Soooo I'm going to try and write again anyone have suggestions or requests??
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Hiii I know it's been a long time since I last posted and I'm sorry But because of school and other personal reasons I was not able to post as much as I would like to have but I am now on summer break And I can get back to writing and posting stuff so I'm still alive I'm still here I didn't deactivate it my Tumblr still activated but yeah just during school I will not be posting daily for as much as I would to
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I would probably die if this was real 😂 anyway I'm gonna tag @crazyforkpop @v-reds @
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TAG GAME: you’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. who/what is it?
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i saw this and wanted to try so here we go~
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this pretty pic of johnny <3 it would be awesome to star in a movie with him and although wtnv is not a song, i’m listening to it rn soooo yeah, this ep makes a cool title too. (this is also probably my favourite episode so everyone go listen to it!!)
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TAGGING: @peachjaem00 @amyeonzing @mjlkau @byunfirstlady @xiaocvlts @heartyyjeno @uwu-yifan @kpophours and anyone else, just say i tagged you bubs :)
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Random meme I have saved to my camera roll What is this 😅😂😂
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[11:00 p.m]
Seungmin looked at you with sad eyes. He watched as you danced with another guy. He watched as the guy messed with your feelings. It made him so mad that people took your feelings as a joke. He mad his way to you through the crowd. He was the most popular boy in school and you were his girlfriend until yesterday when you said you hated the fact that you had to keep your relationship a secret. You two broke up but he still loved you and wanted you to be happy with him. " Y/n come here" Seungmin said everyone looked surprised when they heard him say your name. Either way you went to him "yes Seungmin?" You said trying to keep yourself calm and not cry. " Y/n I love you and I'm sorry that I kept you and me a secret. I love you and I shouldn't be ashamed of that I could care less about my reputation, all I know is I want you so please be mine again" Seungmin said as he was holding your hands "okay Seungmin I'll give you another chance" you said. Seungmin went up to you and gave you a kiss and then took you to go dance with him. And the whole entire time all you though about was how you always wanted to be with him...... sadly not all thing can go your way.
A/n: I didn't know what to write about so you know I wrote this and I'll try and post more now that I'm on break for Christmas but like sorry if I don't really get to. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and yeah please give me a request if there's something you specifically want. Al so I do other groups not just stray kids so you can pick any group you want or you can pick an anime, or any fictional character or real person you want.
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do it.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOOZI!!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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this is a tumblr hug 💓 just passed by to remind you that you are amazing!! have a great day 🌱
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Do y'all want a face reveal??
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Sorry I've been So inactive it's because of school and stuff I'll start trying to post regularly
But if I don't be mad at me
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I'm just going to say this right now The Woojin situation I don't really want to talk about it. And it's not that I'm trying to avoid it but as much as I love him there's no way to prove that he's innocent or not so I'm just going to say this now it doesn't make me comfortable to talk about stuff like this so I'm just asking please don't put it on my blog and don't take the this the wrong way I'm just I really don't want to get involved into this I'm not trying to defend him or anything it's justI really don't like getting involved in stuff like this because it gives me stress and it gives me anxiety and it gives me a lot of other stuff I'm not trying to defend him in any way but I don't know what to believe right now so it'd be best if you just please don't talk about it on my blog thank you and again please don't take this the wrong way.
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Pairings: neighbor! Hyunjin x fem!reader
Genre: fluff and the tiniest bit of angst
Warnings: mentions of death, bullying, and suicide.
Summary: Hyunjin has been your neighbor for the longest time. And in that time you never seem to notice how he started to have a crush on you. You never seem to notice the way he looked at you. You never seem to notice how he blushed whenever you guys talked. And you never seem to notice how he would do little things to get your attention. Well that was until you locked yourself out of your house. And it started to rain. So you had to go over to his.
Disclaimer: this has mentions of death, bullying, and suicide in it if you're not comfortable with that please do not read further. This is purely fanfiction do not take this seriously. Enjoy!😊 (Also it mentions that jisung is your play boy ex so yeah. I don't not think he would act like what I said in the fanfiction please don't hate on me. This is FANFICTION Don't take it seriously. Thank you)
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You woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun hitting your face through your curtains. You and got out of bed. You check the time on your phone."7:43" You read. You get. Out of bed and decide to get ready. You decided to put a little bit of makeup on. Since you don't really wear makeup and you don't really think you need it. After you were done with your makeup. You went to your kitchen to make you some thing to eat. After you were done eating you got a text from your best friend Felix.
*texting Felix*
Living meme: hey you up yet???
