  to  take  his  phone  back  to  allow  the  opportunity  to  look  through  whatever.  hell-  any  message  was  free  rein  for  her.  "hey,  whoa,  this  is  not  because  i  don't  like  what  you  have  going  on..."  lars  shakes  his  head  and  reaches  out  to  azar,  hand  hovering  close  enough  but  not  quite  touching.  all  he  can  think  to  say  is  how  it's  just  a  girl  thing,  but  he  knows  how  that'd  sound  coming  out  of  his  mouth  so  he  refrains.  "for  the  most  part,  no.  at  least  not  like  that-  there's  a  lot  more  effort  on  her  end..."  he  trails  off  as  he  dwells  on  why  becca  would've  outdone  him  like  that,  lips  pressing  into  a  fine,  frustrated  line.  this  isn't  the  point.  "all i wanted was feedback and she's over there like, ugh. what do you think ? "
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azar had never thought of herself as jealous-- but it's there in her voice, clear as day. she's jealous, and she hates it. "scroll?" her brow crinkles, her righteous indignation cools into something else-- curiosity. "i.... you were comparing breasts? with...rebecca?" she tilts her head slightly, as if her brain is running a thousand calculations. "and you asked rebecca instead of me....because? i-- i know mine aren't perfect but they're.... there." her voice tapers out, unsure what to say next (a rare emotion for the girl). "is the boob comparison a regular occurance? a regular platonic--occurance?"
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stickykiss · 2 months
love when a man is a prettyboy and a loser. a prettyloserboy if you will
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stickykiss · 2 months
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well  that's  a  first.  yusin  loves-  loves,  a  guided  tour.  frequents  them.  not  often  are  areas  verbally  condemned.  now  that  she's  thinking  about  it,  she's  never  heard  something  like  that  !!  not even from guides she knew personally. "you  know  best,  obviously,  but  an  explanation  would  be  amazing."
open starter: anyone character: Seiki, 22, she/they, tour guide
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"This part of the city ... isn't worth a visit. I'd not recommend you venture there, even if social media tells you about its mysterious charm. Believe me, it's for your own safety."
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stickykiss · 2 months
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being  honest,  stacy  did  not  know  that  gooseberries  were  real.  he  doesn't  reveal  this  with  the  glass  in  front  of  him  but  he  tries  his  hardest  to  visualize  something  that  isn't  a  feathered  fruit.  his  host's  kindness  is  otherworldly,  he  can't  not  mention  this.  "thank  you  so  much,  man,  i  really  appreciate  that."  can  they  tell  he's  been  in  the  sun  all  day  ?  is  it  his  sunburn  ?  does he smell like outside  ?  either  way,  he's  quick  to  sip  at  the  funky  fresh  drink  given  to  him,  eyes  going  wide  with  just  how  delicious  it  was. "you said your own recipe ? "
open to; human & supernatural; muse; Micha (he/they, sea serpent, café owner)
"It's hot outside, you should make sure to drink a lot. Here, try this," he placed the glass decorated with mint in front of the other: "It's a gooseberry and mint lemonade, based on my own recipe. It's on the house. Please enjoy."
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stickykiss · 2 months
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there  are  dots  left  unconnected  here,  notably  regarding  dohyun's  identity  and  source  of  income.  out  of  touch  with  most  media,  layne  has  no  clue  who  is  up  to  what  these  days,  what's  trendy  and  what's  not.  often  incorrectly  deemed  an  old  soul,  his  interests  aren't  really  aligned  with  most.  the  comment  regarding  his  pay  makes  layne  look  elsewhere,  pictures  on  the  wall,  the  blanket  slung  over  dohyun's  couch.  he  kind  of  zones  out  until  he  says  he  looks  like  shit,  barking  out  a  laugh  full  of  anxiety.  that  had  to  be  true  if  it  were  said  at  all.  they  weren't  friends,  there's  no  need  for  sugarcoating.  ears  warm  under  his  hat,  layne  nods  and  scratches at where his binder nips at his sides.  "that  would  be  nice,  yeah.  i  think  .  .  .  i'll  do  that.  if  you  want  to  pick  dinner.  can't  say  i'm  a  picky  eater  so  whatever  you're  craving  works  for  me." the bathroom calls, cracked door hiding what'll help him unwind for the night.
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Life wasn't necessarily safe, not for an actor and probably even less for a trans man. But he didn't want to be stopped from kindness out of fear. Maybe he would be punished by this, if he just didn't wake up in the next morning, but maybe he was really doing something good right here. Layne looked tired, exhausted... done. "I got a pretty good paycheck." Dohyun replied with a shy smile, because was it appropriate to talk about how much money he made as a young aspiring actor? He was scratching the side of his neck once more. "Keep the cash to yourself, please, don't worry. You- I don't mean to insult you. But you look like you go through some shit." He gestured towards a door. "See, I have a nice bathing tub or shower, if you wanted to use any of that. And I could order food in the meantime so you can go to bed soon?" Maybe people perceived Dohyun as a bit of a jerk but he sure knew when there was no need for his sarcastic personality.
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