strangechildren · 5 years
Aphrodisiac Chocolates
Summary: It's Valentine's Day and as much as you would love to surprise your man, everything is sold out! By a struck of luck, you find a salesperson selling homemade boxed chocolates on your way home. Relieved you finally got him a gift, it might've been a good idea to read the packaging first...
Word Count: 2,646
Warnings: Lemon Headcanons/Mini Scenarios
Valentine's was here and you were running around last minute to find a gift for your man. You knew he would find something like that so trivial, but you wanted to get him something. Besides, not like he had any room to say that when you had a feeling he's going to buy you flowers. The last-minute gift idea probably wasn't the best move on your end, but you can't go wrong with some chocolates.
Quickly scanning up and down the isles of the grocery store had you panicking at the empty shelves. Ahh yes...my luck in a nutshell. Sighing, you leave the store realizing this was the third one you came too. Running your hands through your hair, you walk back out into the shopping district and rack your brain for ideas on what to buy him.
The sudden whiff of chocolate had your head whipping up sharply. Your eyes immediately find the source and you quickly send a prayer of thanks before skipping over to the small pop-up stand.
"Hello!" Smiling widely, you look to the girl running the booth as she returns your smile cheekily.
"Hi! Last-minute shopping?" She asks knowingly, a teasing glint in her eye. You nod shamefully and the girl laughs in understanding. "It's totally fine! That's why I thought this would be a good idea to set up my own stand today. Not to brag or anything, but I make the best chocolates around." In the last part, she lifts her hand to her mouth and whispers to you, winking when she finished talking.
"Well, thankfully I found you! I was just about to panic because I already know he got me flowers and I would love to do the same, but what can I say, I like to try and compete with him at this kind of stuff...ah..." You clear your throat noticing that you were rambling. "Anyway, how much for a box of chocolates?"
The girl giggles softly and hands you a wrapped black heart package of chocolates. "Oh, love. You can take these for free. On the house." Looking up at her in disbelief and reaching for your pocket, she shakes her head and motions for you not to bother.
"Please take it! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!" She offers you a wide smile and blows you a kiss once you finish thanking her. Sighing in relief that you finally got him a present, you begin to head home to prepare for your romantic evening.
"Happy Valentine's Day!" You scream, running into your man's arms as soon as he walks through the door. He catches you easily, hugging you close to his body, the familiar warmth making you sigh in content.
"Happy Valentine's Day." He echos, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. Pulling back slightly, he pulls his free hand closer to his body and it was then you noticed the bouquet of flowers he was holding. "I knew it!" You laugh and take them from him gently, smelling the petals.
He blushes slightly and scratches the back of his head. "Do you like them?"
You lean up and peck his lips softly. "Of course I do!" Looking into his eyes so he knows your being serious, you peck his lips again and pull back. "Time for your gift!" You exclaim, running over to the wrapped box of chocolates on the table.
He follows behind and holds out his hands as you place the box in them. "Mystery chocolates? Do not eat more than one?" He reads questionably, eyeing you for confirmation.
"Huh?" Looking down to where he was reading your furrow your eyebrows not noticing that before. "Oh! They probably have different fillings! Go on try one!" You say, not processing the last part, bouncing excitedly on your toes as he unwraps the package, a confused look on his face.
"If you say so."
He looks at the different chocolates in the box trying to decide which one wouldn't be as sweet. Not being a big fan of chocolates, he did have the occasional sweet-tooth so, of course, today would be an exception. His eyes finally settle on a dark chocolate piece that looks like it was dusted in some red powder. Picking it up, he brought it up to his mouth and bit it in half, testing the sweetness. To his surprise, the chocolate had some spice to it and he could only assume the red powder was chili powder.
Bakugou took the rest of the chocolate in his mouth and set the box down. "S'good." He mumbled, savoring the spicey chocolate flavor that hit his tongue. Swallowing the last bit of flavor in his mouth, he yawns and stretches his arms above his head. "I'm so happy I showered at the agency so now I can spend all my time with you." Bakugou hugs you again, burying his face in your hair.
"Why do you smell so sweet..." He mumbles softly and it was then you heard thumping on the floor. Alarmed, you pull back and look up at Bakugou who was staring at you, almost pouting when you moved away. Wait.
"Oh my god." Gasping, your hands fly to your mouth, noticing the wolf ears now on Bakugou's head, twitching slightly. Then your eyes trailed further down seeing a tail. Now worried by your reaction, he's about to speak before you grab his hand and drag him into the bedroom, placing him in front of the mirror.
"'Mystery chocolates,' dumbass?" Bakugou scowls, clearly pissed off about his appearance. "I didn't know!" You exclaim, trying not to laugh.
"Hey! It's not fucking funny!" As Bakugou yells his ears flatten on his head and you want to swoon at the sight. So cute. "But you're such a good boy." You mock-purr, wrapping your arms around his neck.
At that, Bakugou's ears perked up and his tail began to wag a little. "Y-yeah?" He asks, his personality slowly changing a little. You nod your head and reach up, softly rubbing his ears.
Bakugou's cheeks dust pink before a groan leaves his lips as he spins you around towards the bed. "I feel like I need to ravage you, (Y/n)...right now. To claim you as my own and one else's."
→ Type of Chocolate: Animal Instincts - Exquisite spices enrobed in smooth dark chocolate awaken primal desire that will never be more intense. The effect will last approximately a few hours, depending on the person's libido.
→ You: "B-Bakugou...so intense...so good~" *has been reduced to a panting and whining mess, intoxicated by Bakugou's intense thrusting and growls*
→ Bakugou: *suddenly feels his cock swell at the base making his head more foggy with pleasure* "My (Y/n)...mine...mine...mate."
A simple milk chocolate truffle caught his eye, topped with streaks of white chocolate. Picking it up, he places the whole thing in his mouth sighing as the sweet crunchy toffee-nut coated his tongue. "Wow! That's really good, (Y/n)!" Midoriya exclaims, licking his thumb when he was finished.
You smile at him in relief and turn around to start walking towards the kitchen. "I'm so happy you liked it! What do you want for dinner?" A sudden hand grabs your wrist and you look back at Midoriya in shock.
"Come back here." His eyes were lidded as he pulled you back towards him, his pupils blown wide. It wasn't like Midoriya to command you like that, but you felt a twinge of arousal course through your veins. "Midoriya?" You ask, concerned by his sudden change in behavior.
The sweet voice seemed to snap him out of it real quick, but he was still clearly struggling with himself. "Feels strange...need you...now." His arms pick you up suddenly and you wrap your legs around his waist as he leans down to harshly suck at your neck.
Letting out a strangled moan, seeing Midoriya's rough and dominant movements was something you hardly saw when it came to sex. As much as you loved him taking his time and expressing how much he loves you, it's always good to switch it up sometimes.
"Won't you be a good girl for me, (Y/n)? Let me show you what a true man does to please his woman."
→ Type of Chocolate: Opposites Attract - The crispy toffee-nut filling draped in simple milk chocolate is a surprise no one saw coming. The effect turns a person's normal actions during sex into it's opposite. This could make your time romantically sweet or downright dirty. It could last approximately a few hours depending on the person's libido.
→ You: "F-fuck..." *gasps as your hair is pulled back roughly, his thrusts picking up speed*
→ Midoriya: "Let your voice out, (Y/n)." *smacks your ass harshly before continuing his brutal pace*
Todoroki's eyes land on a white piece of chocolate with a circle drawn on top in milk chocolate. Picking it up, he places the whole thing in his mouth chewing slowly. A bitter cream comes out which complimented the sweet chocolate nicely, making him decide he liked the combination of flavors. "How is it?" You ask nervously, watching his neutral expression as he chewed the candy.
"It's good. That one was kinda interesting." He swallowed and smiled. You tilt your head to the side, confused. "How so?"
