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painted my own version of the Alecto cover while I'm waiting for the official one :') a more realistic approach was a challenge for me, all these details and a lot of rendering, but it was fun to try a different style!
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The Reverend Daughter - Gideon Nav
Harrow the Ninth - Gideon the Ninth
Nona the Ninth - Kiriona Gaia the First
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God knows I deserve to die at your hand. You are my only friend. I am undone without you.
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ianthe and gideon get along because they need each other. don’t u get it. they are beasts from the same ecosystem and if u put them in an enclosure together they are GONNA fill their ecological niche. ianthe needs a twin prince(ss) cavalier who doesn’t know how to distinguish love from sacrifice and gideon needs a wet rat necromancer who’ll perform villain monologues and treat her like shit
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I think a lot about his
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getting compliments on how soft my skin is and how good i smell is top tier
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this is incredibly good
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Hilda by Duane Bryers
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sitting in her room and getting bored all day is the bravest thing a girl can do on a sunday
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No song nor poetry can convey tragedy like a cat who wants through a door
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i wonder if there’s a correlation between which resurrection beasts have been defeated and which houses are gradually dying
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the bravery of a girl who has to decide what is for dinner and then cook it and then wash dishes every day forever and ever.
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link to article here
edit: this article is actually wrong on several accounts because it was a white guy that wrote it and probably didn't fact check! her name is actually yoon kim myung-woo and she is the third owner of lesvos starting 1999, which started in sinchon in 1996 and has moved to hongdae! it is in fact the first lesbian bar in seoul and there are now several more lesbian bars, clubs, and cafes. yoon kim myung-woo is a very respected and well known figure in the vibrant and fast growing skorean lgbt community that comes to speak at many gay and trans events.
also the article is primarily about the difficulty of passing the lgbt nondiscrimination bill and some key activists in the movement. please read it with a grain of salt because it does not mention at all the role of US neocolonial power and US militarism in south korean political conservatism! there would be no law prohibiting same sex relations in the military of the rok military was not modeled off of US military structure and law! and it would not be such a large factor in gay and trans people's lives if the US would let the korean war and armistice end so mandatory military conscription of every person assigned male in the country could finally end.
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realised that i have been wrongly treating myself as if i am a small little bonsai tree who exists to live beautifully and look beautiful and must be pruned and shaped with wire and kept in the right conditions. but that isn’t what i want to live like. i want to be a very sturdy decades old forest-dwelling tree that pays no attention to its own beauty and only exists to deepen its roots into the world and feel the sun on it and grow some more and more. do you understand what i mean…
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