Taking Big Steps Out of Our Comfort Zone
http://tinyurl.com/y7ry7aah Humans are creatures of comfort. Our comfort zone is our natural, neutral state — a place where stress and anxiety are minimal, where we know what’s coming next and can plan accordingly. There’s nothing wrong with being in your comfort zone, unless you get too comfortable and start holding yourself back instead of challenging yourself to learn, grow and try new things. Generally speaking, there is little stress when we stay within our comfort zones. To some people, stepping out of their comfort zone might be telling someone that Jesus loves them or it could be buying a friend a cup of coffee or befriending someone. There are different ways to step out in faith, and everyone’s faith walk and journey looks unique. God works with every person individually, but He invites us to be a part of the process. He will also use the broken and unqualified and equip them. Look at Peter, who later denied Jesus who was willing to walk on water to the Lord and learned how to trust His Lord and Savior. If God can use Peter, He can surely use us, if we are willing. Matthew 14:29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. So, let go of what’s holding you back. Take that step and face your fears. And if you are worried about what people will think, then you are worried about the wrong person. We should be more concerned about what God thinks than anyone else. Has God asked you to do anything out of your comfort zone recently? Share your faith with someone you don’t know? Love someone that is hard to like? Today… be obedient to Christ and walk with Him in faith at the end of your comfort zone, just like the many great men and women of the Bible that did the same before you. He provided for them. He made a way for them. He used them in ways they never would have been used on their own. And He will do the same for you. SunRise O'Fallon Campus 7116 Twin Chimneys Blvd., O'Fallon MO 63368 (636) 978-2727 SunRise Wright City Campus 70 Bell Rd. , Wright City MO 63390 (636) 745-3271
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Family Rules Going Back to School
http://tinyurl.com/ybqlbd4p With the start of a new school year just around the corner, it is the perfect time to set your child, in fact your whole family, up for a healthier year. The next couple of weeks before the first school bell rings is the perfect time to plan and practice some new family habits. You will be amazed what you can accomplish in just a few weeks to see big dividends throughout the school year. Your family is your child’s primary community, so when you are all in it together, you can sustain these changes for a lifetime. Begin this new school year by setting family rules. Focus on activity, screen time, sleep and nutrition. Rule # 1 ACTIVITY Everyone has a scheduled activity during the week. Parents lead by example. Plan your activity on a family calendar so your child can see when you are going to the gym, playing a sport or walking the dog. If your children like sports then sign them up for a team that fits their interests and natural abilities. They do not have to play every sport offered at their school. Rather, help them find their athletic community for a year round plan. If the child likes running then consider cross country in the fall and track in the spring. If your child enjoys soccer then look at the outdoor league in the fall and the indoor league during extreme weather conditions. Consider other athletic options if your child is not team sports-minded such as dance, gymnastics, skating or biking. The key is that the child has a set time to participate weekly in a group activity. Unscheduled time to be active on their own is important, too. A child’s job is to explore and try new things. Help your child find new interests. Encourage activities that your child chooses and give them opportunities to excel. Find a like-minded community so the child feels included and valued as a person. This has the double benefit of increasing their fitness and boosting their self-confidence. Rule # 2 Screen time Follow this easy formula: screen time = active time. One hour spent on an activity means one hour earned of screen time. Screen time includes cell phone, television, gaming devices and computers. Make your family accountable by tracking their time on devices. You may be surprised where they are spending their time. Rule # 3 SLEEP No screen time in the bedroom Set bedtimes and wake up times so bodies can rest and repair. Bedrooms are meant for sleep; it is that simple. Research has shown that children with screens in the bedroom have a much higher rate of obesity. No one wants to be obese so you will need to set your family up for success by creating the right environment. Dedicate the family room for screen time complete with a phone charging station. No one should sleep with a phone. Rule # 4 NUTRITION Everyone takes a homemade brown bag lunch to school or work. Most school lunch programs and meals eaten away from home are too high in saturated fat and cholesterol and too low in fiber lacking fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and beans. You surrender control when you rely on other people to make your meals. Remember, food is fuel. Your body will not run efficiently if it does not have the right foods. This school year, involve the whole family in developing a week’s menu plan so shopping is made easy and a routine falls into place quickly. For example, assign a night to each family member to make lunches or give each person a nightly task in the brown bag preparation. For a jumpstart on your brown bag lunch, add some of these items: • Tortilla chips with bean dip • Fresh fruit slices with nut butter • Raw vegetables with hummus • Unsweetened organic applesauce cups • Mini rice cakes with peanut butter • Garden salad with a vinegar dressing Family rules will give your child the foundation to a healthy and happy life. Learn more at www.campjumpstart.com Camp Jump Start 3602 Lions Den Road Imperial, MO 63052 877-520-5867 www.campjumpstart.com
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Bone-on-Bone? Knee Replacement doesn’t have to be in your future!
http://tinyurl.com/y6uthwl8 If a doctor has told you that your knees are ‘bone-on-bone’ and a total or partial knee replacement is in your future, keep reading to learn what they might not have told you. So, what exactly does bone-on-bone mean? As cartilage in a joint deteriorates, the space between the bones decreases, the ends become closer together and there is less cushion between the bones that form the joints. When there is essentially no space left because of the loss of cartilage, the bones will rub against each other and this is what doctors are referring to when they say your joint is bone-on-bone. However, especially in knees, this diagnosis is not always 100% accurate. Narrowing of the space in the knee can also be attributed to damage of the meniscus. The best way to gauge joint space narrowing in the knees is by taking weight-bearing x-ray. Most people don’t have pain in their knees if they are sitting or lying down, so why take an x-ray in this position? If meniscal damage is suspected an MRI may be required to view the soft tissues within the knee better. Knee replacement is a common procedure in the US, with hundreds of thousands of these procedures being performed each year. With the acceptance of these procedures nationwide, you might be wondering why anyone would consider alternatives. Surgery of any kind has risks that range from scarring and infection to death. Add in the risks that accompany joint replacement, such as blood clots, infection, implant loosening, an increased risk in heart attack, possible allergies to the metal in an implant, and osteolysis- when plastic or metal fragments are released from the knee implant into the body. Patients that weigh more experience lower success rates with a higher likelihood of complications; and patients that are smokers are at higher risk for other complications such as infections and stroke. To avoid these risks, many people suffer through the pain they experience because they think that surgery is the only option available to them. (BUT IT’S NOT!) Pain doesn’t always go away after replacement surgeries; and most patients still have some level of pain after full recovery. Contributing factors to why so many patients still have pain include that sometimes x-ray results do not correspond to the level of pain that people experience and pain in the knee can be caused by other areas even if there is damage to the knee joint itself. Depending on the type of pain you experience nerve impingement in the lower back can refer to the knee, and for many patients there is not pain in the lower back- which means some doctors miss this as a possibility all together. Many people considering knee replacement are unaware of the commitment that these procedures require. Before knee replacement, be prepared to alter the layout of your home so that you can move freely with a walker or crutches and, if your home has stairs, a sleeping area will need to be set up on the main floor. Once you are done with surgery and back in your home you will need to undergo months of physical therapy and home exercises to regain the strength and mobility in your knee. For the remainder of your life any elective invasive procedure-including any dental work- you must take antibiotics (before, during and after) to avoid infection of the replaced joint due to the bacteria produced by these procedures. Because the implant does breakdown over time, you will need to avoid high impact activities like running, skiing, tennis, or other sports that could speed this process up and require a second surgery to be performed. This may be overwhelming or discouraging if you have been told you need knee replacement, but there is good news- stem cell and platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections can eliminate the need for knee replacement. These procedures use your own bodies stem cells and healing factors to reduce arthritis, repair meniscal tears or ligament damage, and improve joint stability. Our office works to determine the cause of your pain. We review imaging that you already have, send you for any other necessary imaging, and perform a physical exam to assess the function and stability of your joint. By taking the time to assess your condition and review the necessary testing we can more accurately determine if our procedures will benefit you. Our treatment protocols address the stability of the joint to increase the longevity of your results. If you would like to learn more about how these procedures work and if they would benefit you or someone you love, we offer informational seminars at our office that allow you to learn more about what we offer and why we are different. Call our office today (636) 272-8888 to reserve your spot at the next seminar or skip the seminar and schedule a no charge consultation and image review with our doctor. These procedures won’t work for every condition and, though it’s rare, surgery is the best option for some conditions. Don’t you owe it to yourself to call us to find out if you could benefit from these procedures? AOS 8633 Mexico Rd O'Fallon, MO 63366 (636) 272-8888 www.AvoidSurgery-STL.com
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Soak Up Vitamin D While You Still Can!
