In season 10, due to everything going on with the water, all the hermits have become some sort of aquatic hybrid. Tango has become part electric eel and really does not appreciate his new electrical abilities messing up his redstone.
- headc-anon
"When I said your abilities were shocking, I didn't mean literally shock me."
Zedaph's hair and wool sticks up in all directions, singed at the edges and glaring at him. Tango winces. "Is this the thanks I get for helping you with your redstone?!"
"I didn't mean to, it's kind of out of control!"
Zedaph tries to brush his hair down, to no avail. "Well control it harder!"
"You try being a- wait a minute," Tango stops, squinting. "What did you turn into? The water magificated everyone, why are you still a sheep?" Zedaph snorts.
"Oh Tango, do you never learn?" He says, shaking his head. "When was the last time I ever joined in on server-wide magic?"
Zedaph beams, "If I don't want something to happen to me, it simply doesn't!"
Tango blinks.
"So... You wanted to be shocked by my redstone."
"That's not what that means!"
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stonebrick-silverfish · 6 months
"how did the guy with no friends win" is fucking me up because. that's the point. that's the truth that lies at the centre of the life series. if you want to win, you can't let yourself get too attached to anyone, because you'll just have to kill them anyway. that's the pact that was made in the very first season in a bloody circle on the sand. you can't bring anyone with you, not unless you want to look in their eyes and see the betrayal - or, perhaps worse, understanding - there when you kill them. nobody wins the life series with friends. nobody wins the life series.
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stonebrick-silverfish · 8 months
Happy Halloween Zain! Turnabout’s fair play >;3€
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Trick or Treat, Zain :)
Awash in bliss, the zealot built. Redstone and blocks flowed from his hands as though he created them himself, though he knew they were a blessing from the sun. Blessed! He was blessed, truly.
Something stuttered. A few blocks he placed were wrong. He broke them and tried again, but still, they were wrong.
Irritated, he turned to look at what was disrupting his work. What wrench was this in his perfect gears?
It was a body.
A rare thing, but not impossible. 
He landed on the ground next to it, the first time his feet had touched the ground in days. Months. Years. 
The corpse would only take up two blocks. The zealot’s plan changed around the corpse, forming around it like a pearl around a grain of sand. The red light would make concessions.
His shoe caught on the corpse’s red sweater. Annoyed, the zealot shook it off and rose into the air again.
Someone screamed.
How beautiful it all is! the zealot thought. How beautiful! He smiled happily, dumbly. How flexible, how amenable was the sun!
As he continued, he found a different corpse. He only allowed himself to be annoyed for a moment. The change was faster now, and his path swerved to avoid it. He barely had a chance to notice the cracked mechanical green eye.
Something felt tight in the zealot’s chest.
How lucky am I! he thought. To live in a world where the sun will never set!
How many corpses were there? As he kept moving, they kept getting in his way. A shock of yellow hair. Curled goat horns. A pink jacket. More than five, more than ten. Green armor. A striped shirt. A metal arm. This would disrupt an entire segment of the design, but the red light smoothed over any worry, any distress.
Why was it so hard to breathe?
It was all part of the grand design. It would all work out. They would be entombed in the machine, hidden from view. They would not be a blemish on the world for much longer. They would be as much a part of it as the zealot now was.
The light seemed to sparkle as it reflected off the bloodstained quartz.
A tear tracked down the zealot’s cheek. 
How lucky they are! To stay here forever, a part of this beautiful, beautiful creation!
The tears continued to fall. He ignored them. After all, he had work to do.
Someone was sobbing. He ignored that too.
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stonebrick-silverfish · 9 months
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tango made a joke on his stream about releasing gem into the dungeon on deadly mode and/or having her be in the victory room and i kinda agree, so i made a ravagem skin
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stonebrick-silverfish · 10 months
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twilight forest soups based on zloy's twilight forest video because i love it so much
in order: naga scale chowder, lich bone broth, cream of minoshroom, hydra haunch consommé, phantom knight protein shake, alpha yeti broth, ice queen gazpacho, and ur-ghast bisque!
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is zedaph really about to get involved in a war? ZED??
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Grian jumped when he heard the knock on his door. He went over to open it, and found Impulse waiting for him.
“Hi, Grian,” Impulse said.
“Hey, Impulse!” Grian said. “What’s going on?”
“This isn’t actually a social visit, unfortunately,” Impulse said. “I’m here from the Hermit HOA.”
“There’s a Hermit HOA?”
“Well, yeah,” Impulse said. “A few of us were talking, and we realized we needed some better organization around these things.”
“What does this HOA want?” Grian asked suspiciously.
“Well, some of us have been a little worried about the… uh… backofyourbase,” Impulse rushed.
“The what now?” Grian asked.
“I don’t really want to be the one to tell you this,” Impulse said. “Give me a second.”
Impulse sprinted out of Grian’s door, leaving it open. A second later, Gem appeared in the frame, pushing Impulse back in.
“Grian, you need to finish the back of your base,” Gem said.
“I did!” Grian insisted.
“I don’t think a big smiley face counts,” Impulse said.
“It definitely doesn’t,” Gem said.
“Did you bring Gem to be the bad cop?” Grian asked.
