stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
The current usage of “a few bad apples” bothers me.
A few bad apples spoil the barrel. If you put a rotting apple in with three dozen good ones, every adjacent apple will be rotting within days. “A few bad apples” does NOT mean “we have a good barrel but, oh well, sometimes bad things happen.” “A few bad apples” means “Our entire organism is rotting from the inside out, triggered by the actions of a few and perpetuated by the natural processing of the whole.” When you say “we had a few bad apples” your next words had BETTER be “we excised them, quickly and permanently, and checked the remaining ones to make sure they’re still good.”
This has been my rant, thank you.
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
decorating tip for people who aren’t allowed to choose their wall colors (teens, students, renters etc). they now make self-adhesive wallpaper that’s 
easy to apply by yourself 
removable: easy to peel off w/out damage
can be reusable 
they can be expensive, so shop around. a cheaper option is wall decals, which come in a range of sizes. you can even order a custom print online. or just use wallpaper on an accent wall or smaller spaces.
the patterns fun
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Keep reading
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
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(Originally published in Comics For Choice)
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
I didn’t get carded at the grocery store so I’m spending the next 30 minutes having an identity crisis
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
I can too
that thing where the hallway starts reloading while you’re still walking through it
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
nb people are members of the fae
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
That's a mood
Anyone else out here being just completely unphased by reality tonight
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
“The key to understanding the real cost of UBI is understanding the difference between the gross (or upfront) and net (or real) cost. Here’s a simple example: imagine a room with 15 people who want to set up a UBI for the room of $2 per person. The upfront cost of the policy would be $30. The ten richest people in the room are asked to contribute $3 each towards funding it. After they each put in $3, raising the total $30 needed, every person in the room gets their $2 universal basic income. But because the ten richest people in the room contributed $3, and then got $2 back as the UBI, their real, net contribution is in fact $1 each. So the real cost of the UBI is $10.”
“Cost estimates that consider the difference between upfront and real cost are a fraction of inflated gross cost estimates. For instance, economist and philosopher Karl Widerquist has shown that to fund a UBI of $12,000 per adult and $6,000 per child every year (while keeping all other spending the same) the US would have to raise an additional $539 billion a year—less than 3% of its GDP. This is a small fraction of the figures that get thrown around of over $3 trillion (the gross cost of this policy.) Karl’s simplified scheme has people slowly start contributing back their UBI in taxes to the common pot as they earn, with net beneficiaries being anyone individually earning less than $24,000 a year.”
(For perspective, the U.S. annual military budget was over $686 billion in 2018. Trump proposed to raise it to $1.3 trillion in 2019. We can afford this.)
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
you ever read the description of a mental disorder and realize “wow this was almost certainly written from the perspective of someone who has never experienced this firsthand”
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
conservative politics are built on the idea that people have to ‘earn’ the right not to suffer
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
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“our work should equip the next generation of women to outdo us in every field this is the legacy we’ll leave.”
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
Kindness isn’t innate. It takes practice
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
me, reaching into my dresser drawer for black pants: I hope this isn’t the pair with big holes worn in the inner thighs
Marie Kondo, gently over my shoulder: why is a pair of pants you find unwearable still in your dresser drawer
me: oh shit that’s right!! The dresser is for clothes that under some circumstance I might conceivably wear!!
Marie Kondo, beaming proudly: Yes, that’s correct!! These pants must have been your favorites. How wonderful that they were so comfortable and practical that you wore them out. But now since they no longer function as pants, you should move them from the drawer where you keep your functioning pants!
me: Yes thanks I got it they’re in the fabric basket now
Marie Kondo, fading back into the darkness: I love what you’ve done with the kitchen!!
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
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Full Image
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
“I shouldn’t have to pay for other people’s healthcare.” You’re not. You’re paying for your own healthcare. The difference is, with universal healthcare you’re paying much less.
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
No journalism program should be allowed to hand out degrees unless like 30% of the curriculum, minimum, is on the role current media culture plays in perpetuating racism, misogyny, bigotry etc
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stirring-up-trouble · 5 years
That second comment
be sure to graffiti my tombstone or we’re not friends
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