http://tinyurl.com/ybrz4lge As summer begins its inevitable dwindle into cooler nights and shorter days, it’s easy to forget that the sun’s potency is in full swing well into the fall. As your mind wanders watching the kids play soccer, you may find yourself wondering, how much sun is too much? Vitamin D is a unique nutrient, as it is formed in the skin by UV light. Most tissues in the body including brain, skin, breast, prostate and colon have Vitamin D receptors. Vitamin D deficiency is important for healthy bone metabolism, and decreased levels are associated with an increased risk of hypertension, autoimmune disorders including Type I Diabetes, and an increased risk of mortality from breast, colon, ovarian and prostate cancer. Additionally, Vitamin D is a necessary nutrient for the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. In women with PCOS, low levels of Vitamin D are associated with obesity as well as metabolic and endocrine disturbances. Vitamin D stimulates the expression of insulin receptors, contributing to balanced blood glucose levels which play a role in healthy hormone metabolism for men and women. Unfortunately, the UV light that provides the vitamin so essential to human health can also dramatically increase the risk of skin cancer at larger doses. So how do we know how much is too much? The answer, as you might expect, depends on each individual skin type, as well as latitude and time of year. Establishment of the minimum erythemal dose (MED), the minimal amount of sun exposure required to cause redness in the skin, can be a good indicator for some people, however there is evidence that this measurement is significantly less accurate in darker skin types. Once an individual's MED is known, exposure of the face, arms, hands and legs for 20-25% of that time should provide an adequate vitamin D dose. For example, if one develops a mild sunburn after 30 minutes of exposure, then exposure for 20-25% of that time (ie.: six to eight minutes) two to three times per week is adequate to satisfy the body’s vitamin D requirement. Keep in mind however that during the winter months at latitudes above the 35 parallel the sun is not at a sufficient angle to provide the adequate UV exposure. In some locations, this results in a short window of opportunity to produce vitamin D in the skin, and often inadequate stores of vitamin D to last throughout the winter. However, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer found in the US, and the largest controllable risk factor is sun or UV exposure. Long-term exposure to the sun, and allowing the sun to burn, can dramatically increase the risk of all forms of skin cancer. For this reason, the use of sunscreen has become widespread. Unfortunately, a sunscreen with an SPF of only 8 reduces the ability to produce vitamin D by 97.5%! Many sunscreens also contain xenoestrogens and other endocrine disrupting chemicals which are readily absorbed via the largest organ of the body, the skin. To find out how toxic or safe your sunscreen is, refer to the Environmental Working Group's Guide To Sunscreens. What to do? As with many things, the most reasonable way to navigate the vitamin D/sun exposure/skin cancer debate is to take heed of your individual MED to ensure judicious Vitamin D absorption, covering up before the skin starts to pink, using long sleeves and sunshades rather than sunscreen when available, and measuring serum vitamin D levels in the fall to ensure that stores are adequate before winter. If serum levels are insufficient, supplementation is warranted regardless of the season. Have questions? Give me a call 636-278-6561 Medicine Shoppe 505 Salt Lick Road. • Saint Peters, Missouri 63376
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CenterPointe Hospital Offers TMS Therapy A New Hope for Patients Diagnosed with Depression
http://tinyurl.com/y98p5da9 For those who have unsuccessfully battled depression while being treated with prescribed medications, CenterPointe Hospital offers hope in a noninvasive, advanced technology that may provide relief for individuals whose depression has not yet been effectively treated. TMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain and improve symptoms of depression. As an area leader in behavioral health treatments and services, CenterPointe Hospital provides TMS therapy to its continuum of treatment options for depression. The FDA-approved therapy is designed to help depressed individuals who have not achieved relief thru pharmacotherapy return to their routine activities and feel like themselves again. In some cases, individuals achieve full remission from their symptoms. TMS therapy targets the area of the brain rendered underactive by depression. Highly focused magnetic pulses pass painlessly through the skull and into the brain, non-invasively stimulating the target area. The technology used in TMS therapy is similar to MRI and has a long, documented history supporting its safety and use. During the four-to six-week treatment course, patients receive daily outpatient care in the comfort of a physician’s office, where each treatment lasts approximately 40 minutes. During therapy, the individual is alert and able to resume normal activities immediately afterward. TMS Therapy is covered by most commercial insurance plans and Medicare. For more information or to schedule an assessment, call 314-210-7508 TMS Line or 800-345-5407 Toll Free.   CenterPointe Hospital 4801 Weldon Spring Parkway St. Charles, MO 63304 www.CenterPointeHospital.com
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Care for the Caregiver
http://tinyurl.com/y74ufjbp By Denise Pott, LCSW - Assistance Home Care Anyone who has been a caregiver can tell you that it’s not an easy job. Caregiving can be both physically demanding and emotionally draining; caregivers can easily become overwhelmed. When a caregiver is stressed they may become less effective, creating a situation that is not ideal for them or for their loved one. For this reason, one of the cardinal rules for caregivers is to take care of themselves first. Unfortunately, this rule is often overlooked or ignored. The effects of caregiving on health and well-being have been studied for several decades. We have learned that a caregiving spouse between the ages of 66 and 96 who is experiencing mental or emotional strain has a risk of dying that is 63 percent higher than that of people the same age who are not caregivers. The physical demands of caregiving, long term stress, and the changes that come with aging put caregivers at risk for significant health problems and an earlier death. Older caregivers are not the only ones who are at risk. Baby boomers who are caregivers for their parents while simultaneously juggling work and raising adolescent children are at risk for depression, chronic illness, and a decline in their overall quality of life. But despite these risks, family caregivers of any age are less likely than non-caregivers to practice preventive healthcare and self-care behavior. Problems that are frequently reported include: - Sleep deprivation - Poor eating habits - Failure to exercise - Failure to stay in bed when ill - Postponement of or failure to make medical appointments for themselves Family caregivers are also at increased risk for depression and excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Caregiving can be an emotional roller coaster. Caring for a family member demonstrates love and commitment and can be very rewarding but exhaustion, worry, and continuous care demands are enormously stressful. While a caregiver