storiesbreathed · 2 hours
consent is sexy ! - includes a mix of povs
can i help you out of that?
do you want this, too?
how do you like this?
how do you want it?
can we try something new?
keep doing that.
does that sound good to you?
please touch me.
what if i [insert act here]? would you like that?
you like that, don’t you?
i’d love to try that. what do you think?
hold on to this if you want me to keep going.
drop this if you want to stop.
show me what you like.
may i..?
do you want to be inside me?
do you want to feel how [hard/wet] i am for you?
wanna go down on me?
can i go down on you?
is this okay?
are you okay?
i want to kiss you. can i kiss you?
we can stop if you need to, okay?
please don’t stop.
can i kiss you here?
please kiss me there.
i’m so turned on right now.
i love when you do that.
i can’t get enough of you.
tell me how much you like this.
tell me what you want.
hey, i need you to look at me and tell me if you’re okay.
can you touch me like this?
can we try this tonight?
i won’t do this unless you want it.
you can kiss me.
please kiss me.
please touch me.
are you into this?
you look like you need to stop, do you?
i need to take a breath.
you don’t have to be gentle with me.
can i watch?
i just want to kiss right now.
i don’t really want to do anything tonight.
is it okay if we don’t tonight?
do we need a break? 
are you still okay? 
does this feel good?
i can take more.
more, please.
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storiesbreathed · 10 hours
a selection of some of my favorite underrepresented situations and actions for one of my favorite tropes! feel free to add + REVERSE to any of the prompts to change the situation and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.  
CRADLE : sender picks up the injured / unconscious receiver and holds them close to their chest, carrying them to safety. 
GUARDIAN : facing down a threat, sender pushes receiver back with an arm, moving to stand in front of them and protecting them with their own body.
TENDER : receiver wakes up to sender caressing them gently; a hand carding through their hair, brushing hair off their forehead, a hand on their cheek, a thumb swiping under their eye.
SHELTER : seeing a threat barreling toward them (such as a storm, the shockwave from an explosion, or a building they’re in collapsing), sender holds the injured / incapacitated receiver close, turning their back to the threat to bear the brunt of the impact instead of the receiver.
FLICKER : sender thinks they’re too late to save receiver and begins to mourn them / sinks in defeat and grief, holding them close, only to find through a simple action (a cough, a twitch of a hand, a murmured word) that they haven’t left them after all. 
DELIRIUM : receiver wakes up to sender’s relief, only for receiver to not believe it’s really sender (that they’re imagining sender or that they don’t think sender would come for them) or that they’re finally safe. 
CONCEAL : both muses have been injured or have fallen ill, though sender keeps their injury / illness secret in favor of taking care of receiver. however, as receiver gets better, sender’s injury / illness worsens from lack of care, and they wind up collapsing, their injury / illness fully revealed. 
GUIDE : sender has been injured, but their skills are needed to help with the muses’ current situation (an escape plan, tending a wound, or diffusing a weapon, for example). sender has to walk receiver through the procedure, all the while trying to stay conscious. 
SAVIOR : receiver is at the mercy of a threat, and all seems lost, only for sender to suddenly burst in and come to their rescue, bearing weapons and all the protective spirit they can muster, to the relief / confusion / anger of receiver. 
LAST RESORT : injured / sick and alone after an encounter with a threat or a run-in with a dangerous situation, sender finds themself at receiver’s door, coming to them because they have nowhere else to go.
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storiesbreathed · 19 hours
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that's why it's called a leap of faith ( © )
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storiesbreathed · 19 hours
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storiesbreathed · 19 hours
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Challengers (2024) dir. Luca Guadagnino
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storiesbreathed · 1 day
⤏ send me “plots please”
… and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections  I can think of for our muses!   There is  no pressure  for us to write any of them,   but it’s a great starting point for you to get a sense of how I think our muses might interact and what sorts of plots I’m most interested in happening between them  -  so don’t be shy!
for multimuse blogs make sure to specify who you’re looking to plot with
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storiesbreathed · 1 day
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
if you can’t see the symbol send kiss.
