striker-brayden · 4 years
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Location: On a bench on campus Date: Graduation Trigger warnings: Mentions of anxiety, neglect, addiction, relapse, death, and drug abuse. (I get into how Brayden’s addiction affected his family, and Landon’s POV during that time, so it gets a little sad and dark. Please proceed with caution!)
Brayden’s graduation gown is draped over the back of the bench from when he shucked it off the second he was free. The crowd is long gone, probably at their post-graduation lunches, but he hasn’t found the will to go back to the Tower yet. His shit is already packed, and while he’s still staying with Betsy over the summer, it still feels too real. In July, he won’t be in the Fox Tower anymore. He won’t pick up his racquet again, and he won’t have that strict schedule he’s had to follow for the past five years. It makes his chest tight with anxiety, and the fact that he’s walking out of here without the win he tried so hard for, leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, but he doesn’t regret his choice. He talked it through with Besty, and he’s trying to not to put all his self-worth into whether he beat Landon or not, and he thinks he’ll eventually look back on this year and accept the end result, but it’s too soon right now. 
It’s time to move on, and start building up his portfolio so he can do what he really wants. He’s pretty sure if he stayed on the Foxes for a sixth year, he would’ve run himself into the ground. It’s bittersweet. Brayden never thought he’d leave this place with any kind of reluctance--he didn’t think there’d be anyone to miss. When he first signed on, he figured he’d spend the next five years keeping to himself until he got his degree. Instead, he’s sitting here, thinking about how much it’ll fucking suck to say goodbye to his roommates, his friends...Arlo. He has a phone, and he’s not leaving Palmetto right away, but it won’t be the same. 
Brayden looks up as a shadow passes over him, letting out a resigned sigh when he sees his brother looming over him. He’s dressed for the occasion and everything, hands shoved in the pockets of his dress pants as he hovers nervously. Brayden had a feeling he’d show up, considering he texted him asking for the date and if he could set aside a ticket just in case. He’s given up on trying to block Landon’s attempts at whatever it is he’s doing, though he still doesn’t trust it. His brother wants something, and he knows that once Landon has his mind set on something he doesn’t give up. 
“Lucky me,” Brayden says flatly, “and here I thought I wouldn’t have any family trying to get pictures of me in my hat. Mom isn’t here too, is she?”
Landon sits heavily beside him, letting out a frustrated sigh. “No, I didn’t tell her about it. She’s still in California. She keeps trying to put the idea of moving to West Virginia in my head though.” 
That doesn’t surprise him. He tries not to think about what she’s been up to since he left, but he doesn’t imagine she’s doing well in that house by herself, especially without Landon. After Brayden pulled away, she latched onto her prized, eldest son--who defended her every time Brayden said something particularly nasty about her. 
“What’s the hold up? I figured you’d be all over that. You and mom were like the fucking dream duo, giving me shit when I wouldn’t worship the ground she walked on,” He snaps before he can stop himself. It seems like it doesn’t matter how many years pass, it’ll always be a sore spot for him--how isolated he felt back then. 
“No, you were my best friend,” The change in Landon’s tone is so sudden that it causes Brayden to reel back in surprise. It’s not like he hasn’t heard him snap before, they used to get into some pretty terrible screaming matches back in the day, but during all those fights, Landon never said anything like that. He watches his brother’s jaw clench as he tries to reign himself in, much like Brayden does when he’s pissed, until his shoulders suddenly slump. “God, I’m so tired of fighting with you. That’s not why I came.”
“Then why did you come?” Brayden mutters.
“Because whether you want to believe it or not, I’m proud of you. I could tell from your games how hard you’ve been trying this year, and you graduated on time. I know you don’t want me here, but I’m still your brother. Families are supposed to go to graduations,” He trails off with a sigh, staring down at his hands as he wrings them nervously.
Brayden isn’t used to seeing Landon like this. He was always everything Brayden wasn’t--confident, talented, carefree. Everything always came so easy for him. It was impossible for him to live up to, so he stopped trying. He became the opposite of what people expected from Landon Sykes’ younger brother. He was angry, lazy, an addict--a disappointment. And then he was lost and desperate, and had no one, so it doesn’t sit right with him that Landon is suddenly here now when he doesn’t need him anymore.
“Why now?” He asks, wincing when his voice comes out like a hoarse croak. “Why now when I have my shit together and not then? If you were my best friend then where the fuck were you when I actually needed you?”
It’s the question he’s been wanting to ask for so many years, but didn’t have the guts to, because it’d mean admitting that he was weak enough to need his family after he made the choice to push them away. Maybe because he also didn’t want to hear the answer, in case it confirmed what he’s known all along. That they didn’t care about him. 
Landon is silent for a long time, studying his hands like they’re most fascinating things in the world, and the longer it goes on, the more the anxiety claws at his throat. When he finally looks up, Brayden is shocked to see there’s tears building in his eyes. He hasn’t seen his brother cry since they were kids, and it makes his own burn automatically. 
“I was scared,” Landon admits, his voice wobbling dangerously, “Seeing you like that. God, Brayden you just looked so sick, and you were so out of it all the time, I didn’t know what to do. I was just a kid. I had no fucking idea what I was supposed to do.” 
A kid. Somehow, Brayden never thought of him like that back then. He was his big brother. Larger than life Landon. And suddenly he realizes he always looks back at that time and thinks of himself as a stupid teenager, but never gives Landon that same patience.. He’s only a year older than him. If their situations were reversed, he’s not so sure he would’ve handled it any better. 
Landon uses Brayden’s contemplative silence as an excuse to keep going, sniffing and blinking back the tears building before he speaks up again. “And I know it’s not a good excuse, but I was pissed at you. We were best friends our whole lives, and then one day, out of the blue, it was like you were done with me. No explanation. Nothing. You wouldn’t hang out with me anymore, you’d barely say a word to me. It was like I meant nothing to you, and that hurt,” He breaks off suddenly with a shaky breath, and Brayden is really rendered speechless this time, staring at Landon with wide, confused eyes.
Brayden was so tired of living in Landon’s shadow that he took all that frustration and anger and attached it to his brother. He never considered how pushing him away might’ve affected him, because he was so convinced it was his brother’s fault. Now he’s hearing that Landon didn’t even know why he did it. Like he was so oblivious to being the superior brother that Brayden’s actions made no fucking sense to him. Maybe they didn’t. He just can’t understand how Landon didn’t see it.
