strangebirdsalad · 2 years
"Apo on the Wall" by Bj Patino
This poem is a comparison of the past and now, and I loved it because the author utilized figurative language to obscure what he intended us to picture. I enjoyed the poem because of the poet's use of informal language to give the impression that the events described in it actually occurred to children of that age during those times. It gave me a sense of learning about my own past experiences. My eyes were opened to the not-imagined conditions that the martial law victims went through, conditions that I personally did not observe or experience. The poem gave me the explanation for appreciating what had transpired in our history, and I was made aware of the fact that the younger generation views the events differently. In order to start learning from our past mistakes in the present, we must allow ourselves space for a unique perspective. The poetry Apo on the wall has helped me understand how important it is to reflect on the past and apply what we learn there to the present. The past may only be in the past, but it must be examined in order to create a better present and prevent future mistakes while also repeating the great things of the past. This is evident in the different perspectives of millennials and people who experienced martial law. This work of art by Bj Patino is an advocate of the idea that it is important to reflect back on the past, move forward through the present, and ensure the prosperity of the future. Even though errors have been committed, we can stop them from occurring again. Additionally, there are other items from the past that are still useful now, for which we should be grateful. The poem serves as a reminder of our nation's history. It makes us more appreciative of the freedom and democracy we currently enjoy. The poem "Apo on the Wall" is well worth reading because, whatever the past has taught me, it is a lesson that must be remembered so that, when the same scenario arises again, we will already know what to do. even if at the time we weren't fully sure of the reality.
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