storiiies · 2 years
  *⠀ ⠀ ─── ⠀ ⠀ with emilia    !   ❜  ( @storiiies​​ ) 
where : discovery diner when: monday morning, 4:30am 
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*⠀ ⠀ ─── ⠀ ⠀ cloud rose before the sun most days. such was the life of a baker. he didn’t half mind it either, for the man was of the belief that there was no sweetness that might visit him in his dreamlands that he couldn’t recreate in the taste of his pastries. he was an enduringly positive sort of fellow, cloud ─── and perhaps no one knew this better than emilia monroe ─── the person who had seen the boy erase the bitterness of his cruel peers with the sweetness of the discovery diner’s pancake stack most friday afternoons after school. “ emmy, god, these pancakes are pure heaven. ” cloud hums with a warm little grin & a mouthful of the best pancakes on both sides of atlantic. “ how do you do it ? how do you make them taste this good ? i’ve tried and tried to make pancakes even half as good as this, but at this stage it’s starting to feel like i’m fightin’ a losing battle. ” the sun hasn’t yet risen but the warmth which cloud regards emilia with makes it feel like the dawn’s already come. 
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emmy loves early mornings spent cooking pancakes and talking to the few customers who come in this early. not least amongst them is cloud, who she adores as if he were her own son  &  who can always be guaranteed to get the freshest, fluffiest pancakes of all. she slides into the seat across from him, her own breakfast sandwich  (  fried egg, hash brown, roasted tomato and bacon, squeezed between two slices of homemade sourdough  —  not on the menu, but something that she whips up for herself on the days she’s working this early in the morning  &  will serve to friends if they know what to ask for  )  on a plate in front of her. she smiles back at him, and says  :  “  aw, ‘cmon cloud, you know it’s a family secret. dad would kill me if i gave you the recipe.  ”  he wouldn’t, probably wouldn’t even be mad, but it’s the principle of the thing  &  as much as she likes cloud, she doesn’t want to lose her title as the best pancake maker in america.  “  if you just want good pancakes, though  —  the first step is to get either a griddle or a big enough frypan. if you can’t flip them easily, you’re never going to get perfect pancakes because you’ll be too busy trying to manoeuvre the spatula.  ”
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storiiies · 2 years
verse: main location: lucky liquor status: open
drumming fingers set a steady beat against the counter as melinda views the drink menu once again. maybe she should take comfort in a menu that sparks more familiarity than spontaneity, but her lips still purse and two fingers dig into her temple.
yeah, today doesn’t look like it will go well.
heaving a sigh, she pushes the menu to the side, plopping her chin onto her other palm as she looks at the nearest person. “so,” she drawls into a short sing-song tune, “want to do a little game? i’ll put my fate into your hands; choose a drink, keep it a secret from me, and hope you choose one that i end up liking. hell, i could make it my staple moving forward if you choose something i have yet to taste.”
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she taps the drink menu once, twice, a small smirk forming. “the catch — you can’t ask me what i’ve already tried.”
it’s not exactly rare to see jinhwan at the bar, but it is rare for them to be here without company. jin doesn’t tend to drink of their own accord, usually only if someone has invited them. but, well– talks of family reunions are never fun with their family. jin chooses a seat they hope not to be disturbed in, somewhere to brood  &  drink their spritz in peace  —  but it seems it’s not to be  (  should have stayed home, they think ruefully, and read a book or two instead  )  .
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“  an interesting proposition,  ”  jin says, and it’s not a lie, though not said with as much enthusiasm as it could be. they’re not particularly in the mood for such a thing, but it won’t hurt to humour her, and maybe talking to someone about something totally unrelated to their problems will help jin’s mood.  “  though i wouldn’t mind some hints as to your tastes  ?  after all, this doesn’t really benefit you if you don’t like it.  ”
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storiiies · 2 years
@gavevalor​ sent  :           ( botanical headcanons meme ) for jinhwan: salvia, southernwood, rose / for emilia: mint, lotus, lavender / for enya: lilac, magonila, ivy !