Suddenly, a puff of pink smoke appeared around Todoroki's wrists. Alarmed, he tried to move away but a sudden clinking noise echoed throughout the room. When the smoke disappeared, a pair of fuzzy handcuffs were around his wrists. "That's how."
You both stood there silent for a few minutes trying to comprehend the situation. "I can just freeze the metal and break it." Todoroki finally concludes. He goes to do just that only see nothing came out of his hands.
"No way...are those similar to the quirk restricting handcuffs?" You ask, reaching out to touch the fuzzy red feathers around his wrists. A sudden devious plan can to your mind as you smiled innocently up at Todoroki. His eyes narrowed.
"What was that chocolate, (Y/n)?" His rare commanding voice sent shivers through you. "I honestly didn't know this was going to happen! But now that it has..."
You pull him into the bedroom and push him on the bed, his calculating eyes knowing exactly where this was going. Still smiling innocently down at him you teasingly take your shirt off and raise his wrists above his head.
"When I get out of here, (Y/n), I don't want to hear one complaint. Whatever you do to me you're going to get back twice as much."
→ Type of Chocolate: Restricted Pleasure - A black coffee ganache enveloped by sweet white chocolate is a combination hard to break free of. The effect will last approximately 45 minutes. Although it's much like the handcuff restraints the pro-heroes use, the person will be able to use their quirk after 30 minutes has passed.
→ Todoroki: *arms resting above his head he gritted his teeth feeling you bounce yourself up and down his cock at a slow, torturous pace* "F-faster, please..."
→ You: *panting, you slow down even more making him groan in frustration* "Nuh uh, Shouto." *suddenly the handcuffs disappear and you lock eyes with him in panic watching a dangerous smirk cross his lips* "...fuck."
A dark chocolate piece, topped with a drawn pink chocolate heart stood out to Kirishima the most. Picking it up, he placed it in his mouth, the taste of raspberries very prominent. "This is amazing, (Y/n)! Thank you!" He moaned around the candy before swallowing. 
Licking his lips he leans down to kiss you again, his tongue moving sensually against yours leaving you breathless. "I can't decide if you or the chocolate tastes better." Kirishima hums, pulling your lower lip between his teeth.
The movement makes you shudder and pull back when he releases, taking a deep breath. Glancing up into his eyes, you faintly notice they're glowing pink. Scared, you pull back farther and see that two black horns are emerging from his temples. Confused, Kirishima steps forward to grab you but you avoid his hand. "What is it, (Y/n)?" Kirishima's worried voice sounded like silk as it wrapped around your name, the syllables rolling seductively off his tongue.
Hearing him made you weak in the knees as you hesitantly pointed at the horns. Confused, he reached up and his eyes widened, feeling the smooth surface. "What is this?" He picked up the box of chocolates again and flipped it over to read the back.
You watch anxious, suddenly very aware of the two of you in this room together. Alone. Although it was normal, this time it felt different. Kirishima chuckled darkly and stalked towards you, watching you squirm under his gaze.
"Oh cutie, I don't think your ready for what I'm about to do to you."
→ Type of Chocolate: Alluring Incubus - Creamy soft raspberry filling covered in a dark chocolate shell is irresistably desirable. The effect will last approximately a few hours, or until a person develops a strong hunger appetite.
→ You: "D-don't look at me like that, Kiri..." *trailing off, you avoid his intense eye contact as he teasing prepped you, fingers moving slowly inside you*
→ Kirishima: "C'mon (Y/n), look at me." *his words held a command as he made you stare into his eyes, a sickeningly innocent grin plastered on his face* "Say my name."
→ You: *the embarrassed pleasure was overwhelming as he leaned down to suck a mark into your neck, making you feel hot* "Eijirou~"
Kaminari's eyes flickered excitedly over his options before settling on a milk chocolate piece sprinkled with salt. Placing the whole thing in his mouth, sweet caramel landed on his tastebuds as he moans at the taste. "So goooddddd!" Kaminari moaned again, swallowing the chocolate.
"I'm glad you like it!" You lean up and kiss him again, the remaining flavor entering your own mouth as Kaminari deepened the kiss. Sighing happily, you wind your fingers around his neck and pull him down further. "Are you going to make love to me, Denki?" You ask sultry as you pulled back dazed.
Kaminari didn't answer and once you focused back on him, his eyes seemed to be coming in and out of focus. "Kami?" You call out to him again, worried. His eyes snapped to yours and he smiled.
"Sorry (Y/n), but I feel strange suddenly. When you asked me that it was like my body couldn't decide if that was a command or not." He explains.
Confused more than ever you look deep into his eyes. "Kiss me." You order this time and his lips come firmly pressing on yours as everything seemed to click in your head. The chocolates.
Pulling back you chuckle and Kaminari seems more confused than before. "I'm sorry Kami. I didn't realize these chocolates had an effect...but that could make tonight's activities all the more...exciting."
Kaminari gulped, eagerly waiting to hear his next command.
→ Type of Chocolate: Obey Me - Decidant caramel encased in sweet milk chocolate all topped in sea salt is a treat you just can't say no too. The effect will last approximately a few hours but can be shortened anytime by consuming water. Use responsibly although this isn't strong enough to have full control. If a person is definite in refusing an order, they have the ability too.
→ You: *panting* "K-Kami...right t-there...feels so good. Keep going~"
→ Kaminari: *smirking because he enjoyed the fact that this was effecting you more than him* "As you wish, master."
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strangechildren · 5 years
Hi! have a save trip and enjoy your time! :) Can I ask for some young Sirius hc with his crush falling asleep on his lap while spending break at the lake? thank you~
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Sirius is very flirty, definitely teased you about falling asleep just to get a rise out of you
but when you actually do he’s kind of shocked
cue flustered sirius b/c he’s not used to this vulnerability
you look so gentle and peaceful and it makes something inside of him feel all warm and fluttery despite him chatting up people all the time
definitely considers waking you up and just asking you out now, because he can’t handle this softness 
and he definitely wouldn’t mind you falling asleep on him again
when you do wake up he’s tossing pebbles in the lake, and when he looks down at you he’s got the biggest smirk stretched out on his lips
and gives you some dramatic shit about how flattered he is that you adore him so much
and you just shove him on the shoulder
but you don’t miss the actual, real softness in his eyes that shows you just how much he cares
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strangechildren · 5 years
hey! may I ask for headcannons for boys from previous ask with their gf sneaking into their dorm in the middle of the night and sneak into their bed? how would they react? would they panic, let them stay or say that they go away because someone might see them? would they simply sleep with their gf or just talk all night or something else?