“You said I ignore my problems and that I let you push me away too easily,” Landon speaks up again when Brayden fails to. “And you were right. I should’ve tried harder to reach out to you, and I’m sorry that I didn’t. I’m sorry that I was so hard on you when you clearly needed help. I thought you wouldn’t want it, I guess. I thought you hated me--that you still do,” He confesses and finally looks up, giving Brayden a defeated looking shrug. 
“I did,” He admits, and even though he was only quiet for a few minutes his throat still feels rough from disuse, probably from being so dry. Part of him wishes Betsy was here to facilitate this conversation, but he actually thinks he’s in a good enough place to deal with this himself. Maybe, Landon’s weird stalker tendencies paid off after all. 
“Being your brother wasn’t easy, man. Everyone, and I mean everyone, loved you. All your teachers, your coaches, the fucking janitor, and maybe being awesome comes naturally to you, but it sure fucking doesn’t for me,” He lets out a short, bitter laugh. Landon gives him a confused look, but doesn’t interrupt, and he knows he’s going to have to actually spell this out for him. 
“So, imagine all those people then meeting me and wondering how the fuck I’m related to you,” He says slowly. 
“What was wrong with you?” Landon counters, still sporting the confused, puppy look, and Brayden doesn’t know whether to laugh or punch him, at this point. “You were a little shy, I guess.”
“More than a little, dude. I didn’t have friends. I couldn’t just do anything and be god tier at it like you. I was average. Below average--” Landon cuts in before he can finish, “Okay, I think you’re building me up a little too much.” 
“I’m not. I think the only thing I was wrong about is that you apparently didn’t see yourself like that. But the point is, people had high expectations for me that I couldn’t meet, and then they were disappointed. I couldn’t do fucking anything without being compared to you. And mom--” He stops abruptly, shaking his head. He needs to get this out in the open, whether all contact ends today or if he actually keeps up with this tentative thing they have going on. “She was the worst of them all. ‘You should be more like your brother,’ she’d say. Like I wasn’t good enough for her as I was.”
“I’m sure she was just worried that you were lonely, Bray,” Landon offers quietly, and the combination of the old nickname and Landon defending her strikes a chord in him, and suddenly anger is burning in his veins. 
“And then you’d fucking do that!” He snaps, his voice cracking. Thank fucking god everyone already left or else they’d be causing quite the scene. “You’re always defending her instead of just trying to understand why I was mad at her. Yeah, I was fucking lonely, but it wasn’t because the kids at school didn’t like me or whatever, it was because of that. Because mom was so fucking proud of you that I felt like her extra kid half the time, and you were always taking her side. I didn’t fit in there, and I was so fucking tired of trying. So yeah, I pushed you away.”
Landon looks like he has an argument ready but he lets out a long sigh instead, running a hand over his face, “I wish you said something.” 
“Yeah, well, I didn’t want to have to,” Brayden mumbles, pursing his lips as his conscious fights him on that. It sounds like Betsy. “Which I realize now isn’t a healthy approach or whatever. And I guess I should’ve told you all that instead of taking it on you like I did. It was kind of hard not to hate you when I was living in your shadow.” 
“There’s a lot we should’ve done differently,” Landon concedes with a tight, weak half-smile. “We were just kids, dealing with things we didn’t understand. But do you get why I’ve been reaching out to you all year, right? We’re not kids anymore. You just graduated, I have a full time job. I guess I just want my brother back,” He admits. 
“It’s a little too late for that. Don’t you think?” He stares down at his feet, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He doesn’t know what to do with all this. He never thought this was a conversation they’d ever had. He thought all this time Landon was trying to reach out to fuck with him, not to repair their relationship. Brayden just doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to not associate Landon with the darkest point of his life.
“No,” The broken tone in his voice prompts Brayden to whip his head up in surprise, furrowing his brows when he sees Landon’s eye are glassy with tears again.
“You don’t get it, do you? Do you know how relieved I was when you joined the Foxes? How good it felt to see you on the court. Sober? And then you relapsed. That’s when I thought it was too late. Brayden, I thought you were going to die,” Landon gets too choked up to go on, and a few tears slip down his cheeks as he takes a heaping breath to collect himself. 
“Come on, man. Don’t do that,” Brayden shakes his head and braves resting a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. He feels a tear trickle down his own cheek, and realizes Landon must’ve set him off. Stupid sympathy tears. They must look ridiculous--two dudes crying on a bench. “I’m fine. Like actually fine. Five years sober and everything.”
Fuck, was that really what it was like being on the other side? All these years, he’s built Landon up to be the enemy. He was so hurt and angry with him that he never put himself in his shoes and wondered what it was like to see himself in his eyes. Now, Landon’s pain is written all over his face, and while he still wishes he knew this back then, he’s glad he’s learning it now. His brother cares. 
“I’m so sorry,” Landon shakes his head violently before wiping his eyes, “I wish I could go back and change how I handled it, but I can’t. So, I’m trying to fix it now, I guess.”
Brayden nods quietly in understanding, giving him another pat on the shoulder before dropping his hand, “Yeah, I get it. And look, I know I was an asshole and exactly wasn’t easy to deal with. So, I’m sorry too. For cutting you out. I guess we could start like--calling each other and shit, if you want.”
Landon looks stupidly hopeful at that, perking up in his seat, “Yeah?”
“Yeah, why not? I mean, I don’t think I’m ready to be best friends forever or anything yet, but we can take it slow,” He shrugs, playing it nonchalantly even though he feels a weird mix of panic and relief. Talking like this, actually trying to understand each other, is making him realize he actually missed Landon. He was so caught up in beating Landon and trying to keep him out of his life that he forgot why he was his best friend in the first place. 
“Do you have plans yet? You could always stay with me until you figure it out,” Landon offers causing Brayden to snort. 
“That’s not slow, dude. And I’m staying with our team therapist for the summer, and after that I might get an apartment nearby while I save up money and figure shit out. I’m--uh--trying to be a tattoo artist,” He admits.
“Awesome,” Landon grins. “I figured you’d end up doing something artsy, since you were painting all the time. Think you can give me one for free?” 
Brayden raises an amused brow, his gaze shifting to Landon’s ink-less arms. 
“A small one,” Landon adds with a laugh.
“Discounted, maybe. Unless, you’re getting a Deathly Hallows tattoo. Then it’s full price,” Brayden pats his shoulder before pushing himself to his feet, gesturing for his brother to follow.
“Uh--where are we going?” He asks as he hesitantly stands. 
