strexpet · 11 hours
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strexpet · 19 hours
rich of this website to be weird little freaks about poly people existing. do the three weed-smoking girlfriends mean nothing to you people?
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strexpet · 22 hours
every human being matters.
every single being.
Weird thing to randomly write to us, Anon, but we're guessing you're putting forth an "all lives matter" argument here against the Black Lives Matter movement. But tell us, if "every single human being matters," then why are Black people 3.23x more likely to be shot by police than white people? If "every single human being matters," then why are young Black men 21x more likely to be killed by police than young white men? If "every single human being matters," then why do Black men in the US have a 1 in 1000 chance of being killed by police, more than 2x the odds of white men being killed by police?
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If "every single human being matters," then why do Black people in Boston, who make up 22% of the population, also make up 49% of the people arrested and 69% of the people killed by Boston police? If "every single human being matters," then why are Black Torontonians twice as likely to have an encounter with police and 1.6x more likely to have force used against them during that encounter? If "every single human being matters," then why are Black people in the UK 7x more likely to die following restraint by police than anyone else? If "every single human being matters," then explain this:
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One might conclude that, as far as the police are concerned, Black lives don't matter and Black people can be accosted, physically abused, and killed without the concerns or courtesies that should be afforded to other people. Which is the same as saying that, while "every single human being matters," to the police, Black human beings matter less. It doesn't take away from the humanity of other people to point out that Black people disproportionately suffer from police violence. It doesn't take away from the humanity of other people to point out that Black people are killed by police at far higher numbers than any other group. It doesn't take away from the humanity of other people to point out that Black people are specifically subjected to the worst forms of state-sanctioned violence at rates far higher than any other group. When you respond to Black people pointing out that they are disproportionately targeted for police violence and murder by chastising them with "all lives matter" or "every single human being matters," you're telling them that they should ignore the disproportionate abuse and violence they are subjected to by police. Here's how absurd your reasoning sounds:
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As we once explained to another "all lives matter" guy, if your house is on fire: do you want the firefighters to come and put the fire out, or would you rather they come, telling you "all houses matter," and apply an equal amount of water to all the houses on your block? Here are the core beliefs of the Black Lives Matter movement: -We affirm the lives of all Black people. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. -We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systemically targeted for deliberate and indirect demise. -We affirm our humanity, our contributions to society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression. -We affirm the abolition of any system that perpetuates violence against Black people, including prisons and police. -We affirm collective safety and community based support. We keep us safe.
If your response to the Black community and these beliefs is to turn your head, saying "every human being matters," you need to give your head a good, long, hard shake.
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strexpet · 23 hours
they should add polyamory to the game of life
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strexpet · 3 days
why do i have to explain to grown ass adults that human rights r called human rights bc every single human is entitled to them bc they r human, n they should never b taken away no matter who they are or what they did. and that advocating for the removal of human rights, nomatter who the target of it is, is not only incredibly cruel but will eventually spiral and lead to oppression. didnt we learn that shit in like 5th grade.
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strexpet · 4 days
My sister is doing pet play with women on roblox and I don’t have the heart to tell her it’s probably a kink for the others involved
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strexpet · 4 days
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real and true
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strexpet · 4 days
UPDATE: The girls are NOT fighting. But they're also not having sex. In fact I'm not sure what they're doing but it seems to involve a blowtorch.
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strexpet · 5 days
Living with a singer
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strexpet · 5 days
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strexpet · 5 days
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u can call ur skull-head deer oc literally anything else u don't even have to change the design
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strexpet · 6 days
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strexpet · 6 days
women inside of men
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strexpet · 7 days
Hey if you’re schizophrenic/psychotic I just want you to know that you’re a wonderful person and that you deserve so much better than the demonization, marginalization and stigmatization you face in this society.
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strexpet · 7 days
hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man
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strexpet · 7 days
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Hear me out guys… what if Miku could clone herself via Mitosis? MIKUTOSIS
leek chromosomes
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strexpet · 7 days
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