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salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?  how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ?
main verse  jin isn’t particularly possessive, but they’re not a pro at socialising and so don’t tend to form the kinds of strong bonds that would justify such possessiveness anyway. the only things they’re really possessive about are their book collection, which they rarely lend out to people, and only to those they trust the most.
mythology verse  jinhwan is possessive over their tools  &  pretty much nothing else. there’s no real reason for it, they just don’t like other people messing with their stuff. everyone will belong to his domain eventually, no need to rush.
southernwood :   how seriously does your muse take themself ?   do they prefer a solemn   &   intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes   &   banter ?  
main verse  jin is kind of in-between those  :  they like to make jokes  (  especially dad jokes  )  but will be serious when it’s necessary. kind of a must-have skill for someone like a doctor, who needs to be able to lighten the mood when talking to a kid about something the kid might find scary, like a needle, but needs to be serious when telling someone important and potentially life-saving information.
mythology verse  jinhwan is quite serious most of the time, but part of that is because they just don’t talk to anyone and when they do they’re in a bad mood. their jokes aren’t really funny when they do make them, partially because their socialisation skills are so poor.
rose :   how much does your muse value other people ?   do they wish to have many friends ,   lovers ,   and/or associates ?   are they an easy person to love ?
jinhwan isn’t particularly social  —  they prefer only to talk to people they know well  /  are already close to. they don’t have any real preference for how many friends  /  associates they have, so long as all those friendships are genuine. they’re easy to like when they’re not being annoying with bad jokes or the like, but not necessarily easy to love  —  partially because they themself don’t really understand it or know if they’re capable of it.
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mint :   does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ?  what do these words mean to them ?
emilia isn’t the kind of person to talk herself up, so she’d probably say no, even though she does have pretty strong morals. virtuous, to her, is the kind of word you only use to describe disney princesses and other fictional heroines  ;  morality, on the other hand, is the kind of thing that varies from person to person but should always contain some constants like  ‘  murder is bad  ’  .
lotus :   has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ?  have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start ,   or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ?  
hm  ...  emmy’s never felt reborn per se  —  her transition took quite a few years, so it was much more of a gradual thing than a  ‘  rising from the ashes  ’  .  when she was very young  &  unsure of how she wanted to identify, she did definitely want a better understanding of herself, but now she’s secure in her identity.
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?  once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?  
emmy doesn’t necessarily trust people so much as place faith in them. she wouldn’t give them her car keys, but she will give them second chances  &  important responsibilities. her trust is much more precious than her faith, which is given freely to just about everyone, in contrast to her rare trust usually only gained by her closest family members, the people who have had her back for decades, and breaking it is akin to breaking her heart. there’s no coming back from that.  (  not least because the rest of her trusted family will end you  )
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lilac :   what was your muse’s childhood like ?   how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged ?
enya’s childhood was  ...  weird. a function of being raised mid-apocalypse and then post-apocalypse, she supposes. it desensitised her to the idea of death somewhat, being surrounded by people who had all lost someone they cared about in the bomb. but it also wasn’t a particularly intense childhood  ?  like, yeah, the family couldn’t just go to the supermarket for food anymore, they had to actually find it themselves, but they still lived in suburbia, and an older part of it too  —  some of the systems like water were still fully mechanical  &  unaffected by the geomagnetic storm.
magnolia :   describe your muse’s relationship with nature   &   the natural world .  
she loves being out in the forest and learning about plants, and is generally very interested in flora. as for animals  ...  it depends on the animal. squirrels and small birds are some of her favourites, but enya’s not keen on bugs or larger animals like deer  (  outside of her plate, of course  )  .
(  already answered ivy  )
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storiiies · 2 years
@triiptychs​ sent  :           poppy & sunflower for emilia !!
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poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
emilia finds comfort in small things  :  good food, happy children, a peaceful evening watching the sunset, the knowledge that she is loved and accepted by her family. when she’s having a bad day, it’s so easy to go see her dad, let herself be a kid again and revel in the way he holds her close  ;  when she’s worried about if she’s a good enough parent or employer, it’s easy to look at her kids and her staff  &  see the way they thrive, to know that she may have made mistakes but that none of them were so big that they couldn’t be overcome.
sunflower :   what brings your muse the most joy in life ?  
emmy is a pretty happy person by default, because she knows just how lucky she is to have such a good life. the moments when she’s happiest are when she’s surrounded by people she cares about, whether they be friends or family or even just locals she’s only somewhat acquainted with.
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storiiies · 2 years
@trcnquils​ sent  :           anemone, fern, ivy (for all of your muses or whichever strikes your muse more !)