sirius black
would be impressed that you’re brave enough to sneak into his dorm
considering he lives with the marauders and they’ll w/o a doubt give the both of you shit for it in the morning
but he’s definitely not complaining
teases you a little at first
kisses all over your face, neck
flirty whispers 
after a while he settles with wrapping his arms around your waist, and you rest your head against his chest
he dies a little inside when you play with his hair bc it makes him soft 
remus lupin
would normally be fine with it
but this time he freaks out b/c it’s right after a full moon and what if you snuck in when he wasn’t there and then you’d know something’s up
plus you’re definitely smart enough to put two and two together 
you make it clear you aren’t leaving
so he just sort of shrugs, cause he’s exhausted
he’s warm, really really warm
sometimes he winces when you cuddle against him bc of his scars and bruises
will wrap his arms around you and hold you
also likes it if you wrap your arms around him bc it makes him feel extra loved and warm
george weasley
cuddler of the cuddlers
he’s so tall and you just kind of mold into him
he gets cold at night and wears one of his knit sweaters, so he’s also very warm and soft
feet and legs intertwined
randomly pokes you in the arm or shoulder just for the heck of it
and you’ll pepper kisses on his cheeks
the both of you talk a lot, although in whispers and laughter, and consists of mostly abstract ‘would you rathers’
you usually fall asleep first and that’s when he’ll whisper “i love you”
harry potter
would be flustered and exasperated bc it’s two in the morning, really
but despite exhaustion always makes sure you’re alright
doesn’t matter if it’s a bad dream, feeling guilty, or just worried and anxious
he’s always up to listen to you
and if it is something bad he’s really understanding
you find his messy hair and glasses-less face cute
he’s always holding your hand –> interlacing fingers, squeezing gently, pressing kisses to knuckles
still holds your hand when sleeping next to you
draco malfoy
would pretend to be annoyed but would really be pleased
thinks he’s still smooth while sleepy-eyed but he’s really not
and he’s just adorable with tousled hair and his raspy voice
he moves over for you to come in and wraps his arms around you, his head resting against your shoulder
he mumbles in his sleep
and you laugh as you’ll hear the most random phrases or feel really touched when you hear your name
can get handsy on occasions but only if he’s certain you’re okay with it
blaise zabini
would tell you that you’re not supposed to be here and should probably leave
but he’s smirking the whole time and obviously doesn’t care
so you stick your tongue out at him and push him over to get under the covers
likes to feather kiss across your jawline
somehow all your limbs are intertwined but it’s still comfortable and you feel really safe
sometimes the two of you will talk about a lot of stuff
and it’s usually this time where the two of you are the most vulnerable
other times it’s just kisses and soft nothings
you like tracing the ridges of his cheekbones and the outlines of his face
doesn’t wrap his arms around you bc your arms are all tangled together anyway but just sort of snuggles next to you
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strangechildren · 5 years
having heated arguments with Sirius? :)
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//anon didn’t know if you meant heated as in angry arguments or heated as in “heated” fans self arguments so i did both xx
actual arguments
despite his flamboyant attitude, he can be very self-loathing
and since he doesn’t care about his well-being, you get concerned
albeit very frustrated
and sometimes this turns into arguments
sometimes it’s a mixture of shouts to see who can yell the loudest
but when you walk away first then sirius knows he fucked up and viceversa
if you angrily bring up his family it’s over
and if he yells out a low blow over something personal to you that’s it
the two of you hate arguing bc you’re both so prideful that when you fight  you avoid each other
and there’s a lot of passive aggressiveness
but eventually there’ll be an apology bc it’s not worth not seeing or cuddling or kissing or just being around the other
and the apologies are actually genuine no matter who initiates it
heated arguments
usually over something stupid
like jealousy 
maybe sirius seems more flirty to others than usual or you seem more attracted to other people than usual
confrontations in abandoned alcoves
and the two of you will just keep spitting remarks back and forth until suddenly you’re both very close
and the words coming from your mouths aren’t hurtful, in fact they’re on the borderline of dangerous teasing
it’s usually sirius who cracks first
pushes you against the wall and kisses you, breathlessly
and you’ll run your hands through his hair and tug
exchanges of “you’re mine”
low voices
kisses turn softer
always make sure the other’s alright in the end
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strangechildren · 5 years
Go Fish (Sirius Black x Reader)
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Requested by Anonymous: heyyyy can you write a young sirius x reader imagine where they’re just hanging out
Word Count: 1, 674
Warnings: I’m not sure if this counts as kissing
“Go fish.” Sirius said. You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously.
“I call bull.” You said, making him laugh. The two of you had been playing Go Fish for a while now and you were sure he was cheating in some way. Being a muggleborn, you had brought a pack of cards to school from home, wanting to share it with your friends. They, of course, had come up with the so-called ‘improved’ version, where they turned the cards into fish and put them in a bowl of water, so instead of picking from a deck of cards, when you had to ‘Go Fish’, you had to catch one of the fish and add them to your deck, turning them into a card. It wasn’t pleasant but it was fun to watch James freak out over the sliminess of the fish whenever you all played together.
“It’s not bull! Go fish.” He said
“You’ve had none of the cards I need and somehow gotten all the cards you need from me.” You argued, pulling your wand out.
“Hey! Hey! Calm down, I’m too pretty to die!” Sirius exclaimed, dropping his cards to shield his face. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics.
“Calm down, drama queen, I’m just checking if you’ve rigged this.” You said, casting a hex revealing spell on your deck of cards and then Sirius’, which he had snatched up quickly after dropping them, making sure you didn’t see what he had. The spell revealed no tricks, making you groan frustratedly.
“Enough evidence for you?” Sirius asked, eyes on his deck of cards. “Can we continue now?”
“Not until you tell me how you’re doing it.” You said, laying your cards down face first on the ground and pointing an accusing finger at your friend.
“Fine.” He said, sighing in defeat and then paused for a while, looking as if he was giving you the biggest secret of his life. You gestured for him to continue. “It’s called…talent.” He finished finally, giving you a smirk. You pursed your lips and blinked at him slowly, your entire expression reading ‘I am so done with you’.
“This game relies on luck, pads.” You said quietly, the calm before the storm. “There’s no skill or talent involved!” You exclaimed loudly, throwing your hands up exasperatedly. Sirius shook his head at you disappointedly.
“See, my dear friend, that is what everyone wants you to believe.” He said, putting his own cards down and crawling over to you from his space on the floor. You were both now sitting cross legged, knees touching. “You’ve got to think outside the box, dear Y/N” He said, tapping your forehead as he spoke. You glared up at him as he grinned cheekily back at you, he loved teasing you, loved watching your short temper unravel.
“You’re dead, Black.” You murmured. You didn’t even give him time to give you a confused look before you jumped on him, pushing him onto the floor. You ended up sitting on his stomach, pinning his hands down. You tried to look threatening, but only succeeded in making him laugh at your narrowed eyes and single lifted eyebrow. You knew he could easily push you off of him, but seeing as he wasn’t, you stayed in your place. “Reveal your secrets.” You commanded, eyes still narrow. He raised his own eyebrow at you, the usual smirk gracing his face.
“Make me.” He said, eyes glinting with mischief. You gave him a smirk of your own, leaning forwards so you were inches away from his face. Neither one of you backed down. You couldn’t help but admit to yourself that your heart was racing a bit, being this close to Sirius, having his piercing grey eyes stare defiantly into your Y/E/C ones. Meanwhile, Sirius was trying to keep his breathing steady and resisting the urge to lift his head a few centimetres to feel his lips against yours. Much to your unawareness, Sirius has had a not-so-minor crush on you since day one, the only people who knew were James, Remus and Peter, who had figured it out for themselves. Sirius had denied it entirely when they confronted him about it but they knew their friend well. He knew you were off limits though, you never hook up with friends, everyone knew that and yet he felt so drawn to you. So drawn to your laugh and your smile, your witty comebacks and caring looks, your fearlessness and obstinance. He had tried to rid himself of these feelings with countless other girls, yet he couldn’t find anyone who could compare to you. So, yes, Sirius was most likely about to have his heart beat out of his chest at the rate it was going now.
“Oh, don’t worry Snuffles,” You started, voice low, “I will.” Sirius’ breath stopped entirely at that, only for his hopes to be swatted away as you dropped one of the fish from the bowl onto his face, throwing your head back in laughter as he shrieked and tried to push it off, only succeeding in getting it in his hair, at which his panic level rose dramatically. He hadn’t noticed you had let go of one of his wrists, reaching back to get the fish from the fish bowl.
“Not the hair! Not the hair!” He shouted as he tried shaking his head to rid his ‘luscious locks’ of the wet fish. You continued laughing at his struggle as he gave you a desperate look. “Y/N, please!” He exclaimed. You grabbed your wand and pointed it at him threateningly.
“Reveal your secrets, Black!” You exclaimed, making sure that you didn’t actually use a spell on him.
“Fine! Yes, ok! I’ll do it!” He cried. “Just get it out of my hair!” You chuckled as you picked it up by its tail and dropped it back into the bowl. Sirius was panting as you turned back to him, eyes closed. He threw his hand over his face. “The horror.” He muttered.
“You’ll live.” You said, leaning back and crossing your arms. “Now, tell me.”
