strawbunny-slime · 6 years
apparently porn bots are now hacking into in-use accounts (I’m assuming larger accounts) and posting while the blog owner is still active. 
holy fuck.
why are staff so incompetent
rather than fixing their obviously very flawed code and development, they’re deciding to ban tits? fucking tits?
that being said, although it’s so unlikely this will happen to me, please know that it’s not me posting these links and photos. Please dont click on the links. 
oh my god.
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
OH CRAP hi okay I dunno what happened but that link to my new account apparently doesn’t work right for folks?? I hope enough of y’all are still here to see it. THIS should work.
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Hey, everyone! In light of the news of just how many people are leaving Tumblr for greener pastures, and due to personal concerns that my work may, on the 17th, be deemed too work-unsafe to keep here (though I’ve always posted g/t fluff, the concern is still there), I’ve chosen to relocate the upcoming reboot to a new account on a different website!
This is, unfortunately, going to cause trouble for me; as a writer, I’ve LOVED having y’all as an audience for the last year or two (even the parts where I was absent), hearing feedback, receiving art, taking questions, building friendships, the whole nine miles! (Whaddya mean it’s nine yards, that’s not nearly big enough!) And I know not all of y’all will be moving off Tumblr, and I know not all of y’all will be moving to deviantART, which - yes - is where the reboot is going to be. So I’m probably going to be losing a lot of y’all, and that hurts to think about, because you’re all suuuuuper super sweet folks and I wish I could carry all of ya with me! (I only have so many hands...)
BUT, for the folks of you that ARE planning on moving - maybe consider dA if you wanna keep track of the Sugar City continuity! (And even for those that aren’t - who knows? Maybe if things go back to normal ‘round here, and I haven’t lost too many of you, I’ll start posting in both places!)
Y’all can find my new dA account, where I’ll be posting the Sugar City reboot (once it’s ready - shouldn’t be too much longer, I’m great at speeding through too much busywork), HERE!
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Hey, everyone! In light of the news of just how many people are leaving Tumblr for greener pastures, and due to personal concerns that my work may, on the 17th, be deemed too work-unsafe to keep here (though I’ve always posted g/t fluff, the concern is still there), I’ve chosen to relocate the upcoming reboot to a new account on a different website!
This is, unfortunately, going to cause trouble for me; as a writer, I’ve LOVED having y’all as an audience for the last year or two (even the parts where I was absent), hearing feedback, receiving art, taking questions, building friendships, the whole nine miles! (Whaddya mean it’s nine yards, that’s not nearly big enough!) And I know not all of y’all will be moving off Tumblr, and I know not all of y’all will be moving to deviantART, which - yes - is where the reboot is going to be. So I’m probably going to be losing a lot of y’all, and that hurts to think about, because you’re all suuuuuper super sweet folks and I wish I could carry all of ya with me! (I only have so many hands...)
BUT, for the folks of you that ARE planning on moving - maybe consider dA if you wanna keep track of the Sugar City continuity! (And even for those that aren’t - who knows? Maybe if things go back to normal ‘round here, and I haven’t lost too many of you, I’ll start posting in both places!)
Y’all can find my new dA account, where I’ll be posting the Sugar City reboot (once it’s ready - shouldn’t be too much longer, I’m great at speeding through too much busywork), HERE!
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Hey, everyone! In light of the news of just how many people are leaving Tumblr for greener pastures, and due to personal concerns that my work may, on the 17th, be deemed too work-unsafe to keep here (though I’ve always posted g/t fluff, the concern is still there), I’ve chosen to relocate the upcoming reboot to a new account on a different website!
This is, unfortunately, going to cause trouble for me; as a writer, I’ve LOVED having y’all as an audience for the last year or two (even the parts where I was absent), hearing feedback, receiving art, taking questions, building friendships, the whole nine miles! (Whaddya mean it’s nine yards, that’s not nearly big enough!) And I know not all of y’all will be moving off Tumblr, and I know not all of y’all will be moving to deviantART, which - yes - is where the reboot is going to be. So I’m probably going to be losing a lot of y’all, and that hurts to think about, because you’re all suuuuuper super sweet folks and I wish I could carry all of ya with me! (I only have so many hands...)