“My dorm. I’ll introduce you to my teammates, and I’ll reintroduce you to my boyfriend. I was kind of asleep the last time you met him,” He shrugs.
It’s a simple offer, but Landon looks like he just told him he won the lottery with the big grin on his face, “Yeah, that’d be great. I was watching you guys so closely all year I feel like I already know them, so it’d be good to meet them officially.”
“Creepy, dude,” He snorts before leading the way. 
Brayden feels weirdly light and at peace. Like the last chapter of this crazy, five year adventure came to a close. Suddenly, he doesn’t feel so freaked out to be leaving. He has Arlo and his friends, he can always call Betsy if he needs to, and even if things with Landon aren’t ever really the same again, it’s getting better. For once, he can picture the future, and it’s looking pretty fuckin’ good.
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striker-brayden · 4 years
“What part of that was lovey dovey?” Brayden tries to argue, words muffled by the pillow that landed on his face. He shoves it off before sprawling out on the bed, letting out a contented sigh. For him, that was borderline mushy. He’s still so used to keeping everything to himself, even his feelings for his boyfriend. There’s nothing to hide though, pictures of them with their tongues shoved down each other’s throats were plastered all over FoxWatch a few days after they got together, so there’s no point in pretending he’s too cool to be in love or whatever. 
Still, he’s not sure if he’ll ever get over that fear of letting his emotions show, of having too much hope and letting himself have things. Brayden spent so many years alone. He pushed his family away to the point where he just came in and out of his home like a ghost, spending the majority of his time underneath the bleachers or wandering around Pasadena. He never thought he’d have any of this–a coach who for some reason believes in him, a boyfriend, or friends like Leo where he can do shit like this with. It scares him still, like one wrong move and he’ll be eighteen and lost all over again. 
Brayden snorts as he lazily looks over at Leo, noticing that he doesn’t deny it, just kind of talks his way around it. “I’m pretty sure if you dumped her you would be dead, not here drinking with me,” He points out. Brayden doesn’t make a habit of talking to Sasha more than she has to, mostly because he’s seen her throw herself in enough fights to steer him away,, but also because the few times they do talk, she reminds him how gross she thinks he is. How Leo ended up with her, he has no fucking clue. He can’t imagine her in a girlfriend role, going on dates and calling him pet names. 
“It’s okay, man. You don’t gotta lie to me. I’m already helping you drink away your sorrows,” He gives Leo a sarcastic grin, mostly joking. If he did get dumped, he doesn’t seem too heartbroken over it–unless that’s the reason he isn’t downstairs with the party.
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“You know what you did,” he sniffs, but it’s mostly for show. He likes the gossip: likes knowing who’s getting together and who’s breaking up—(and yes, likes to narrate his teammates’ exploits if they’re involving the team by having them on the team’s bus)—but he doesn’t take it much more seriously than that. His own relationships are flings more than anything else, and if they last longer than that it’s more out of convenience than any kind of seriousness. 
He knows that his teammates aren’t necessarily the same way, that Brayden and Arlo are probably like gay swans who have mated for life, but for the most part it’s their business. 
And, honestly, it’s boring. He’d be way more invested if they were fighting all the time, breaking up and then making up. 
It’s funny, then, that he and Sasha are ending their own not-relationship without all of that drama. But in drama like that there’s always a winner and a loser, and when both of them had agreed to put on a public spectacle to save face, that didn’t seem quite fair. So, instead, they’re fizzling out. And they’re doing a good job of it: if their teammates are wondering, then the next step is the more public rumor mill. 
“Nah, she’s not as bad as all that,” he protests. He’s not sure why: he’s sure that Sasha loves her maneater reputation—even moreso now that he knows what else she’s deflecting from—but he still wants people to believe that they’re broken up without damage to his person. And, well, she’d been a good fake girlfriend. And they’re friends, so he feels like he’s sticking up for her, her ability to be a good real girlfriend to someone else.  “And we’re friends, still. So it’s, like, mutual.”
He feels antsy now. Maybe it’s the lying. But he rolls to his feet, extricating himself from the blankets with the bottle still clutched in his hand. He spares a glance for his discarded shirt, before deciding it’s more trouble than it’s worth, and holds out his hand to Brayden instead. “We done feeling sorry for ourselves? Because there’s a party out there.”
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52 notes · View notes
striker-brayden · 4 years
Sure, Brayden isn’t necessarily someone Alanna would’ve expected to find at this hour of the morning, but he sounds confident enough when he promises he can get them back to the hotel on time—and really, that’s enough for her. He also looks much better than she feels, his eyes bright and clear where she’s still dying for a pair of sunglasses, and that’s yet another good sign for this breakfast adventure. 
“I bet there’s a ton of places nearby,” Alanna says, as they move towards the door. “It’s a city after all.” As they step out onto the street and the already too bright sunlight her headache intensifies, but it isn’t enough to send her running back to the safety of her hotel room. Not yet, at least.
Besides: when’s the next time she’ll be in Chicago? Maybe if the Foxes do this well next year too, but that’s ages away. She’s never been here before and she wants to explore, at least a little, before their flight home later today. What’s wrong with that? 
“Did you have fun last night?” Alanna asks, for lack of anything better to say to Brayden. She doesn’t think he likes small talk much, but she also can’t bear the silence either—especially not with someone she doesn’t truly know, despite the way she’s spent nearly entire year cheering on Brayden as he scores goals on the court. He’s private though. Grumpy, according to some sources. In truth, he intimidates her, even though he clearly isn’t trying. “Congrats on your goal last night. That was awesome.”
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Brayden isn’t hungover but the sudden noises of the city as they step outside are still enough for him to blink in surprise. He’s gotten so used to Palmetto that he forgot what it was like to live in a crowded city. He grew up in Pasadena, and while it’s not as intense as Chicago, it was still busy and loud enough for him to blend in generally unnoticed. As he squints up at the skyscrapers, he’s surprised to realize he kind of misses it. Not how things were back then, but just being another person in the crowd--no one special. Plus, he’d have better chances of being a tattoo artist in a place like Chicago than Palmetto. 
Looking over at Alanna, he can see her struggling in the sunlight, so he digs in his jacket pocket for his sunglasses before offering them to her. “They might be too big for your head, but they’re better than nothing,” He shrugs. She needs them more than him. They start walking in a random direction and Brayden keeps an eye on the different storefronts to try and spot a place that looks like a hipster owns it and has eggs. 