“I had Peter sit behind you and show me which cards you had.” Sirius revealed breathlessly. You gasped and turned your head around to find a very red faced Peter hiding behind a table behind you.
“You rat!” You shouted.
“Literally.” Sirius murmured from his spot underneath you. You slapped his chest to shut him up.
“Shush, I’ll deal with you later.” You promised then turned back to the bashful looking boy coming out from behind the table. “Now, what do you have to say for yourself?” You lectured, crossing your arms disappointedly. Peter stared at the ground and shuffled his feet nervously.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
“What did he promise you?” You asked. Peter looked to Sirius who gave him a quick shake of his head. Peter looked back to you, torn between his fear of you and the bargain with Sirius. You looked between the two boys, shaking your head. “Peter, tell me now or I’ll sit on you too.” You threatened.
“He promised me a week’s worth of fudge flies.” Peter answered quickly. Your eyes widened and you gasped, grasping your chest.
“Is that all I’m worth?” You asked, feigning to be hurt. “You should have at least bargained two weeks of fudge flies and chocolate frogs.”
“Sorry.” He muttered. You sighed.
“You can go, but remember, next time negotiate a better deal.” You said to Peter, who quickly scurried off. You turned back to Sirius, who’s hand was still covering his face. “And you…” You said, glaring at him. “I knew you were cheating!”
“I’m traumatised.” Was all he said, still not removing his hand to look at you.
“Calm down, it was just a fish.” You said, rolling your eyes. “Although, your hair does look pretty grim now.” You admitted. You saw him smirk a little.
“Not as bad as yours.” He said, chuckling as you swatted at his chest again.
“Prick.” You muttered.
“Ok, the mystery has been solved. Can you get off of me now?” Sirius whined. You just leaned back with a cheeky smirk on your face.
“Nah, I’m pretty comfortable like th-“ You didn’t get to finish though as Sirius twirled the both of you around, so he was lying on top of you instead. Your eyes closed in a gleeful, surprised laugh, making him smile. When you opened your eyes again, Sirius’ face was right above yours, making your breath hitch in your throat. He noticed this and grinned smugly, making you blush.
“You ok, Y/N? You’re looking a little…flushed.” He whispered the last word. He knew exactly what he was doing, knew he shouldn’t be doing it. You just looked so beautiful with your hair disheveled beneath you, eyes sparkling and cheeks bright red.
“S-Sirius?” You stuttered quietly, watching as his grey eyes shone devillishly.
“Hm?” He asked wordlessly. You stayed silent and so did he, both of you just watching each other. Completely intoxicated with the feeling of his body on yours. All you could hear was the crackling of the fireplace and the light tapping of rain against the window. You bit your lip nervously, accidentally drawing his attention to it. You watched his eyes darken a little and you closed your eyes, not knowing what to expect. You felt his lips softly brush against yours, the tiniest touch yet it had your entire body tensing with excitement.
“Sirius…” You tried again.
“Yes?” He asked, admiring how your lashes fanned over your cheeks.
“I think this means I won the game.” You whispered, opening your eyes. He frowned at you in confusion then laughed softly when he remembered your game of Go Fish.
“I’ll let you have it.” He whispered against your lips then stood up swiftly, walking out of the room. Leaving you lying on the floor, a mess of feelings, desires and questions. You humphed in frustration and glared at the ceiling. That boy started something and he definitely did not finish it.
Okie dokey. This one is a bit short but whatever. Maybe I could write a part two if anyone wants? idk. Anywho, constructive criticism is welcome.
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strangechildren · 5 years
Lovers in a War (Sirius Black x Reader)
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Permanent tag: @jems8241 @siriusmaraudeers 
Word Count: 682 (it’s a shorty)
Warnings: Torture, crying, kind of vivid violent descriptions, kissing, ANGST BASICALLY
A/N: I have no idea where this came from but I was just really in the mood, you know?
You were screaming. You were sobbing and screaming and Sirius could not help you. He was frozen to the spot, surrounded by masks drifting in shadows. They were laughing as if this was all some cruel joke. Sirius wished he could rip the sneers of their faces. If only he could break free of this spell and snap their cowardly, vile necks. Another wail tore at his ears, followed by pained whimpers.
He couldn’t move to help you, he couldn’t reach for his wand or beg them to release you. As much as he wished he could kill them all, he would gladly - eagerly strike any sort of deal if only to ease your suffering. He couldn’t even weep or cry out your name. You were out of his reach and in the very situation he had feared would happen ever since the two of you graduated and joined the war. That day he promised he would protect you, to keep you from the torture you so often heard of from the others.
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strangechildren · 5 years
Jealousy and Firewhisky
Request: “Hello I was wandering if you could write a Sirius x reader where like all the marauders and y/n are drinking but concious and Sirius is really drunk and can’t take it anymore and so confesses his love to the reader and everyone is like surprised but kind of knew💖💖💖💖💖thank you”
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: implied smuuuut & alcohol 
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You sat cross legged, taking yet another swig from the bottle of Firewhisky while James rounded up the last of the partygoers, shooing them out the door. Sirius haphazardly snatched up the bottle from you, tutting with a wild giggle.
“You’ve had enough (Y/n).” He stated, ending in a hiccup.
“Speak for yourself!” You snorted. “You can barely sit without toppling over.”
“That’s the last of them.” Peter huffed, taking a seat beside you, soon to be joined with James.
“I’d call that party a success, what do you think Moony?” James eyed the boy who was already climbing up the stairs to their dorm.
“Yeah, great.” Remus answered through a yawn. “I’m going to pass out. I have an early potions class tomorrow.”
“You’re so boring.” Sirius shouted at his friend with an easy smile.
“Boring, and getting better grades than you Padfoot.” Remus reminded, disappearing up the stairs.
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strangechildren · 5 years
Dating Sirius Black Would Involve
Running your fingers through his hair. When you kiss, when you cuddle, when you hug, all the time.
Sirius whispering in your ear a lot. He’ll nibble on your ear and kiss your neck and then whisper a random comment which would of course make you laugh. He would love your laugh.
Wearing his jacket because he thinks you look really hot in it.
He would tell you how hot you looked, a lot.
Sirius taking you for rides on his motorbike but he makes sure you’re safe and he makes sure you hold on tight. He loves the feeling of your arms wrapped tightly around his waist and the wind in his hair.
He loves that dizzy laugh you do when you stop riding on a broom or his motorbike together. He loves the way you brush your hair from your eyes and collapse against him laughing.
“Shhh.” kisses, “Shhh I love you.”
Your “reunions” after class would be so dramatic. He’d pick you up and swing you around and kiss you like he hadn’t seen you in months.
When you actually hadn’t seen each other for months, Sirius would be almost crying when he saw you again. He’d be overwhelmed by how beautiful you were so he’d quickly hug you to hide his tears.
You would be the really embarrassing, so-in-love couple.
Laughing so loudly when you’re together that you get told off.
Teasing him for “being a little baby hiding under ten pounds of black leather.”
He would grab you when you said this, press a sloppy kiss to your cheek and whisper in your ear, “Ten pounds? Come on, you know I wear less than that for you.”
Stealing his jumpers. Sirius pouts and asks for it back. “Can you give my jumper back please darling, it’s cold.”  A sly smirk from you then a quiet, “Make me.” Sirius glances at the Marauders then back at you. “Maybe later.”
Sirius stealing your jumper and showing up with it on one time to get back at you.  “Sirius! You’re going to stretch it!” You exclaim, stifling your laughter.  “You want me to give it back?” He says with a smirk twitching at his lips. “Yes.” “Make me.” He grins. “SIRIUS BLACK YOU STOLE MY LINE!” You yell, tacking him. There’s laughter from the other Marauders as Sirius is caught in a fit of laughter and half screams as you tickle him into submission (Sirius is very ticklish, especially on his stomach).
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strangechildren · 5 years
Drunk [S.B.]