BUT, for the folks of you that ARE planning on moving - maybe consider dA if you wanna keep track of the Sugar City continuity! (And even for those that aren’t - who knows? Maybe if things go back to normal ‘round here, and I haven’t lost too many of you, I’ll start posting in both places!)
Y’all can find my new dA account, where I’ll be posting the Sugar City reboot (once it’s ready - shouldn’t be too much longer, I’m great at speeding through too much busywork), HERE!
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Hey, everyone! In light of the news of just how many people are leaving Tumblr for greener pastures, and due to personal concerns that my work may, on the 17th, be deemed too work-unsafe to keep here (though I’ve always posted g/t fluff, the concern is still there), I’ve chosen to relocate the upcoming reboot to a new account on a different website!
This is, unfortunately, going to cause trouble for me; as a writer, I’ve LOVED having y’all as an audience for the last year or two (even the parts where I was absent), hearing feedback, receiving art, taking questions, building friendships, the whole nine miles! (Whaddya mean it’s nine yards, that’s not nearly big enough!) And I know not all of y’all will be moving off Tumblr, and I know not all of y’all will be moving to deviantART, which - yes - is where the reboot is going to be. So I’m probably going to be losing a lot of y’all, and that hurts to think about, because you’re all suuuuuper super sweet folks and I wish I could carry all of ya with me! (I only have so many hands...)
BUT, for the folks of you that ARE planning on moving - maybe consider dA if you wanna keep track of the Sugar City continuity! (And even for those that aren’t - who knows? Maybe if things go back to normal ‘round here, and I haven’t lost too many of you, I’ll start posting in both places!)
Y’all can find my new dA account, where I’ll be posting the Sugar City reboot (once it’s ready - shouldn’t be too much longer, I’m great at speeding through too much busywork), HERE!
0 notes
strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Hey, everyone! In light of the news of just how many people are leaving Tumblr for greener pastures, and due to personal concerns that my work may, on the 17th, be deemed too work-unsafe to keep here (though I’ve always posted g/t fluff, the concern is still there), I’ve chosen to relocate the upcoming reboot to a new account on a different website!
This is, unfortunately, going to cause trouble for me; as a writer, I’ve LOVED having y’all as an audience for the last year or two (even the parts where I was absent), hearing feedback, receiving art, taking questions, building friendships, the whole nine miles! (Whaddya mean it’s nine yards, that’s not nearly big enough!) And I know not all of y’all will be moving off Tumblr, and I know not all of y’all will be moving to deviantART, which - yes - is where the reboot is going to be. So I’m probably going to be losing a lot of y’all, and that hurts to think about, because you’re all suuuuuper super sweet folks and I wish I could carry all of ya with me! (I only have so many hands...)
BUT, for the folks of you that ARE planning on moving - maybe consider dA if you wanna keep track of the Sugar City continuity! (And even for those that aren’t - who knows? Maybe if things go back to normal ‘round here, and I haven’t lost too many of you, I’ll start posting in both places!)
Y’all can find my new dA account, where I’ll be posting the Sugar City reboot (once it’s ready - shouldn’t be too much longer, I’m great at speeding through too much busywork), HERE!
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Hey, everyone! In light of the news of just how many people are leaving Tumblr for greener pastures, and due to personal concerns that my work may, on the 17th, be deemed too work-unsafe to keep here (though I’ve always posted g/t fluff, the concern is still there), I’ve chosen to relocate the upcoming reboot to a new account on a different website!
This is, unfortunately, going to cause trouble for me; as a writer, I’ve LOVED having y’all as an audience for the last year or two (even the parts where I was absent), hearing feedback, receiving art, taking questions, building friendships, the whole nine miles! (Whaddya mean it’s nine yards, that’s not nearly big enough!) And I know not all of y’all will be moving off Tumblr, and I know not all of y’all will be moving to deviantART, which - yes - is where the reboot is going to be. So I’m probably going to be losing a lot of y’all, and that hurts to think about, because you’re all suuuuuper super sweet folks and I wish I could carry all of ya with me! (I only have so many hands...)