“Yeah,” He answers with a shrug, and he did even though he mostly just observed while sober. It was definitely better than the alternative, which was to sulk in his hotel room. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen us so happy to lose before,” He snorts. He nearly forgot they did given the mood of the night, that was until he got another text from Landon, something he expects after every game now. He still doesn’t fucking like it, and he still doesn’t know what his brother’s motive is, but he’s starting to think it’s not as sinister as he originally though. 
“Oh. Uh thanks,” He says in surprise. He wishes he could say something back, because that’s the nice thing to do or whatever, but he doesn’t know a thing about cheerleading, and it’s not like they ever really get to watch much of the halftime show. “Nice--uhm---stunts?” He tries anyway with a wince. “To be honest, I used to ignore kind of you guys,” He admits, unable to help but feel a little guilty. Then again, he was apathetic towards his own team for so long that it would be a lot to ask of him to spare any attention towards the Vixens. “But I know that I could cheer. All those tricks midair…” He trails off with a shake of his head. Not to mention the uniforms alone would be enough to scare him off. 
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striker-brayden · 4 years
         Henry has never, in his entire life, been like this. He’s the quiet one. Growing up, he was as happy as he could be, given his situation, but even around his sister, Henry preferred to be quiet. This isn’t how he usually is. If he wasn’t so drunk, he’d be unsettled by it, but with the alcohol in his system and the grin on his face, the Fox can’t be bothered by anything other than feeling as if he for once can let loose. Whatever’s putting him in this good mood, he truly hopes it never goes away. He can handle being the quiet bookish type for the most part. Tonight though is the first time he’s felt like he can celebrate with his teammates and be loud.  
         “Mmm, but it’s okay because I’ll see Wednesday when I go back home,” he laughs, not catching Brayden’s sarcasm. Usually, he’s better at picking it up. Or maybe he did pick it up and just didn’t care. Henry has spent the almost the last three years not sure how to talk to people. As kids, he was always the one to come up with the plans and Holland was the one to execute them. He was the one that created fantasy worlds for them to explore—she was always the brave knight and he was the wizard’s apprentice. Their difference were always celebrated. But after she left, Henry didn’t have that person to lean on, to execute plans, to push him to be brave. And he collapsed in on himself. Now it seemed like he was figuring out his own energy.
         He watches for a moment as Brayden starts to look for Arlo. Henry vaguely remembers what Brayden’s references, but he’d been preoccupied with reading a book at the time, so he only caught what some of it and the post on FoxWatch. Maybe he’ll be bored of this conversation and he can find his own person and they can sneak off. Right now, he’s just curious. “Yeah, but you’re old news now. Everyone knows you two are together, so it’s boring to read about you being all happy. So you could dance or at least be near each other.” Henry tilts his head to the side as he looks at Brayden. “Now Jack and I? I guess we’re not so antiquated news. I mean, not that there is an us. Yet.” A normal Henry would be worried about his dad finding out, but William didn’t keep up with Exy news—or anything his son was up to; worrying seemed stupid tonight when he could worry another day.
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Brayden lets out a surprised laugh, because he doesn’t know how else to respond to that. The way Henry is talking about him and Arlo is like listening to someone gossip about Brangelina or whatever. “Old news,” “boring,” as if he ever wanted their relationship to be considered news in the first place. He doesn’t give a shit if him and Arlo aren’t exciting enough to hold his teammates’ or FoxWatch’s attention, because that’s not what being with him is about. Their relationship is for nobody except for each other. He loves Arlo, and in the end, that’s all that matters to him. After everything he’s been through, reliability and steadiness is what he needs the most, even if it’s predictable and boring.
“Well,” Brayden begins after clearing his throat awkwardly, “whatever you two are, trust me, I’ll gladly let you take the spotlight. I don’t want it.” He’s always hated extra attention, which made being part of a Class I team a weird adjustment period for him. Discovering he could google his name and actually get results disturbed him, and he quickly closed out of the search. 
He never wanted to go pro mostly because he has no interest in playing Exy as a career, but he also can’t handle the fame that comes with being on a team like that. He’ll miss Palmetto, and the security that comes with it, but he’s eager to graduate and be a regular person again. Well, as regular as he can be.
“Why don’t you go dance with them then?” Brayden asks after a beat and nods towards the crowd. “If you think I should go be near Arlo, maybe you should follow your own advice,” He suggests with a shrug. 
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striker-brayden · 4 years
         Henry’s never been that big of a partier, save for high school, when it was the easiest way to get hold of alcohol. He prefers celebrations to be quieter. He prefers the celebrations in books. Revels in fantasy novels, the roaring twenties parties in F Scott Fitzgerald novels, house parties during Halloween. They’re easier for him. Tonight though, tonight is different. He feels different. Henry doesn’t know what’s changed in the two days since he last talked to Betsy, how he’s somehow braver than before. Maybe it’s the Foxes just pulled a win from two losses—the most Fox thing they’ve done all season. Whatever it is, Henry can’t help, for once, wanting to drink while happy.
         Feeling brave, for once, feels completely new to him. Like almost everything he’s done in the past doesn’t matter right now—maybe it never did. Maybe what happened with his sister was always going to happen; Holland was always closer to walking away from her family than Henry had been. Sometimes the hurt is still so fresh, especially when he wakes up from a dream about that night, being frozen in place, Holland leaving without looking at him. He knows he can’t keep hurting himself over that decision. Henry’s using it as an excuse to punish himself—Betsy was right about that. It isn’t fair. He’d been scared at the time. What he did wasn’t right, but what his sister did hurt him. But actually coming out, that feels braver than it should to him. And Henry can’t help thinking about Holland whispering to him to keep it secret at the young age of twelve, how much progress he’s made since then. 
         For so long, being a Fox felt more like a burden than anything. His saving grace from two years of community college under his dad’s roof, but somehow a burden. Henry’s been a quiet Fox for the last three years. One of them that doesn’t show signs of anything being wrong. The only indicator that he’s Fox material is his required sessions with Betsy—which he never talks about anything other than homework stress. He’s never wondered about his teammates either, especially not their sexualities. It wasn’t something Henry let himself think about in middle school, definitely not in high school, and out of the question until now. Somehow out of all his teammates, he’d managed to catch the interest of one of them.
