strikeforfear · 5 years
Someone might see this blog and go, “Wow, this girl has an unnatural obsession with Frozen - specifically Elsa and ‘Let It Go.’”
Whoever you may be, I would like to point you over to my other blog @thatrandomfanblog and assure you that I am also obsessed with many other things, too.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
Whenever I hear the first few notes to LIG in public, I immediately perk up. It's a reflex, I swear.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
Frozen absolutely has captured my heart.
There’s no point denying it. It’s been 5 years.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
One day in English class in the 10th grade, I got so bored that I started reciting the lyrics to LIG over and over until the class period ended. I still think about that from time to time.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
I'm trying to stay as far away from any Frozen 2 promotional content (especially trailers) as possible... but oof, that's going to be hard... You already have my money for it, Disney.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
Maybe if I ask for it enough times, it’ll come true.
Frozen: The Broadway Musical, please, please, please tour in SF, SJ, or Sac this year.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
I really do believe that Frozen, specifically Elsa, did save my life.
It’s kind of silly to say that an animated children’s movie is what kept me from the brink of death, but yes, I think that’s what happened.
Around the time when Frozen was first released, I have had severe anxiety and depression and was it not for the existence of 1 Disney queen, I might not be still breathing today.
More at 11.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
I love how the RBTI choose-your-own-adventure comic technically made the term "Snow Sisters" canon.
No, but seriously... Vanellope calling Elsa and Anna - the “Snow Sisters” - makes me really, really happy.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
Elsa would die for Anna. Anna actually did die for Elsa.
These two love each other so much. Snow Sisters is canon, and it’s beautiful.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
Disney uses Frozen as a cash cow and I am a sucker for being severely tempted into almost buying whatever they release every single time.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
I bet Disney is going to make a live action Frozen remake movie about 15 to 20 years from now.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
When did Frozen hit 90% on Rotten Tomatoes? I remember it being at only 89% for the longest time ever. Not that it really matters, I'm just wondering why it suddenly went up so many years after it first released.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
I'm not a teen anymore, but I still feel like a kid.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
Jokes on you, I've been an obsessed fangirl since I was 5 years old.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
I kind of miss and don't miss the 2014 craze over Frozen and “Let It Go.”
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strikeforfear · 5 years
I got told that I can't be a “real” Frozen fan because I never seem to care about anything more than Elsa or anything related to her (which is incorrect, but I let it go). So unless I adore all the characters in Frozen, I can't be a "true" Frozen fan? Something seems off about that statement. 🤔
Okay, fine. This all started because I reacted nonchalantly to Olaf-themed merchandise, resulting in me being accused of hating Olaf.
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strikeforfear · 5 years
My favorite YT video is definitely the LIG sequence. I used to replay it every single day for months in 2014 right after coming home from school.
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