can’t stop the impact of aging, illness or injury on someone they care for, but there is a great deal they can do to take responsibility for their personal well-being and to get their own needs met. Here are some things to consider if you are a caregiver... Remember, it is not selfish to focus on your own needs and desires when you are a caregiver—its an important part of the job. You are responsible for your own self-care. Here are some of the measures that a caregiver can take to begin caring for themselves. - Learn and use stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation, prayer, yoga, and/or Tai Chi. - Attend to your own healthcare needs. - Get proper rest and nutrition. - Exercise regularly, if only for 10 minutes at a time. - Participate in pleasant, nurturing activities, such as reading a good book or taking a warm bath. - Seek supportive counseling when you need it, or talk to a trusted counselor, friend, or pastor. - Identify and acknowledge your feelings, you have a right to ALL of them. - Change the negative ways you view situations. - Seek and accept the support of others. - Take time off without feeling guilty. At Assistance Home Care, we know how difficult life can be for a caregiver, and we focus on supporting the caregiver in their efforts. Taking a day, or even a few hours to get away and engage in a hobby or meaningful activity can make a world of difference in a caregiver’s stress level and outlook.   To learn more, please visit our website at www.assistanceathome.com Or call at one of our area offices: St. Louis • 314-631-1989 St. Charles • 636-724-4357 West County • 636-200-2909
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http://tinyurl.com/y9alyx6w By Dr. F. Jay Ohmes DDS, FAGD, LVIF, FIAPA More than 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders. These can range from snoring to the complete stoppage of breathing called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). SERIOUSNESS OF OSA Having obstructive sleep apnea means that you actually stop breathing multiple times during the night. The lack of oxygen to your brain jolts your body awake briefly so you can take the necessary breaths and then try to fall back into deeper sleep. These apneic episodes have very serious health ramifications and result in drastic drops in oxygen saturation, from 97% to as low as 60%. Your brain, heart and other organs are being starved of oxygen repeatedly throughout the night frequently at a rate of between 5-30 times per hour! The constant disruption of your sleep patterns means you are limiting the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the essential sleep stage that helps your body recover and recharge. The next day, your body compensates for its lack of rest, resulting in fatigue and poor productivity. During the day, your concentration is more easily broken and you suffer from daytime sleepiness and irritability. MOST COMMON HEALTH CONCERNS ASSOCIATED WITH UNTREATED OSA Car Accidents- a deadly side effect of excessive daytime sleepiness. People with untreated OSA are five times more likely to fall asleep behind the wheel. Heart Disease/Stroke- the low oxygen levels caused by obstructive sleep apnea stress the body, making sufferers of OSA more likely to have a heart attack or die in the middle of the night. The oxygen disruption makes it hard for your brain to regulate the flow of blood to arteries and to the brain itself. High Blood Pressure- frequent awakenings during the night cause hormonal systems to become hyperactive, which can result in a dangerous elevation in blood pressure. Sufferers already on blood pressure medications find it hard to regulate their medication. Weight Gain- obstructive sleep apnea presents a double-edge sword with obesity because fatty deposits in the neck block adequate breathing during sleep increasing the risk and severity of OSA. The lack of oxygen and proper sleep also cause the endocrine system to increase production of several hormones. Specifically, the hormone Cortisol which increases your appetite and the hormone Ghrelin which increases cravings for carbohydrates and sweets. In addition, with the deprivation of Stage 4 REM sleep, the body becomes deficient in the production of HGH, a hormone that helps maintain lean body mass. Type 2 Diabetes- since Type 2 diabetes is often brought on by obesity; up to 80% of diabetics also suffer from some form of obstructive sleep apnea. Research shows that sleep deprivation can be a contributing factor to insulin resistance, which is the body’s early warning system indicating susceptibility to Type 2 diabetes. Other Serious Health Concerns: depression, gastric reflux, insomnia, muscle pain, loss of short term memory, fibromyalgia, cardiac arrhythmias, intellectual deterioration, inefficient metabolism, severe anxiety, memory and concentration impairment, mood swings and impotence. TREATMENT OPTIONS Although OSA can create severe health impairments, treatment can prevent most of these risks. It is even possible to cut down on blood pressure medication because getting adequate rest can lower blood pressure. Treatment is crucial. Often times this means CPAP therapy, a machine that sits beside your bed or on your nightstand and applies positive airway pressure to the respiratory system to prevent apnea episodes. CPAP therapy has proven to be very effective in the treatment of OSA when used as prescribed. However, due to the invasive and obtrusive nature of CPAP therapy patient compliance is extremely poor, as low as 50%. As a result, industry leaders now accept dental appliance therapy as standard practice. In 2006, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommended that oral appliances be used as a first line of treatment for mild to moderate OSA. FDA approved appliances used to treat OSA work by advancing the mandible thus holding the jaw in a forward position. This creates more volume for the tongue and increases the free space in the back of the throat preventing upper airway tissues from obstructing and causing an apnea event. SCREENING FOR OSA AT THE DENTIST OFFICE An attentive and knowledgeable dentist is in a perfect position to screen for OSA because he can routinely visualize his patient’s oral cavity and upper airway which may show an anatomical predisposition for obstruction. Dentists that have been educated in the assessment of OSA are aware of the subjective signs and symptoms of OSA and can screen as part of dental and medical history updates. Additional screenings utilized in our office include home sleep testing (HST) and 3-dimensional radiography to assess both the nasal and oral airways. If you or your bed partner suffers from symptoms of OSA, please call us to learn more about how oral appliances can prevent potentially serious health conditions that occur as a result of sleep apnea. Dr. Jay Ohmes is experienced in all of the different sleep apnea oral appliances available. After a thorough sleep examination, Dr. Ohmes will explain which type of oral appliance will best suit you and why. All of Better Sleep StL’s oral appliances are completely custom fabricated from accurate digital models of your mouth and are thereby effective and easy to wear. Most patients find that it typically takes only a few nights to get used to wearing an oral appliance. Soon, you won’t ever want to sleep without it.   SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION WITH DR. F. JAY OHMES CALL 636-978-0226 OR VISIT WWW.BETTERSLEEPSTL.COM  
