idk how to articulate this exactly and this is gonna get slightly ranty but there is actually a difference between an english major and a writer, and they often overlap but they dont always and sometimes it is FRIGHTFULLY obvious to me when someone is an english major who is not a writer
i feel like most english teachers fall into this category, and it really shows in the way they give really confining and honestly super unhelpful writing advice to young writers.
like... the most common and egregious example i can thinking of is telling them not to use "said" because its overused.
you can overuse any word. and "said" is a VERY useful dialogue tag, it's neutral, it doesnt continuously interrupt the flow of the scene and dialogue with increasingly new and more obscure dialogue tags that leave you desperately flipping through the thesaurus.
can you overuse said? yes, obviously, like i said you can overuse any word - but in my experience the overuse of said is usually an overuse of dialogue tags in general and the "solution" of using a thousand different dialogue tags instead actually makes this problem worse, not better.
which is advice from a writer, which i am, and not an english major which i am not (though linguistics i suppose is close)
i dont really have much of a point to this other than like... when someone gives you writing advice, you dont actually have to take it, and sometimes you honestly shouldnt. the best way to get better at writing is to just... write, a lot, and figure out what works for you rather than internalizing a bunch of pithy soundbite "rules" from people who you have no guarantee even know what theyre talking about
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Betrayal Dialogue Prompts
- “Why?!”
- “Traitor!”
- “I trusted you!”
- “How could you?”
- “You? It was you?!”
- “I wish I didn’t know.”
- “Who are you really?”
- “Was everything a lie?”
- “But…but you said that…”
- “I didn’t want to believe it.”
- “I would have died for you!”
- “I can’t trust anything you say.”
- “I thought you were my friend…”
- “How long since they turned you?!”
- “If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you.”
- “So what happens now? You kill me?”
- “So I was nothing but your fiddle to play.”
- “I should’ve known the second I saw you.”
- “Tell me the truth for once in your damn life!”
- “And you could do it looking me dead in the eyes.”
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love confession during a fight
1. “What did you just say?”
“Nothing. Forget it.” 
“You said that you loved me. I’m not going to just forget that.” 
2. “Why don’t you ever listen to the people who love you?”
“Oh, so you love me, now?”
3. “Why do you care what I do?”
“If you don’t know that I’m in love with you by now, I don’t know what to tell you.”
4. “I love you, but this has to stop.”
“I’m sorry, but… You what?”
5. “You think I’m doing this because I don’t care about you? How could you possibly think that?”
“What, so now you’re going to drop down on one knee and declare your love for me? … Wait, what are you doing?”
6. “If you go through that door, you could die.” 
“And if I don’t, you could. And I wouldn’t survive that.”
7. “Stop talking for a second and listen!”
“No. I don’t care how much I love you. You can’t stop me from doing this.”
8. “I know you don’t see how terrible he is, because you love him, but-”
“I don’t love him, you jerk. I love you.”
9. “You never listen to anything I say!”
“Well, I’ve been telling you I loved you for the past five years, and you never heard that, so…”
10. “Why are you doing this? Why would you-”
“Because I love you. And I’d do anything to protect you.”
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“Fuck’s sake, why are you like this?!”
“Unresolved daddy issues. Get out of my way.”
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Feel free to use any of these dialogue ideas in your writing. Be creative with the context!
“don’t be shy”
“I’m not in the mood”
“I quit”
“look away”
“you’re embarrassing me”
“don’t move”
“it’s not worth it”
“tell me everything”
“you should have thought about that”
“I’m scared”
“don’t lie to me”
“I have a headache”
“that’s gross”
“think about it”
“let’s get this over with”
“don’t take it personal”
“I hate it”
“I’m glad to hear that”
“don’t flatter yourself”
“I’ll take you there”
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Denying Injury/Illness Prompts
- “I’ll walk it off.”
- “Nah, I’m fine.”
- “It’s just a cold.”
- “It’s not that bad.”
- “It’s just a scratch.”
- “I’m just a little sore.”
- “I’m good, I promise.”
- “It’s just a headache.”
- “It’s just my allergies.”
- “A nap’ll do me wonders.”
- “Blood? Oh, it’s not mine.”
- “Psh, you worry too much.”
- “It’s just a strained muscle.”
- “It’s just a little warm in here.”
- “I think it’s the weather change.” 
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Threatening Dialogue Prompts
- “Say that to me one more time.”
- “I told you what would happen if you disobeyed.”
- “You just made your biggest mistake.”
- “Down on your knees.”
