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The prince seemed to believe him, and even asked what he would have to do. He hadn’t agreed just yet, but it seemed likely that he would, and Rumple found himself relaxing just a bit, relieved that the burning need he had now would probably be met.
“It’s very simple. We both just have to have an orgasm. That’s it. You won’t even have to touch me with more than a hand,” he promised, fairly certain the other would be too disgusted to do more than that. He could make it work though. He had to. “And for your orgasm… well I’ve certainly sucked many a cock, but if you’d prefer my hand I can do that. Or maybe you want to take my ass? We could kill two birds with one stone that way,” he offered, watching David’s reactions intently as his moved his hand to David’s thigh.
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Something about the touch and the way the other spoke caused the prince to become rather hard within seconds. His bulge was evident from within his trousers as he gulped to himself slightly.
“How would...that kill two birds with a stone?” He asked, licking his lips as he dared not to think what it meant. Something in him was telling him no, while another part of him was telling him to go for it. He didn’t know what to do. Especially as he felt his body betray him and move closer to the gate, feeling more of Rumple’s touch on him now.
every deal has a sacrifice
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It seemed the prince wasn’t going to let this go until he learned the truth. Or at least part of it anyway. “Dark Ones aren’t built like humans, dearie,” he said. “We need to have sex regularly. Turns out I need it fairly soon. And why you?” He laughed at that, annoyed when his laugh turned out to be more self-deprecating than anything else.
“Who else can I ask?” He hated how alone he was, how vulnerable he sounded. He was sure the prince could pick up on it too, so he hurried to change the subject. “No need to worry. I’ll give you something in exchange. I’ll owe you a favor. And due to my… nature I’ve had sex before. I can make it good for you,” he promised, moving a hand out of his cage to gently caress the prince’s hip in the hopes of making him feel good, making him desire this.
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Charming’s eyes slightly glared at the prisoner as he spoke, but ultimately relaxed his face as he heard the sincerity in the other’s voice. It did make sense, he had read about certain beings needing sex in order to survive. He just didn’t expect it to be Dark Ones. He did start to feel bad for the other, especially since it was his fault he was trapped in the cage like this. Well that was mostly Cinderella’s fault, but he helped with the idea.
Then he felt that touch to his hip and he groaned. It had been awhile since another touched him. What was he going to do? He chewed on his bottom lip, chewing the flesh between his teeth before he spoke. “What would...I have to do?”
every deal has a sacrifice
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Send “UNF” to pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
Send “UGH” to pin my muse against the wall from FURY
Send “DONT” to pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING
Send “OOF” to pin my muse against the wall by ACCIDENT
Send “HA” to pin my muse against the wall as a JOKE
Send “NO” to pin my muse against the wall to PROTECT THEM
Send “LISTEN” to hug my muse against the wall to let them know they LOVE THEM
Send“AH”to pin my muse against the wall but letting a RANDOMIZER choose
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Of course the prince thought this was some sort of joke. He felt his heart drop. Would the man refuse him because he was ‘just playing around’? But if he told his real reasons he’d be laughed at, he was sure. He was starting to think it was hopeless, and he should have just let himself go into a coma rather than bring David’s judgement upon him.
“Have you ever known me to joke, dearie?” he asked, pressing against the bars of his cage. If David cared to look down, he’d see that Rumple’s cock was already hard, a side effect of his curse. “You leave me in a dank hole with no one to talk to, and give me food that has maggots crawling in it.” Truth be told he wasn’t sure the prince was aware of the food, but that was besides the point. “I’ve only asked for one thing since I’ve been here. You really think I’d joke about it?”
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Rumple did make a good point. As long as he had known of the other, he knew joking was something that wasn’t in his vocabulary. But, why? Why was he asking for something like that, and from Charming nonetheless. Something must have been going on. And with a wondering eye, Charming found exactly just what was happening. He saw the other’s bulge through his trousers, which caused the prince to look slightly alarmed.