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http://tinyurl.com/yavbcs5e Pregnancies often are unintended. Currently, 45-62% of pregnancies are unintended. These pregnancies often result in increased preterm delivery, low birth weight, and abortion. Thus, contraceptive methods are available for pregnancy prevention. These methods include spermicide, condoms, withdrawal, sponge, combined hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices, implants, and sterilization. COMBINED HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES Combined hormonal contraceptives include birth control pills and patches. These formulations provide both estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen inhibits ovulation and progesterone thickens cervical mucus. As a result, only 6-12 pregnancies per 100 in a year are expected with the usage of combined hormonal contraceptives. CHC are available in multiple formulations and dosage amounts. Each regimen is unique to the individual, whether estrogenic, progesterone, or androgenic effect is necessary. It is always significant to ask about back-up protection upon other drug usage as well as any non-compliance. These medications can result in severe and non-severe side effects. Some of the most common initial side effects include bloating, nausea, headache, and weight gain. More severe effects potentiating the need for healthcare attention are unexplainable or excessive bleeding, abdominal cramping, elevated blood pressure, and leg pain. EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTIVES Combined hormonal tablets, progestin only, and anti-progestins are available as emergency contraceptives. Progestin only tablets contain levonorgestrel formulated as one tablet taken once or two tablets administered twelve hours apart and most effective within 72 hours of sexual intercourse. Anti-progestins of mifesprostone and ulipestel are effective within 120 hours. These therapies have an 86% efficacy rate and depending on formulation are over the counter. For example, levonorgestrel 1.5 mg is formulated as Plan B one step and approved over the counter for all women of child bearing age. INTRAUTERINE DEVICES Long-acting reversible contraceptives include copper IUD, levonorgestrel 52 mg-releasing IUD (Mirena), levonorgestrel 13.5 mg (Skyla), and levonorgestrel 52 mg (Liletta). Copper IUD has the longest duration of action of 10 years. Mirena provides protection for 5 years. Skyla and Liletta provide protection for 3 years. It is important to consider pain upon administration which is often alleviated by topical application of lidocaine. In addition, duration awareness is applicable for contraceptive timing. MISCELLANEOUS Diaphragm: Caya is single-size silicone diaphragm not requiring healthcare fitting. It is non-hormonal and easy to use. It is to remain in place for 6 hours after intercourse and with a spermicide. Diaphragm efficacy is rated as 18 pregnancies prevented out of 100 in a year. Sterilization methods such as hysteroscopy and vasectomy result in less than 1 in 100 women per year experiencing an unintended pregnancy. However, it is best to use back-up for 3 months following the procedure. Kimberly Hoff, Pharm D, BCPS, BCACP, CDE, MSMTM (636) 448-2695
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3 Things Nearly Everyone Can Do To Improve Their Allergies
http://tinyurl.com/qyoehwe Do you suffer from seasonal allergies like me (tree, grass, or weed pollen)? Then take notes on what we are about to cover and by all means ask me questions. What I will share with you took me over 20 years and a very expensive education to learn. I suppose ?Good things come to those who wait.? I began my battle with seasonal allergies at a young age like most sufferers. I?m sure you know what I am saying: constant sneezing, itchy watery eyes and scratchy or hoarse throat due to all the MUCOUS! This lasted a few months out of the year. As much as I enjoyed The Midwest?s Spring and Fall seasons it was dreadful at the same time to struggle for each breath because you are clogged with mucous. Thankfully by the end of this short story you will see what I realized would finally bring me REAL RELIEF. To combat the symptoms I did exactly what most people, and likely even you yourself, did. I began sucking down over-the-counter Benadryls. They worked well for a few hours, but often made me more tired. True ... I may have been able to breathe a little better but I would nearly fall asleep during classes in school and could just barely make it through the bad days. The next ?logical? step I took was to see my physician. What did the doctor do? Well you know ... what medical doctors most often do ... treat the symptoms related to your condition, not the root cause, by writing prescriptions. Allergy treatment is a prime example of this! You can spend a mint finding out the specific items you are allergic to and then instead of being taught how to change your allergic condition and eliminate your allergy you are given a drug to suppress symptoms. Do you think this allows you to get better or slowly get worse while you are enjoying mild to moderate relief? It?s a ?Bait & Switch? tactic that makes fat pockets for med/pharma and we just accept their ?recommendations? instead of taking a minute to consider if it makes sense. But don?t give up on me yet ... thankfully solutions were in my future! So ... back to our story. Of course, following information distributed by the pharmaceutical company ... my doctor prescribed the advertising darling of the time ... Dimetapp. It didn?t work for me. At all. Next prescription: Claritin. It worked better than Dimetapp, but not well enough to make me very happy about sucking down the drug each day. Back to the doctor for the next ?something better.? I went through the ?appropriate medical regimen? over these years moving on to the latest greatest drugs of Allegra and Zyrtec all sounding super promising and high-tech (best marketing money can buy)! Even though I didn?t like that I was taking drugs every day Zyrtec worked for me about as well as Benadryl but for a longer and with less tiredness. Since it worked decently for the few months of the year I needed it I stuck with that one for quite a few years. Then at age 22 I moved to Missouri and was told by my doctor ?Good luck because Missouri is awful for allergies!? I felt almost as if I never had taken allergy medicine. I mean what had I been doing for all these years. What had all this time, thought and money produced? All my symptoms were back. Red, itchy eyes, itchy skin, constant sneezing and runny nose. I am certain of 2 explanations for this: 1) The whole popular philosophy on treating allergies is designed only to sell and keep you buying products not teach you how to understand and reduce allergies. 2) When you use the drug method you are flooding your body with just enough chemicals to override your body?s processes. Simply put then a doctors only choice is more and more of the same as your body adapts to having the chemical present and it loses its effectiveness. You can imagine my frustration when I decided the evidence was just too great that I was going in circles ... caught in the run-around. I sat down to think this through and realized something. It seemed so unbelievably simple that it gave me that tight excited feeling in my chest. Some of you careful readers may already have figured out what I understood at that moment because I have already mentioned it in this article! The real way to handle allergies
What happens when you injure your ankle?
How about when you get cut, scraped or get bit by a bug?
What happens if we come into contact with a harmful chemical?