BUT, for the folks of you that ARE planning on moving - maybe consider dA if you wanna keep track of the Sugar City continuity! (And even for those that aren’t - who knows? Maybe if things go back to normal ‘round here, and I haven’t lost too many of you, I’ll start posting in both places!)
Y’all can find my new dA account, where I’ll be posting the Sugar City reboot (once it’s ready - shouldn’t be too much longer, I’m great at speeding through too much busywork), HERE!
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
I dunno what Tumblr constitutes as NSFW, but I’m thinking of making a deviantArt account for the reboot now, just in case I get banned here. But like
I’d still be missing some of my audience no matter where I post the reboot. This sucks. ;;
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Well this sucks, don’t it. =u=
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
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I’m at 5 what about you?
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
Iiiii have fallen so far behind on this reboot plan that it’s not even funny, but! It’s not too late for me to get more stuff done!! Ack!!!
Some key points, off the top of my head:
The reboot will not feature askblog properties (IE no asking Sweetheart/Moonlight/etc. questions! Sorry!! I know that was kind of half the fun of the original!!!)
The reboot will not feature Sweetheart, Moonlight, etc. as main characters (”wait, then, what’s the plan”, I hear you ask!)
The reboot will involve short stories set within the Sugar City universe, from the perspectives of a few different characters scattered throughout the city’s districts! (I wanted to try a more down-to-earth perspective on the concept, ‘cuz there was a lot of potential I never really bothered to dig into. I kinda feel like I got ahead of myself, somewhere along the line, and it started bein’ more about Sweetheart than about Sugar City, OOPS!!)
Sweetheart, Moonlight, etc. will still be involved, just not as the MAIN characters. (They’ll be secondary characters, or tertiary, or background forces of nature, or sometimes their names’ll be mentioned but they won’t be seen in the story at all!)
Basically it’s a way for me to reblog more of other folks’ content without feeling like it’s disrupting the blog too much; making this feel more like my blog than like stories disguised as a blog. Or somethin. It’s 1:24 AM and I cannot be bothered to re-read and make sure that statement makes sense.
So! Yeah. If you were expecting the askblog-ish format I’ve been usin’ for a while now to stick around, I hate to disappoint - all asks I receive should probably be focused more on just chatting with me than on tryin’ to learn more about my characters. Buuuuut~ if you wanted to know more about what day-to-day life is like in Sugar City, get ready to be delighted!! Hopefully. If everything goes according to plan.
Which it prob’ly won’t because oh god I have so much left to do, I haven’t written bios for the new protagonists or any story drafts and I still need to mark all the old stories and replies under a new tag and I’m pretty sure I wanna change the layout on my actual account because somewhere along the line I must’ve screwed up the formatting and made it all bold when it’s not supposed to be all bold and aaaaa
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
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here’s that Robyn art btw
(Robyn uses they/them pronouns, btw)
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
“Hey Goop you called them retweets” listen.
I have been
for a while. I don’t even know how y’all are doing color-text or weird fonts or whatever the heck. I spent just about the whole last year on Twitter ‘stead of here. I have forgotten how to Tumbl. Please forgive.
…Criminy, so all those blank retweets I’m seeing are folks on mobile?
This site, I swear…
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
...Criminy, so all those blank retweets I’m seeing are folks on mobile?
This site, I swear...
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
One of my favorite scenes from Letterkenny
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strawbunny-slime · 6 years
I’m only three days late to charge in out of nowhere saying I HEARD “GIANT RABBIT”
and goodness gracious aren’t they a darling. I love the color scheme in particular - sort of this strange...reverse-carrot color palette, almost, where the majority’s green with splotches of orange. And the poofy, curly-lookin’ hair looks adorable.
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after some talking with a certain goose, we decided I make a giant nonbinary rabbit toon
their name is Robyn and they’re an absolute sweetheart
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