“Okay what is going on?!” He said sternly, completely alarmed by what was happening. He took note of the maggots situation, but there were more pressing matters in this moment. “...why all of sudden? And why me? This has to be some sort of dream.” He said, trying to rationalize just what was happening.
every deal has a sacrifice
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Rumple didn’t have many options, here in this prison. He had hoped the Queen would have caste her curse by now, but she was stalling, and so his calculations had been wrong. He needed sex, and he needed it soon if he didn’t want to collapse into a coma. He had thought of asking one of the guards to help satisfy his need, but they feared him too much. And other people wouldn’t come down here. It was only David or Snow who could and might come down, and he was hardly going to ask a pregnant woman to come all the way down here just for sex.
Still, it was hard to admit that was what he needed. He smirked at the king, secretly relieved that the man had decided to show up. “Oh, I just need a little something from you,” he said, trying his best to put up a front but not doing as well as normal. “A hand job, blow job, doesn’t matter really. I just need to get off, and get you off too,” he said with a giggle, hoping he was hiding his embarrassment well enough.
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Charming stood there for a second, waiting for the answer. And when he heard it, he felt all feeling in his body go numb. His brain went blank and he stared at the prisoner like he had three heads. What was going on right now? Was this some sort of joke? Was Rumple really that bored down here? “I beg your pardon?” The royal said, crossing his leather clad arms over each other as he stood there, his eyes never once leaving the other’s.
“I didn’t come down here for some joke. You seemed to have needed me for something. The guards kept telling us you were howling and going crazy like some animal.” The prince said as he felt his throat suddenly go dry. What if, this wasn’t a joke? What if this was real?
every deal has a sacrifice
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every deal has a sacrifice
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     Charming wasn’t sure why the prisoner had been begging to see him for almost the entirety of the day. After much thought, and battling his curiosity, Charming made his way down to the deepest part of the castle to the prison made just for one. When he arrived, he waved the guards off. He just knew the man would want to talk in private. Something about this was still confusing, and caused his spine to shiver and tingle from both nerves and worries he had.
    Slowly, he approached the gate of the prison with his hands at his sides, inches away from his sword in case he needed it. “...and just what was so dire and important?”
     { @thecursedspinner​ }
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it is i, i have returned after years and years
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“Ah, I think I need a new bed.” David!!
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        “You think?!” David said, chuckling out loud as he slowly let go of the man. They were just minding their own business, fooling around like normal when suddenly their entire world seemed to crash down. Maybe it was because they were being a little bit more rougher than normal, but still! One second they were in ecstasy and the next, David had his arms protectively around the other man as if they were under attack. He knew not all beds in the Enchanted Forest were like the ones back at the castle, but still. “You okay there?” He asked, hovering over the man as he chuckled some more.
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  Animalistic senses played their part in sensing the prince on edge, the stress boiling off his edges and seeping somewhere within–He knows it well, the  sorrow and the need to worry when there is actually someone worth worrying about. He finds himself to shake his head, although it wasn’t to dismiss the  situation told, but to provide a form of support. He looks down, fingers twiddling together and playing with small, loose fabric stitching that were easy to  be removed. His ears twitch, turning and folding  downwards naturally.
❝ You have to be hopeful that they do not. There is    a strong bond between a child and their parents…    If she is in trouble, you will know. It’s a common     instinct. Or, ‘gut feeling’ if you will. If you get too    worried or have that feeling, we can always go    ensure that she is okay. ❞
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David listened to the other speak. Of course he knew what he was talking about, he always did. That’s why David always took everything Smaug said seriously and to heart. He was indeed wise. “You’re right...I guess I just jumped to conclusions and whatnot.” He said, leaning back against the log behind them as he let out a deep sigh that seemed to be trapped within him. Eye lids slowly closed as he took in several deep breathes. “This was a good idea though, right? It’s not too selfish?” He asked, poking one eye open and look at the companion. Even though this was definitely needed, David couldn’t help but feel that sense of selfishness. That deep dark voice in his mind that always reminded him of his mistakes and worries, chanting in his brain that this was selfish and wrong. He tried to drown the voice out, but nothing really worked.