One common process our body uses in all these scenarios is your first line of defense ... INFLAMMATION. We will use the image with blue liquid in a glass to demonstrate what I figured out was my problem. Let?s say that the blue fluid represents your specific individual seasonal or otherwise inconsistent allergens that cause you grief. See your body is like the glass ... When it gets too much outside irritation poured into it you can be sure it overflows with symptoms (imagine pouring 10 glasses of water into one.) These symptoms have the job of notifying you there is too much foreign irritants in your body. So if you are like the glass on the left you still have a large capacity available to your body to handle additional sources of inflammation and ... no symptoms. However if you are already starting with the glass half-full, like the glass on the right, and then pour in the blue water you have a significantly smaller capacity for allergens and ... viola are more likely to get allergy symptoms before the next person. Doesn?t it make sense that when your body is overflowing with inflammation you would REMOVE something rather than add more drugs? Now admittedly there are a number of reasons I find people have chronic inflammation. Although, I don?t have the space to discuss all details here, I will give you some main ideas plus access to further resources on the Internet. The basic point is you have to clean your body out and get rid of the everyday irritation and inflammation so your body can handle the seasonal or otherwise inconsistent allergens with less misery! Ridding yourself of chronic inflammation
One of the top ways to rid yourself of excess toxins which breed inflammation is by a detoxifying cleanse (there are many types and they do not all do the same thing. http://deltaspinalcare.com/detoxify.html) See our bodies accumulate preservatives, pesticides and other synthetic toxic substances in small quantities so we don?t notice it day to day. But when we have accumulated enough ... watch out.
Another major culprit in this scenario is when your body?s fluid becomes chronically acidic. This causes non-stop inflammation. This problem is created by what we choose to eat and drink and such things as smoking and medications.
The third most common reason for chronic inflammation is poor sugar handling in a person?s body. Sugar once ingested can create mild to moderate inflammation for up to 72 hours. It can be very confusing when you feel bad 1-2 days after ?something you ate.? Reduce or eliminate your sugar and you will reduce your inflammation.
In consultations I hear from patients that the onset of symptoms is confusing because ?I didn?t do anything different. It just happened.? Well that?s exactly the problem because finally the consistency of eating the same toxic food, using the same toxic products at home or work and living or working around unhealthy environments catches up with us and one day we all of a sudden get sick because we can?t accumulate any more! The number of products on the market that contribute to our inflammation and allergies are numerous as are the wide array of choices for reversing them. By all means try to remove as many offending items from your daily life on your own. Just remember often the chemical mess our bodies are left in could use a helping hand. For more information or to fill out our online Allergy Symptom Questionnaire go to http://deltaspinalcare.com/allergies.html. Delta Spinal Care Holistic Health and Wellness Center 314-725-3358 www.deltaspinalcare.com
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21 Sun Salute Yoga & Wellness Symposium Announces Sponsors and Partners
http://tinyurl.com/yddzxfe6 Dandelion Yoga Productions & Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis To Host Benefit Yoga Event at World’s Fair Pavilion on Sunday, April 9th, 2017 ST. LOUIS - Dandelion Yoga Productions - in partnership with The Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis (DSAGSL) – is hosting its first ever 21 Sun Salute Yoga & Wellness Symposium on Sunday, April 9th, 2017 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the World’s Fair Pavilion in Forest Park, in order to celebrate and raise awareness for individuals with Down syndrome. The featured activity at the event is the 21 Sun Salutations yoga. Participants will gather under the arches of the pavilion for synchronized movement (whether on the yoga mat or in a chair) through 21 Sun Salutations while Kirtan music and singing Tibetan bowls (courtesy of Brad Smith and Pati Pellerito) carry the participants energetically, guided by various advanced-certified yoga instructors including the 98% blind yoga teacher, Natasha Baebler from U can Do YogaTM.  When finished with the 21 Sun Salutes, participants will relax and rest while Pati Pellerito performs an 8-minute “Gong Bath;” an opportunity to receive the cleansing effects and peaceful vibration of gong resonation after completing the 21 Sun Salutations. The Wellness Symposium portion of the overall event will offer many opportunities for all ages to enjoy various stations sponsored by local health and wellness organizations.  Participating Sponsors and Partner organizations include the following:
The Cycling Station supported by the Lydia Faith Cox Foundation, Maplewood Bicycle and Brainskinz Helmets
The Dance/Ballet/Jazz Station supported by Central Studio and Renee’s Dance Chesterfield
The “Wee-Ones” Station supported by the Midwest Music Therapy Program
The Weights Station supported by Iron Tribe Fitness
The Healthy Eating station supported by Frida’s Deli, 10% of profits from which go back to the cause
Additional support for the 21 Sun Salute event include K.A.R.E. Camp (Kindness, Action, Responsibilities, Education) and yoga studios including Big Bend Yoga in Webster, Sweet Peace Yoga in Kirkwood, Yoga Source in Richmond Heights, Prana Yoga in Des Peres, and Urban Breath in Maplewood to name a few.  Yoga mats,   T-shirts, Lularoe clothing, and crazy sox will be for sale.   A live and silent auction of local artists will be on display including a large Birds Doing Yoga piece by Chris Counts of Denver Colorado, and a piece by Type Tim Jordan. There will also be raffle baskets from The Delmar Loop, Kirkwood, City Sprouts and other organizations.   Thai massage, henna tattoo, face painting and balloon art will also be available. Event Sponsorship and Partnership are available until 4/2/17 – contact Michelle Abounader at 314-378-2986 for more information on how to participate as a Sponsor or Partner organization. Proceeds from this unique event help DSAGSL serve more than 1,700 children and adults with Down syndrome in our area. To participate in the Yoga & Wellness Symposium, DSAGSL and Dandelion Yoga Productions encourages the public to register online at www.21sunsalute.com prior to the event. A suggested donation to participate in the yoga session and activities is  $20 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under.  All ages and abilities welcome and encouraged to participate. For more information about the 21 Sun Salute event, please contact the DSAGSL office at 314-961-2504 or [email protected].  Or contact Michelle Abounader at 314-378-2986.  Information can also be found at www.dsagsl.org. About Down Syndrome 1 in 691 babies is born with Down syndrome, making Down syndrome the most commonly occurring genetic anomaly. With medical advances, appropriate education, and social acceptance, people with Down syndrome are capable of excelling in school, successful employment, independent living, and most importantly, being contributing members of society. About The Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis The Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis is a non-profit organization that works to benefit the lives of people with Down syndrome and their families through individual and family support, education, public awareness, and advocacy. We envision a community where all people with Down syndrome can achieve their full potential.