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storiesbreathed · 1 day
“Gregory could only smile. Two bigger fools in love had yet to be born. It was endearing to watch…”
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Julia Quinn, On the Way to the Wedding (Bridgertons, #7)
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storiesbreathed · 1 day
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── little things about the mun !
i'm over 5'5 ( i'm 5'9 or so! ) / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair ( i had natural dirty blonde hair but ive been dying it since i was thirteen so its now a great mess of several colors ) / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or more piercings / i have at least one or more tattoos / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports ( i played volleyball in middle school and was the laughing stock of the jv team BUT. honestly have never liked sports so it’s fine ) / i play an instrument ( i know piano and ukulele, and also played flute for five years but haven’t touched it for about ten years, though i have been thinking about trying to pick it up again ) / i know more than one language ( i know a bit of spanish from from taking it in high school, wouldn’t say enough to know but i would like to relearn and also hope to learn asl! ) / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask ( depends on the day ) / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child( i have a younger brother! )
tagged by: @whatscanon tagging: @lastblues ; @forwardmoved ; @thrillor ; @hatchetsfield ; @notefinal ; @stubborngods ; @ldyinsilver ; @zoophagist & you! steal it! tag me!
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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she should be used to this all by now, she’s so close to being done with all of this, after all, only having to get through this ball but it feels like the world is spinning around her. everything is far too loud- the music, the sound of the people just a few steps away from her, far too close when she wants, no needs to be away from anything and everything else. disgust fills her as she watches these people, over indulgent and cruel, staring at her with these cold, mocking glance, or like they are waiting for her to crumble--- she hates that it is enough to make her feel as though she might, but she does not give them the satisfaction of seeing her.
one hand covers her ears, the other digging her nails into the palm of her hand, wanting to keep an ear out, wanting to catch anyone who might be approaching. the last person she expects to find as she turns upon hearing steps is finnick, a sort of ease filling her just by seeing the familiar face.
if he’s saying something, she can’t hear him properly, nor is she looking at his lips, eyes instead locking onto his, hands outstretched with no expectation for him to take them--- but he does, and annie finds herself letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding, shaking hands fiddling with fingers as she lets her eyes close.
" i... i just want to go home. " it's a silly complaint, she knows. they are so close to going home. she just has to get through this. then it's back to four. there will be another dinner, but at least the air will smell of the sea. at least she can flee from there and sit on the beach. yes, it's only a few more hours now, so she feels foolish but she trusts finnick. finnick who is one of two people she has left and finnick who she knows will not judge her. still her voice is a whisper, not wanting anyone else to hear. " i don't... i don't know how to do this. i don't know what to do. "
@thrillor, finnick twines his fingers with annie’s
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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when she herself was not in the workshop or snooping through their parents old adventuring gear, leona found herself planning on all the things she can do the minute that her parents decide she is old enough to flee whitestone. she loved home, she doesn’t express it enough, but just as strong as that love is is this desire to roam, to see, to create while she does so. the very first step in doing so is to wander just on a day trip as far outside whitestone as she can get- and there’s no one she’d rather make that trip with than vesper.
“ i do not know and that is the whole point! ” she turned back to them with a wicked grin. “ don’t you ever get bored of it ves? don’t you ever just want to see something you’ve never seen before?! don’t you think it will strike this inspiration within you that you haven’t felt ever before?! ”
@storiesbreathed asked: for an action / adventure starter . leona & vesper!
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when their sister had burst into the family workshop to demand beg ask for their immediate attention elsewhere, vesper almost told leona to go away. except they were better than that - and they didn't quite feel like a lecture from their mother about how they needed to be nicer to their siblings even when they were busy, and this experiment wasn't going to finish itself - which was exactly why they were currently being dragged across the grounds of whitestone keep and into the forest beyond. " leo, where are we going? i thought this was supposed to be important. " they couldn't even see the keep behind them anymore. vesper longed to be back downstairs in the workshop more and more with every step they took. " you do know where we're going, right? "
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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it happened out of nowhere, or well… her exhaustion she had woken with, though assumed it was from delving too much far too late into her research. the intensity of her exhaustion growing rapidly, though? nothing she thought a strong cup of tea wouldn’t fix. the moment she realized that something was properly wrong when the effort had turned her whole world black and sent her falling backwards, the cup in her hand having fell and shattered as she had.
what followed was deliriousness, not being able to tell when she was asleep and when she was awake, her body clinging onto sleep with a vice grip. @stubborngods whispers ❛ i love you. no matter what happens, don’t ever forget that. ❜ and something in her ( her heart? her soul? ) clung onto those words and willed her eyes open to look onto her husband’s hand reaching to try and find his.
“ i know it and i love you, though i also know you need not talk as though i am leaving you. i am not. ” a weak smiled formed on her lips, tired look in her eyes that she didn’t dare hide, though she did try to hide her struggle to sit, a mumbled “ i thought i had gotten by… ” as she surrendered, head falling down to the pillows, eyes closed as she tried to calm her racing heart from the effort, but she didn’t let herself keep them closed for too long, looking at him with a gentle smile, with a plea in her eyes.
