stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
Emergency Commissions
Hello, my precious darlings. I have some bummer news. Last week, on my 19th birthday {happy birthday to me}, I believe that I contracted COVID when i went out to eat. It was probably a bad idea to go out regardless, but I wasn't thinking. I'm currently unable to work and I'm running low I funds for groceries. Please DM me and in exchange for any amount you feel like donating, I'll write you a fetish story. No limits. Please. I live with both of my parents and no one in our house can currently work. Even just $1 would greatly help us.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
Sorry for being inactive. I got really busy with work and health. As a return, look at these.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
I decided to treat myself to large cheese pizza last night.
I woke up vomiting and with the worst stomachache of my life. I grabbed a Walmart bag on my floor and headed to the bathroom. Before I would even sit down, I sprayed liquid all over the toilet bowl. My poor stomach was churning like crazy and I let another wave of vomit out into the bag. I couldn't stop it. I was exploding from both ends and sweating.
It's been a few hours since then and I'm still sick as a dog. Guess my tummy couldn't handle it.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
Class has barely started for me and my stomach is bubbling like crazy. I can feel gas swirling inside and it wants out. I wanna see how long I can hold it in. Can't have my classmates thinking I'm a slob. Or maybe I should~
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
Me: I don't have a musk kink. That's so weird!
Gets a boyfriend that's naturally sweaty
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
Let me be your mistress. Let me soothe your gut when you stuff it far too much. Massaging the bits that are oh so taut. Let me kiss your forehead as you lean against me, shoveling food down your greedy little throat. I'll help you, if you'd like. Let me feel your guts rumble and gurgle as they turn each meal into lard. I wanna feel the gas swirling around inside of you. Let me watch your face turn a deep red as you release your gas into my lap. I wanna feel it warm me up. Let me be your mistress.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
I finally got all that gas out {along with a few other things~} And I feel so much better
I drank a few {well, maybe more than a few} protein shakes for the first time without knowing they contained milk. My stomach is so painfully gassy, but I can't get it out. All I can manage is a few weak burps.
Won't someone come rub mommy's tummy for her~
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
I drank a few {well, maybe more than a few} protein shakes for the first time without knowing they contained milk. My stomach is so painfully gassy, but I can't get it out. All I can manage is a few weak burps.
Won't someone come rub mommy's tummy for her~
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
I've been stuck on the idea of gassy royalty for a long time now.
Just imagine a king stuffing himself silly each and every night before heading off to his room. He slams the door to his bedroom just before exploding into a frenzy of gas. His stomach gurgles as he belches into the open air, each burp louder than the last. The king strips naked, groping at his own bloated gut as he begins to massage out any pent up farts he has stored. Soon, his room fills with a rank, wet odor as he falls to his hands and knees.
He rubs his navel against the smooth floor, gas bursting from both ends with each thrust. The king knows that this is a shameful act that no one of royalty should partake in, but he just can't help himself.
Scat Bonus:
The king rushes off to the chamber pot and fills it with the greasy remains of his last feast.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
I’m imagining someone who’s just… feeling sick. I’ve been a little obsessed with the idea of cult leaders recently, so maybe someone who has a whole harem of lovers to look after them.
Their belly is bloated and sore and tender, but they can’t seem to figure out why. After lunch, they find that they just can’t work because their pants are too tight and it hurts their belly, so they go sit down on the sofa and unbutton their pants. The moment they do that, a handful of lovers come over to service them, but then they realise that their leader isn’t feeling so good. Their belly is spilling out over the waistband of their underwear, taut and lined where their pants dug in.
“Where’s it hurting?” the lovers coo as two of them sit next to the leader, and one of them positions themself on the floor in between their knees. The moment they put a hand on their tummy and grimace, there’s three different hands descending on their abdomen too, rubbing and massaging to try and soothe the ache. The leader doesn’t have to say a thing - all their pain is written on their face and expressed in the way they arch their back to push their aching tummy into their waiting hands.
“My belly isn’t feeling so good,” the leader admits, moaning as a hand jostles their stomach, making them burp. The lovers work together to make their leader feel better, and they coax up a number of burps before turning to their guts. That part of their belly is definitely bloated, and the rubbing causes their upset belly to rumble and churn.
“I’m… I’m going to fart. You’d better move,” the leader warns, and the lover on the floor only giggles before getting up to sit behind them, stroking their hair and shoulders gently as the other two continue to rub their belly. A loud fart rips out of the leader, and they blush. They’re uncharacteristically shy about passing gas, and they try to clench up, but their lovers don’t let them. All three of them encourage them to fart and push, because they can’t stand to see their beloved leader feeling so miserable thanks to a bellyache.
