Don't even try it Coop, we don't want you getting injured even more.
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Being injured has got to be the most boring thing to ever happen to me.
I’m seriously going crazy. I need to get out of the house. 
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Vessel? So are you not human then? I guess we get attached as we don't really have anything to claim as ours but ourselves and our belongings, they show who we are.
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No, I do not steal, that is against my moral code. I suppose it could be considered borrowing. It is my vessel, Jimmy Novak’s coat. I am sure he would be pleased that you’ taken a liking to it. I’ve never understood why humans become so attacked to their belongings.
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Are you borrowing it then? Or did you steal it?
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I do not own this coat.
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I was a demon a while ago now, but I got switched back by an Angel. hell doesn't smell that much of sulfur, more barbeque.
I've always loved the smell of dawn after a full moon
When you were a demon? How does no reverse being a demon exactly. That’s a first that I’ve heard of. They smell like sulfer, much like I assume hell smells like.
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Okay, so in what way is being alive a bad thing then?
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Well I'm not Dead
…No. Nothing at all. 
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Something wrong that makes you question if being alive is a good thing?
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Well I'm not Dead
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That's usually a good thing Jake.
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Well I'm not Dead
I guess there’s that. 
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Hi, I don't think I've seen you around here before. Nice trench coat, haven't seen one of them in ages.
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You need to get out and do something then, like go for a walk or play a song.
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Watching my ceiling is no fun.
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Most of the time I'm right and something bad happens to someone I know or someone I love. But there are a few occasions where nothing happens.
Tonight should be... interesting.
Yeah? How does that usually turn out for you?
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I never noticed the smell while I was one, I can't say I do now. How can you smell a demon anyway?
I've always loved the smell of dawn after a full moon
Demons have a rather potent scent to them, if you hadn’t already known that. It’s not pleasant in the slightest.
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That sounds like a really good idea of fun, I usually peruse my collection of Vogue every now and again when I have a spare moment.
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I have the evening off.
Sitting around all day in my room and for once, not getting dressed. I also like to throw in a few Vogue magazines. 
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They're there to help you heal Cooper.
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These casts are a real pain in the ass.
I swear to God I’m about to crack them open myself. 
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And what do you qualify as fun?
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I have the evening off.
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I’m really excited. But now I kind of need something fun to do. 
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You're very lucky to not have experienced it before, if it smells like smoke and gas then it's exhaust fumes. The demons have nothing to do with the smell...
I've always loved the smell of dawn after a full moon
I’ve never spent too much time around cars to know what exhaust smells like. Though that scent tainting my enjoyment may be why you’re speaking of. I assumed it was the filthy demons in this town.
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Well to me it smells usually of car exhausts and blood but as you say, depends on who it is.
It's very nice to meet you Eve.
I've always loved the smell of dawn after a full moon
I’m sure to other it smells a lot more like blood and death. I suppose it just depends on the being who wakes up.
Hello Blaine. My name is Eve.
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Interesting. Well there are a lot of nice people around.
Nothing really. Thought it might be a good place to hang. Looking for some friends.
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