Y/n: yeah
Living meme: oh cool! We're still going to the arcade right??
Y/n: yes I need to get out of the house for a while.
Living meme: yayyyyyʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ your the best!
Y/n: ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ I know.
Living meme: ok I have to go get ready see you at 11:00!
Y/n: bye see you later lix!
*end of conversation*
After you were done talking with Felix you decided to go and get you something from the cafe by your house. While you were walking out of your apartment you bumped into some one. " Omg I'm so sorry!" You said immediately helping them up. "I-It's okay" you looked up and was met with the face of Hyunjin. " I'm really sorry i didn't mean to bump in to you Hyunjin" you said. To be honest you were kind of nervous. I mean you bumped into your neighbor and you kind of fell in love with him. You and hyunjin talked for an hour maybe a little longer. You decided you wanted to get to know him better So with a blushing face you asked him if he wanted to hang out with you when he had some free time. And the whole time Hyunjin was thinking " DID Y/N REALLY ASK ME TO HANG OUT WITH HER!? IS THIS A DREAM??". "S-Sure I would love to" Hyunjin tried to not blush but he's pretty sure he failed at that. "Great! Umm will Tuesday work??" You asked " yes. What time??" Hyunjin asked "would 12:00 work??" "yeah!" Hyunjin said while smiling and your heart melted at the way he smiled. "Great see you then" you said. Hyunjin smiled and walked away. You started walking to the cafe again while smiling you finally get to know him better! While you were walking to the cafe you got a text from Felix.
*texting Felix*
Living meme: hey I just got done getting ready. Where do you want to meet up at???
Y/n: I'm on my way to the cafe by my house so how about we meet there.
Living meme: oh! Okay see you later then
Y/n: see you later lix!!ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Living meme:ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
*end of conversation*
By the time you stopped texting Felix you were already at the cafe. You went inside and was greeted by Seungmin your little brother and his friends. "Hey sis! wanna sit with us??" Seungmin asked smiling. " Sure!" You said " just let me get my coffee". After you got your coffee you went to sit with your brother and his friends. "Hey y/n!" His friends said while smiling. "Hey guys!" You replied you had been talking to chan when Felix came through the door of the cafe. " Y/n!" Felix said when he saw you "hey lix!" You replied to the freckled boy. Felix didn't seem to notice that Changbin was looking at him but you did "oh! I almost forgot to introduce you to my friends!"
"hey!" They all said with a smile. " Lix this is Chan, Lee know, and Changbin" you said. "Hi!" Felix said. " Umm y/n can we go to the arcade now??" Felix asked " umm sure! what time is it?" You replied "10:45 " Felix replied you said bye to your brother and his friends and Left.
" hey y/n" Felix said "yeah lix" you replied " who was th- that boy with Seungmin?" Felix said as he stopped walking to look at you. You stopped walking to and looked at the blushing boy confused " chan?" You were confused on who he was talking about. "N-no the boy with the black hair" Felix said blushing more then ever. " Oh you mean Changbin right?" You replied "y-yeah" Felix said you were surprised you've never seen your best friend be this blushy shy mess before. He was usually really loud and smiley. "Lix are you okay?" You asked you too started walking again but didn't stop the conversation. "Y-yes but I think I might have a little crush on Changbin" he said by now his face was red from blushing so hard. " Awww that's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee" you said " your secrets safe with me" you said "thanks y/n" Felix said. By the time you were done talking you were already at the arcade You two went inside and had a fun time after that Felix asked if you could have sleepover together and also watch some movies he said of course because it's your best friend and you really need to hang out with him I mean you two have been studying for a long time that you didn't get to have that much time together because of finals so for now you were done with finals so now you could hang out which you needed Felix in your life right now. 2 weeks before finals your grandma died. A week after finals your cousin died. And then a month after finals your best friend took her life. You didn't know what she was going through you didn't know that she was getting bullied because every time you saw her she put on the brightest smile. But on the inside she was just crying you wish you could do anything to bring her back but You can't that makes you really sad. Anyways you guys spent like 3 hours at the arcade before you guys decided to go back to your house. When you were walking inside your house you saw Hyunjin again You smiled and waved to him. He waved back and then he noticed Felix he was confused on who he was but didn't think to much about it. I mean you were and his girlfriend you guys weren't together so. But he couldn't help but get a little bit jealous. I mean he's had a huge crush on you since like 2 months after he moved into the apartment across from yours. And he's had a crush on you ever since. He has lived there for two years yep he has had a crush on you for two years. Well that's a lie You all went to the same university so technically he's had a crush on you for longer than 2 years. Anyways you and Felix made your way into your house You asked Felix if he needed any clothes and he said no that he already brought some which you were like "huh?" And he was like "I had a feeling we were probably going to have a sleepover :D" to Wich you just laughed and smiled at him. You were happy you got to spend time with your best friend and he was too. You both just had a fun time and washed a bunch of movies, played a lot of video games, and built a fort. After a while you too both got tired and decided that it was time for you guys to go to sleep. In the morning you guys decided to go to the cafe by your house for breakfast. You once again saw Hyunjin you smiled and waved at him he waved back.
