His Horcrux
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I don’t remember how it happened. One minute I was walking into the girl’s lavatory, the next I woke up in a bed I didn’t know. I’m not sure what had happened, the last thing I saw that night before passing out was Tom riddle. It was his bed I woke up in the next day, he wasn’t there luckily. I figured he had carried me there after I passed out, but why he didn’t take me straight to the hospital wing was still a question that lingered in my mind.
Tom and I have been friends since year one, when I stood up to some mean boys making fun of him for not having any parents. I had yelled at them and in return I had ended up with a broken hand as one of them pushed me to the ground.
I remember Tom telling me they would regret it later, and now when I really think about it, I haven’t seen them since…
It’s been almost a week of me avoiding Tom. I was curious about what had happened that night, but I was hesitant to ask, knowing how Tom was usually doing something shady, and would rather be left alone about it.
So I avoided him, which led me to where I am now, a small hidden part of the library. We usually sat together, and I found myself missing him as I looked outside, the dark grey clouds swirling as the harsh rain hit the big window next to me. Although it was cozy and warm inside, I still got a chill by looking outside.
I glanced at the big clock on the wall, I should probably get some sleep, even though it was Friday and I could sleep in tomorrow if I wanted.
I shut my book and got up from the table, walking through the library passing empty tables and flowing books. On my way I also passed a table with only one person, Tom. I quickly looked away and hurried to the door.
I slowed down as I got out, relaxing again slightly.
The calm feeling soon left me again though, as the sound of footsteps could be heard from behind me. I almost froze on the spot, afraid of the confrontation I knew was soon to come.
Fortunately for me, it wasn’t Tom. A boy with slick blonde hair fell in step next to me, I glanced at his face and he gave me a smile which I briefly returned. I didn’t really know him, Simon, I think is his name.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to creep you out, I just really wanted to talk to you” He suddenly said.
I didn’t look at him, though I wondered if it was a joke, he wanted to talk to me? It’s rare for boys to want to talk to me, and it doesn’t even have anything to do with me. They don’t want to talk to me because I’m friends with Tom, and apparently everyone is scared of him, for reasons I can’t see.
“It’s Simon right?” I asked. Please say yes or this will become very awkward very fast.
 He chuckled as If he heard my thought “Yeah, and you’re (Y/N), see I know that”
I looked at him. “How do you know?”
His smile disappeared and a frown appeared in its place. “How could I not? You’re Tom Riddles girlfriend are you not?”
I wanted to roll my eyes, Tom and I aren’t dating. Everyone seems to think we are, because I’m the only girl he’s ever seen with, so in some way I understand how they could assume it but it’s just not true.
Having the title Tom Riddle’s girlfriend wasn’t easy. Boys were scared to talk to me, merlin, even some girls didn’t want to be friends with me assuming they were going to get hurt.
But I still managed to have friends that were neither scared of me or Tom, at least not enough to let it have any effect on our friendship.
“You should know though, I don’t think that Tom guy is good for you”
Confused I looked at Simon, was he going to lecture me about Tom? As if all my friends haven’t done that already.
“What do you mean?” I played along anyway, knowing where this was going.
“I just mean, you could do better, and I think you should to better” He started.
“You deserve to be with someone who doesn’t scare off everyone you talk to and isolates you from the world, someone who appreciates you, someone like me”
I stopped walking and turned to him, what the bloody hell is he talking about.
He turned to me. This is where I realized we were the only ones in the hallway due to it being so late that every other student probably already went to bed.
“For your information, Simon, I’m actually quite happy with Tom, so I’m going to have to turn down your offer”
“Oh please” He laughed and threw his head back slightly, I didn’t like this guy one bit, I glared at him.
“A creepy guy like Tom Riddle doesn’t deserve a beautiful girl like you, he’s a loser and you don’t belong with a loser”
I had enough.
“He’s not a loser” I hissed.
“You’re right, he’s not just a loser, he’s a loser with dead parents”
The loud sound echoed through the empty hall, my hand tickling from the harsh contact it had made with Simon’s face.
His head turned to the side with the impact, his hand now cradling his surely sore cheek. I didn’t regret what I did for one second, he deserved it, he’s nothing but a bully.
His heard slowly turned to me, an angry expression on his face. By now I had backed up a little, he charged at me “You little-“ He didn’t reach me, as a light hit him, and he was thrown into the wall behind him.
I looked at the source of the light, finding Tom, his wand in his hand still pointed at Simon, even though he was now unconscious on the floor.
As I studied his face it was very clear he was angry, no scratch that, he was furious.