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Relating to a child with Asperger’s Syndrome
http://tinyurl.com/yccnznhm April is National Autism Awareness Month. Autism, or Asperger’s Syndrome, is on the increase. Here’s some advice on how to recognize and relate to someone with the condition. Individuals who have been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome are unique in that they usually demonstrate average or above-average intelligence, but they often have problems interacting with others. They tend to have difficulty relating to others, holding conversations, and understanding social cues. However, they want what every other person with a disability desires: to be accepted just as they are. It can be overwhelming whenever you first meet someone who has Asperger’s Syndrome, but with some basic knowledge and techniques, you can learn how to engage with him or her. What does Asperger’s Syndrome look like? Asperger’s Syndrome does not have any physical characteristics, so it is strictly a person’s behavior that indicates whether they have an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) such as Asperger’s Syndrome. According to WebMD, there are a few common behaviors that may point to an Asperger’s diagnosis. 1. Difficulty or inability to read others’ emotions. Someone’s tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language help most people distinguish how that person is feeling. An individual who has Asperger’s Syndrome may not understand basic social vocabulary. He or she may not be able to tell when another person is upset and might have difficulty detecting sarcastic tones. 2. Fascination with a particular subject. A person who has Asperger’s Syndrome will often have one particular subject that he or she becomes interested in, and this area of fascination might dominate most conversations with others. This is especially true of children because they have not yet learned to incorporate other topics while socializing with others.Have patience! Children with Asperger’s Syndrome will likely talk about one subject repeatedly. Try to engage at his or her level and to see eye-to-eye. If doing so is not appropriate for the situation, explain why it isn’t and help to steer the child towards a better conversation topic. A child or adult who has Asperger’s Syndrome wants to be understood, and a little effort will go a long way. Remember to be patient and to show interest in him or her whenever you interact. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to have a healthy relationship with a child who has Asperger’s Syndrome.Autism: The figures behind the story About 1 percent of the world population has autism spectrum disorder. Prevalence in the United States is estimated at 1 in 68 births. More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. Prevalence of autism in U.S. children increased by 119.4 percent from 2000 (1 in 150) to 2010 (1 in 68). Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability. Prevalence has increased by 6-15 percent each year from 2002 to 2010. Autism services cost U.S. citizens $236-262 billion annually. A majority of costs in the U.S. are in adult services – $175-196 billion, compared to $61-66 billion for children. Source: www.autism-society.org
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Sequoia Sciences Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for Vaccine for Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria
http://tinyurl.com/y8aqz7cu Non-Antibiotic Treatment Approach May Reduce the Development of Antibiotic Resistance and Promote Antibiotic Stewardship Sequoia Sciences announced it has received Fast Track Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its novel, investigational vaccine designed to treat recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. Fast Track Designation expedites the development and review of the vaccine through the U.S. regulatory process. Sequoia’s vaccine is designed to create an immune response preventing bacteria from colonizing the urinary tract, and it recently completed its first clinical trial in women. Of the 67 women enrolled in this first study, 30 had a two-year documented history of recurrent UTI. The vaccine was well-tolerated and generated a strong immune response.1 Based on the results of this first study, initiation of additional studies is ongoing including evaluating Sequoia’s vaccine in patients requiring last-line of defense antibiotics. In granting Fast Track status, the FDA acknowledges that recurrent UTI caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria is a serious condition for which there is an unmet medical need. “If approved, the vaccine could change the standard of care for recurrent UTI,” said Gary Eldridge, president and CEO, Sequoia Sciences. “Since UTI are a primary source of sepsis, decreasing recurrent UTI may ultimately drive down rates of hospitalization, sepsis and associated in-hospital mortality.” Recurrent UTI Are Increasing Antibiotic Resistance Antibiotics are the current standard of care for UTI patients, but repeated antibiotic use in this population contributes to the development of antibiotic resistance. Recurrent UTI patients frequently take daily antibiotics for one to four months or even longer. Each year, approximately 3 million patients in the U.S. and 10 million patients in North America, Europe and Japan experience recurrent UTI.2 It is estimated that about half of these patients have UTI caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.3 In a 2010 survey, 83 percent of urologists reported having administered intravenous antibiotics to recurrent UTI patients who were resistant to all available oral antibiotics.4 Antibiotic resistance among UTI patients has continued to increase. The North American Emerging Infections Network reported that about 80 percent of responding infectious disease physicians had treated a UTI caused by the most resistant bacteria, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE).5 Even more alarming, in 2016 CRE among patients in long-term care facilities was found to be more widespread than predicted.6 There are currently no FDA-approved therapies to specifically treat recurrent UTI. “Many of my patients with multidrug-resistant recurrent urinary tract infections have tried multiple antibiotics for years without success,” said Liz D’Antonio, CRNP, director of clinical research Anne Arundel Urology. “A vaccine presents a new approach that could offer new hope for these patients. We eagerly await the results of the next studies as it hopefully moves toward approval.” Antibiotic Resistance — A Global Health Threat Leading health care organizations, including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, World Health Organization and Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), have declared that antibiotic resistance is one of the most serious health threats facing the world.7 New rules requiring antibiotic stewardship programs in hospitals emphasize the need to use fewer antibiotics. Sequoia’s investigational vaccine, if approved by the FDA, may help reduce the use of antibiotics and address this growing health threat. About Sequoia Sciences Sequoia Sciences is a pharmaceutical company discovering and developing new medicines targeting bacterial infections and cancers. Our pipeline includes a vaccine for the treatment and prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections and compounds targeting infection and cancer. Forward-Looking Statements Some statements in this news release are, or may be considered forward-looking statements for purposes of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project” and similar expressions, among others, generally identify forward-looking statements. Sequoia Sciences cautions that these forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, challenges to intellectual property, competition from other products, difficulties inherent in the research and development process, adverse litigation or government action, and changes to laws and regulations applicable to our industry. 1 Sequoia Sciences’ Annual Report 2016. 2 2014 National Disease and Therapeutic Index (NDTI, IMS Health, Plymouth Meeting, PA). ICD9: 595.0; 595.9; 599.0; 597.8. 3 Sanchez et al. Antibiotic Resistance among Urinary Isolates from Female Outpatients in the United States in 2003 and 2012. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(5):2680-3; Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Europe 2014. Annual Report of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net). Stockholm: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; 2015. 4 Urologist UTI Survey. Sequoia Sciences, Inc. and HRA Research; 2010. 5 Trevino et al. Perceptions and behaviours of infectious diseases physicians when managing urinary tract infections due to MDR organisms. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2015;70(12):3397-3400. 6 Han et al. Epidemiology of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae in a Network of Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2017;64(7):839-44. 7 Ventola CL. The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis: Part 1: Causes and Threats. Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2015;40(4):277-83; World Health Organization Fact Sheets. [cited 2016 November 3]; Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs194/en/.