When you got to the cafe Felix went and sat down at a table by the window while you went and got your coffee. After you got your coffee you saw someone you thought you'd never see again... Han Jisung. You prayed that he wouldn't see you but unfortunately he did. He smirked and walked over to you. "Hey! Y/n Long time no see" he said. Felix immediately got protective of you he knew how bad he hurt you. He knew all the things he did to you he also knew that han jisung cheated on you a bunch and you still stayed with him and it took a toll on your mental health. You remembered when you were at a party with Felix. You didn't know that Han would be there because he told you that he had to do homework. But after a while you found him and oh how you wish you never did. He found him with his hands all up on a girl and making out with her. "H-han?" You said with a weak voice. He Immediately let go of the girl and turned to face you "Y-y/n?" He looked at you in shock. The girl looked at you. She truned to Han and said "babe who is this?" She asked confused. You looked at her and told her that he was your boyfriend. She immediately looked at him in shock and anger. "You lied you told me you were single!" She yelled at him. At this point you ran to find lix you needed to get out of here. When you found Felix you taped him on the shoulder. "Hey y/n- wait are you crying??" He looked at you " lix he... He cheated on me" you said trying not to cry. Felix looked mad "let's go" he said
You looked at jisung with no emotion. "Hi....." You said dryly. You new if you were in there any longer you would end up getting in a fight with him. You grabbed Felix by the hand and told him you need to go. You guys left and you asked Felix if he wanted you to walk him home since it wasn't far from here he told you he would be alright and said that you should get home before it rains. You both said goodbye to each other and went your separate ways.
On your way home it started to rain. You cursed at yourself for not bringing an umbrella. Since you weren'tthat far from home you decided to run the rest of the way there. By the time you got to your house you were soaked and to make things better you locked yourself out of your house So of course you were going to have to wait a few hours or at least until the rain stopped to go and get someone to come in unlock your door So you only had one option. You went up to your neighbor's door and knocked hoping that he would let you come in and not be soaked. You heard shuffling behind the door and then you heard it open. "Y/n!?" Said Hyunjin "what are you doing out in the rain you could catch a cold!" He said as he let you inside. "Umm I locked myself out" you said. "Oh" he said "hold on I'll be right back" he went to his room and got some sweatpants that he thought would fit you and one of his hoodies. "Here try this on"he said. He went to the bathroom and you tried on the clothes when you came out Hyunjin swears he almost stopped breathing. You look so small in his clothes You also had sweater paws You look so cute and small in his clothes. You looked up at him and blush he looked back at you and blushed. You guys decided to watch a movie and at one point in time you crawled into his lap and rested your head on his chest. He looked at you and smiled oh how he wished that you would be his one day but he was pretty sure that you had a crush on the guy that he saw you with. You closed your eyes for a while and hyunjin thought you were sleeping So he quietly whispered "I love you. I've been in love with you for so long ever since we started the same University and since I moved in here I just wish you would be mine but I know you're probably in love with that boy you were with." All of a sudden you got up and looked at him. Shocked he started stuttering. But you didn't know what to feel I mean did the boy that you already fell in love with literally just confessed to you thinking you were asleep?! You decided that words couldn't describe how you were feeling so you did it in actions. You grabbed hyunjin by the cheeks and kissed him. He was shocked at first but eventually kissed back but then he remembered the guy that you were with this morning. "Wait what about the guy that you were with this morning"he said "oh you mean Felix That's my best friend" You said You went back to kissing him he was so happy You liked him You actually liked him and you were happy to be in his arms. "Y/n " he asked " yes " you said. " Will you be my girlfriend " he said "yes!" You said. Anyway you were happy that you didn't stay with han because if you did you wouldn't be with Hyunjin The one who makes you happy and the one who will make you feel loved.
A/n: wow this took a long time to make but I wanted to make it perfect and this is also requested by @crazyforkpop I hope you enjoy it. let me know any feedback or anything I probably need to change. Love you all!!
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I'm back ☺️
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I published a song on StarMaker, check out my singing now!
#StarMaker #karaoke #sing
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