         Henry’s not even talking about how Jack looks. If he did, he’d never stop talking. He’s still grinning though. “You guess right.” He probably—definitely—doesn’t need to drink anything else tonight. “I’m allowed to be mushy. We did it. I’m happy.” He’s never felt like this before other than when he was around his sister. “Only thing that could make this night better is my dog, but she’s in South Carolina, so… I guess I’ll have to wait until we get back to give her a hug.” Henry looked at Brayden. “How come you’re not being mushy with your significant other?” 
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It’d be hard for Brayden to feel Henry-levels of joy on a particularly good day, and while he’s not miserable over the loss tonight like he was after their last game, he still doesn’t feel like he can fully celebrate either. They’re moving forward, but now they have two back to back losses under their belt, and that’s just not going to cut it if they’re ever up against the Ravens. They won’t just beat the Foxes, they’ll destroy them, and his brother will be watching the whole time, walking away from it superior as he always does.
He doesn’t have to worry about that yet, he tells himself as he fidgets with his label. They could’ve been out tonight, but they aren’t, and he should be grateful. “And to think, it was almost the perfect night,” Brayden replies sarcastically. He’s never been any good at this--talking to people, especially when he can’t match their energy levels. At least he’s trying, it’s a huge difference from his silent apathy.
Brayden turns away from Henry to see if he can spot his Arlo in the crowd, it’s usually easy to pick him out given how tall he is, but he’s at a disadvantage right now because he’s sitting. When he can’t find him, he shrugs in response. They’re sharing a room tonight like they always do during away games, so there’ll be plenty of time and privacy to be “mushy.” Brayden still has a reputation to uphold, and while he’s not ashamed of how he acts around his boyfriend, he’d rather the others didn’t overhear some of the shit he says to him. “And end up all over FoxWatch again? Nah, you guys got a good enough look already,” He counters with an amused snort. 
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striker-brayden · 4 years
Location: Chicago, IL—hotel Date: Saturday, March 30 Time: Early (open)
Alanna is not a morning person. Especially not the night after a party, especially not when their flight isn’t for ages. In a better world, she’d be asleep for hours still. Actually, in a perfect world, she’d sleep right through this hangover. In the real world though, she wakes up at 6am with a horrible taste in her mouth and a head that’s pounding enough to keep her awake the rest of the morning. 
She isn’t sure how long it takes her to roll out of bed and track down painkillers and water, to get dressed and do her makeup as well as she can in this state, but she doesn’t feel much more like a person by the end of it. She needs food. She doesn’t want the continental breakfast either, with its sad looking collection of fruits and oatmeal packets and plain coffee creamers. 
But the prospect of facing Chicago alone? Alanna can just see herself getting lost and missing the flight. Or, worse, calling Cade to come find her in the nick of time—making her the exact opposite of the cool, independent step-sister she wishes she was. 
Thankfully, there are familiar faces in this hotel even at this godawful hour, and Alanna stops the first one she sees. “Hey, any chance you’re hungry? I need bacon. And hash browns. Maybe some eggs too. Definitely a fancy coffee with lots of milk and sugar.” 
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The combination of still being on Palmetto time and early morning practice time has Brayden up way earlier than he wanted to be. A late flight means sleeping in, but apparently his body didn’t get the message. He’s sore and groggy from being up so late after the game, but no matter how long he tries to keep his eyes closed, he can’t doze off. Giving up, he slides out of bed and changes into something appropriate for hunting down some food. 
The lobby is practically dead when he steps out of the elevator, and it only makes him more bitter that he’s up and moving while the rest of his teammates are dead to the world. He’s about to track down the hotel breakfast, but runs into Alanna first. The fact that he’s not alone in his inability to sleep instantly makes him feel better, and he actually manages to give her a weak smile as a greeting. 
She looks relatively alive after a night of partying, but Brayden can still see the signs of a hangover on her face and sympathizes with her. He was sober last night, but he’s woken up with more nasty hangovers than he can count, and he knows the only cure is a big breakfast. 
“I could go for fancy coffee,” He gives a quiet laugh as he nods towards the door.  He’s been experimenting with more than black coffee ever since Raleigh showed him the light. There’s coffee that tastes like actual fucking cookies, and he doesn’t know how he’s gone his whole life without taking advantage of that. 
“We’ll go find a place.” He hasn’t been to Chicago enough to know his way around, but he thinks he knows enough to not get lost. “I promise I’ll get us back to the hotel afterwards.” 
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striker-brayden · 4 years
LOCATION: Fox Party  DATE: March 29th  TIME: 12:12 PM OPEN
         They did it—the Foxes did it. He had seen part of the last bit of the game on the television he angrily snapped at Abby to turn on when he was escorted off the court after his injury. It was his own stupidity for getting injured the way he had been. Henry was sure he was going to get an ear full from Wymack later for it, but he wasn’t worried about it when he was too busy listening to Abby fuss over yet another one of them with a potential head injury. After some testing, everything turned out fine—if he could call completely freaking out one of his teammates fine. He was going to have to have a conversation with Betsy about that later. His head still hurt, but it was fine. It didn’t hurt any worse than it would after reading so much. He was alright. The Foxes lost, but they won tonight. They could celebrate. They could… they’d done it. Henry’s entire chest swelled with pride and happiness for his team. And damn he was lucky to be here with this unbelievable team. His team.
         Henry sat at the edge of the dance floor, beer in hand. He truly can’t think of a time when he’s actually had alcohol for a positive reason. He’s never celebrated with the team like this before. In the three years he’d been a Fox, Henry carefully built up a wall between him and his teammates. A part of him didn’t want to be exposed, didn’t want them to know him. There was a façade he put up to make them think there was something normal about him. Like he didn’t belong here, he didn’t fit in. His weekly sessions with Betsy making him feel like maybe he wasn’t like the rest of his teammates. But he was. Henry carefully hid the pieces of himself, stacked them neatly behind a locked door, because he wasn’t ready to admit any of the things that were wrong with him. His dad, Holland, the drinking, his sexuality, his anxiety, his pain—secrets hidden, tucked away. They were pieces of himself that made him who he was, but it was too much to fully admit his problems. At least until one wall came crashing down and honestly, he wasn’t even mad about it.
         He finishes the beer and grabs another one—fourth one, if he’s counting correctly. Not enough to really do anything other than make him slightly tipsy. His eyes scan the room, looking for Jack, but wherever the other Fox is, Henry currently can’t find them in the mass of people celebrating. “God, this feels good,” he says to the nearest person. “Like all of it.” It was disappointing to lose the game but moving on in the Championships made up for it. “Shit, it feels weird to be so damned happy for once.” There’s a wide easy grin on his face, a calm that hasn’t been there since well before he entered high school and started playing Exy. “I’m just so proud of us. And I get to go back to my hotel room and fall asleep cuddling with someone I actually like instead of pretending to like girls.” Okay, so maybe he was slightly more intoxicated than he thought. So much for his façade and the walls he’d built up. But that one wall had been there for almost ten years and Henry just wanted to be happy. He spotted Jack and his chest did a flip and his smile grew wider. “Wow, Jack is incredible.”