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anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ? where does that world view come from   (   what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  
jinhwan  :      main verse  to jin, the world is very much something in-between. there are beautiful moments, but as a doctor they’ve seen so much of the underside of the world  (  what kind of land of wonders has so many diseases and medical injustices  ?  )  that they can’t in good conscience claim that it’s good.      mythology verse  jinhwan sees the world as a shithole they can’t escape from, a symptom of a generally dissatisfying existence. hades, on the other hand, is enthralled by the beauty of the living world.
emilia  :  is a firm believer in the good of the world. she knows there are bad parts of it  — she’s a foster parent that actively seeks out the troubled  &  older kids, for fuck’s sake  —  but is determined to make it a land full of wonders. maybe she can’t change the whole world for the better, but in this one little corner she can do her best to make life just a little bit better for everyone through the power of pancakes and incredible optimism.
enya  :  doesn’t really have a fixed opinion on what the world is. he’s sorta leaning towards the world tends towards good but some people lean really far bad and skew the results for everyone & everything, but. well. he’s only twenty. there’s plenty of time to figure things out in the future.
fern :   does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces ,   or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control ?  
jinhwan  :  (  main verse  )  jin doesn’t believe in those sorts of things, mostly because they know that the only thing that’s ever affected their life choices was the approval or disapproval of their parents.
emilia  :  doesn’t really care either way. whether fate is real or not, she’ll make the choices she makes. predetermination of those choices doesn’t change that they happen. 
enya  :  is a firm believer in some kind of fate, even though he logically knows it’s not real. it’s just nice to think it is, and it’s not like such a belief is actually harmful.
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ?   do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ?   do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
jinhwan  :  hasn’t even really figured out their sexuality and is relatively sure they’re ace-aro  —  so if they got married it’d be for social benefits. they do think that the primary motivation for marriage should be love, but if there’s no chance of that then, well, may as well get the benefits anyway.
emilia  :  believes in marriage for love and nothing else. if you have ulterior motives, you might get a divorce at the slightest sign of financial trouble, which defeats the whole ‘in sickness and health, till death do us part’ bit. she’s not really interested in marriage at the moment, but if she found the right person, would definitely consider it.
enya  :  has an existential crisis every time she remembers she’s techically an adult  —  is absolutely not going to dwell on the idea of marriage more than absolutely necessary and so doesn’t have an opinion.
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storiiies · 2 years
@phvntasms sent  :           amaryllis, angelica, iris for all!
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amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?  
jinhwan  :        main verse  jin takes pride in being a doctor who actually listens to their patients  &  tries their hardest to figure out what could be the problem, rather than just assuming it’s anxiety or something like that. they don’t feel the need to express that pride      mythology verse  jinhwan takes pride in their work  ?  but in a very unassuming manner, like  ‘  of course i did a good job, i did it  ’  or playing it off as saving themself trouble later.
emilia  :  takes immeasurable pride in her kids !!  she will quite happily gush to anyone who will listen about how great they all are  &  how proud she is of them.
enya  :  is proud of herself for surviving the trip from seattle to hope  &  for doing something without having an older sibling hold her hand. she doesn’t really express this pride, but it has boosted her confidence a bit.
angelica :   where does your muse draw inspiration in life ?   what motivates them ?
jinhwan  :      main verse  jin’s motivation is to help people. nice and simple, just the way they like it.      mythology verse  jinhwan claims he has no motivations beyond survival, hence why he’s working as a mechanic. in reality, their motivation is to avoid people as much as possible, and this job gives them a good excuse to do so.
emilia  :  this is going to sound incredibly cheesy, but her inspiration in life has always been her parents, especially her dad. running a business  &  still finding time to raise good kids  ;  she’s always been in awe of him, even more so now that she has kids of her own.
enya  :  wants to become a major historian for the new era, because he’s always loved reading history books  &  when he was a teen thought it would be cool to get his name on the cover of a book some day. also, having grown up in a place where a lot of the older generations didn’t survive very long, enya knows just how fragile links to the past can be  &  the value of preserving them.
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?  
jinhwan  :      main verse  jin would want to apologise to their brothers for accidentally setting the standards so high.      mythology verse  jinhwan has nobody they’ve left behind or lost  —  their whole family lives in hope  (  regrettably  ). hades, on the other hand, has lost far too many people to pick only one to send a message to.
emilia  :  emmy has never really left behind anyone, being the kind of person to both formally and informally adopt everyone she meets. but she’d leave a message for her younger self, who hadn’t yet learned how to throw off old labels  &  other people’s opinions  :  everything will be okay one day, i promise.
enya  :  if she had a phone, enya would call her siblings to gloat about finding such a nice new hometown.
