stolenfvces · 5 years
cont. with @kiingpanther
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      She looked at him with a confused expression.  She was only a princess in title  Tiana wasn’t in charge of any country.  She was a simple girl with a restaurant to run and that was it.  “I’m not sure what your people told you, Mr. T’Challa but I ain’t got no country to sign for.  All I have is Tiana’s Place and while it’s busier than a country sometimes, that don’t mean nothin’.  That country you’re lookin’ for is with Naveen’s parents and to be honest I don’t want any of that trouble.  I’m just a simple Bayou girl and that’s all.”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
cont. with @kiingpanther
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      “Because over sized hoodies are comfy.  You agree with me, otherwise this hoodie would fit you like a glove, but it doesn’t.”  Nala teased as they walked through the grassier parts of Wakanda.  Shuri had told her where to find him and she couldn’t help but laugh when she was told where to find him.  Seemed like not matter what kind or how close to it you actually are, big cats prefer to roam wide open spaces.  She preferred them as well, and laughed even harder when he dropped down from a tree where she assumed he’d been preforming some part of his workout.   “I don’t plan on leaving any time soon, so don’t worry your goofy shaped head.  As for my manners... I’m as refined as any lioness should be, but when I want something I know how to get it.” Her laughter drifted away with the wind as she offered him a wink.
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stolenfvces · 5 years
“why haven’t you been more active?”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
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“Unapologetically passionate and determined”
—Trinity Fatu
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stolenfvces · 5 years
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“The way I speak, the way I dress, the way I look, my features - everything about me showcases that I am an African-American woman, and I’m proud of that.”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
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stolenfvces · 5 years
Jacob flinched a little as his rescuer (??) dropped the clothes beside him, but Jacob sat up slowly to at least grab pants. He blinked up at her and fended off a wince as the sensory overload started up again. Even after…however long…some parts of his other side seemed to be bleeding through to regular hours. The smell of the candles, the room, assaulted his brain. It took everything Jacob could muster to not fall back over.
“…there a way to…to make it go away?” Jacob ventured once he could finally sit upright. “It’s too…too much, everythin’…”
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She sighed, as she got up and walked around blowing out the candles and turning up the flames in the oil lamps.  He must be very new if the sensations were still effecting him this much.  She remembered that, how it hurt to breathe some days and how you just wish everything would stop just long enough for you to gather your bearings.  It was a lot all at once and she could see he was still dealing with that, unfortunately.
“No, unfortunately for us, there’s nothing we can do.  This is it, the rest of our lives as double agents, so to speak.”  Jany shook her head giving him a sad sort of half smile.  “It’ll be that way for a while.  Wolves, our senses are high because we need them to be that way to survive.  It gets to be not so much after a... while but for right now every time you change you’ll be able to smell and hear everything and it’ll feel like a lot, but it does get better... easier.”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
Jacob yelped as he was scooped, thrashing briefly before being dumped on the bed. He whined briefly, but the stranger’s insistence she wanted to help - that she knew what he was - was enough for Jacob to rest his head on the bed and, this time, try to relax. Even if he was on some strange bed in some stranger’s house. He huffed again as time dragged on with no change - until Jacob felt a slow ache that began in his toes and crept up his limbs. With that slow ache, his paws extended back into feet and hands, shoulders and chest expanding as the fur faded. He gagged a little as his snout and fangs again became lips and teeth, and after those long moments Jacob was once again human. He shuddered briefly even as one hand tightened on the sheets, huddling inward slightly.
“…how can you…help?” Jacob finally mumbled once he was certain he had his voice back. “I…I can’t…”
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It was painful, it always would be.  Even for her sometimes it was the most painful thing she’d ever been through and it had been happening to her for thousands of years.  She leaned against the wall, watching as his body finally calmed itself enough to go back through the change.  She walked over to the closet and rummaged through it.  She always kept come kind of clothes for people just in case something like this ever happened.  Jany came back out and dropped the clothes on the bed next to him.
