stitchaseam · 3 years
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Living in a pandemic/endemic means no leisure travels for the past year. 
It actually allowed me to refocus and rethink about what I should be doing in my  life so it is not such a bad thing afterall.. for me at least.
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stitchaseam · 3 years
After a few years now:
Had a very hard time finding a new job.
When I got the new job, had a hard time leaving the previous comfortable job. Change was very much needed for growth.
I got all my licenses. All three bikes and car.
Got a bigger practical bike but no car.
Planning to purchase a house in 4 years’ time or sooner if can afford.
Graduated, but more can be done.
Grandmother is staying with us. it’s the 2nd cycle of a helper now - very miserable for everyone.
Got into aquascaping - therapeutic but can be damaging to the wallet.
Got a cute biskut cat.
Still misses my mom. Yesterday was the 2 years anniversary of my uncle’s passing. Mom, him and my cousin left us in the past 6 years.
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stitchaseam · 6 years
After a few months, I am only starting to get serious about health a few weeks back. 
I think i have stopped smoking for 9 months now.
I signed up for some personal exercise sessions.
Got a new motorcycle.
Having my convocation next month.
Stopped my chiropractic sessions cos they are made expensive even though the chiropractor is a pleasant looking chap.
I do feel something is missing but nonetheless i am grateful for the things i have now. i can’t help but to acknowledge that feeling of not having something/someone but i just can’t put my finger specifically on it.
still miss my mom. i am always so scared that the memories that i remember of her slowly fade away deep into the long term store of my brain until i finally do not have any sensation to trigger and dig them out of it.
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stitchaseam · 7 years
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some of my favourites from the book.
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stitchaseam · 7 years
Update from the previous long post
-Apart from taking all my practical lessons once (never just once when i did my 2b practicals), i cleared my tp on my first attempt with just 4 demerit points in a fairly bad weather. my dad was surprised when i told him over the phone. can’t blame him- i was surprised as well.
-my dad had already prepare a spare key of his bike to me and i’ve been riding it quite a bit.
-yesterday was my niece’s 2nd birthday and it is also a reminder that it has been two years since the most fondest memories of my mom are etched vividly in my head.
-work can get frustrating sometimes, but i’m now my term break so it’s alright. i am just glad that i am surrounded with such positive people and the environment is something rare for anyone to find at their work place so i am forever grateful.
-this will not be my second last semester. I had a go at statistics and i detest it so much. I decided that it is best for me to withdraw it, extend another semester and skip that module altogether. I’d rather go for a 6 months extension than to keep up with the standard deviation etc crap.
- i feel like getting a bigger bike ugh.
-this will be the first time in my life that i’m celebrating songkran. Kinda bummed out that i will not be able to dive but excited that i get to observed this ceremony next week in ao nang.
-my previous accident wasn’t just an accident. I had problems sitting and standing for a period of time so i decided to go to a chiropractic clinic. I am now with them twice weekly for 5months. We will see on the 5-month mark if I still need to continue with my appointments. 
-I enjoy chiro very much but it is $85 per session and that is a mere 15minutes appointment. 4(85x2)=a month. spine<wallet
- I do feel better. My posture improved a lot. I enjoy having conversations with my chiro doctor so that’s ok.
-I found a monthly hairdresser who does as good job for my hair and I make appointments for it now.
-my cats are cohabiting together in the same room. we don’t separate them anymore but there are a couple of instances where they will scratch and jump on each other but that’s nothing compared the mental torture of waking up at 3am to change the shifts of switching their rooms.
-i am potentially having an additional nephew/niece.
-i still don’t have a group of friend that i hang out with after work and late at night during weekends. sometimes i do feel bored and empty, but at most times, i feel glad that at least i am not surrounded by toxic people.
-i hope to get into the routine soon. ~the routine~
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stitchaseam · 8 years
I miss you so much mom. I miss touching you or hugging you. i am so tired of projecting the memories of you in my head. i miss you too much. 
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stitchaseam · 8 years
Photos from previous posts were all taken last year on the week-long diving trip to Maldives. 
We might be taking a short break for diving this year. April trip is booked but we only discovered that it will be during Songkran when I was enquiring a trip or two to the Andaman sea.
From the previous text post, here’s what happened:
I got a new job from the same place. My salary had quite a jump and I am so grateful for it. Nothing changes and I will still enjoy the usual academic term breaks.
The new job forces me to come out of my comfort zone and I deal with anxieties better now. Still there, but not so bad.
I bought another motorcycle and have a lot of quality time with my dad discussing about general motorcycle stuff.
I enrolled for a bigger bike license and completed all practical lessons at the first attempt. I am waiting for my final test in March.
Skidded in the a heavy rain last week when I tried to avoid a car that went into my lane. Only scratch wounds from the tarmac but I am facing a difficult time trying to do basic things.
That will definitely not stop me from riding. I also learned to appreciate doing things slowly with quality.
I managed to passed all my exam papers last semester even though it was a disaster to do back to back psych papers.
I also studied for a wrong paper and only to realise it when I look at the questions paper.
This semester is going to be quite a challenge. Also, if all goes well, this is my second last semester.
Brother bought his house and it feels so cozy to have everyone gather, watching movies and munching on snacks.
my nephew wanted to learn how to dab.
I miss my mom so much. My brother texted me his dream yesterday. He dreamt of getting a call from the public payphone with my mom’s voice at the other end. He told her that he misses her. She said-”Is your dad and sibling ok? I miss them so much”. 
This has been an emotionally draining week of trying to overcome overwhelming feeling of missing her, getting back up after the small accident and getting things together before real shits happen (school etc).
Life has been better. I am forever grateful to the Mighty Being.
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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stitchaseam · 8 years
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