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Sexual tension sentence starters
as requested by anon. note: some of these work better if one of the muses is pushed up against a wall
“Make me.”
“I dare you.”
“Bite me.”
“You think you can just run that pretty mouth of yours whenever you want?!”
“Wanna bet?”
“If you complain that it’s hot one more time, I’m going to give you a reason to sweat.”
“Prove it.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“If you bite your lip one more time, I’m going to do it for you.”
“Oh, well fuck me, then.”
“Shut up!”
“Yell at me again, and I’ll give you a real reason to scream.”
“I wish we weren’t out in public…”
“Wow, you’re really strong.”
“Wanna go for a ride?”
“You sure can’t keep your hands to yourself…”
“Ah, I think I need a new bed.”
“Can you help me with my tie?” / “Can you zip up my dress for me?”
“You have really nice fingers…”
“Are we going downtown?”
“You should come by my place…I’ll give you the grand tour.”
“That outfit looks good on you. But, you’d also look good without the outfit.”
“What do you wear to bed?”
“Do you have to eat it like that?”
“Uhm–t-those shorts look tight–”
“Hey, stop biting your lip…”
“Wha–is that a banana in your pocket?”
“You’re standing a little close to me…”
“Hey–you’ve got a little something on your face–”
“My keys are in my pocket. Can you get them for me?”
“Help me find the D? I mean, the variable–i-it’s math…”
“I just wanna grab your bu–hand. Grab your hand.”
“*purely staring at (muse name)’s lips*”
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It seemed that fortune was favouring him with the outcome of this raid, particularly when he saw the royal standards fluttering in the wind, a calling card beckoning all pirates to try their luck at apprehending the valued soul aboard. Looking down at the prince now, he let his lips stretch into a smirk, sword held confidently in position as he leant over the sprawled prince who was clearly rather green at this whole business. “Ahhh now that is the question, mate…” he teased, tapping his hook contemplatively against his chin before making a mockery of being enlightened as to his desires. “I rather think I want to take you, and anything of value aboard my ship and send your little crew off with a message to your King for your ransom…” Twisting his head briefly, he nodded to Smee, who began to organise the crew, getting them to search the ship for trade-worthy goods. 
“Now in the meantime, mate, try not to do anything imbecilic. I should hate to mar that pretty face of yours…” 
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This couldn’t be happening. No, no he wouldn’t allow it. But what was he to do? He lost. He lost his crew, the ship, and his freedom within an hour. All he did was put up a good fight, but it wasn’t enough clearly. He straightened his back as he looked at his captor, staring daggers into him as he leaned back against the wall. “Well good luck with that....when he finds out I messed up, he’ll be glad I’m out of hands...” David whispered to himself, shaking his head before he spoke up. “Don’t try to sweet talk me, pirate.”
With that, David spat onto the floor right next to where the pirate’s left boot was.
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  Features calmed and eased from his regular strict facade, gaze focused onto the fire that  burned so bright–he watched sparks flicker  and dance within the wind, a small smile forming on his face. From within his eyesight, he had saw the prince turn and mimic a pose towards him,  but only when words were spoken did Smaug look at the prince, his features still in a serene state of mind. Brows would furrow and his head would tilt, confused by the question. 
❝ I am having a good time. It’s very peaceful, very    soothing. Don’t go… ❞
  His voice was soft, lulling even, without the power he would normally hold in tone alone. He moves his hand to pat the spot beside him, eyes flickering back to the burning fire. 