“Technically, I brought him as the good cop,” Gem corrected.
“Fair enough.”
“Stop right there!” A man said. The hero of the downtrodden, defender of the gays, and some guy from Nashville, Joe Hills himself, invited himself into Grian’s home. “HOAs are predatory enough! We will not stand for one here on Hermitcraft! As long as there is life in my body and blood in my blocky veins, Hermits shall have their freedom from the tyranny of Homeowners’ Associations!”
“Joe, we’re doing this because Grian really needs to finish the back of his base,” Gem said.
“Oh, is that what this is?” Joe asked. “My bad. Grian, you really should finish the back already. Still, homeowners’ associations do tend to be a net negative, and I’m not the biggest fan, so maybe pick a different way to go about this, guys.”
"We’ll workshop it,” Impulse promised.
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All the noise from the polls reminded me I had an old Dominion SMP sketch kicking around that I never posted. I threw some quick colors on it to tidy it up a little, but the uncolored sketch is under the cut.
But really Legundo? A claw machine? That’s gotta be the least dignified way to sell your soul in existence.
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Mumbo logs into hermitcraft in a padded suit, prepared to be knocked over at supersonic speed. Only to stand there for a few minutes and have Grian, slowly and calmly, walk up and ask how his trip was.
Mumbo is then convinced Grian is not Grian.
anon this make a genuinely hilarious fanfic like grian is so desperately trying to act Totally Normal about mumbo that mumbo thinks something is wrong with him. he begins to wonder if grian is sick, or has been replaced with a clone, or maybe even that grian didn't miss him much :( so he begins trying to solve this mystery and poke around because the best option here is clearly that grian has been replaced with an imposter (amongus ref...intended...) and then he finally stumbles onto the shrine. grian was following him because now HE thinks MUMBO is acting weird, and then sees that mumbo has seen the shrine. and grian is like I DIDNT WANT TO YOU TO SEE THAT IT'S WEIRD IM SORRY
and mumbo just hugs him like OH THANK GOD YOU'RE ACTING NORMAL AGAIN
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ive started a trend on the server im on with the other hawks where ill fancify a tree and name it after a fixxiverse character
so far we have fredison (fred + somebody suggested edison as a name so i combined them), then xeno named one CAL, and now there's hank and edwin. and there'll be a dohan eventually
also i logged on today and CAL tree is covered in player and salmon heads and surrounded by redstone ""blood"". we don't know where the blood came from.
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E/HC!Gem: oh my god, I can't let my friends know I LARP! That's so embarrassing!
HC!False: oh my god, I can't let my friends know I've molded a sentient version of myself like a piece of clay and got rid of her memories, making her paranoid of the world around her and unsure of why all these surreal things happen to her. That's so embarrassing!
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The fundamental problem with Scar and Grian when it comes to forming alliances is a difference of expectations. Grian is a tactician. He assumes that in a war or a big multiplayer game, you need to get yourself a loyal team. Anybody who is on your team is your buddy, anybody who isn't on your team is your enemy. That is the only way to win. Anybody who won't pick a side is not to be trusted, and he is surprised and annoyed if someone won't make their allegiances clear.
Scar, on the other hand, is a diplomat. He never thinks about forming a team because his assumption is that everyone he meets is going to be nice to him. His charisma is high enough that this is true way more often than not. Even when he is being a chaos gremlin, he tends to get away with it for much longer than he probably ought to because he is funny and charming and just a little bit intimidating. He doesn't consider people he makes deals with to be teammates because he doesn't see the world in terms of teams, but as a network of shifting relationships. He is surprised and annoyed when the web starts getting sticky, with various friends starting to want him to fight other friends.
Grian believes that loyalty deserves loyalty, and that if you are someone's teammate you protect each other no matter how you feel. Scar believes that friendship is what it is, and that relationships can ebb and flow with time and circumstance. Note that in Third Life, newly-red Scar seeks to reestablish a friendship rather than confirm that Grian is still loyal to him, and that in Double Life, Grian justifies his secret soulmate by rationalizing that the relationship will in the end also benefit Scar by keeping them safe. Note also that in Last Life and Double Life Scar wanted to live alone but work together and Grian was not at all on board with that because you can trade and borrow and joke from separate bases but you can't really protect one another.
There is always going to be friction in their alliances because Scar wants a buddy and Grian wants a teammate and those two things are not always compatible at all. It's going to be the same thing with Hermitopia because the more Grian tries to loop Scar into the team, the harder Scar is going to fight to get away, while at the same time Scar is very unlikely to actually take sides against the Hermits because they are his friends. Neither of them can get what they want from each other because neither of them have figured out how to make the other understand what it actually is.
Maybe they need another panda sanctuary. I hear that's good for communication.
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Congrats on the first crack in the cycle, Legundo!
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do you ever think about how grady probably can't actually eat watermelon
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Movie night with the HopperHawks, thanks @vhscrow for commissioning me to draw you and your friend.
my art tag |  @vhscrow | @patheticnyas | @cheshire-vex | @autisticlalna | @bewildercraft | @betweenlands​ |  @stonebrick-silverfish​
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in which “oh that’s why solar uploaded numerology to ao3, huh”
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