“ i ought to write magnus. ” no, she ought to rest. but this feeling, as tired as she finds herself, as… off… it’s only fueled her drive. she wanted to work. she wanted to find an answer. she wanted to do something, especially since she felt like she couldn’t.
she hadn’t felt like this since she had transformed into the angel but this felt darker… this felt cold. this felt wrong.
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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despite not paying attention to much of anything other than her own thoughts, the moment jem reached to touch her hair, all of her focus is locked upon him and him alone, not even her own thoughts. she’sunable to stop herself from leaning into the touch ever so slightly, almost silently asking for him to keep his hand in place against her face, faint smile filling growing gently as she stared into his silver eyes, paying more attention to those than her own words.
…it was improper, she knew, but they had kissed before oh how she wanted to kiss him again, a thought that popped into her head every now and then, but was especially present now in this moment of quiet, in this moment of just them, staring into his eyes-
right, yes. a walk. she had suggested thar they take a walk. tessa sobers much as he had, blinking her eyes and zoning back in as jem stands and offers his hand, extending her gloved hand without a second thought.
“ i think that sounds lovely. perhaps we could even bring bread, unless you think will might find out that we actively tried to summon the ducks and we will face his wrath. ” she joked with a short laugh that slipped from her lips, shaking her head a little as she stood to her feet. “ and perhaps you can teach me more mandarin? or we could talk on the wedding? ” oh had charlotte in her excitement shared many an idea on what might be traditional for their wedding but they had things to share. she wanted to hear he what he wanted, what he thought about. what he dreamed about. what would make him happy.
truly, there was the council of it all, she knew, but she also knew charlotte would defend their case should the council reject it, and further, tessa herself could care less about what they might say, only caring about it for jem’s sake. they could talk while they waited, though. they could plan. when they got their answer, that way they could simply dive into action.
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sitting still has never come all that easily for him, despite what most people might think. sure, yes, he's sick but jem has been sick for nearly all of his life and pretending like that keeps him from doing his job as a shadowhunter is insulting to say the least. honestly, had anyone even met him? jem carstairs was not the type of man who stayed still. besides; he had things to do - and more importantly, people to see. which is exactly why, after charlotte had all but ordered him to rest in that way that so absolutely charlotte - full of doting care and a half-veiled threat to his person that they both knew she'd never really carry out - the man had found himself wandering through the corridors of the institute, his cane clicking against the floor - as good as it was to be able to move around, to be able to fight, his body still ached and the cane was still necessary - until he found whom he was searching for: tessa gray. eventually, and so desperately did he hope that they did manage to reach this point, she'd be tessa carstairs. but they weren't quite there yet... so tessa gray would have to do for now. he let out a soft laugh as she shut her book, taking the offered space next to her on the sill. jem lifted a hand to brush a stray lock of hair behind her ear, and simply took a moment to let himself just look at tessa. as much as he detested staying still, he was pretty sure that he'd be able to sit and stare at tessa forever and never get tired of it. " a walk sounds nice, " he responded, blinking back into focus as her voice reached his ears and standing up, holding out a hand to help her to her feet. " shall we go down to hyde park? maybe without will, we can manage to actually see the ducks without them running off in terror. "
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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though she is not so certain she wished to join them, tessa both enjoyed and took pride in the work she had put into her training and would be lying if she said there wasn’t a part of her who enjoyed it just as much as it was necessary. yes, it did feel nice to know that she could defend herself should she find the need, as well as her new found friends as well as had a proper reason to show that she should properly be allowed on missions, but sometimes, she almost felt like a character from a book. she’s learning, she’s finding something she maybe isn’t good at but enjoys and is able to apply to her own skill set, and apparently, according to jem at least, she’s improving, words which make a smile grow on her lips. “ i have been studying and rather enjoying my practice. i am just glad that it’s all paying off. ”
with a squeeze of jem’s hand, fingers fiddling with fingers, her eyes fell down to the rune and her other hand, now free from doing it’s job, shifted to trace the skin around the rune, that faint smile still lingering at the corner of her lips. “ i can draw something else if you need? or wrap something if you need that as well? ” she let her worry seep through though, “ …was will hurt? ”