Character: Sirius Black
Word Count: 1092
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Sirius finds himself looking after a drunk Y/n, who is determined to make it as difficult as possible for him to do so.
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t mine, credit to whoever made it
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+ + + + +
The party in the Gryffindor common room was in full swing, people dancing, laughing and drinking the firewhisky that lined the tables. The room was nearly too full for anyone to move around, however all anyone seemed to care about was Gryffindor winning the Quidditch match against Slytherin.
Sirius Black leant casually against a wall on the outskirts of the room, holding a half empty cup of firewhiskey in his hand as he observed the room.
Usually, he’d be right in the centre of everything, dancing with some girl he happened to find. However, tonight it was different. His eyes were locked on the Ravenclaw boy who dared to talk to you, hating him from a distance.
He told himself it was just the natural instinct of a best friend to want to protect you, but knew deep down it was so much more than that.
He didn’t want that boy touching you, because he wanted to be the only one to be able to do that.
He took a sip of his drink before allowing his eyes to wander, just for a few seconds, landing on his best friend James, who seemed to be acting like the giddy dork he was around none other than Lily Evans. Catch him around any other girl, he’d be his usual proud self, yet put him in front of the pretty redhead and he turned into a crushing schoolgirl.
Sirius couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement, before he then began looking around for Remus or Peter - whichever one he found first.
Remus, for once, actually seemed to be having fun. Though usually not the party type, James and Sirius had encouraged him to turn up, just for one night, and reluctantly, the werewolf had agreed.
Look where that got him - having much more fun than his usually overdramatic friend Sirius.
Sirius then, avoiding looking at you and the Ravenclaw, found Peter, who surprisingly, after having one too many shots, seemed to almost be the life of the party, though it was more likely he was just overly excited that James had scored the winning shot of the match.
Sirius often questioned whether his little rat friend was in love with James and his talent.
“Sirius dance with me!” He suddenly heard someone slur from his left. Turning, he couldn’t help the smile that graced his face when he saw it was you. Clearly intoxicated, you nearly fell into your best friend in your attempt to get to him faster. “Y/n! A-Are you drunk?” Sirius asked in shock, holding onto your body and pulling you close to him.
“What? Nooo..” you giggled, then began to slide a hand slowly down his chest, heading towards his pants. “Whatcha doing there?” Sirius said as he grabbed you hand to prevent it from moving lower.
You pouted, and leaned up to his ear, “Don’t you want to have some fun tonight?”
If it were in any other circumstances, Sirius would have jumped at the chance for a night with you, especially after being in love with you for so long now. But you were drunk - these thoughts weren’t your own, and he could only feel a little down about that.
“Trust me doll, any other time I would, but right now we need to get you to bed,” Sirius said as he once again steadied you on your feet.
“Do I have to?” You whined. Sirius didn’t bother replying, and instead started to lead you up the stairs to your dorm room.
It was one of the only times the stairs hadn’t knocked him back down.
He opened the door to your dorm and helped you inside as you muttered incoherent things to yourself, clinging onto Sirius’ neck.
You collapsed onto the bed as Sirius sat down and rested your feet on his lap, so he could take your shoes off for you. He placed them under your bed, before leaning over your body to try and take of your necklace, in case if caused you problems whilst you were asleep.
He ignored the closeness of your bodies, trying to distract himself from behind pressed against you, when you said, “I really like his position.” You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, a leg gently looping around his as you tried to lift your hips to meet his.
“And you are a very sexual drunk, baby girl, but I can’t do this to you. I won’t,” he said in a low tone, stroking your cheek with his finger as he pulled away from you with the necklace, trying not to hurt your leg as he untangled it from around his. “Then just stay with me,” you muttered sleepily, holding onto his arm so he couldn’t stand up.
Sirius’ heartbeat sped up. Did you just ask him to stay longer?
Without a word, Sirius placed the necklace on your beside table, slipping out of his trousers and climbing into the bed with you, instantly wrapping his arms around you. You looked up into his dark brown eyes, mesmerised by the way they were gazing back at you with such adoration. Your stare flickered down to his soft lips, and in your drunk state, you convinced yourself it was the perfect idea to lean over and-
Sirius thought his head was going to explode from feeling so many emotions at once when your lips brushed his. He could taste the alcohol on you, and knew, deep down, that you were just doing this because you were intoxicated. However, he pushed that out of his mind, if only for a few moments, to savour something that he would cherish forever.
You pulled away, seemingly content with kissing him, and snuggled into his chest, listening to his rising heartbeat as it lulled you to sleep.
Sirius couldn’t believe what you had just done. He couldn’t believe that you had actually kissed him. Him, your best friend, of all people. Sure, you’d been making sexual advances all night, but he never thought you’d actually do something about it without passing out first.
He couldn’t believe he had you in his arms, holding onto him so tight. He pushed a loose strand of hair out of your face, and just watched how beautiful you looked, lying beside him with your dress clothes still on, and makeup half smudged across the pillow.
Sirius smiled to himself in a bittersweet kind of way.
You may not remember the kiss by the morning, but he was sure that he would never forget it.
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strangechildren · 5 years
Headcanons for the reader being a marauder and them pretending to be her boyfriend whenever she gets unwanted attention?
They just started randomly doing this when they saw you getting attention that you clearly didn’t want, and after seeing how uncomfortable you were, they wanted to stop it
I feel like Sirius probably started it, being that he’s always a slut to shamelessly flirt and grab your hand and be way over the top
And then James did it next, with Remus and Peter following after that
Almost everyone in your house would know what was going on, but anyone a lot older or in a different house would 100% buy it
Unfortunately, as the war went on, these interactions happened more often
Sirius would be over protective and pull you away and yell at whoever was bother you for “annoying my gf and distracting her from making out with me!”
James would be the smoothest about it
He would just slide up and take your hand and be like “Ready darling?”, pulling you away from whoever was bothering you
Remus would walk up and throw his arm around you or kiss your cheek and just start talking until the person walked away
Peter would take your hand and drag you away, not even giving the person a chance to continue talking to you
Sometimes they’d team up just to fuck with the person bothering you more
Like Peter and Sirius would walk up, kiss your cheeks and pull you away, talking too loudly about what you “were about to do”
You never really asked them to do it, but were always grateful when they did
Except when they misjudged it and would walk up when you were talking to someone you were actually interested in
At which point you’d have to make up a reason for why your friend just walked up and slapped your ass, or called you baby
It always turned out for the best, and you’d do the same for them if they ever needed
Each time it happened you would thank the guys over and over again for having your back
“We’re with you till the end of the line, Y/N. Don’t mention it.”
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strangechildren · 5 years
Summer Revelations
Request:  Haii could you write for Sirius x reader where she invites him to her house over the holidays and all of the sudden (like watching her sleep, laughing, a hug idk) he realises he’s so in love with her??
Pairing: Sirius x Reader
Word Count: 2,823
Warnings: None really, just fluff. Oh, there’s like one nightmare mentioned but it’s not detailed or anything.
A/N: My first ever request! I finished this sooner than I thought I would (mainly because I was procrastinating studying for my Chemistry - whoops. I should probably do that now). Anyway… feedback is appreciated, and I hope you like it :)
Part 2
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Sunlight shone on the Black Lake, highlighting the waves and ripples. In the distance, you could hear the faint sound of all the students laughing and chattering. It was the last day at Hogwarts before the Summer holidays, and whilst you were waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive, you were with Sirius, sitting in the shade beneath a tree. You had been friends with Sirius since your first year in Hogwarts, always assisting him with his various pranks. It hadn’t taken you long to find out about his home life and when you confronted him about it, he confessed how much he hated it there. That’s why you had invited him to stay at your house over the holidays until the Potter’s allowed him to stay at theirs.  
Sirius was currently ripping out chunks of grass from the ground and throwing them into the water. You shook your head at him, quietly laughing to yourself at his bizarre actions. “I can’t wait for you to finally meet my parents,” you say. “Properly, I mean,” already predicting his response that he’d already seen them on the platform.  