The leader still isn’t feeling too well, because their tummy is cramping up now, feeling tight and agitated. Although they’re trying to relax and enjoy the ministrations offered by all three, their tummy just has other plans. The leader is finding it hard to sit still as their belly squeezes painfully and grumbles loudly enough to be heard. “Oh god, my stomach,” the leader moans, their hands over their lovers’ hands on their upset belly. “It hurts so badly. It’s killing me.”
“Just let go,” one of the lovers advises, and that’s exactly what the leader does next. They have no choice - all three hands descend on their sick tummy and push right below their navel, causing their system to be overwhelmed. With a whimper, the great and mighty leader begins to mess their pants uncontrollably, their upset belly pushing out what’s making them hurt so badly inside.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
Been reading mythology. Stories about Tantalus, Sisyphus, Prometheus, and the like. Guys subjected to some kind of torment for a long, if not all, time. It got me thinking about a scat related version: someone being forced to push out an endless amount of shit.
No matter how much they squeeze out, their belly remains plump and gurgly. They pump out thick, dense logs (or torrents of sloppy poop, depending on your preference) into an unfillable pit.
At no point does their aching hole get any relief, it’s either stretched around their poop or thundering gas. There are no shackles to keep them on their hands and knees, just an overwhelming urge to keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing…
Keep reading
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
umm.... different kinds of sharts 😳
a long fart that ends in a wet plrt - not a lot of shit at the end, but definitely wet between the cheeks
a long fart with constant splutters of shit throughout, like the person doesn't care that they're half shitting themselves just to let this fart out.
a short loud fart that expels a lot of waste with a sqelch
a short fart, a wet splurt of shit, then a longer, more relieving fart
an airy fart that shoots a chunk of shit out like a cork popping
a fart trapped behind a barrier of waste, they keep pushing till that one fart can come out
a fart so watery it sprays a mist of shit instead of anything solid
a fart that isn't a fart at all, just someone feeling the need, bearing down and accidentally shitting themselves
a 'follow through', a fart that fully becomes a shit and they just keep pushing
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
Oh no, darling. Did you eat something bad? Does your tummy feel all rotten inside! Come sit in my lap. I'll massage the pain away.
Uh oh. Someone's gassy.~ Come here, baby. Let mommy help you. That's right. My, my, you're so heavy. How much do you weigh now? Really now? That big? You're my precious little hog.
There, there. Let it all out. I can feel those gurgles building up. Did you sneak one of my protein shakes again? You know how those mess with your poor belly. I might have to punish you for stealing.
That's it. God, you reek. Sounds like someone might have to use the restroom soon. Do you have to go to the bathroom? Hm? Can your belly not handle that shakes that you stole?
What if I just hold you right here on my lap? Force you to mess yourself right here, right now. Would you get embarrassed? What if I pressed into your stomach. Just. Like. THIS
Oh, don't cry darling. This is what happens to little piggies that steal. They're forced to give it all back. Though, I don't think I'll be drinking this shake. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
🍨Favorite Feeder Foods🍨
Pizza {Stuffed crust with cheese and hotdogs}
Chili dogs with extra chilli
Pancakes {They're just so sticky~}
Beer {if of age, of course}
Anything spicy {the spicier, the better}
Extra greasy bacon
Cakes/Cookies/anything sweet
Whole milk
I can't stop thinking about feeding a perfectly gassy fatty until they're about to pop!
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
The best kinds of the dumps are the kinds you can't finish in one sitting. The kind that leave your stomach gurgling and your anus puckered as your body begs to be fully emptied. They leave you rocking back and forth on the toilet, straining until you're red in the face. Painful nuggets plop in the bowl, leaving you unsatisfied. You leave the restroom, rubbing your stomach to soothe your restless gut.
Then it hits. You dash to the toilet, pulling your pants down as you move. This mess is coming and it's coming now. Sitting down, you grab whatever's closest to you and prepare yourself. You feel your tender hole widen as you begin to push, grunting loudly. Pieces break off in spikey chunks. They splash noisily in the water below. Finally, you're empty. You release a flurry of pent up gas as your clean yourself up.
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stinkygassysquishy · 3 years
🤎Hello, darlings. You may call me Sombra🤎
🤎Welcome to my blog🤎
🤎Allow me to give you a quick introduction 🤎
🤎This is a fetish blog that includes: 🤎
🟫 Scat
🟩Bloated Bellies
💚Things with blog will not have includes💚
🟩Aged-up Characters
🤎I'm very in-between on other things, so don't be afraid to ask! I don't bite. Unless you want me to~🤎
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