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jem feels more then sees the moment his show of pain causes her to retreat, and it only makes him curse internally before her hands settled on his skin again. honestly, it wasn't that bad - he'd certainly had worse injuries in his life, both before coming to london and after getting settled into the institute - and he likely could've taken care of it himself if he had had to, but he'd never deny tessa the opportunity to practice her healing skills - runic healing or otherwise. the brush of her hand over his not only sent a shock of feeling through his arm but also served to make jem tangle their fingers together as he began the process of getting enough strength to stand. his gaze also dropped down to her work with the stele, giving a soft smile at the sight. she was improving at them, day by day, and he was sure to tell her so: " you're getting better at applying runes, you know. i feel much better already. "
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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time had always and will always be such a strange thing for tessa gray. although she had plentiful amounts of it, and though she knew not to waste a second of jem’s, she did not find herself sitting in worry. that worry lied in another time, although as they sway like this, she can’t help but remember then. the training room of cirenworth once was a ballroom, after all and she could only remember the time of balls, of far different clothing, that discovery of family and love when things seemed so utterly hopeless and she put her hope into the people of the london institute…they should have done more of this then, the pair of them should have done this more then, but tessa doesn’t regret. she can’t, not when he’s here with her now. alive. healthy. happy…
fingers fiddled with the dark hairs that tickled the back of her husband’s neck, eyes half closed as she listened to jem’s humming ( more so than she did the music ), both kept her grounded in the present and further brought her this flustering joy that filled her whole chest, a feeling that spread when jem leaned in to kiss her, tessa not hesitating a moment before she kissed him back, pulling him into a second kiss as her lips stretched into a smile that remained as they parted, eyes opening just a bit more to look up at him.
“ you know, i think i might like this more than training… and i might just prefer your voice to the music. ” her voice a whisper, as though they were sharing secrets, tessa lingered in the closeness for a moment before pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth, then to his cheek then leaning forward, she rested her temple to his.
@storiesbreathed asked: a kiss while slow dancing . one more of jem and tess?
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save for the soft humming along to the music jem was doing as he led her around the training room, it was quiet; weapons forgotten on the side. it had been a rather calm day; mina'd been put to bed a few hours ago, and kit was doing who-knew-what elsewhere in the house, which left them to their own devices. and somehow that had turned into training. even if neither of them had any plans to return to a life of active patrol, it was always a good idea to be prepared for anything. except said training had only dissolved into somewhat of an impromptu dancing session - not, really, that jem was going to complain about it. he could never complain about getting to spend time with his wife, after all. letting our another soft hum, he leaned over to give her a soft kiss. calm days, even for retired shadowhunters, were a rarity - he planned to savor the rest of this one.
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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after all they have been through almost feels like some statement she ought to laugh at considering just how much they had actually been through, but the statement does have a small smile stretching on her lips. it’s a bittersweet life they both live and truthfully on many occasions she’s wondered what she would do without his friendship. “ and i with you. ” she promises, though her head tilts to the side, curious, concerned. “ whatever it is that you need magnus, i will help. i promise you. ”
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❛    —    i can count on you after all that we've been through,    'cause i know that you'll always understand. . .    ❜   
@storiesbreathed,    tessa gray,    liked for a lyric starter.
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storiesbreathed · 2 days
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she feels ridiculous truly. this is exciting. she’s excited, though in the very same breath, there’s nerves that have been seizing her the moment she has stepped away. these nerves feel different. in one breath, something about it feels pleasant, like butterflies dancing between her ribs and heart.
“ you’ll think me a fool if i go into further detail. ” she certainly feels the part. …no matter. sniffing, she pulls back a bit and instead grabs hold of her sisters hands and squeezes them a bit, forcing a smile, though, as she sighs. “ i would rather like to ask your advice and consul all the same. “
eloise does not care about these things, in fact she’s half prepared for her sister to begin laughing at her and if she does she will hold no anger, nor resentment, though she does not know who else she can confide in about this.another breath, inhale, exhale, then francesca tears her eyes away from eloise’s as she begins to speak.
“ i fear i may have become completely and utterly enamored by the earl of kilmartin.” and what a wonderful thing that is, “ …but i do not wish to disappoint mama or the queen should i not peruse the marquess. and… well more than anything i fear i might not be what the earl would be looking for in a… in a wife. ” saying the word aloud causes the sensation, as if he’s in the room and a hum of amusement and fluster slipping from her mouth. “ and the thought of me as a wife… it’s… well i’ve simply found myself completely overwhelmed, much as i am overjoyed, i fear the former is simply something i cannot shake off. ”
the younger sniffs, eyes finding her sister’s again. “ well… am i being ridiculous? ”
[ wipe ] eloise, @savingthrcw wipes away francesca’s tears
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