“I’ll have you know I get owls from your parents at least once a week. We’re already best friends.” He claimed.
“Suuuree, Pads. Whatever you need to tell yourself,” you teased. “Besides, I thought I was your best friend.”
“Hey! They’ll love me!” He exclaims cockily. You knew he was only joking, but you could also see past the façade. He was anxious that your parents would hate him (though that was virtually impossible, they already loved Sirius just based on the stories you had told them). So, you reassure him.
“I’m sure they will.”
Eventually, a loud whistle echoes throughout the grounds, alerting you both that the train had arrived. As you had both already taken your trunks down to the platform this morning, you didn’t need to carry anything there. Sirius gets up first and holds his hand out to you, silently offering to help you up. Once you were on your feet, you brush of the dirt off of your clothes and smirk mischievously at him. “Race you!” And you sprint off, Sirius close behind you.  
Somehow, Sirius had managed to find an empty compartment and you were now discussing all the things you wanted to do when you arrived.  
“Oh! We have to go strawberry picking!” Your enthusiasm causing him to smile. “Dad always used to take me but I haven’t done it in ages.”
He was just about to reply when your conversation was interrupted by James, Remus, Peter and Lily.
James smiles at you both before sitting down next to Sirius. “Hiya, Padfoot. Hi, Y/N/N.”
You returned the smile and greeted the rest of them. Obviously, now the compartment was no longer empty, you and Sirius silently agreed to continue your conversation later. “We’ve been searching the whole bloody train for you two.” James continues. “Thought you’d stayed at Hogwarts.”
Lily speaks up. “They were one of the first ones on, James. Me and Remus saw them running dow-”
“Running!?” James interjects. “Merlin, what were you running for?”
“We were racing,” said Sirius, shrugging.  
“You won then I take it?” Remus asks.
“How’d you know that?”
Remus points towards you, a bitter look on your face, though you were trying not to show it. Unsuccessfully, apparently. “That doesn’t look like the face of someone who won, if I’m honest.”
You scowl at Remus. “He only won because he tricked me into thinking he’d fallen.”  
Sirius chuckles. “Such a sweetheart, Y/N/N.”
In an instant, your attitude changes. No longer angry, but instead flustered. Your cheeks heat up and you turn to face the window to hide your blush. Okay… maybe you were harbouring a bit of a crush on your best friend, but he didn’t need to know that. Not when he clearly didn’t feel the same way as you. Sometimes, you would over exaggerate his behaviour towards you and convince yourself he returned your feelings before you saw him drag a different girl into a broom closet to kiss, reminding you he only acted like that because he was your best friend.  
For the remaining hours of the train ride, you and the others play Exploding Snap whilst eating the various sweets you had bought from the trolley until finally, you arrived at Platform 9 and ¾.  
When you get off the train, you all say goodbye to each other before you leave with Sirius, trying to locate your parents. It was only when the crowd on the platform thinned a little that you found them. They were waving, huge smiles on their faces, and when you got close enough, they ran towards you to give you a hug. After they let you go, they turned towards Sirius, who was messing around with his hands nervously.  
Your mother turned towards him. “You must be Sirius.” Her words were soft and gently spoken, and when Sirius nodded, she beamed down at him. “Y/N’s told us all about you, dear. And you have no reason to be scared; we trust Y/N’s judgement, so if she thinks you’re okay, then we do too.”
Thankfully, Sirius seemed to calm down at this and returned to his usual confident and energetic self.  
Once you were ready to leave, you all returned to Kings Cross Station and set off towards your home.
Sirius had always tried to imagine what your house looked like, and now he was finally seeing it, he couldn’t imagine you living anywhere else. There was a large garden and the pathway leading up to the front door was accentuated with a mix of different coloured flowers. The actual house looked about 3 stories high, and looked like an odd combination of traditional and modern, though it suited the house perfectly.  
Inside the house held the same character as the outside and though he was amazed by it all, it was your room that he loved the most. Two house banners hung on the Y/F/C wall on either side of your double bed. There were several paintings, both still and moving ones and beneath your bedroom window, was a large sofa. Most noticeable, was the large shelf which was full of books. Curious, he walked over to them, fingers tracing along the spines. He could tell which ones you read more by the appearance of them, some were more worn than others. There were muggle stories of which he had never heard before, school books and wizard books, such as ‘Quidditch Through the Ages’ and ‘The Tales of Beedle the Bard’, along with many others.
Whilst Sirius was admiring your room, you had gone downstairs to fetch food for the two of you. When you came back up to your room, you slammed the door shut behind you slightly louder than you intended to, causing Sirius to jump. “Merlin, Y/N!”  
You laugh at his reaction, but it only makes him grumpy. “Hmph.”  
“Oh, don’t pout, Pads.”  
He crosses his arms and turns away from you, though you’re sure you can see a slight hint of a smirk. You’re just about to tell him that he can’t possibly be mad at you, (even though you really knew he was only messing around), when you get an idea. You shake the food you brought up, showing it him. As you expected, the noise intrigued him and when he saw what you were carrying, his eyes light up and he rushes over to your side. “Okay, you know my weakness. You’re forgiven. Now gimmie.”
“Thought so,” you giggle.
You pass him the food and you sit on the couch, Sirius joining you once he had finally opened the bag. A small smile spreads across your face as he rests his head on your shoulder, quickly falling asleep. You lift him off of you carefully as to not disturb him and summon a blanket to cover him. Slowly, you feel your eyelids growing heavier and the exact second you collapse onto your bed, you enter a peaceful state of unconsciousness.  
On the first day, it starts raining unexpectedly, so whilst you both debated on what to do, you made pancakes. In hindsight, you should’ve known that cooking with Sirius wasn’t a good idea, especially as you were doing it the Muggle way. Despite pancakes being a simple recipe, he still managed to create a mess of both you and your kitchen.  
You shake with laughter as Sirius roughly stirs the flour in the bowl. “Sirius, what’s the flour ever done to you?”
“Exist,” he frowns. “Honestly, Y/N, we could just wave our wands and not have to do any of this.”  
“Yeah, but that’s no fun. Gotta enjoy the little things, Pads.”
Sirius was about to complain some more when flour spilt from the glass bowl and landed on your face and in your hair. While you stand there, shocked, Sirius begins to laugh. “You know, I think I’m starting to see the appeal of this now.”
You glare at him before going to crack the eggs.
By some miracle, you make the pancakes without burning the house down and as the weather looked as though it was clearing up, you had agreed to go to Diagon Alley. At least there would be something to do no matter what the weather turned out to be.
After you ate your pancakes and cleaned up, you say a quick goodbye to your mother and head over to the fireplace; the Floo Network was the most convenient way to travel. You tell Sirius to meet you outside Gringotts, before stepping into the fireplace and shouting your desired destination, green flames surrounding you.  
You didn’t have to wait long for Sirius to join you. You both had money meaning there was no need for a trip to Gringotts, so, you walked around entering any shop that sparked your interest.  
You had just come out of Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, from which Sirius bought many new items for pranks and tricks he had planned for the next year.  
“So, where to next, oh Great Trickster?” You snickered. Since he began boasting about how good he was at pranking people in third year, you had given him a nickname to tease him. It used to annoy him, but now, after several years of hearing it, he had gotten used to it.  
“Wherever you want.”
“Bad move, Black. You’ll regret saying that.” You vowed.
“Try me.”
You were right. Sirius regretted it. So far, you had dragged him into Eeylops Owl Emporium to look at 'cute’ pets, all the bookstores in Diagon Alley, (he had to admit he didn’t mind this as much as he thought he would. Watching you read was one of the most interesting things he had ever witnessed), Sugarplum’s Sweets Shop and now, you were heading to Quality Quidditch Supplies.  
