stigolafson · 3 months
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stigolafson · 3 months
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ranger in the rain
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stigolafson · 3 months
I think my brain wants me to cry, let me just walk you through the little scenario I just thought up against my will
During a gathering, Will's shooting at some dummies and absolutely killing it. Then, one of the other rangers gives him a challenge. They took one of the dummies and set it up a good while away, and told him to keep shooting at the other ones, but when he yells "switch," Will goes and shoots at the dummy before quickly switching back to the other ones. Will gladly accepts, of course, he loves challenges like that
So, he continues shooting at the dummies. Eventually, the other ranger yells to switch, and he does. He hits the dummy straight in the neck and immediately goes back to shooting like he was before with just as good accuracy. And he's like a 3rd year or something at this point, so a bunch of rangers that were nearby started congratulating him, highlighting how impressive that was for his age.
Unsure how to handle the praise, he looked to Halt, leaning on a stump nearby. Crowley's standing next to him, giving short bits of praise, yelling a little so that Will can hear. Halt meets Wills eyes, his face as neutral as ever. All he gives is a slight nod upwards, but Will knows exactly what he means. His face lights up, and he turns back to the rest of the rangers, gladly accepting praise and even teasing one or two.
As soon as he turns, though, Halts' face softens. Every part of his body language softens, actually. Crowley turns and comments on how Will immediately looked to him on what to do, how he started beaming at the slightest hint of approval from him, how adorable it all was. Halt just nods slightly and gives a small grunt of agreement. Crowley stays there for a second, looking into Halts eyes as he stares at his kid, having fun and challenging the other rangers to a competition of sorts. And then, softly, Halt speaks
"I'm so proud of him"
And that's all he says before walking away to continue some work he had left behind to watch Will.
That's all he needed to say.
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stigolafson · 4 months
I'm currently in a return of the rangers apprentice hyperfixation/phase/whateveracallit and yknow what I would love if somebody would write? Because I haven't found any? So if you see them then give me the link please? Bit if you don't somebody needs to write this? I need a fanfiction where like the rangers apprentice gang travels to Skandia to visit or something and they meet the Herons and stuff. It should include:
- Gilan being there and being very happy to see his friends
- Erik being proud of Hal and Will both and bragging about them both
- Halt and Thorn being besties
- Kloof
- Lydia impressing Halt
- Stig impressing everybody
- All the Herons impressing all the Araluens and vice versa
- Karina being an Araluen and former slave because that isn't talked about enough
- casual mention of "-oh the peace treaty with the Temujai" "IM SORRY WHAT? HOW?" "How do you think" (Hal of course)
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stigolafson · 4 months
Edvin once truly lost his temper with the crew.
No one, Thorn included, dared look him in the eyes until he'd exhausted his litany of curses, sighed, apologized, and asked what they wanted for dinner.
Edvin is the scariest of them all.
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stigolafson · 4 months
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Feeling nostalgic
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stigolafson · 4 months
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Thought of this two days ago and haven’t stopped, now you can share in my pain.
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stigolafson · 4 months
Canon Things I think people forget too much
Halt never, ever goes by Halt O'Carrick.
Redmont was the only fief we know of with an established Ward.
Most of the Diplomatic Corps is comprised of men--Pauline DuLacey's contributions at Redmont are the exception, not the rule.
Will is canonically stated to be a better ranger and better shot than Halt by the time he's established with his silver oakleaf.
Feel free to add more!!
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stigolafson · 4 months
ingvar chronic pain fic. who's interested
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stigolafson · 4 months
This line implies that Gilan has a history of sleepwalking and I for one LOVE the idea of that
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stigolafson · 4 months
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stigolafson · 4 months
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Boat (tm)
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stigolafson · 4 months
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stigolafson · 4 months
today i am absolutely crying with laughter over the idea of rangers with seasonal allergies.
sniffly, sneezy, miserable rangers who get sinus headaches and avoid people as much as possible so they don’t lose their “rangers are black magicians” rumours due to a poorly stopped sneeze giving them away.
terrifying rangers who lose their voices and sound like they’re chewing gravel when they demand bandits put down their weapons.
rangers who look constantly furious because their eyes are dry and blurry so they’re glaring and squinting at everything but can still somehow hit targets with their arrows.
and then it rains, and the pollen gets mostly knocked out of the air, suddenly the rangers with allergies are all back out in force, and rumours begin to not commit crimes on rainy spring nights, least the rangers somehow invariably discover you and hunt you down with supreme vengeance.
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stigolafson · 4 months
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this is how they met right
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stigolafson · 4 months
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Gilan drawing I did months ago and forgot to post haha oops
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stigolafson · 4 months
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Will's first day of the ranger apprenticeship.
I love the scene when Halt is reading some reports, he's musing to himself and Will starts asking him questions. And Halt, for the first time, actually answers them :]
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