“I can help because this has been happening to me, almost my entire life.”  She walked over to him, standing over where he still laid huddled on the bed.  “You’re not alone, you don’t have to do this alone.  It’s a hard life to try and acclimate to alone.  I was alone and I had to figure it all out by myself.  I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone else.”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
Jacob loped along, marking the streets and eventually the house the strange person-wolf slipped into. It smelled of her, so clearly this was where she lived - luckily in Rooks territory, to boot. He did hesitate, though, when she slipped upstairs - and then hearing her real voice. When Jacob did head up to the landing and peered into her room he whined faintly. Here? With…whoever she was watching?!
He huffed slight protest, sitting firmly in the doorway. Besides, he didn’t know this woman! Why would he let her see him naked when Jacob ultimately changed back?! Jacob squared his shoulders as he took his stance.
Jany rolled her eyes.  The yellow in them glowing as she growled lowly.  Her mouth changed only slightly baring the sharp wolf teeth, before she composed herself and stood up from the bed.  She walked over to where he was sitting in the door and without much effort hefted him into her arms.  “If you bite me, it’ll be the last thing you ever do in this world.”  She stated firmly before dropping him in the middle of the bed.  “I’m trying to help you, so just do what I say or you’ll stay this way for longer than you really want to and after a while it gets hard to decipher human from wolf.  So don’t move or I’ll clip your ears.”  Her voice was stern as she walked around the room.
She dimmed a few of the oil lamps and lit a few candles trying to set a calming mood for the wolf in the room.  “I don’t really care about seeing you naked if that’s your issue.  You’re not the first nor are you the last wolf I’ve helped.  Beside the point, I’m not here to gawk.  I just want to help.”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
“Are you as cold as you seem or do you always walk around like you own the place?”
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“I don’t just walk around like I own the place. I do own the place, Stefan.  It’s everyone else who should get with the program.”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
Jacob couldn’t help the annoyed growl that rose from his throat, but it shifted to a whine again as the other wolf began to trot away. After a few moments, though, Jacob managed to rise to his paws and started loping after her - following her scent rather than by sight. Better in the (inevitable) event he tripped over his unfamiliar paws. Multiple times.
But he followed. Jacob didn’t know how he could change back, not after being set off in broad daylight. Better to figure out how than be stuck like this for another day.
She turned her head, shaking it as she turned back.  Jany knew he would follow, the way he seemed so frightened clued her in to part of his problem.  He’d never be able to change back while he was in such a state.  She trotted a long, taking a few alley’s not wanting to make the other nervous by spending too much time in the openness of the streets.
Finally the reached her home and she motioned her head for him to follow around back.  She had left her door cracked and she nosed her way in, allowing the dark colored wolf to join her before she stood up on her hind legs to push at the door until it closed.  Trotting past him she motioned with her head for him to follow her into the living room and then out of it, up some stairs and into her bedroom.  She nosed that door open too.  “Give me a second?”  She trotted into her closet and sat down and in a few moments she had gone from wolf back to human.  Pulling on some clothes she walked out.  “Come on, new guy, up on the bed please?  If you don’t calm down you’ll never change back and if you do while you’re still so nervous and anxious it’ll be painful, very painful.  So I’m gonna close the blinds and light some candle and you’re goign to get up on the bed and relax.  You’re safe here with me.  No one can hurt you, I won’t hurt you, all you need to do is really picture yourself changing back.  Think about who you are and feel that until you can feel yourself changing.  But as long as you’re so anxious it won’t work.”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
Jacob snuffled at the other wolf approached, even pushing its - her? - nose toward him. The sort-of-words worked through the panic, though so far it did nothing to shake…whatever had started the…changing. Again.
But his limbs reluctantly untucked, and Jacob glanced up at the other wolf nervously - dark hazel eyes a gold-amber in the half light - as he went from huddling to half-sitting. He huffed miserably as he finally glanced away from her. He did need the help, but Jacob hated admitting as much. Especially…like this. He just…wanted to be normal again! Himself, not…not this.
Jany laughed, it coming out as a huffing soft bark.  The way he glanced away from her let her know that he wasn’t about to admit freely that he needed the help she was offering.  Her own eyes glinted in the moonlight that was vaguely covered by the top of the building they were behind.
She licked her jowls again, a wolfy grin appearing that showed all of her teeth.  “If you want my help you’ll follow me, if not, then you’ll figure out how to go back all by yourself I’m sure.”  Jany gave a huff and with both her tail and snoot in the air she began to trot out of the alley.