❝ If they come, you know I will protect you, right? Just    lay and relax. Let the prince side of you go for a night. ❞
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David sighed. He was on edge. Yes this was his idea and yes this is exactly what he needed, but he lied. He was supposed to be on his way to a neighboring kingdom for their annual banquet. And yet here he was, not doing that. “It really is peaceful...” He whispered as he looked into the fire for a second before looking at his companion. Slowly, he made his way over to where Smaug sat and gently placed himself down right next to him. “I know you will...it’s just, hard to relax. I’m so on edge. I know they don’t know where my mother is anymore, so they can’t hurt her....but what if they find her?”
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@storybrookeheroes liked this post for a starter from Prince Arthur
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“Prince Charming… what brings you to grace Camelot with your presence?” The gentle jibe in the words spoke of the camaraderie between the two men, born of spending time enduring royal banquets and competing in melees together. It was good to see him again, their communications dwindling as responsibilities took forefront of their minds, the lives they had been training for finally dawning. Rumour had spread to him of course, and he had heard of his friend’s struggles with Queen Regina, wishing he had been able to offer aid, but his father had forbidden it with their own troubles with Cenred and by the time he had ascended to the throne the time to help had passed.
Stepping forward, he raised his hand to clap upon the other man’s shoulder in a friendly greeting, shirking off pleasantries in favour of friendship given they were the only men in the room. “I hope all is well…”
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“Prince Arthur...it has been far too long.” David said as he looked at his old friend with a fond look in his eyes, a soft smile slowly spreading across his lips. It seemed like forever since he actually smiled a true smile, and not some forced one. “I was hoping to talk to the king...I’ve been sent by my own father, in the hopes that maybe camelot can spare some help. Regina is going crazy Arthur...she burned an entire village down to the ground without batting a lash. She has to be stopped.” He said, the anger filling his lungs and veins before he let out a deep sigh.
“Sorry...it’s been a trying time for my people and I.” He then smiled at the other. “What about you? How’s the future king of Camelot doing? I hope all is better with you.”
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          He had put up a good fight, or so he thought. Never in his wildest dreams did he think something like this would happen. His men were supposed to protect him, and yet they sold him for their freedom pretty much. It was supposed to be a quick trip to a neighboring kingdom. It was apparently quicker by boat, nothing bad will happen he was told. Well, apparently they didn’t know a whole lot about pirates. He watched the many faces of the crew surround him while their supposed captain, stood there, looming over him with a sword against his shoulder. “...what do you want?” He said through his teeth, body heaving and already covered in sweat as he looked up at the man.
{ @captaindashingrapscallion }
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             “What’s with that look?” David said as he slowly came up from fixing the fire, brushing off his hands as he then placed them on his hips. An iconic Prince Charming pose, to say the least. The night sky was gleaming with stars, the woods chirping with crickets and the wind making leaves sway side to side. “Are you not having a good time? Because if not I can just leave and go back to the castle, or my prison more like it.” He said. The fact that he ran away, even if it were for a short time, wasn’t really like him. But that castle was starting to suffocate him, change him. He needed this, and who better to do this with than Smaug?
{ @smaugiiisms }
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☔ August?
Send ☔ for our muses to have a spontaneous fuck in the rain
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August pressed the other against the wall, fingers gripping onto his hips and pushing forward. He couldn’t contain the moans that circled in his throat over and over again. Never before had he felt such a primal lust like this for someone. But here he was, practically ripping the clothes off of Robin’s back as he pressed the man into the wall. Maybe it was risky to be doing this in a little alley of Storybrooke, but he didn’t care. He needed this. Using his strength, he turned Robin around so his stomach was pressed against the wall as he roughly pulled both of their pants down in a panicked rush. Before he knew it, he was pushing his tip past the man’s cheeks. A shudder of a moan escaped August’s lips before he felt something wet fall on his forehead. Then another, and another, and soon several more. Before he knew it, it was raining. A chuckle escaped past his lips. “Looks like we’re not going to be the only things getting wet tonight..” And with that, he began thrusting into the man, the sound of the rain drowing out his moaning.
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