- “Let’s see what’s left in you for me to break.”
- “Go on. Try to run.”
- “Come here. Now.”
- “I’m going to put you in your place.”
- “Looks like you’re not useful anymore.”
- “When I tell you to look me in the eye, you look me in the eye.”
- “You think you know what pain is? No. Not yet.”
- “You never learn.”
- “Start with the youngest.”
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Injury Discovery Dialogue Prompts
- “You told me that you were okay! You promised!”
- “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
- “How long have you been covering this?!”
- “Who did this to you?”
- “[Name], this is serious!”
- “Cut the crap and tell me what happened.”
- “You’ve been trying to deal with this yourself?”
- “You idiot!”
- “Why did you lie to me?”
- “We could have prevented this!”
- “If you didn’t want to be a burden, you should have gotten it treated right!”
- “You didn’t think it was that bad? Are you looking at it?!”
- “You are not fine!”
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Person A: Are you absolutely positive this isn’t dangerous?
Person B: I’ve 95% sure, but I failed fourth grade math, so
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Person A: I hate it when people ask me if I’m still gay or not.
Person A: Like, what do they expect me to say?
Person A: “No, not anymore, my gay card expired last week, and I forgot to replace it”?
Person B: Honey, I love you, but it’s 3am.
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Protective/Loyal Dialogue Prompts
- “I’ll handle this.”
- “Stay behind me.”
- “If you hurt them…”
- “Get away from them!”
- “Don’t come any closer!”
- “I’m with you to the end.”
- “I’ll carry you if I have to!” 
- “They don’t deserve you.”
- “I’ll always be here for you.” 
- “Tell me who did this to you.”
- “I just want to keep you safe.” 
- “Get your hands off my ____.” 
- “I won’t let them near you again.”
- “I’ll do anything for you. Anything.”
- “You’re safe with me, I’ll protect you.”
- “Don’t you touch a hair on their head!”
- “You touch them again and I’ll kill you!”
- “You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
- “They thought they could get away with this?”
- “It’s over. They’re not going to hurt you again.”
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1. “You don’t get to say anything to me!” 
2. “Excuse me?” 
3. “How is this my fault?” 
4. “I don’t want to talk to you.” 
5. “Move out of my way before I make you.” 
6. “That isn’t an option.” 
7. “You aren’t going anywhere.” 
8. “You aren’t the boss of me.” 
9. “What gives you the right?” 
10. “Do that again and you’ll regret it.” 
11. “Leave me alone!”
12. “I don’t care.” 
13. “Come back here right now!” 
14. “Go. You go and don’t even think about coming back here.” 
15. “Do I make myself clear?” 
16. “Control your anger or you’ll have me to worry about.” 
17. “What did you just say to me?” 
18. “I didn’t ask you to do that!” 
19. “Get away from me!” 
20. “Let go of me.” 
1. “You’re such a dork.” 
2. “Get over here, you doof.” 
3. “Cheeky.” 
4. “You’re so needy.” 
5. “Kiss me again.” 
6. “You’re so adorable!” 
7. “Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.” 
8. “I’m just so happy!” 
9. “I can’t stop smiling.” 
10. “I like that you make me laugh so much that my cheeks hurt.” 
11. “You are being extra sweet today.” 
12. “Oh, look at you!” 
13. “Your eyes are so pretty.” 
14. “I’m really happy that you’re here with me.” 
15. “Thank you for staying with me.” 
16. “I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before.” 
17. “I feel like I’m in the clouds when I’m with you.” 
18. “You’re like my heroine.” 
19. “I’m gonna tickle you if you don’t come over here.” 
20. “My, oh my. You are such a beautiful creature.” 
1. “No, please don’t take me away!” 
2. “What was that noise?” 
3. “Did you see it?” 
4. “What’s in the shadows?” 
5. “No, please don’t turn off the light!” 
6. “I don’t want you to leave my side.” 
7. “I can’t open my eyes, I don’t want to.” 
8. “Don’t leave me!” 
9. “Where am I?” 
10. “Who are you?” 
11. “Don’t leave me alone.” 
12. “Get away from me!” 
13. “No, please! No, no no no no no!”
14. “Don’t look.”
15. “Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes.”
16. “What’s happening?”
17. “Where did you go?” 
18. “Is somebody there?”
19. “Somebody help me, please!” 
20. “I can’t see anything!” 
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1. “Yeah, yeah. You’re cute. Just stop smiling at me like that.” 
2. “I love you, but please stop whatever it is that you’re doing.” 