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storiiies · 2 years
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄    (a  series  of  nonverbal  prompts .   mature  themes  present ,   ‘ my ’  muse  belongs  to  the  one who  posted  the  meme  -  send   “ + REVERSE ”   to  reverse  the  prompts .)
→     𝐈 .    GENERAL
❛   hush .   raise  a  finger  in  a  gesture  to  silence  my  muse . ❛   sit .   gesture  for  my  muse  to  sit  down . ❛   door .   hold  a  door  open  for  my  muse . ❛   tap .   tap  my  muse  on  the  shoulder  to  garner  their  attention . ❛   hunger .   give  my  muse  something  to  eat  /  drink . ❛   cook .   present  my  muse  with  home - cooked  food . ❛   brush .   work  a  brush  /  comb  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   read .   silently  read  a  book  alongside  my  muse . ❛   hand .   hold  out  a  hand  for  my  muse  to  take . ❛   dressed .   help  my  muse  put  on  an  article  of  clothing . ❛   note .   give  my  muse  a  note  saying :   [ content ] . ❛   amplify .   turn  up  the  music  in  the  car .
→     𝐈𝐈 .    ANGST
❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . ❛   night terrors .   hold  my  muse  after  they  wake  up  from  a  nightmare . ❛   company .   silently  sit  with  my  muse  to  comfort  them. ❛   hospital .   my  muse  is  told  that  yours  is  in  the  hospital . ❛   revelation .   show  my  muse  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ❛   indulge .   find  my  muse  drinking  to  cope . ❛   downfall .   find  my  muse  collapsed  on  the  ground . ❛   console .   comfort  my  muse  as  they  cry . ❛   nurse .   give  my  muse  company  in  the  hospital .
❛   wink .   wink  at  my  muse .  ❛   wrap .   wrap  an  arm  around  my  muse’s  [ shoulders  /  waist ] . ❛   caress .   gently  caress  my  muse’s  face . ❛   tousle .   mess  playfully  with  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   chest .   place  your  head  on  my  muse’s  chest .    ❛   comb .   comb  fingers  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   grasp .   run  to  my  muse  &  jump  into  their  arms . ❛   lean .   lean  on  my  muse’s  shoulder . ❛   tender .   kiss  my  muse  on  the  [ forehead  /  cheek  /  nose ] . ❛   abrupt .   kiss  my  muse  out  of  the  blue . ❛   chaste .   chastely  kiss  my  muse . ❛   good morning .   kiss  my  muse  the  morning  after . ❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ .
→     𝐈𝐈𝐈 .    VIOLENT
❛   strike .   [ slap / punch ]  my muse in the face . ❛   gun .   wield  a  gun  at  my  muse . ❛   twist .   twist  my  muse’s  arm  behind  their  back . ❛   throttle .   aggressively  wrap  your  hands  around  my  muse’s  throat . ❛   parch .   burn  my  muse  with  a  hot  object . ❛   take down .   forcefully  bring  my  muse  to  the  ground . ❛   gouge .   wield  a  sharp  object  at  my  muse . ❛  shunt .   shove  my  muse  backwards . ❛  stickup .   yell  at  my  muse  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air. ❛  shoot .   [ fatally  /  non-fatally ]   shoot  my  muse . ❛  stab .   stab  my  muse with a  [ knife / other object ].
→     𝐈𝐕 .    NSFW
❛   surprise .   send  an  unexpected  nsfw  image  to  my  muse . ❛   pin .   push  my  muse  against  a  [ wall,  table,  other ] . ❛   go down .   go  down  on  my  muse . ❛   choke .   intimately  wrap  your  hands  around  my  muse’s  throat . ❛   belt loops .   pull  my  muse  closer  by  their  belt loops . ❛   skinny dipping .   go  skinny  dipping  with  my  muse . ❛   rip .   tear  a  piece  of  clothing  from  my  muse’s  body . ❛   mark .   leave  a  mark  on  my  muse’s  body  [ specify where ] .