“Are you okay?” Tom asked as he studied my face and body, looking for signs of injury. “I’m fine” I mumbled.
I didn’t know what else to say, I hadn’t prepared for this moment, I had been avoiding it. It wasn’t unusual for Tom to do something like this, he usually came to my rescue whenever I needed him.
I looked at the ground, should I just make a run for it?
“Why have you been avoiding me?” He asked. His voice stern, almost as if he was a parent scolding a child.
“I’m not sure”
He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, before letting his stern and cold façade take over again.
“What do you mean you’re not sure, clearly there must be a reason, you’ve never behaved like this before, so why now?”
It was more like a demand, not a friend worrying for my feeling. Hah, as if…
“I-I don’t know Tom I just- I have to go” I with that I turned on my heel and hurried away from him.
“(Y/N)!” He yelled at me, I kept going.
Not looking back.
The grass outside was still wet and slippery from the heavy rain last night. After my encounter with Simon, and Tom confronting me I had hurried to bed, replaying the scene a million times in my head before falling asleep.
Right now I was walking outside with my friend Dave, he was a very nice guy, he was also very afraid of Tom, but didn’t want it to come between us as friends. I highly appreciated him.
We were just talking, enjoying the sun, walking down towards the lake.
Suddenly my foot slipped on the wet grass and I wobbled trying to find my balance Dave grabbed my arm trying to steady me.
As I had found my balance and turned to say thanks to Dave, a fist collided with the side of his head, and a dark figure appeared. I gasped at the scene.
The figure turned their face to me
“Tom! What the hell is the matter with you!” I pushed past him and got on my knees next to Simon who was moaning in pain.
“I thought he was going to hurt you”
Tom said, his voice calm, like he didn’t just punch someone in the face. I shot him a glare, which didn’t have any effect on him whatsoever.
“Just go” I told him.
I got up from the ground and turned to Tom, suddenly I felt ready to take the discussion with him, ready to yell at him and question him about everything I’ve been wondering about since that night.
But he talked before I had the chance.
“I can’t let you get hurt”
Where was this coming from?
“Tom what are you talking about, we’ve been friends for years, this isn’t like you”
“Can you promise me you will stay away from danger and avoid trouble?” He asked, ignoring my question.
His eyes darkened, and his usually cold façade fell into an annoyed one. “(Y/N) I am not messing around, I can no longer let you out of my sight, or let you be with your friends”
This wasn’t like him, I mean I knew he just wanted me to stay safe and all that, but he had never gone this far, something isn’t right.
“Tom, is there something you’re not telling me?”
He clenched his jaw. Yes there is…
“Promise me you won’t freak out”
I narrowed my eyes at him. Why would I freak out? What had he done now…
“I promise” I was hesitant, but I had to know.
“You remember that night in the girl’s lavatory?”
“Barely, I don’t remember anything other than passing out”
“Well before you passed out, a piece of my soul flew into you”
I widened my eyes.
“You’re my horcrux”
1704 words.
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A real run-in
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I struggled to read the book in my hand, as i got the feeling someone was staring at me, a feeling that made me want to throw my book as a distraction and run out of the library as fast as my legs could go. You can’t I thought, so I had no other choice than to try and ignore the feeling, and hope it would disappear.
Minutes went by, and I still had the feeling, it didn’t make sense, who would stare at someone for so long? As i looked around the library, I found it to be almost empty...huh...Am I just being paranoid?
As the thoughts and questions flew around my mind, a big heavy book slammed down on the table right in front of me, I jumped at the sudden sound, and soon after heard the librarian angrily hush at the noise.
I looked up, trying to find the source of my far-too-fast beating heart. Felix, my friend since first year, stood there with an annoyed and tired expression. I sent him a glare as he pulled out a chair next to me and sat down with a thump.
“Rough day?” I asked quietly. He simply looked at me, his face showing no sign of playfulness or the bright smile he usually carried. He was clearly worn out.
“You have no idea” He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his hands in his face and curly light brown hair.
Felix is in year six just like me, He is popular with the girls, a thing i found amusing, since my dear Felix was gay, He has yet to come out, I have encouraged him plenty of times, but he refuses, he has also yet to tell his parents might I add, so I do understand him.
I looked around the room once more before continuing with my book. I didn’t get far before I was disturbed yet again.
“Why is Tom Riddle staring at you?” Felix asked.
Tom Riddle? Why in Merlin’s name would Tom Riddle be staring at me? I have never done anything to him, I’ve never been rude to him or anything. Oh maybe he remembers that one time I accidentally bumped into him in the hallway, is that why he’s here? To kill me?