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The party is pretty rowdy for a bunch of losers, and even Brayden isn’t immune to the good mood. He’s still worried about their spot in the Championships, but they could’ve been done tonight if it weren’t for Akira, so Brayden’s going to let himself be happy that they’re still going forward, loss or not. He still feels too sober compared to the rest of the room, who’re dancing and shouting over the loud music, but he’s been doing good about keeping his drinking to a minimum, and he can’t just throw that away every time there’s a party. 
Brayden’s been sipping on the same beer for so long that it’s warm and flat, but he hasn’t made the move to grab a second drink, instead he’s sitting on the edge of the dance floor as he fidgets with the peeling label on the bottle. Good mood or not, he’s not much of a partier, but he does like people watching, so he quietly observes his teammates drunkenly flail around on the dance floor. 
He doesn’t realize he’s not alone until Henry starts babbling beside him, obviously drunk. Brayden has no idea what he’s supposed to say in response to that confession. It’s not like he spends time debating his teammates’ sexuality, he just kind of has a ‘gay until proven straight’ mentality. He doesn’t have a habit of announcing he’s gay to everyone he ever spoke to, but he never hid it either. He avoided the big coming out journey with his own family, so he can’t relate to concept of pretending to be something he’s not. 
“I guess?” Brayden responds with a shrug as he spots Jack in the crowd. He’s always considered his teammates to be unfairly hot, but he doesn’t have enough history with Jack to single them out. He’s definitely not the type to share his warm and fuzzy feelings with people, so he shifts awkwardly in his seat, ripping the label from his bottle. “Someone’s a mushy drunk,” He points out. 
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striker-brayden · 4 years
Location: Reddin Medical Center Date: February, 23  Trigger warnings: Mentions of drug abuse, addiction, and relapsing
“Is there something you wanted to talk about today?” Betsy leads today’s session as she usually does, and Brayden typically lets her drive the conversation after turning down her hot chocolate, but today he switches things up. He takes the hot chocolate, because it’s fucking cold outside, and he actually does have something he wants to talk about.
For once it’s not Landon, even though he got him art supplies for his birthday, and he still doesn’t know what to think about that. There’s something more pressing, and he needs to figure out his shit before it’s too late, so he nods, noticing Betsy’s look of surprise. “Okay, go ahead,” She gives him a reassuring smile before preparing herself to take notes.
“I want to graduate. Like...on time. I don’t want to do my fifth year,” Brayden states, gripping the mug tighter in his hands. When she doesn’t immediately respond, he feels the need to fill in the brief silence and cuts in before she can tell him he’s delusional. “Look, I know it’s probably impossible. Getting held back and the smaller class load means I’m too far behind to make it work, but--I don’t know. Do you think I can?” He asks her wearily, feeling like a child asking his mom if she thinks he’ll make it as a famous actor.
Betsy jots something down before looking up from her notebook and studying him quietly, “I’m a little surprised, honestly. You’ve said before you’re afraid to graduate. I thought you might want the extra year to get more comfortable with the idea of leaving.”
It’s still true. Graduating is fucking terrifying, because he’ll be on his own for the first time since he left home, but he has a loose plan, and he’s not at risk at ruining all his progress. He’s a million times fucking stronger than that eighteen year old kid who got one look at his brother on the court and immediately relapsed. 
“I think,” Brayden begins before pausing, trying to figure out how to explain himself. He’s not good at verbalizing his feelings--too used to internalizing everything until it’s too much to hold in anymore. “I think I’m more afraid of doing this all over again next year if we lose. I don’t wanna go pro, and I only signed that contract as a way out in the first place. I’d be graduating with the other fifth years if I didn’t fuck it all up,” He sighs, running a hand over his face. 
“First of all, you didn’t ‘fuck it all up,’ remember? Many addicts relapse, and that’s okay. Look how far you’ve come since then,” Brayden refrains from rolling his eyes, because she says this any time he beats himself over what happened. He knows she’s right, but it doesn’t help when it’s the reason he’s technically in his fifth year right now.
Betsy gives him a knowing look before continuing, “I think it’s normal to see your old roommates graduate and feel like you’re behind. I know how hard you’ve been playing this year too, and you might be burning yourself out.”
There’s no maybe about it. He’s already burnt out, and they’re not even in the finals. “I don’t know, I just think it’s time to move on. Exy isn’t what I want to do anyway. And...I actually like my classes, you know? I want to finish my major and actually do the shit I want to do. Just...tell me if it’s even possible or if I’m wasting my fucking time even thinking about it,” Brayden mutters, staring fixedly at his hot chocolate. 
“It’s not impossible, and you’ll need to talk with your academic adviser to make it official, but there’s options. My only concern is you might put too much on your plate with your practice schedule. But if you take online classes this semester, along with summer classes, I think you could pull it off. They might let you walk with your class at the end of the year, as long as you’re signed up for your remaining credits,” She explains. 
Other than this past year, he’s never been a very driven person--never been willing to do more than he has to, but he thinks he can add extra work if it means not having to spend another year trying to get out of his brother’s shadow. He’ll just have to sacrifice his Netflix time for...homework. It’s not a huge sacrifice, considering his homework is usually an art assignment. Repeating freshman year means he got his gen eds out of the way, he’s just trying to finish his art major at this point.
“Alright, done. I’ll make the appointment,” He says quickly, eager to get out of there before she can talk him out of it somehow.
“If this is really what you want then I think you should go for it, but I also think you should consider whether you’re doing this for yourself or to avoid another year of seeing your brother at games and the banquets,” Betsy points out, and he was expecting that. Most of their conversations center around Landon, and all the trauma that comes with him. And yeah, he’s a big reason why he wants to leave on time, but it’s so he can finally move on from basing all his decisions on Landon, and finally have his own fucking life. 
“Can’t it be both?” Brayden counters, jaw clenched. “I want to graduate. I want to be a tattoo artist. What I don’t want is to spend another fucking year trying to win every game, so we don’t look like idiots compared to the Ravens.” 