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storiiies · 2 years
headcanon prompts with questions based on plants   &   what they represent in flower language .  happy roleplaying !!  ♡
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,    or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?  
acanthus :   is your muse deceptive ,   or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ?   why or why not ?   
aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?   
anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   (   what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  
angelica :   where does your muse draw inspiration in life ?   what motivates them ?
apple blossom :   how does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality ?  
bachelor’s button :   does your muse actively seek romantic companionship ,   or cherish the liberties of being single ? 
basil :   does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
bay tree :   does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ?  
begonia :   how cautious is your muse ?   are they prone to noticing red flags ,   or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone ?   why or why not ?  
belladonna :   how does your muse respond to silence ?   do they take comfort in soundlessness ,   or seek to fill the void with noise ?   
bluebell :   does your muse learn from their past ,   or are they prone to repeating the same mistakes ?  
carnation :   what is your muse’s relationship with their gender ?   how do they express or not express this relationship ?  
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?   are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ?  
chrysanthemum :   how does your muse express romantic love ?  how do they feel about love as a concept ?  
daffodil :   is your muse one to be loyal in relationships ,   or are they likely to quickly move from one bond to another ?
daisy :   did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost ?   what moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence ?  
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?  are they known to be courageous from then on ?  
fern :   does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces ,   or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control ?  
forget - me - not :   has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?   are they afraid of forgetting things like that ?  
gardenia :   is your muse one to confess romantic feelings early on ,   or to conceal them for long periods of time ?  
gladiolus :   describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget .
goldenrod :   does your muse believe in luck or fortune ?  why or why not ?   where do they believe these things come from ?  
heliotrope :   does your muse believe in soulmates ?
hibiscus :   how does your muse view the gentler ,   daintier things in life ?   as things worth preserving   &   caring for ,   or things only bound to wither   &   disappear ?  
holly :   how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ?  are they aware of it ?   do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ?  
hollyhock :   how strong is your muse’s sense of ambition ?  what’s something they strive for in life ?  
hyacinth :   is your muse athletic ?   does it come naturally to them ,   or have they had to work for their physique and/or skill ?  
hydrangea :   how much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others ?  are they prone to being misunderstood ?
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?  
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ?   do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ?   do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?  once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?  
lilac :   what was your muse’s childhood like ?   how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged ? 
lily :   how does your muse view their mother ?  
lotus :   has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ?  have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start ,   or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ?  
magnolia :   describe your muse’s relationship with nature   &   the natural world .  
marigold :   is your muse prone to jealousy ?  how might they handle envious feelings ?  
mint :   does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ?  what do these words mean to them ?
nasturtium :   describe your muse’s relationship with their birthplace ,   or homeland .  
oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?  
pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ?   do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
parsley :   describe a holiday your muse enjoys ,   and why they enjoy it .
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
rhododendron :   is your muse receptive to warnings   &   advice given by others ?
rose :   how much does your muse value other people ?   do they wish to have many friends ,   lovers ,   and/or associates ?   are they an easy person to love ?
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ?   what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?  
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?  how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? 
snapdragon :   is your muse merciful ?  why or why not ?
southernwood :   how seriously does your muse take themself ?   do they prefer a solemn   &   intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes   &   banter ?  
sunflower :   what brings your muse the most joy in life ?  
tulip :   how does your muse view people in general ?  
violet :   how does your muse respond to betrayal ?
willow :   how does your muse handle sadness   &   depression ?
zinnia :   how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ?   has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ?
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storiiies · 2 years
send  📘  for  a  facebook  status  about  your  muse 
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storiiies · 2 years
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standing up to clean her workstation, francine hums noncommittedly at enya’s question. she’s never been the best at chitchat, even before all this, but she tries to make an effort SOMETIMES. when she feels like it, that is.“ we can wrap you all up in bandages, if you really think it will help, ” she replies passively. it was an attempt at going along with the other’s joke, though it was difficult to tell with the look of neutrality she often adorned. “ in all seriousness, you should look into those antibiotics if you could. god knows what you could have picked up on that piece of scrap metal. i’ll talk to some our BOTANISTS too, see if they can whip something up for you.”