A nudge to my arm ripped me from my paranoid thoughts. I looked at Felix, he was hinting for me to look somewhere “Look over there, he’s been staring ever since i came in” chills ran down my spine as i realized he had been the one staring at me, he’s the uncomfortable feeling...
“Should we leave?” I asked, my voice just above a whisper, in fear anyone other than Felix was going to hear. “Yeah, It’s almost time for dinner anyway, we should get going” Felix said, his voice a little louder at the end, so it didn’t seem like we were leaving because of Tom.
I was quick to shut my book and get up, Felix doing the same. As I turned away from the table to walk to the door, my eyes found the ones of none other than Tom himself. Our eye contact lasted for a good 5 seconds before Felix grabbed my arm, pulling me with him out the door.
“Bloody hell, he’s really hot but he’s just so creepy”
I chuckled at Felix, he’s right though. Tom really is hot, he’s the hottest guy in the whole school. He was known for being the prince of Slytherin, and adored by girls in every year. He was also known for being a very reserved don’t-look-at-me-or-I’ll-kill-you kind of guy.
I’ve never really spoken to him, not until recently where i had forgot my potions book, so he let me share his with him during the class, we had talked a little there, and i acually quite enjoyed it. I wonder if he even remembers....
I shook off the thought as we arrived at The Great Hall, sitting down for dinner. Felix and i were joined by some friends and as they started talking, i found myself zoning out while looking into a pair of dark eyes from the Slytherin table. --- Oh shit I’m late.
 I ran through the hallways of the castle, trying to navigate my way, my only source of light being the tip of my wand and the moonlight seeping through some passing windows.
I had been reading next to the big tree by the lake, as i did sometimes, and found myself losing track of time in the beautiful scenery, not even noticing how dark it had gotten.
I was almost there, I was almost back at the common room, I turned the corner and almost fell as I hit something hard, a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me, saving me from falling. I dropped my wand, making it hard for me to see the person I had run into.
“You know it’s not a good idea to run around the castle at night, especially when you can’t see” A deep voice said. That voice, I recognized it, but from who? A sudden light from a wand made it possible for me to see, the arms wrapped around me belonged to none other than Tom Riddle.
My eyes widened a bit in fear, as I quickly stepped back, creating a little distance between us. I quickly got my wand from the ground.
“I’m sorry, I was out and I didn’t realize the time” I explained myself.
“You know, breaking a rule like this could cost you at least 15 points”
I didn’t know what to say, I just looked down in shame.
“I’ll let you go this time”
I looked at him in surprise. Did he really say he would let me go?
“Thank you” I didn’t hesitate to try and go by him, wanting to get out of that place fast. It’s not that I didn’t like Tom, I did. It’s just that I was lucky this time, and i didn’t want to push my luck by starting to say stupid things as I usually did when I got nervous.
“Wait a minute” He grabbed me by the arm as i walked past him, i looked back at him. Did he take back what he said? Was he going to punish me? Oh no
“Come here! Quick!” He pulled me with him behind a pillar, pushing me up against the wall. His body was pressed up against mine, his height easily towering over my shorter one, shielding my eyes from whatever we were hiding from.
Tom put a finger against his lips, signaling for me to be quiet. I almost held my breath, as I caught a small sight of a figure walking past us in the hallway. Even as the figure got further and further away, Tom was still pressing up against me, sending small unwelcomed butterflies in my stomach.
He looked from the hallway to me, our faces were close, so close our noses would touch if we leaned in a little closer.
“Did you ever find your book?” He asked, pulling me from my little moment.
I furrowed my eyebrows “What?” His smirk remained, “Your potions book darling, did you find it?”
Oh, so he did remember. I gave him a small smile. “Yeah, I found it. You really remember that?”
A small chuckle made it from his lips, making me shiver, a different kind of shiver, a good shiver. “Of course I remember, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since”
“Oh really?”
“Really. Something about you has captured my attention, it might be your beauty, or maybe it’s the way you move, or your voice. I think it might be all of it” He confessed.
I thanked the heavens it was dark, making it harder for him to see the blush on my cheeks.
With his finger, he lifted my head more up, leaning down and placing his soft lips on mine. A kiss that sent good shivers down my spine, and making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.
This was only the beginning.
1350 words
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Prompt list.
1. “Is that what you’re doing? Trying to make me hate you?”
2. “Don’t you dare do that again.”
3. “If I see you go anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me.”
4.  “I thought you were dead.”
5.  “You can’t protect me.”
6.  “You look amazing tonight.”
7. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
8.  “I’m not going anywhere.”
9.  “You’ve been drinking tonight haven’t you?”
10.  “I can’t keep doing this.”
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