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Summer Is a Time for LOVE
http://tinyurl.com/y8wr4bsy By Christy Parks Summertime can be touch and go for relationships. Because like the weather, some summers are pleasant, relaxing and slightly off strict routine while other summers can be just dry. If they are pleasant and relaxing there is usually no issue, but if it is draught and scarce not all relationships make it out of the summer mode. Love in the Bible, as in our everyday usage, can be directed from person to person or from a person to things. When directed toward things, love means enjoying or taking pleasure in those things. But first we must recognize that love is all about God. By this we mean that love both originates in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus prays for Christians both present and future. He asks God to grant them continued unity and love even through the world’s inevitable hatred. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 says: 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. Biblical love is also sacrificial. This is communicated clearly through several biblical texts, specifically those that focus on the death of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. For example, Jesus said to his disciples, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”10 The very next day, he did just that. While his friends scattered, denying they even knew him11 and hiding in fear,12 Jesus endured, suffered, and died for them. Join us in August for our sermon series called “Love Is…” Each week we will be looking different scriptures in the Bible and the different kinds of love (Patience, Unconditional, Sacrificial, Contagious, and Protective). These different scriptures and kinds of love will be paired with movies from different genres such as:
Sound of Music
Hidden Figures
Fault In Our Stars
As we will see, the love for things and the dimensions of love for persons are richly illustrated in the Bible in so many different ways. SunRise O'Fallon Campus 7116 Twin Chimneys Blvd., O'Fallon MO 63368 (636) 978-2727 SunRise Wright City Campus 70 Bell Rd. , Wright City MO 63390 (636) 745-3271
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Miracle-Ear Enhances Quality of Life for St. Louis Resident
http://tinyurl.com/y8wc6q8j Miracle-Ear Foundation partners with Miracle-Ear of St. Louis to donate hearing aids Miracle-Ear® of St. Louis, a part of the nationwide hearing solution franchise, partnered with the Miracle-Ear Foundation to provide, Thelda Borisch, the gift of sound. Thelda, local resident, moved by herself from Ironton Missouri at the age of 15 to St. Louis City and has been independent eversince. She worked her life in multiple industries from retail to New Your Cheese Cake manufacturing. She retired a number of years ago and is thankful for her Social Security Income. Unfortunately, her Social Secuirty Income was not enough cover the cost of hearing instruments. Thelda was having difficulties understanding her family during family holiday gatherings like the recent 4th of July. She recalls several times where she missed out on family conversation and experienced a great deal of frustration. Her family often become frustrated with her because they were asked to repeat themselves multiple times. That’s when she received mail about testing for her hearing loss. She had tried a number of over the counter amplifiers but remained unsatisfied. The hearing test confirmed Thelda had a hearing loss in both ears and hearing aids were a viable solution. However, hearing aids were beyond her budget. Dan Davis, the Hearing Instrument Specialist, suggested she apply with the Miracle-Ear Foundation. Dan, helped her with her application and submitted it to the Foundation. Upon approval, Thelma was fit with donated hearing aids and gifted aftercare service for the rest of her life. In partnership with local franchisee, Tiffany Davis , and her staff, the Miracle-Ear Foundation, a Minneapolis-based non-profit organization, supports underserved adults and children across the country with their hearing healthcare needs. The Miracle-Ear Foundation, working with Miracle-Ear centers across the country, has donated more than 10,000 hearing aids to over 6,000 individuals nationwide, including the aids donated to Thelda. “We know that hearing loss lowers the quality of life for adults at any age,” said Tiffany Davis “When hearing loss goes undetected, it can lead to social isolation, strained relationships, and can even impact earning potential. That is why the staff at all 13 of our Miracle-Ear locations are happy to donate resources and time to enhance the lives of others.” “By giving me hearing aids, the Miracle-Ear Foundation has given me the ability to interact with the world around me,” said Thelda. “And not only did I receive free hearing aids, but Miracle-Ear encouraged Thelda to come in for regular follow-up care.” The local Miracle-Ear franchise has supported adults and children in St. Louis for many years, providing over 31 hearing aids to those in need. “We’re proud to support better hearing in our community,” said Tiffany Davis. “When given the chance to improve lives through the gift of sound, we want to ensure every St. Louis resident has the opportunity.” For more information about the Miracle-Ear Foundation visit www.miracle-earfoundation.org. About Miracle-Ear A trusted resource for hearing solutions for 65 years, Miracle-Ear uses state-of-the-art technology to remove the barriers of hearing loss. The Plymouth, Minnesota-based company specializes in customizable hearing solutions that feature discreet, comfortable products designed to meet each individual's hearing loss needs. Free hearing tests are available at all of the company's 1,200 franchised locations across the U.S. Franchise opportunities are available for those interested in running their own Miracle-Ear business with the support of a nationwide industry leader. For more information, visit www.miracle-ear.com.
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Helping the Future Look Bright
http://tinyurl.com/ybpllt22 Recently, a patient named Angie came into our office. She'd struggled with her vision for 40 years, and to Angie, we represented the last thread of hope that she had to be able to see the faces of her children and husband without being shackled by glasses or contacts. Angie's vision was very poor. When she read the Snellen eye chart (those letters on the wall that we all associate with the eye doctor), her vision was 20/400, which meant that her eyesight was worse than what the chart could measure. For Angie, it wasn't a numbers game. For as long as she could remember, her life has been impeded by glasses and contacts. She told me the story of how, when her daughters were younger, she would dress them in neon swimming suits when they went swimming. It wasn't to be fashionable; without her contacts or glasses, neither of which she could wear in the water, she couldn't tell which children were hers if they wore anything different. Several months ago, she and her husband decided to make laser vision correction a priority. They saved up and made an appointment with another St. Louis LASIK provider and made the three-hour drive from her southern Missouri home to come for their consult. I could feel the excitement and hope Angie must have had that day of her first LASIK consult as she shared her story with me. Then I felt her heartbreak as she told me how devastated she had been to learn that her corneas were too thin and her vision too impaired to undergo LASIK. Angie doesn't strike me as someone who cries easily, but tears streamed down her face that day as she climbed back into her car for the long ride home. Angie left her eye doctor that day with new resolve. She was not content to take "no" for an answer. She got online and found Brinton Vision, then called to make her appointment. To her delight, after extensive testing, she learned that she was a candidate for Visian ICL, or implantable contact lenses. She made an appointment for her Visian ICL surgery that same week. Angie's story is not unusual. Every week I see patients who have been told that they are not good candidates for LASIK. These patients have done their homework and realized that LASIK is only one of seven refractive procedures available. Other options - ASA, Raindrop inlay, Kamra inlay, RLE, Visian ICL, and SMILE - may, and often do work for them when LASIK does not. The problem is that these procedures involve significant investment in training and equipment by the surgeons who perform them. That means they usually aren't available in LASIK centers that offer discount prices and coupons. It also means that many eye doctors are not even aware that there are options right here in St. Louis. My personal philosophy is that my patients' vision is worth the investment. I followed in my grandfather's and my father's footsteps when I chose to go into ophthalmology, and was taught early on that, whatever I did with my life and my career, I have an obligation to do it with purpose, and to create a positive impact in people's lives. To that end, I've spent many years making sure I prepared to serve as best I could. Patients often tell me that those efforts and those ideals are evident when they walk into Brinton Vision. I take great pride in being the only refractive surgeon in Missouri to have the equipment, expertise, and experience to perform LASIK and all six of its modern variations. At the same time, I'm humbled by the thought that the things my staff and I accomplish each day change lives in profound ways. For Angie, Visian ICL surgery was, in her words, "life­changing." Within 15 minutes, years of struggling to see were replaced with nothing shy of sheer joy. She now has better than 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts. I cannot find the words to adequately describe how elated she was in the moments afterward - or the feeling of deep fulfillment that her success gives to me and to our staff. I am inspired by patients like her. Her journey to visual freedom has been hard-fought, and she refused to give up. Purpose is the most effective force in the world, and smiles are the greatest reward. Stories like Angie's renew my passion for my career every day. About Dr. Brinton If you are considering LASIK or refractive surgery, it’s good to know your eyes are in the best hands. Dr. Jason P. Brinton, MD is an internationally recognized specialist in the field of refractive surgery. He is a graduate of Harvard College, earned his medical doctorate from Harvard Medical School, and is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. He has been inducted to America’s Top Ophthalmologists by the Consumer Research Council of America, Leading Physicians of the World by the International Association of Healthcare Professionals, and Top Doctors in America by Castle Connolly. In 2015, he received global recognition as recipient of the Visian ICL Young Ophthalmologist Award in Barcelona, Spain, and in 2016 was named to Ocular Surgery News’ Premier Surgeon 300 Innovators in Refractive Cataract Surgery. He is a dedicated husband, father of four beautiful children, and is passionate about his life, his work, and service to others. Brinton Vision is located at 555 N. New Ballas Rd. in Creve Coeur. Visit brintonvision.com or call 314.375.2020.  