You knew what you were doing. All you wanted was Sirius to admit that you were right, and you guessed you were pretty close to achieving your goal. When you left the Quidditch shop, you looked up at Sirius, giving your best innocent smile. “You had enough yet, Pads?”
“Ugh, yes. My feet are killing me.”
Oh no. You weren’t letting him get off that easy. “Aaannndd…?”
He huffs, but finally admits defeat. “And… I regretted saying it. I was wrong.”
You jump into the air, parading around the cobbled street. “Ha! I did it. Sirius Black admitted he was wrong!”
Eventually, Sirius had to pull you in close to him and put his hand over your mouth to stop you from shouting it to the whole world.“
“Sshh. You’ll damage my reputation, Y/N.” Sirius gives a small laugh to let you know he’s joking and smirks at you. However, when you don’t smile back, he gets confused. It only takes him two seconds to realise why. You were in such a close proximity to each other, which usually wouldn’t bother any of you. But this was so unexpected and it felt different. He promptly released you from his grip, coughing and scratching the back of his neck anxiously.  
“So… erm, I- I just…” Sirius stumbled over his words, and if you didn’t know him any better, you would’ve said he was shy.  
In an attempt to make the situation less awkward, you try and think of something to do. The sky had cleared and the sun was out so you made a suggestion. “Ice cream?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Luckily, getting ice cream seemed to be the right idea, as Sirius no longer seemed embarrassed by the previous event. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop you from replaying the scene over and over in your head. You were mere centimeters from his face, so close that if you had leaned forward just a little more, you would’ve been kissing him. You shake the thought from your mind; you didn’t want to set yourself up for heartbreak.
Though he didn’t show it, Sirius was also still thinking about what had happened. He felt weird, it almost felt like he was with another girl, locked away in a broom cupboard. He dismisses the thought as quickly as he thinks it and ends up blaming it on the heat.
When the sky began to turn pretty shades of oranges and pinks, you both took it as an indication to go back home. Overall, you had enjoyed the day out, and you were looking forward to the rest of the week with him.  
Exhausted, when you get back, you both went to your bedroom. Sirius crashed on the sofa, though this time, you fell asleep before him. The soothing sound of your breathing soon sent him to sleep.
The next day was just as exciting as the last. As promised, you took Sirius strawberry picking, something that, to your genuine surprise, he seemed to enjoy. For the rest of the day, you ate the fruit salads you made with the strawberries whilst educating him on your favourite movies.
But the good times had to stop at some point.  
In the middle of the night, Sirius jolted up, awoken by his nightmare. He was sweating and shaking, trying to get a grasp on reality again. He looked over to where you lay, not wanting to disturb you as well, but you had told him before that if he needed you, you would prefer him to do whatever he needed so you could help him.  
The shift of weight on the bed immediately woke you up and you could feel Sirius freeze as he noticed. “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”
“Mhm,” you nod slowly, still half-asleep.
He climbed into the bed with you, pulling the covers over himself but making sure you still had enough. His arm snaked around your waist and you snuggled in closer to him.  
“Bad dream?” You whispered. He nodded.  
“I’ll tell you in the morning.”
You wished you could’ve stayed awake. As guilty as you would have felt in the morning, you wanted to remember this. But, you were too tired and soon enough, you were back asleep.
Whenever Sirius was on his own, he would always struggle to forget a nightmare. However, with you laid beside him, your Y/C/H hair like a halo around your head, sometimes tickling his face and your soft features that looked so calm when you were asleep, he found it difficult to focus on anything else.  
That’s when it hit him.  
Throughout the week, it had happened gradually, though he had remained blissfully unaware of it. Now it seemed to crash over him all at once, the realisation was so painfully obvious that he didn’t know how he hadn’t seen it before.
He was in love with you.  
It was bound to happen eventually. You knew everything about him and always offered to be there whenever he needed you, whatever he needed you for. Be it a friend, or someone he relied on for support, sometimes just a partner in crime. Subconsciously, he pulled you closer, never wanting this night to end.  
When Sirius woke up, you were smiling warmly at him. He couldn’t help the corners of his mouth curling upwards at the sight.
“Mmm, mornin,’” he yawned.
You giggle softly. He looked adorable after he had just woken up. “Hiya.”
You make a move to leave the bed but his arm that was wrapped around you just held you tighter. You furrow your eyebrows. Even from Sirius, the person who loved nothing more than a cuddle, this was odd behaviour.
“Let me go, Pads.”
“No,” he objected.
“I love you.”  
His eyes widen as he realises what he said. He becomes a lot more alert and starts apologising repeatedly.  
“No, I’m sorry, Y/N, I-”
“Sirius?” Your voice was quiet.  
“Yeah?” He mumbles.
“I love you too, you idiot.”
Part 2
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strangechildren · 5 years
Animal Instinct
Sirius x Reader for Anon!!!  My first imagine in months, enjoy! 💕
Request: Can you write a Sirius x reader where she always comforts everyone in her animagus form (cat) and only the marauders know it’s her, and once she’s sad and Sirius cuddles w her as Padfoot? I really like this idea, hope you do as well :)
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The night had taken its toll, and Y/N was prepared for the worst as she waited anxiously for the four marauders to return.  She sat upright and still, her hind legs tucked into her soft fur, with her big yellow eyes fixed on the portrait hole.  Her tail skirted side-to-side with anticipation when, at last, four boys stumbled through.
Finally, she thought with relief as she got to her feet and padded over to them quizzically.  Remus leaned on Sirius and James for support, his knees weak, but as Y/N’s keen eyes scanned him over, she noted he didn’t look all too bad this time, save for a few deep scratches along his arms.
“Good evening, Y/N,” James smiled, his eyes tired.
“Nothing too bad tonight, love,” Sirius cooed to the small tabby, patting her delicately on the head between her attentive ears.  She shook him off and mewed at Remus, rubbing against his leg. The exhausted boy had a hint of a smile.
“Thanks for being here, Y/N.”
As the boys helped Remus upstairs, Y/N pranced eagerly after them, settling onto Remus’s bed where they lowered him next to her.  A warm, purring ball of orange fur, Y/N situated herself in Remus’s lap.  She nudged her head into his chest, seeking to comfort the boy after his monthly ordeal.
Remus was thankful for the distraction of her soft fur as Sirius dragged a wet rag across his cuts.  He winced and gripped Y/N’s fur as she nuzzled into him, purring and mewling softly to shift his focus away from the pain.
Once his wounds were cleaned and properly dressed, Remus let out a low, long sigh and leaned back into his pillows.  Y/N watched him with curious eyes.
“He’s alright, Y/N, don’t worry,” Sirius smiled and reached to smooth his hand over her ears once more.  This time, Y/N leaned and nudged into his touch.  Her little heart fluttered.
Remus had fallen fast asleep.
“Thank you for being here for him, Y/N,” James whispered, covering the sleeping boy with his blanket.  “I think it really comforts him…you’re like one of those therapy pets.”
He chuckled and Y/N nodded her head once in understanding.  She was eager at the opportunity to help ease her good friend’s pain.  She’d do so for any of these boys in a heartbeat.
As Sirius lay in bed, he bit down on his lip and groaned softly.  Y/N’s ears perked up and she immediately jumped up next to him, searching with her round eyes and sensitive nose for any injury. She nudged his side and looked up at him sternly.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry,” he brushed off, scratching behind her ear. Y/N hissed softly and nipped at his hand, pawing at the material of his shirt stubbornly.  Sirius sighed and lifted his shirt to reveal quite an angry scrape.  Y/N nearly glared at the wounded boy.
“What?  Don’t give me that look,” he rolled his eyes, his cheeks flushed slightly.  “I can take care of it m’self.”
Y/N tutted and inspected his wound.  Without hesitation, she stuck her tongue out and began running it over the scrape. Sirius hissed.
“Oi!  What’s that going to-?” before his eyes, his wound was disappearing with every stroke of the tabby’s tongue.  He blinked and soon enough, the wound was nothing more than a memory.  Y/N sat on her hind legs triumphantly.