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“  eh, that seems too inconvenient,  ”  enya says.  “  so much easier to just ignore all my scrapes. besides, i’m probably immune to most diseases by now.  ”  she’s always been a pretty tough kid, gotten sick very infrequently  &  even then only with mild flu or similarly ‘safe’ sicknesses. in enya’s eyes, anything that stops bleeding with a bit of pressure and a wrapping of some kind isn’t that big a deal, she can handle it with some water and an old t-shirt  —  although she has to admit, she doesn’t hate having someone else do the bandaging for her.  “  i got my tetanus shot when i was a kid, what else could even be on there  ?  ”
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storiiies · 2 years
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SHILOH GIVES AN EXAGGERATED NOD in response to the question but they’ve definitely got more to add: ‛ it’s not even THAT great ! ’ he says with a huff, ‛ the old sabrina was so much better, the reboot just tries too hard to be dark and edgy — ’ he stops to take another sip, eyebrows raised when he realizes there’s only ice left in the bottom of their glass. shiloh’s quick to order another vodka soda, eyes sliding over to jin as he does. ‛ want another ? i’m buying. and since you don’t watch much tv, what do you do in your free time ? ’ 
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“  dark and edgy does seem to be the status quo with tv series these days,  ”  jin says.  “  probably what put me off them.  ”  it’s not quite that simple, but — elaborating has never been their strong point. at shiloh’s offer of another drink, they shake their head, gesturing to their still half-full glass. jin always drinks slowly, preferring to savour the taste of whatever they order.  “  this is going to sound really boring, but i read — mostly medical journals, to be honest, although i’m a sucker for good historical fiction as well.  ”
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storiiies · 2 years
verse : main  location : lucky’s liquor  for : open
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‛ NO NO NO , you don’t understand —— ’ shiloh’s drunk enough that his limbs are loose and his cheeks are rosy but not so drunk that he can’t control himself. yet. it doesn’t stop him from leaning in close to his companion, voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper . ‛ listen, listen, listen. veronica and reggie are together, right ? ’ a pause as shiloh leans down to take a sip of their drink, fumbling with the straw before continuing; ‛ and archie was KILLED , like sacrificed ! and cheryl and nana’s maple trees are now producing maple because the whole town killed archie ! i’m serious. i’m so serious. and now sabrina’s in rivervale ! it’s so good. you have to watch it. oh shit. ’ realization sets in. ‛ … i just spoiled it didn’t i ? ’
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jin snorts at shiloh’s rendition of the events of a show they’ve never watched. it’s kind of endearing, although their doctorly instincts are going to kick in if their companion drinks any more.  “  nah, you’re good,  ”  they say, instead of dwelling on what the fuck he just said, because last jinhwan heard, riverdale was a show for teenagers, why are they depicting human sacrifice?  “  i’m not really much of a tv show person, so spoilers aren’t going to make much of a difference.  ”  they pause, replaying shiloh’s words in their head for a moment.  “  sabrina’s the one with a talking cat, isn’t she  ?  ”
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storiiies · 2 years
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          furrowing his brow, milo crosses his arms. “no, i’m here to drop off my car,” he replies. he’s been here before many times, given that hope was mere dot on the vast expanse of the state. it was suffocating at times for milo, who’d recently had an itch to move from the remote alaskan bush for his hometown, a mere fifty miles away from new york, the city that never slept. here, in hope, it seemed as if sleep was the norm — even the sun seemed more tired here, hanging in the sky with a languid glow that slowed the town down. but every time he’d even thought of moving in the last few years, something stopped him. “so, you going to give me the paperwork or not?” 
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jinhwan blinks.  “  my bad, i thought you were someone else. that’s what i get for spending all day in this kinda lighting, i guess.  ”  they rifle through the mess of paper stacked on one of the work benches, looking for the paperwork milo is talking about.  “  you know what kind of paperwork i’m s’posed to give you  ?  ”  they ask, decidedly not apologising for their ignorance. it’s not their job, they just do the repairs.  “  might have to print it off.  ”  if the printer is even working today, they don’t add, because that would only make milo more annoyed. he doesn’t need to know about jinhwan’s struggles with the relic of a printer that they’re fairly sure has been here since the sixties.
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storiiies · 2 years
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marley, as always, was standing in front of lucky’s liquor, sipping a cold beer after one of her patrols, this time not too far from the city, when a voice caught their attention. they listened, expression clearly showing their thoughts,  as they valued whether to tell the other to get lost or be nice for once. they would’ve usually chosen the first, but that day they were feeling especially kind, plus they knew he didn’t deserve such a mean answer: they were definitely a bitch, but not evil. “there’s no such thing as fate, it’s a load of bullshit we tell ourselves to get rid of all of our responsibilities since we enjoy acting like pieces of shit and still be able to sleep at night. otherwise, no one would be able to deal with the consequences of their choices,” marley spat out; her cynicism was certainly one of her strengths. “but i wouldn’t call it chance either. to me, it was choice,” a small pause followed their words, brown eyes staring intently into the other’s but losing contact once they began talking. “we had found ways to stop the global warming, to save the planet and our asses. but nobody ever did enough because it was too fucking inconvenient, leading us to the point where they literally had to use a chemical and still fucked up,” a bitter laugh left her lips but it was suffocated by the bottle she immediately took a sip from. “so it’s not chance nor fate, but human nature. ironic isn’t it?”