Betsy nods quietly, “That’s valid, and it’s your choice. I think it would be amazing for you to graduate with your original class. Just make sure to take care of yourself, Brayden.” 
Brayden is out of his seat before she’s finished, knowing his time is close enough to being up that he can probably go without it being a problem. He wants to get that appointment in, so he isn’t too late to sign up for his online classes. He’s going to do it. He’s going to fucking graduate on time. 
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striker-brayden · 4 years
When he first came up with the idea, he didn’t think it was something that he’d actually be able to pull off. He wasn’t even sure if it was what he wanted, leaving all this security behind, but Bee helped him realize that it wasn’t an impossible goal. When he signed up for those online courses, he probably should’ve started spreading the word, but he held back out of fear he’d convince everyone he’s leaving, only for him to fuck up and come back next year. 
“I told Betsy,” He shrugs awkwardly. “I was gonna wait and see if it looked like I’d actually pass before telling anyone else, but now it’s March…” He trails off. He’s gone the last five-ish years doing whatever without caring what anyone else thought, but things are different now. Will Wymack feel like signing Brayden on was a waste of time? Will Arlo hate him for leaving early? What will Grant think? 
“So, yeah, thanks. I’d rather tell them myself, you know?” Brayden mutters. He doesn’t know what led him to choose Glory as the first person to confess to. There’s something about her that’s always made her pretty easy to talk to, which is weird because he feels so old and jaded compared to her. 
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It’s a sobering reminder: things will change, people will leave. Next year, Grant’s going to be gone, and they’ll have a new Captain. Now, Brayden will be gone, too. People are going to keep graduating, moving on. New freshmen will come, just like Glory has this year. The Foxes will still be the Foxes. 
And yet it’s hard to imagine. There’s a part of her that doesn’t like change: she’d grown up in Owls Bend, where things never really seemed to change much. Not the buildings in town, not the people, not the attitudes. Glory changed, though. And Glory left—and ever since then, it’s felt like things are always moving too quickly, changing too fast, like she can’t keep up, or can’t settle down.
It’s hard to imagine being in Brayden’s shoes in a few years time, or any of the older Foxes: being one of the experienced ones on the team, the ones that younger players—like her now—look up to. When the time comes, she wonders if she’ll feel like she deserves it, or if she’ll still feel like she doesn’t know what she’s doing, doesn’t belong.
“Thanks for tellin’ me,” she says, with a slight smile, her chin propped up on her tucked-up knees. “If you ever wanna—talk about it, or anything, before you tell the rest of the team, you can. You know where to find me.”
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41 notes · View notes
striker-brayden · 4 years
“Uh. Maybe?” In that moment, Arlo is extremely grateful for the unforgiving temperature. His face is already wind-chapped and red, so the uncharacteristic flush that overtakes him is difficult to make out in the low light. He blows out a shaky breath, fighting the urge to fidget, and tries to psyche himself up to have this conversation. 
One that he’s been thinking about for awhile. 
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Brayden tries to listen patiently as Arlo rambles away his explanation, not that he even needs one, but his lips are twitching with the effort to hold in laughter, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he watches him in amusement. 
It’s a lot of beating around the bush when he’s literally just telling Brayden he wants to try switching things around, but he’s not surprised. Arlo has a way of thinking everything he does is a burden, even when it’s asking his boyfriend--who loves him--to fuck him. 
What he’s more surprised about is when Arlo goes from blushing and talking in circles to suddenly straight to the point, and that finally gets him to break, letting out a loud, surprised laugh. “I can’t believe you just said you want me to ‘rail’ you, man,” He says between bursts of chuckles, burying his fingers in Arlo’s soft hair. 
“Hey,” He starts after he’s finally calmed down, nudging Arlo to get him to look at him. “If you want something, you can just tell me. As if I’m going to say no to that, dude. You know--uh--I want to make you happy too, so yeah, don’t be afraid to ask or whatever,” He stammers, because now it’s his turn to be awkward as hell, like he always is when it’s time to buckle down and talk about his feelings. He’s gotten better at it after months of dating, but it still brings a flash of panic that he hasn’t shaken yet. 
Cheeks flushing, he purses his lips as he averts his gaze to his feet. “I just--I haven’t--Fuck, I haven’t done that before, so I might be bad at it and shit. So, you can’t dump me after, because I warned you,” He tries to joke, but it makes him feel a little sick, because some part of him is actually worried he might. This still feels too good to be true most of the time.  
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striker-brayden · 4 years
“Fucking gross,” he whines, reaching above his head for a pillow and throwing it at Brayden. “If you’re gonna turn your horny talk into, like, lovey-dovey, heart-horny shit, I’m fucking outta here.”
He doesn’t move though, except to snag the bottle back and take another swallow—dramatic, because of course he is, like Brayden is driving him to drink with his heart-eyes. He’s never been one for sentiment—even with Sasha, when the point was to be as public as possible, he couldn’t bring himself to post the kind of nauseating shit that some couples did. 
No one would have believed it from him. No one would have believed it from Sasha, either. And it’s going to make their breakup easier to swallow, too, less embarrassing for both of them. They never pretended to be each others’ forever.
He’s supposed to be good at lying and now, here he is, tempted to blurt out the truth to every person who’s even halfway nice to him. He’d lasted all of two seconds trying to lie to Jen, but they’d just seemed so confused. And he’s talked around it with Louis, unsure if he thinks that Leo and Sasha weren’t that serious or if he just didn’t care. 
Sasha would probably eviscerate him if he widened that circle of trust any farther. 
But it doesn’t feel great. He and Brayden have been honest with each other tonight, and Leo had bared a part of himself that’s much deeper than his fake relationship with Sasha Hart-Ashby—but he made a promise to her, and he’s trying to be the kind of person that can keep it. “Okay, first off,” he says with a sniff, throwing himself into the lie. “You think so little of me? I’m wounded. Maybe I dumped her ass.”
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“What part of that was lovey dovey?” Brayden tries to argue, words muffled by the pillow that landed on his face. He shoves it off before sprawling out on the bed, letting out a contented sigh. For him, that was borderline mushy. He’s still so used to keeping everything to himself, even his feelings for his boyfriend. There’s nothing to hide though, pictures of them with their tongues shoved down each other’s throats were plastered all over FoxWatch a few days after they got together, so there’s no point in pretending he’s too cool to be in love or whatever. 