“…I guess it comes in handy that you paid attention during the unit about healing,” he chuckled and Y/N’s tail swayed side-to-side with pride.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he murmured with a small, signature smirk as he playfully twirled her tail around in his hand.  She nipped at his hand in mock annoyance, but had she not been in her animagus form, Y/N would have been blushing fervently.
“You can stay here y’know,” Sirius said after settling under the covers. “Take a little cat nap.”
He smirked at Y/N, who practically rolled her eyes.  Despite the fact that he was her good friend, Y/N’s heart hammered in her chest with the knowledge that Sirius Black wanted her to stay the night. Unsurely, she looked around for a suitable place to curl up.  
Sirius wiggled his foot under the covers, indicating a cozy spot, and Y/N’s pupils instinctively constricted as she struck out with her paw and pounced on his foot.  
Sirius barked out a laugh.
“Animal instincts kicking in, eh?”  Y/N released his foot and looked away, embarrassed.  “Come on up here, Y/N, I won’t bite if you won’t.”
Sirius patted a spot on the bed beside him, and Y/N’s ears perked with hope. She carefully stepped next to him and sunk into the softness of his comforter, letting out a great big yawn. Sirius chuckled and scratched between her ears.  Y/N sighed and nuzzled into the feeling, letting her wary feelings subside as the two drifted into sleep.
Y/N woke to the sound of soft snores against her ear.  She smiled to herself let out a long, luxuriously yawn, stretching her hands out. Wait…
Hands?  Her eyes snapped open to look at her perfectly human fingers stretched out in front of her.  A brief wave of horror washed over her as she realized she had transfigured from her animagus in her sleep.
Sirius’s strong arms were wrapped around her midsection, his body irresistibly warm against hers.
Merlin, he’s in for a fright when he wakes, she worried silently.  Sirius stirred and pulled her closer
“Mornin’ love,” he mumbled against her ear, pressing a gentle kiss to her jaw. She held her breath, waiting for the shock of his realization, which never came.
“Good morning,” she spoke hesitantly, humanly, waiting for him to throw her out.  Sirius only nuzzled her neck.
“M’glad you changed back, I missed your pretty face,” he murmured, causing Y/N’s cheeks to flush bright pink.  It was like a dream, her head was swimming with his irresistible presence.  She relaxed a bit into his touch.
“Me too,” she whispered, sinking into him at last, her worries quelled. She could get used to this.
Classes passed that day in a blur, as Y/N dreamily floated through each one. She hadn’t expected one night spent in Sirius’s arms would affect her quite like this.  Nevertheless, Y/N smiled and hummed as she walked through the corridors of the great castle and outside towards the serenity of the lake. She passed a number of students, some her friends who she distractedly called greetings to, and some she knew through the boys’ countless stories.
Y/N nearly tripped over herself when she caught sight of one particular girl, who stood gossiping with her gaggle of friends.  Her honey blonde hair hung in perfect ringlets down her back, and her curves dipped like those of an hourglass.  She was beautiful…and to Y/N’s dismay, she recognized her as one of Sirius’s one-night stands.
Y/N’s heart dropped at this stark reminder: the reminder that Sirius was a player, that he could never truly fall for her, that she wasn’t good enough, and that she was kidding herself.  Her smile and jolly humming ceased as she continued towards the lake and sunk down against a tree.
Why would he ever go for you?  He wouldn’t even commit himself to that girl back there, and she’s three times as pretty as you are.
Her eyes stung with tears, and she picked at the grass anxiously.
He’s only your friend anyways, why do you care?
She sniffed.
Because I love him.  And he doesn’t love you.
The weight of the realization crashed over her, and she let out a quiet sob. She trembled as wave after wave of anguish crashed over her, her tears falling heavy with unrequited love into her lap.
A small whine startled her, as her red eyes snapped to the fluffy black dog seated only a few feet from her.  She quickly wiped her eyes and sat up straight.
“Oh, hi Padfoot,” she bit her lip and tried to smile.  Padfoot cocked his head, his eyes boring into her as if asking what was wrong.  Y/N breathed in shakily.
“I’m fine, Padfoot, really….it’s nothing,” she sniffled, not helping her case. Padfoot nearly glared and stepped closer to her, nudging her cheek with his wet nose.  She couldn’t help but smile softly.  Somehow, her grief was disappearing by the minute.
“I’m okay…listen,” she took a deep breath.  Talking to Sirius as Padfoot proved somehow much easier.  “I don’t know if you know, or even care for that matter…”
Padfoot watched her attentively, his ears perked, as he laid his head in her lap.  She stroked his fur absentmindedly.
“But I….I like you, Sirius.” His ears perked and he seemed to smile.  His tailed wagged.
“I’m sure you don’t like me, but-“  
Padfoot barked and sprang to his feet, shaking his head from side to side fervently and huffing, before giving her cheek an affectionate lick.  Y/N’s heart skipped a beat as she looked in his big grey eyes, and all at once she knew he felt the same.
“Really?” she whispered, breathless.  Padfoot bobbed his head once in agreement, and flashed his teeth in a goofy, canine smile.
Y/N matched his goofy smile and was positively elated.  She threw her arms around the giant black dog, burying her face in his neck.  In a matter of seconds, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her, pulling her tight to Sirius’s chest.  Y/N whispered cheekily:
“I’m glad you changed back…I missed your pretty face.”
Sirius chuckled and lifted her from the ground, finally pressing his lips to hers in sweet, silent triumph.
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strangechildren · 5 years
being best friends with the marauders would include...
lets be honest, being best friends with the marauders would be a Wild Ride™️
everyday would be some new adventure
and you wouldn’t have it any other way
getting your own nickname would be your initiation
and then you slowly begin to develop special relationships with each one of them
they’d get hell jealous if you spent too much time with the other
“I think it’s clear that (Y/N) likes me the most…”
“Shut up, Padfoot, the only reason why she likes you is because of your firewhiskey stash!” 
oh, yeah, speaking of jealousy, you’re apparently not allowed a boyfriend because they are so. damn. protective. 
“I don’t like him. He smells funny…” 
“He smells fine, Prongs, there is literally nothing wrong with him…”
them giving you piggyback rides around the castle and between classes
and a crazy amount of hugs
especially from Remus - he’s super cuddly and soft
helping Peter with his homework
and helping James with Lily
“just treat her like a normal human being. Girls are surprisingly into that…” 
speaking of which, you and Lily are super close
like she is basically the James to your Sirius
James likes to take advantage of that
“Oh yeah, and tell her about the time I single handedly defeated a troll…”
they each have their own affectionate little mannerisms 
like James likes to bop you on the nose
and Sirius likes to play with your hair
Remus likes to massage your hand and shoulders
and Peter likes to pat your head affectionately
you all have inside jokes with each other
and they literally have no idea how to whisper 
*from the other side of the classroom* “(Y/N)! what’s the answer to question six?” 
They love teasing you especially because you’re the shortest out of all of them
3am conversations where you, Remus, James and Sirius are all so overtired, you start talking whack 
or 3am deep and meaningful between the four of you
and Peter is just snoring in the background
somehow they find a way to sneak into the girls dorm
they like to surprise you at random moments
but you also have like no privacy
eating off each others plates (mainly just Sirius eating off your plate)
sneaking out with them during a full moon
Sirius likes to flirt with you 
a lot 
And you kinda like flirting with him too
exchanging books with Remus
and talking Quidditch with James
and basically being like a smol, cute family
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strangechildren · 6 years
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strangechildren · 6 years
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This is based on the very first incoming call possible in the game!
Day 1 after the 12:03 AM chat (so you must start a new story at 12 AM or so)
I couldn’t believe Seven did that!! //////
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strangechildren · 6 years
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Hiya it’s < 7 0 7 > ! with some extra variations!
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strangechildren · 6 years
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Let’s get married⭐️
Large prints/posters in Society6
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