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to be honest, enya wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction, or at least not to such an extreme, but he takes it in stride anyway.  “  see, i dunno if that’s fair, ‘cause– well. if human nature is to fuck up and ruin shit, why are we all still here  ?  i think human nature is more– finding communities we fit into. surviving in ways that aren’t just subsistence but also enjoyable.  ”  he shrugs, rummaging around in his bag for a book that he’s been carrying since he left home, and pulls it out.  “  people aren’t inherently good or bad, some just make worse choices than others  —  and we’re kinda hardwired to be motivated by fear.  ”  the evolution of psychology and the psychology of evolution  ;  a wonderfully complicated book for someone who never went to university, but nevertheless one that enya found fascinating.  “  besides, we can’t place the blame on humans when the culprits were politicians,  ”  he adds, jokingly.
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storiiies · 3 years
*  open starter  ;  post-apocalyptic verse  ,  no specific location
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“  do you ever wonder what life would be like if all that didn’t happen  ?  ”  enya asks. he’s been asking around to try to get a rough timeline of what’s happened in hope and its surrounding area over the last two decades. and enya’s always been prone to thinking of what-ifs and optimistic futures, so really it’s not surprising that such a thought has floated through his head.  “  i mean, realistically i know that most of the world would be uninhabitable from global warming or sea level rise, but if we found a different way to fix things. like, is it fate that we met, or just chance  ?  because it looks like chance, rationally, but it feels like fate, you get me  ?  ”
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storiiies · 3 years
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          it’s the casual way in which they speak that lets minji on to the fact that he wasn’t here for a personal reason. over the years, she’d seen the way family members and friends came by, at times solemn, at others almost manic in the way they attended to their loved ones’ graves. it’s what makes minji believe him and immediately open up the gate again, gesturing in. “do you know where you’re going?” 
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“  i... think so  ?  got directions on here,  ”  jin waves their phone around vaguely. the patient had given them quite detailed directions, which was nice  —  they found that some people sort of forgot, after the first few years, that jin didn’t grow up here  &  isn’t always entirely sure of where things are  (  it’s a small town, but their sense of direction isn’t the strongest  &  they don’t really get out as much as they should  )  .  “  four rows in, turn left, six rows across. don’t think even i could get lost with those directions.  ”  they pause.  “  but if you want to come with, i’m not gonna say no.  ”
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storiiies · 3 years
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          THANK GOD. KAT wasn’t sure how much longer she could convince herself to approach random people asking for help ; hope was only so big , she’d run out of people. the blonde clapped her hands together with a bright smile.   ❝   oh yes , thank you. you’re a lifesaver.   ❞   without thought , kat took emilia’s hand in hers and started toward her home.   ❝   i can make sure the kids are jealous of your one of a kind taylor. they’ll be talking about it all week. in a good way , promise.   ❞   she glanced back at the other , her gaze flicking to their outfit.   ❝   i could see why they might say something now… but no worries ! i’ll get you fixed right up.   ❞
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emmy’s never had the greatest fashion sense, a symptom of growing up in a family where hand-me-downs were the norm  &  of only growing into herself in her twenties, where most girls have their entire childhood to figure out what style of clothes they like. she’s been told her fashion sense is atrocious  (  mostly by her dearest younger siblings  )  —  but, well. when you work in a kitchen, it’s not wise to wear clothes you care about too much, and it’s a habit that kind of stuck. she keeps the nice leather jacket  &  pretty dresses for special occasions, which are rare in a town like hope, or when she’s feeling particularly gender and just needs clothes to match her mood. all this to say, she’s not bothered by kat’s comment about her clothing, waving it off with a laugh.  “  my kids are vicious,  ”  she says,  “  so i wish you luck. they’ll roast me for anything at all. i miss when they were all small and innocent and nice and uncorrupted by their aunts and uncles.  ”
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