3. “You’re so annoying. Oh my God– I love you so much.” 
5. “Listen, I enjoy this hug and all, but can you stop?”
6. “Give me a minute, I’m going to tickle the shit out of you.” 
7. “Hey, stop looking at me like that– I don’t like how cute you look.” 
8. “Please, stop smiling at me like that. I’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.” 
9. “I don’t like people, but you’re an exception.” 
10. “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.” 
11. “I crave your affection, but I crave your silence even more– shut up.” 
12. “Is this your way of subtly hinting that you want to hold my hand because it’s quite cute, but I’m not in the mood to hold your hand.” 
13. “You’re talking too much, just shut up and hold me.” 
14. “Ew. Get away from me. No– not you. You stay.” 
15. “Hi, I’ve been subtle at hinting that I want your attention all day and you haven’t noticed once and now I’m pissed.”
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Prompt 257
Person A, in a bar, as Matt waves around the rose before not giving it to his one-on-one: You rat bastard, either give her the rose or don’t pick it up!
Person B, also in the bar: He kisses with his eyes open too. Ugh
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Prompt 256
Person A, drunk in a bar and shouting at the TV: God damn it! All these girls don’t have to be open and honest with you
Person B: You were playing the drinking game, weren’t you?
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Writer Spotlight: Loryn Brantz
Loryn Brantz is the creator of the best-selling board book series Feminist Baby, The Good Advice Cupcake, Jellybean Comics, and Blanket: Journey to Extreme Coziness, as well as being a two-time Emmy winner. She is currently a Creative Director at BuzzFeed, where her work has been as silly as Disney princesses with realistic hair and as serious as mental health advocacy. Loryn lives in New York City with her husband, architect Jake J Brotter, and (non-architect) baby Dalia. She is trying her best.
What was the inspiration for Blanket: Journey to Extreme Coziness?
This book was actually inspired by a comic I made a few years ago, which was formerly inspired by a real-life occurrence! It took a while to translate it to a children’s book, though.
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How did you begin writing children’s literature?
I’ve been writing stories and drawing pictures for as long as I can remember—so it was just a natural progression as I got older. I initially went to school for traditional animation, but I missed being able to have a hand in every part of the process: story, character, colors, etc. So I started taking any book illustration job I could get while pitching my own ideas.
You’ve got a unique art style—what tools do you use to create your illustrations?
It depends on the project, but for BLANKET, I used photoshop, photographs, and various textures to create a more collaged hand-done look. But more often than not, I just use a photoshop brush on the ol’ Cintiq.
You’ve written for television, the internet, and have authored books—how does the writing process vary for these different forms?
The ideation process is surprisingly similar. The main difference, I think, is formatting and production—whether it’s printed on paper or you press a “publish” button, and it rockets into the internet-sparkle-space. For everything I do, I’m always thinking: “What do I wish I could see in this medium,” and “What would benefit people the most in this medium.”
What parts of yourself have you put into your characters?
Oo, this is a funny question! See below:
Jellybean Comics: My general human feelings—being tired, trying your best, being in love, insecurities, just trying to get through it all.
The Good Advice Cupcake: The feeling of being underestimated for acting “cute” or feminine but knowing I can f*ck shit up when I need to. Also, aggressive optimism (which comes and goes for me but is stable for Cuppy).
Feminist Baby: We both don’t like being told what to do!
Blanket: Loving to get COZY.
How do you practice self-care?
Unfortunately, I have been having trouble finding time to care for myself lately—between the pandemic, parenting, my kid’s special needs therapies, full-time job, and freelance jobs 🙃—but I do try to do this thing I call the “15 Minute Flail,” daily. I put on some music and set a timer to flail about for 15 minutes. It’s shocking how much better I feel during the day with just a little bit of moving around. I jump in place, punch the air, kick, do crunches, etc.—and then I always lay down and just focus on breathing for the last minute. Highly recommend it!
Do you have any advice for writers and illustrators on Tumblr?
Create the work you want to see in the world! Also, I always have to remind myself that with art, often the best part of the process is creating it! So don’t worry about the outcome as much—just try to be present while you’re making cool shit.
Thanks, Loryn! Blanket: Journey to Extreme Coziness is available now at booksellers everywhere. You can follow Loryn on Tumblr at @loryn-brantz-illustration. Her website is https://www.lorynbrantz.com/.
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Text: If no soulmate appears to you before you reach adulthood, the woods will send one. They will wander out of the trees, confused, but happy to see you. 
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