streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
Is Trash vs Takes Out the Trash
Takes Out The Trash: Aries, Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
Is Trash: Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
my kik is frecklemania, and I would totally love to talk to anyone over it, rp, whatever!! just add me tbh.
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
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⚖ “These grown, healthy men that you supposedly throttle with your bare hands, m’am, do you by any chance cut them up afterwards? Potentially for meat? Because the last one turned up looking like a pig carcass minus the bacon.” Dexter rested the end of his pen against his bottom lip, looking at her for a moment to see if she’d look horrified. He hoped not. She struck him as a tough cookie.
“See, you don’t exactly look like the type for cannibalism.” Was he flirting? Did he even know anymore?  ⚖
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           Her crooked brow rose up, and the smile she’d been holding back spilled across her face. “I didn’t say I did it! In fact, remember? I said it was a dumb accusation. I’m just saying that you can’t discount me for the reason that these are healthy men throttled to death. You dig? Man, I feel like I’m telling you how to do your job...” A small scoff separated her tangents, and she crossed her arms.               “I suppose I’m glad I don’t like the cannibal type, that’s pretty disgusting. Have you tried any meth heads up in Blaine?”
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
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⚖ “No, M’am, I most certainly am not. I hope you won’t take me for presumptuous but the person I’m looking for throttled a fully grown healthy male to death.” ⚖
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          “That’s exactly what led me to believe you were accusing me. You don’t catch much, do you? I feel so much safer knowing you’re the one tracking down the rapists and murderers...” She was wildly waving her hands around, and by the end of her sentence, had one arm up in a flex. A tad dramatic, perhaps, but that’s how she rolls.
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
✿ ➨ ➨ ➨ “That’s a real cute gun.”
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         “How ya’ shoot?”
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
✿ ➨ ➨ ➨”Are you accusing me?”
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          “That’s kinda stupid, fuck.”
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
✿ ➨ ➨ ➨ “Hey.”
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“I’m dying here-- you got a smoke?”
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
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                                  The kids from yesterday are                              still playing tag in the cul-de-sac.
                    indie gta:v oc.                               fc is ciara.                                         I II III IV
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
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streetxwolf-blog · 9 years
Ciara out and about in Beverly Hills
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