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stolenfvces · 5 years
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Do you swear to uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand? And never to share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work?  And to do so from now until death - whatever the cost?  Then we welcome you into our fold. You are now a Templar, harbinger of a New World. May the Father of Understanding guide us.
Name: Elena Petrova Species: Vampire Born: June 22, 1479 Died: 1497 Age: 18/540 Alignment: Templar
When Elena was a young girl her family moved from Bulgaria to Florence, just at the height of the Italian Renaissance.  She had always been a girl of dream and ambition but her family was one of tradition.  She loved all the art and the beautiful surroundings, spending lots of time just walking the streets and enjoying the vendors.  Her family had other plans for her, marrying her off when she was just 16 to a man who was very abusive.  She tried to plead with her family telling them what was going on but no physical evidence to show them she was forced to stay in a loveless marriage.  By the time she was 18 she had started up a romance with someone else while her husband had joined the war and not soon after her lover revealed himself to be a vampire.  She thought these creatures only existed in fable and legends but one night he showed her and offered her his life style.  She accepted and was turned.  When her husband returned she killed him, making it look like an accident and playing the grieving widow perfectly.  Time moved on and so did she, leaving her family in Florence and moving to Rome with her lover.  He showed her the beauty of Roma, as the Renaissance ended and the Inquisitions started her lover told her of a secret society known only as The Templar Order.  He had become a member and was leaving her to set on the orders he had received.  Distraught by his ease of throwing her away for power over the love that they had built, she took the advice he had given her ages ago and flipped a switch inside of her.  Just before he was set to leave she tricked him and killed him.  Stealing his orders she rode his mission instead.  The artifact she found resembled that of an apple, and off she went to the place he was to deliver it.  She was almost killed but when she told the others what she had seen and heard, as well as producing the artifact they stayed their weapons, for the time being.  She would prove herself.  An empty shell of a woman devoid of emotions but with skill and teachings she was forged into a weapon.  However the time came where they began to notice her aging and so she managed to fake her death, moving on and on each time it became noticeable that she still looked the same after so many years.
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stolenfvces · 5 years
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Rustic Werewolf Aesthetic
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stolenfvces · 5 years
Jacob started as he smelled…something. Some instinct told him it was a good smell, but he remained wary as the wolf appeared. What he wasn’t expecting was understanding the other beast - or the concern. He tensed, just barely keeping himself from bolting. There was nowhere to go, after all.
He whined softly as he repacked himself into a corner, tail  - tail, he still was getting used to that - tucking between his back legs. Why couldn’t he turn back, why…
Jany watched the wolf tuck into himself trying to be as small as possible.  Whoever it was, was afraid.  She could tell by the whining and the way he tucked his tail between his legs.  She cautiously moved forward, nose to the ground as she began sniffling at him to suss out if he was hurt.  The smell of him was strong that let her know that he was new, and the fear he was radiating was bolstering that scent.  With a soft whine she nosed at him gently hoping he wouldn’t respond in a negative way.
“I won’t hurt you.  I can help you.”  She made a soft huff, nosing at him gently again.  “You’re very afraid... let me help you?”
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stolenfvces · 5 years
REBLOG if you’re a: “MULTI-MUSE” roleplay blog
Tumblr’s search engines & tag systems are a BUST. Let’s get a network going!!!
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stolenfvces · 5 years
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Jany hadn’t been in London long but she had already decided she’d rather stay for a while.  Despite her aversion to people she found if you stayed in the right place there weren’t very many.  It lent her the option to change if she wanted to, and tonight was one of those nights.  She had been prowling the alley’s and watching over the children she’d found there.  Normally she wouldn’t bother but she’d seen the state of London’s children and she was appalled, even for a woman who didn’t much care for the human race as it was.
Jany trotted her way down an alley when her nose caught a familiar scent.  She licked her jowls, as she continued sniffing the air.  The familiar scent of another wolf, one of her own kind.  She was the first of her kind and considered herself a mother to all of those like her.  She sniffed the ground snoot close to the pavement until she heard the sound of soft whimpers.  They were coming from a huddled mass.  She made a whining noise, followed by a soft bark as she moved closer, not wanting to spook the wolf.  “Are you hurt?” Her being the first gave her the unique ability to be able to speak to other wolves while they were still in their wolf form and she in hers.
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