stormcm27-blog · 5 years
Childhood, after all, is a precious coin that poverty steals from a child.
Anthony Horowitz
Meaningful quote. I think this quote means that poverty strips children from living their childhood the way they should be living it. They can’t afford to play with toys, often get sick and don’t have the luxury to get warm clothing to keep from getting sick. Poverty as a thief.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
New Zealand advertisement of the Kids Can foundation that shows how little some children go with to school and how they are unable to access the simple necessities needed for everyday use.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
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Deep image showing how child poverty in NZ is not being spoken or talked about. It is effecting our own people and we can’t even share it around.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
A podcast over the radio discussing child protection and the poverty within New Zealand.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
“The worst-off families are excluded from the full package, which saves Government spending about $500m per year.” So while the government are trying to save money, they are forgetting about the people of our country who are needing it a lot more than they are!!
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
A lengthy report on child poverty in NZ. Consist of the effects it has on children, the factors and offers solutions. Good and helpful information.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
To me, poverty is all about defining people for the materialistic items they possess. What is considered valuable, and what is considered junk. What people choose to judge others on, based on appearance, the car they drive, the house they live in, the job they work. But we are all the same people living under different circumstances. Some of us weren’t born into a family that owned businesses. Some of us weren’t granted everything at the first ask. We cannot help the life we are born into. We live the life our parents gift to us, whether it is with a silver spoon or a wooden one. And it is a gift. -Storm
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Nelson Mandela
I love this quote. It is the most truthful statement that can be said about poverty. It is not a natural cause, it is something that us as humans have carried out through generations. It can be solved if we were to just open our eyes.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
Jacinda Ardern seems to be truthful. She stated that the numbers in poverty will rise before they will drop but that is because the amount of people surveyed will be a much larger portion this time so the numbers are estimated to increase. But with the long term and hopefully the 10 year long term goal, the numbers are able to drop drastically.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
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This image shows the never-ending cycle of poverty and some of the main factors that influence it. It’s as simple as offering good education for the youth, to give them the necessary skills and experience to pursue into a job or career. Notable.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
“Labour lifted 130,000 children out of poverty through working for families and that does not mean that there is not many that remain there still.” It is great that labour is vocalising the impending child poverty issue in New Zealand but more needs to be done. Talking is easy.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
Valid solutions. This post looks into the process of ending the poverty cycle and how it can come to a stop. Offers reasonable solutions.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
Very interesting documentary that showcases the effects of child poverty on our youth in our own country. Worth the watch!!
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
This is happening in New Zealand STILL. Why is this a continuous cycle where we know it’s happening but no one is doing anything about it? We should ask ourselves as a nation more questions like these instead of acting oblivious.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
Facts and effects of child poverty. The percentage grew from 14% in 1982 to 28% in 2016. Facts and figures in front of us and no solutions are being made.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
“Extreme poverty anywhere is a threat to human security everywhere.” — Kofi Annan, Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations. ...
No security for our wellbeing or health if we cannot afford to look after ourselves. Mentally, emotionally and socially impacted by the effects of poverty.
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stormcm27-blog · 5 years
Statstics are real and should be recognised!! “In the year ended June 2018, 23 percent of children lived in a household with less than 50 percent of the median equivalised disposable household income after housing costs are deducted.”
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