stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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[ID: A quoted retweet from Erika Ishii @.erikaishii. The original tweet is by Ashe Jacobson @.OffBrandLink and reads: “No one’s ever gonna believe that I just started a beyblade battle between @.erikaishii and @.executivegoth in the middle of the streets of downtown LA but I swear it happened.” Erika’s retweet reads: “Believe it.” There’s a video attached of said Beyblade battle, with Erika and Taliesin crouching over a bucket and releasing high-powered spinning tops called Beyblades. They’re both screaming for their Beyblade to win, as are the few people clustered around them. When Erika’s Beyblade knocks Taliesin’s over first, they are the winner. /end ID]
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
I Went to the uni where enzymes (proteins that degrade organic materials, pretty much all life makes em) that degrade plastic are being developed, and we can then genetically engineer harmless bacteria to MASS PRODUCE them, purify and use to degrade plastics!
We essentially found a bacteria LIVING OFF PLASTIC in a dump in Japan (?) and science went THIS IS INCREDIBLE and so trained the enzyme to do it better
And the amazing part is, it breaks it down into the BASIC COMPONENTS OF PLASTIC. When we 'recycle' plastic we can break it down into what is essentially a shit tier version of said plastic, so it can only actually be reused a set number of times and it just kind of gets shit at being plastic, but is still a pollutant. THESE ENZYMES make plastic into its actual components, meaning we can make MORE OF THE SAME PLASTIC WITHOUT WASTE, and also alot less money which is why companies are hesitant to recycle/use recycled plastic from traditional methods.
Also the fact that a bacteria in nature just EVOLVED to eat plastic and nothing else is TERRIFYING. It did that in less than a century. Incredible.
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So something cool about this  bacteria is that it not only eats PET plastic, but it also produces PHA, which is a biodegradable plastic.
This finding is particularly promising because it addresses two current problems for the sustainability of plastics: degrading the most persistent form of petroleum-based plastic while sustainably producing biodegradable plastics.
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
i love how a lot of queer ppl have the same experience of toning down ur identities/labels for cishet people so tag this what you actually label yourself v.s what you tell cishet people
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
Yo me and my dnd buddies do this. We all start repeating 'it's Connor!' etc when whoever arrives arrive. Cannot tell you how great it is to a. Have you presence announced like your The Guy and b. Be wholly acknowledged
When a “funny” dude likes you and anytime he sees you anywhere he will be like “yoooo wassup it’s Jelissa!” (Or whatever) like “omg Miranda is here whaaaat” for literally no reason why do they do that
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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Bloodhound’s VA, Allegra Clark, everyone
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
What do you mean. This is incredible.
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
our cat’s morning routine
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
Hey remember when they found over 200 bodies of native children buried behind a residential school and the world cared for... what, a week?
They've counted about 6,000-7,000 now, for those of you who do still care
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
Tododeku Royalty au outfits concept art
First of all here is the main post i designs this outfits for. Yess i know they barely are in it but i HAD to design them for my own peace of mind. Also, i had 12 tabs opened to get inspiration for the outfits so you need to see it lol
Todoroki’s outfit was relatively easy since i had the silhouette i wanted for him very clear from the start. I knew i wanted him to have a long and flowy skirt like a princess ball gown but with an opening in the front so it looked more like a fancy jacket with a really long skirt attached to it.
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His clothes are snow white to make the royal blue of the gown the main focus of the outfit. The golden details i added later bc he is a prince, it has to be super extra. The things i marked as 1, 2 and 3 i’m still indecisive… though i think i would go for a mix of the 1st and 2nd jackets and the 2nd skirt. His hair is up in a crown braid to not disturb the silhouette i was going for.
Him i wasn’t so sure. First thing i knew was i wanted his crown to reasemble a laurel crown bc it would look cute poking out of his green hair. Then i decided that a cape/cloak and a high collar jacket would make him look more formal and from a higher status.
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I had a hard time choosing his color scheme but i ended up painting the whole outfit with warm colors so his hair stands out. Also, you can’t see it here but the back of his cape has 9 stars since he is the 9nth holder of One for All. I like a mix of the 2nd and 3rd jacket and the shape of the 2nd cape with the golden shoulder pads and chains of the 3rd one.
Royal AU??
I plan on drawing more for this au!! it was super fun, i suck at designing clothes so i’ll try not to do this level of complex outfits ever again BUT i’d love to draw more concept art for tododeku and the rest of the bnha cast :3
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
I hate to ebeg, but we ran out of food and dog food. My sister doesn’t get paid til next week, until then we have nothing to eat. If you can’t donate, reblogs will be very much appreciated.
PayPal  |  Kofi
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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I did @/taffybuns’ expression meme. I have art block so I wanted to do something where I didn’t have to worry about coming up with any expressions or poses haha
Here’s the original’s link:
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 3 years
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