stickyyouthlover · 3 years
When it comes to reality shows and movies, the audience sees things they want us to see. Not only do we watch them for enjoyment or entertainment, but alot of the times to fill our needs. In movies, we see the perfect couple, the love story, and the perfect ending. When it comes to love in movies and or shows, majority of the time it’s the ending we want or not. Even if it isn’t we still enjoy it because it has the audience on their toes. We find all these movies and shows entertainment and they fulfil our needs. Alot of people like to compare their lives to the situations they see on the screen and hope to be like that and or be in the same situation. In an article we read, it talked about how producers only put certain content in movies and or shows because they want the people to enjoy what they’re watching. I find it interesting when we find movies and shows we enjoy and binge watch. I personally do that for certain shows like the following; Blacklist, How to get away with murder, and you. Those are the few shows I binge watch and they’re all sort of in the sane genre. I like when shows have me thinking and thats what keeps me making it watch it more. I think thats what people do in general, they find a movie or show they like and they contiune to watch it. 
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stickyyouthlover · 3 years
Reality vs. Life
After a few discussions in class I have a lot of thoughts on a few topics that were brought up. The most recent thing i would like to touch base on is the reading about the gay men and how some are either scared or nervous to come out. Still to this day I will never get people that judge others just because they know who they are and know that they want to identify themselves as. I feel like people are so quick to judge rather than getting to know people and where they come from. I don't care to judge or say my meaning in people's lives. People need to understand if they’re happy then that's all that matters. I hate how people judge just by looks. The saying “don't judge a book by it's cover” is something I always stand by. And I think people in this world need to start going by that as well. I will just never understand, were in 2021. People aren't afraid anymore to say who they really are and they shoulnt have the feeling of being nervous or scared to be judged by anyone. I myself in my early years in college was afraid to come out and say who I really was. As time went on I just didn't care and did not let people's feelings and emotions affect me or change me. People are going to judge, and think what they want, but that shouldn't change the way I feel or make me change my identity. I'm happy, and I am proud of the person I am today and don't care what anyone thinks about me. The discussion in class just made me realzie that it's even harder for men to come out because they’re known to be more “masculine” and not be “gay” This also made me think, they’re alot of men out there that’re gay but just scared to come out because they dont want to be judged. I think that's where society is messed up because the people are perceived to men as a father figure, a man, and not be on the feminem side. Like I said, it's sad that men have to worry about that and I think people just need to mind their business.
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