storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday...taking some time for myself
What I wore Sunday…taking some time for myself
March is the most difficult month for me. It is not really winter anymore but not quite spring yet. I am not really sure what to wear and if I am ‘allowed’ to start wearing my favourite ballerina style flats…
I have been lacking energy lately. Not really sure if this is related to time of the year but I seem to lost my mojo. So in attempt to get it back, I am sharing an outfit that I truly wore…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... making every day count
What I wore Sunday… making every day count
I do not know about you but my days seem to merge with one another. I cannot tell where the time is going and looking at my pictures from two or three years ago, I am amazed it has been so long since taking them !
Today, I am showing you an outfit not particularly groundbreaking but comfortable and making me feel good. The only new element is this amazing Acne Studios jumper I managed to get on a…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... hola Barcelona !!
What I wore Sunday… hola Barcelona !!
Barcelona has been a surprising experience for me. It is bigger, more noisy and prettier than expected. Nearly ever corner is just picture perfect and the views are to die for !
We stayed in Yurbban Passage Hoteland I would recommend it without the doubt. It has an amazing terrace with the fantastic pool, the rooms are very comfortable and the location is very central without being on a noisy…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... Happy New Year !!
What I wore Sunday… Happy New Year !!
I have been keeping quiet for the last few months due to work and other life commitments. Having said that I missed taking pictures and coming out with new outfit ideas so much that I decided to come back !
The beginning of the year provides the ideal opportunity for new and maybe fresher start. No unrealistic resolutions for me though just enjoying what I am doing and simply being happy. It is…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... my uniform for this time of the year
What I wore Sunday… my uniform for this time of the year
Autumn for me is all about layering. I love the idea of putting on few layers of different fabrics that will keep me nice and warm. I like to mix texture and colours to add my personal stamp on what I have decided to wear that day.
The outfit that you see today is not particularly ground-breaking but representative on how I like to dress these days. I want to feel comfortable but put together at…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... colours of autumn
What I wore Sunday… colours of autumn
Autumn seems to be a favourite season of most people and I am no exception. I love the leaves and their change in colours and something about cosy nights in. I love the knitwear, scarfs and the chance to change my wardrobe and go back to the things I loved so much last year.
Surprisingly, despite late October it still feels fairly warm where I live. I have not worn a single coat yet and may leave…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... one day in Athens
What I wore Sunday… one day in Athens
We have come back from our Greece trip quite some time ago but I did not have a chance to look at the pictures we have taken until now… Work, commitments, problems and my personal life gets the priority whether I like it or not.
Athens is a capital with a big C. It is noisy, crowded, vast and full of life. I do not think that any other city made such a mix impression on me. I loved the older part…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... little navy dress
What I wore Sunday… little navy dress
I am not too keen on occasion shopping when it comes to outfits. It is easy to make a mistake when under time pressure and buy an outfit just for the sake of getting something new. Having staples that will serve more than one occasion is a key for me.
I bought this little navy dress on sample sale quite a few years ago. It is maybe more fitted than I would have liked but hopefully I can still…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... best of the high street
What I wore Sunday… best of the high street
Shopping on the high street can be a very good experience, not only because items are generally more affordable but also due to some amazing quality finds. There are a lot of pieces that are not worth your time and money but if you look a little bit deeper, you will find some treasures.
The dress shown today is from H&M and it comes from collaboration between the clothing giant and the fabric…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... polka dot
What I wore Sunday… polka dot
When I heard about dilapidated estate waiting to be demolished covered in street art, I knew it is a place I have to visit. I am not sure what is it about street art I like so much but I guess it must be self-expression aspect of it.
As I cannot draw and I have very little if any manual or artistic skills, I express myself through the outfits I wear. This is one is very simple and comfortable yet…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... broderie anglaise
What I wore Sunday… broderie anglaise
Summer is made for dresses and with such a nice weather in the whole of Europe, I am taking full advantage of that situation every single day. More often that not, I stay away from vibrant colours but the dress shown today is one of the exceptions.
When I first saw it, I loved it instantly but decided against buying it due to the price. I debated for quite some time and when I eventually got it,…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
It feels like forever since I have done my end of the month post. I have missed June, mostly due to traveling and work but I am glad that I am back this month.
July has been hot and for the first time since moving to UK, it feels like proper summer. You will not believe how happy I am that I can finally wear my lighter clothing and enjoy the sun.
You may know that I had a chance to visit Berlin…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... never too many white dresses
What I wore Sunday… never too many white dresses
White dress is all I want to wear in the summer. It is not particularly ground-breaking but feels comfortable and appropriate for the time of the year. Every Spring-Summer I try to add one or two new white dresses to my collection. They have to be made out of natural fabrics and be versatile enough to wear season after season.
The one featured today is from last year (but still available) and you…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... one day in Berlin
What I wore Sunday… one day in Berlin
I do not know if you like making lists but I personally do not… There are only few that I am happy to make and they are mostly travel-related. Going to Berlin, seeing Berlin Wall and getting the feel for the city was long time coming for me.
It took me by surprise how familiar Berlin felt, especially the east side where we stayed. Public transport, layout of the streets, blocks of flats reminded…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday... minimum effort, maximum impact
What I wore Sunday… minimum effort, maximum impact
Despite a common belief, I am a fairly lazy dresser. I do not like to get ready for too long and I try to make quick decisions when it comes to my clothing. And this outfit is a perfect example of that attitude.
You will not believe how long I wanted this top for. When I saw it initially, it was a love at first sight. But as much as I liked to buy it, I knew that I cannot spent a fortune on a top…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
Once more about sales
Once more about sales
Everly late May, throughout June until July most retailers announce their sales. Scoring something you wanted for a very long time at reduced cost can be thrilling but it is easy to lose you head at the same time.
After years of making my own mistakes, I decided to put a guide with all of my tips on how to shop sales. Things to avoid, when to wait and how not to waste your hard-earned cash. I…
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storybyaggie-blog · 6 years
What I wore Sunday...feeling blue
What I wore Sunday…feeling blue
Wearing only one colour from head to toes can be very tricky and I would not normally recommend to do it. Having said that I had this particular outfit in mind for a very long time and I just waited for the weather to warm up. Besides whites, blacks and greys blue is the colour I wear the most. Something about it screams out to me and makes me feel comfortable and put together.
As I have…
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