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Make Life a Little More ‘Hip’!
http://tinyurl.com/ybfacmpg Do you suffer from chronic hip pain with no relief from treatments you have tried? Has your doctor told you that you need a hip replacement? Are you hesitant to take that next step into surgery? Hip replacement surgery removes damaged or diseased parts of a hip joint and replaces them with new, man-made parts. While this surgery can relieve pain, the ultimate goal of replacement is to improve joint function and movement. Hip replacement is recommended for a wide variety of reasons; including rheumatoid arthritis-a chronic inflammatory disease that causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling- osteoarthritis, injuries, compressed nerves, and other problems. Surgery is a big step and many people put it off until they can’t live with the pain any more. With any surgical procedure there are risks involved, and with replacement there is added risk of implant failure, which results in additional surgeries. The most common possibility with replacements is a loosening of the components that have been implanted, which can occur with a fall or other injury to the area or it can occur over time. Another possibility, because a new component is being put into the body that is not designed specifically for each person, is friction from normal wear and activity can produce debris that can cause inflammation in the tissues around the joint, which results in pain in the area. Maybe it’s time for an alternative to surgery. The doctors and staff at Advanced Orthopedic Solutions offer a non-surgical, safe alternative to surgery that utilizes platelets from your own blood to rebuild the damaged tissues that are causing your pain. This treatment successfully stimulates the healing response to repair the damage, which relieves painful symptoms from the hip and other joints such as the knee and shoulder. Stem Cell Therapy is a new way to help the body heal itself, using the same process your body uses to heal a cut on your arm. These treatments are non-surgical, non-invasive and do not require the use of drugs. In many cases, they may eliminate the need for surgery all together. Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) uses the platelets from your own blood to help promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. Because joints do not have an active blood supply the healing factors in the blood cannot naturally get to damaged tissues to repair them after injury. Using PRP gives the natural healing factors the opportunity to access the damage and repair it. Make it your goal to educate yourself on all the options for improving your quality of life by scheduling a FREE consultation or joining us at one our FREE informational nights. Call (636) 272-8888 to schedule an appointment with the doctor to review your case or to find out the date of our next informational talk. AOS 8633 Mexico Rd O'Fallon, MO 63366 (636) 272-8888 www.AvoidSurgery-STL.com
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http://tinyurl.com/ybancrk8 By Jean Huelsing RN (Founder of Camp Jump Start®) The dog days of summer are here. With the unrelenting heat and humidity comes the risk of a potentially deadly malady—dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Scott was on the golf course when he collapsed at the 9th hole. Whenever he felt thirsty, he drank his beer to quench his thirst. What Scott did not understand is that your body depends on water to survive. All the cells in your body need water to function. What started as a headache soon escalated to dizziness, then stomach cramps, then Scott collapsed. Drinking fluids that contain caffeine or alcohol will only dry you out further because of the diuretic effect. What he needed was simply water. Even sports drinks can be dangerous. One bottle of a sport drink can contain 800mg of sodium which is more than half of your total daily requirement. If you eat a salty snack at the same time, high blood pressure can become a problem. So sport drinks should only be used when you participate in longer duration exercise or are exposed to heat for long periods of time. Half of your body weight is water, so it must be replenished continuously. Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body no longer has enough fluid to carry out its normal functions. If you do not replace lost fluids, you will get dehydrated. Dehydration can occur in any age group although it is more severe in the very young and the very old. It can be life threatening. During these hot muggy months it is especially important to drink a lot of fluids. Your body may overheat in the hot weather or while you are engaged in vigorous activity. Water should be the drink of choice as you attempt to replace these lost fluids. Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no set rule for how much water your body needs. Different people have different needs. The best way to know that you are hydrated is to look at your urine. If it is clear or light yellow then you are hydrated appropriately. If it is straw-colored or dark yellow then you need to drink more. If you are becoming dehydrated you will notice: - Little to no urine - Urine that is darker than usual - Dry mouth or cough - No tears when crying - Loss of appetite - Extreme thirst - Lightheadedness or dizziness - Headache - Flushed skin - Heat intolerance - Muscle cramps - Sleepiness or fatigue - Confusion Being outdoors on a high humidity day can complicate the situation. The main way the body gets rid of body heat is through sweat. As sweat evaporates, it cools the body down. Lots of sweating will decrease the body’s water level causing dehydration and may lead to heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is a heat-related illness that can occur after you've been exposed to high temperatures and if not caught in time may progress to heat stroke which is a life threatening condition. One of the signs of heat stroke is that a body will stop sweating. In a hot and humid climate looks can be deceiving. If the air is humid then it is saturated with water and evaporation will not occur. The body will look as though it is sweating when it is not. Therefore you must watch for the warning signs of dehydration and treat the conditions that you observe.
Drinking before you are thirsty is the best way to avoid dehydration. To avoid getting dehydrated:
Drink water before, during and after your workouts and meals.
Hydrate the day BEFORE if you plan prolonged outdoor or vigorous activity.
Thirst is typically a driving force when you are becoming dehydrated so buy a special water bottle and carry it with you every place you go.
If you do not like plain water, use herbs or slices of lemons, limes, strawberries, cucumber as flavoring.
Scott could have avoided his ambulance ride to the hospital had he understood dehydration.
So before you head outdoors in these dog days of summer, plan ahead. Drink water the day BEFORE you engage in prolonged outdoor activity. Determine your hydration by looking at the color of your urine. It should be clear or light yellow in appearance. Then, the morning of your activity, one to two hours prior to venturing out in the summer heat and humidity, drink 16 – 20 ounces of water to prepare for fluid loss. Keeping hydrated throughout all your summer adventures will make your time outdoors much more enjoyable. Drink Up! Camp Jump Start 3602 Lions Den Road Imperial, MO 63052 877-520-5867 www.campjumpstart.com
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