straightouttaarrows · 6 years
just one look and I can hear a bell ring
one more look and I forget everything
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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Thanos knows
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
when u catch urself thinking wistfully about dating and being in love and being c*ddled and how nice that would be
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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I don’t remember where I saved the headers but isn’t mine ~
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
let 👏 bisexual 👏 girls 👏 love 👏 boys
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
Magic (Peter Parker [TH] x Strange!Reader) PART TWO
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Keep reading
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
some highlights from my students’ romeo and juliet modern interpretation projects:
- someone made a username for friar laurence with 420 at the end - the same kid who put 69 in romeo’s username like i wouldn’t know what either of those things mean - the girl who added ‘clean’ at the end of all the songs on her juliet playlist like lmao girl i know spotify doesn’t have the clean version - the kid who said romeo and juliet killed each other - the weird dichotomy of kids who put love story on their playlist vs the kids who choose bad blood - the kid who wrote ‘get a room’ as tybalt’s comment on romeo’s couple pic - the kid who said ‘romeo is probably one of those douches who follows a ton of people so they follow him back and then he unfollows all of them’ - the one who legitimately used the word ‘alrighty’ do kids say this in their text messages???? i thought i was the one talking like an elderly person but okay - the one who made romeo’s username ‘montagoose’ - the only kid who acknowledged that posting about your secret relationship on instagram was a bad idea - the girl who wrote that romeo would unironically say ‘#blessed’. she’s right. - the one single solitary girl who wrote mercutio as gay as shakespeare did (she’s also the only one who used mercutio at all which is a tragedy but whatever) - the one who wrote romeo’s insta bio as ‘thus with a kiss i die
 LOL RIP ME 😂💀’ - the one who made benvolio’s username benvoliYO
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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© HONEY BUBBLE | Do not edit. (1, 2)
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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© PHYSOSTEGIA0912 | Do not edit. (1, 2)
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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steve + protecting bucky with his shield
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Cinematography [1/ ∞]
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
Yeah, hi, headcanon that Lisa is 100% an olympic level figure skater and Len has tried a bajillion times but he just can't learn how to ice skate
Lisa Snart, Golden Glider, Bronze-winning figure skater (Winter Olympics, 1992), is doubled over with laughter. And still perfectly balanced on one foot. 
Her brother is dragging himself along the wall at the side of the rink. He’s just picked himself up from the ice, which took four attempts, after making the mistake of letting go.
“Every time,” she chokes out. 
“I’m glad you think this is funny, sis,” he yells over to her. And, aww, he’s doing his dangerous face, like he thinks he’s making a dramatic impression on anyone. 
Oh, sure - Lenny likes to think he’s the badass of the Snart family, but she’s been watching him wobbling against skating rink walls since he was 15. 
(Also, Lenny’s not the Snart who knows what you can do to someone with an ice skate. Not every day, of course. Just when you need to.)
“It’s fine,” he sulks. “I’m in my element.” He grins, clearly expecting a reaction for that one. She does a Salchow jump to spite him, spinning in the air and sticking her tongue out at him. She lands flawlessly, then half-collapses in giggles once more, watching as he again attempts to let go. It doesn’t go so well for him. 
Yeah, the big bad Rogue’s not fooling her. Or the eight-year-olds in hockey gear who snerk at him as they sail past, waving.
A bit later, over hot dogs in the ice rink cafe, she asks, “Why do you still come?” They’re looking down over Central’s skating public. It’s quiet down there on this Thursday afternoon, but she can see an older couple who must be retired figure skaters, and a family whose small children are gliding over the ice with significantly more skill than her doofus brother.
He tilts his head at her, half-smiling. “Never gonna get any better if I don’t practice.”
She laughs, bumping his shoulder with her own. “Lenny. You’re 42. I hate to break it to you, but you’re not going to the Olympics this lifetime. Or even staying upright for more than a minute. Give it up.” 
Her brother shrugs. “You started asking if I want to join you. I’m not gonna not,” he murmurs, and ducks his head, apparently finding his beer very interesting all of a sudden.
She’s hit by a memory, from nowhere. 1992. All year, she’d trained like her life depended on it. (Sometimes, on her rarer dark days when she lets herself remember, she thinks maybe it did.) But it didn’t matter how hard she worked - she knew she wasn’t really going to Albertville. 
Then one day Lenny appeared with the money she needed, and she didn’t ask where it came from. 
She’d gone alone, her first time out of the country, crossing France on a bus full of mean rich kids whose parents and girlfriends and boyfriends would all be waving banners and flags when they got onto the ice. She was just happy her dad was in prison and couldn’t stop her from going. And Lenny - well, he was a wanted man by then. It was okay.
As they lowered the medal over her pounding heart and she reached for it with shaking hands, she finally looked up. There he was, out in the crowd, beaming at her with the kind of pride she didn’t know anyone could feel for her.
She knew better than ever to talk about it. But
 There he was.
She blinks, and slurps up chocolate froth, grinning at him over the straw of her milkshake. “All the same. Next time, just sit in the seats, okay? You can have a beer and pretend you’re actually enjoying yourself.”
“I can’t believe you’re giving up on me,” he drawls, his eyes sparkling.
On AO3 here, edited to fix all the dates and ages I screwed up in the disaster above
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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My dad never really gave me a lot of support and I’m trying to break the cycle of shame.
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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I will not fall in love I will not fall in love I will
fall in..love I will
 I will
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straightouttaarrows · 6 years
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© DREAM IN SPRING | Do not edit. (1, 2, 3, 4)
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