Still, he’s not sure if he’ll ever get over that fear of letting his emotions show, of having too much hope and letting himself have things. Brayden spent so many years alone. He pushed his family away to the point where he just came in and out of his home like a ghost, spending the majority of his time underneath the bleachers or wandering around Pasadena. He never thought he’d have any of this--a coach who for some reason believes in him, a boyfriend, or friends like Leo where he can do shit like this with. It scares him still, like one wrong move and he’ll be eighteen and lost all over again. 
Brayden snorts as he lazily looks over at Leo, noticing that he doesn’t deny it, just kind of talks his way around it. “I’m pretty sure if you dumped her you would be dead, not here drinking with me,” He points out. Brayden doesn’t make a habit of talking to Sasha more than she has to, mostly because he’s seen her throw herself in enough fights to steer him away,, but also because the few times they do talk, she reminds him how gross she thinks he is. How Leo ended up with her, he has no fucking clue. He can’t imagine her in a girlfriend role, going on dates and calling him pet names. 
“It’s okay, man. You don’t gotta lie to me. I’m already helping you drink away your sorrows,” He gives Leo a sarcastic grin, mostly joking. If he did get dumped, he doesn’t seem too heartbroken over it--unless that’s the reason he isn’t downstairs with the party.
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striker-brayden · 4 years
   “Oh, I love that one,” Indigo disagreed with a smirk, liking the game more for the ideas it gave her than her ability to win it. Playing for the first time, she’d felt like she’d been missing out sorely on life, taking getting to take a drink as the others would giggle about their wild antics. Well, those days of peace were long behind her, and Indigo had made lots of progress in filling up a hypothetical list of things she’d done. If she were the kind to create a bucket list, it would be something out of this world - which meant playing Never Have I Ever would be equally dangerous. 
    It was probably a good thing for Brayden he wasn’t letting them get into that.
  “Hmm….” Indi hummed out into her cup, swallowing it down and giving a little blech noise following it. “Alright. I got one for you.” Her grin suggested nothing good was going to leave her mouth, but hey - he’s the one who agreed to entertain her, even if unknowingly. Once you start with her, it’s hard to escape. “Would you rather be… a fairy or a mermaid? And you can never change back. Oh, and you’re the only one in existence. Unless you turn others.” 
    Indigo was mixing up her mythos, but she didn’t care. 
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Brayden furrows his eyebrows as he gives Indigo a confused look. When she suggested a game, he didn’t expect it to go in this direction, and the few times he’s played would you rather, it was usually more along the lines of “would you rather eat nails or sleep on nails?” He’s not a big on fantasy, so it’s not something he ever really considered, but he is now. 
“That sounds like a lot of work,” He comments flatly before taking a drink as he thinks. He grew up by the beach, but he wasn’t really a swimmer, so he doesn’t love the idea of living in the ocean for the rest of his life. And he doesn’t really know anything about fairies other than they’re glittery and have wings. 
So, the real question here is--would he rather be glittery or forced to fend off sharks with his fish tail? If he can turn people, which he doesn’t know how either of those creatures turn humans into them, then he at least has the option to recruit some of his friends and boyfriend to join him. He likes his alone time, but being a solitude mermaid...merman? is a little extreme even for him.
“Uh--mermaid,” He finally decides on with a shrug, “I guess dolphins are cool.” He goes quiet as he thinks of options for Indigo, going with her more mystical theme. “Would you rather marry a vampire or a werewolf?”
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striker-brayden · 4 years
Location: Parking Lot Date: March 29 Time: 9:32 p.m. (OPEN)
Akira isn’t ashamed to admit that when the Foxes converged on him on the court…he’d cried. He’d hugged anyone who would let him throw his arms around them and then he hugged them all again. Screw the game. They could lose tonight and Akira wouldn’t care an ounce. They were going to the death match. They’d made it. The Foxes were going places. And the Foxes did lose but…Akira didn’t care. Barely even noticed the scores as they walked off the court, sticks on their shoulders. They’d made it. He felt weak in the knees just knowing it.
It’s a struggle to separate himself from the mass of celebrating Foxes and Vixens in the locker room, but he hurts and, if he’s being honest with himself, he needs a moment to himself. Needs a moment to breathe, to tell himself that this is real. That it isn’t a dream. And the warm water on his shoulders feels fantastic. He lingers there, water running down his body, head resting against the wet wall. Thinking of everything and nothing all at once. He plays the game over and over in his head, reliving the rush of scoring  over and over again. By the time he gets out of the shower the rush hasn’t faded. His hair is damp when he gets dressed and walks back out into the fray, gathering his gear and heading out to the bus to drop it off. 
He shoves it in the storage compartment and spends a little bit of time with Wymack by the bus. They don’t talk much, Wymack never does, but he puts his hand on Akira’s shoulder as he turns to leave and smiles at him an Akira’s heart soars. He’s on cloud nine as he leaves, headed for the nearest person he can find. He doesn’t even care who it is as he slides up next to them, still riding high. “I still can’t believe that we made it. It’s like…like I’m going to wake up and it’s all just a…dream. You know?” Akira fidgets, shifting from one foot to another and shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. “You’re going to the party, right?” He smiles. “Come with me?”
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When Akira gave them that final point they needed, Brayden felt like throwing up he was so relieved. He realized near the end that they didn’t have a chance at winning, but there was still some hope that they could still somehow make it out of this alive. His hands shake as he sits on the bus, so overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. He’s fucking happy that they’re moving forward but dread sits heavy in his stomach. They lost their last two games and they’re nearing the end now. He’s pretty sure this was their last stroke of luck, and he’s not feeling very confident in their ability to win it all—or even come up second. 
He doesn’t want to spend this game like the last though, hiding away on the rooftop as he smokes through an entire pack of cigarettes. They’re in Chicago, which is a pretty cool place for a city, and even though he’s convinced this is the end of their rope, it still seems like they should celebrate. They lost twice and still get to move forward. 
So, when he gets off the bus, he doesn’t immediately disappear to his hotel room, lingering to see what the others are doing. Brayden flinches in surprise when Akira suddenly appears beside him, full of enthusiasm. And for once, he can’t hold it against him. He saved their asses after all, if anyone deserves to celebrate it’s him. He raises a brow in response, “Me?” He looks around as their teammates climb off the bus, he’s pretty sure it would make more sense for Akira to show up with any of them over him, but he won’t argue. “I mean, I guess,” He agrees with shrug and shifts awkwardly as he works himself up to congratulate him. “Hey—uh—nice work, man. We’d be fucked without you.”
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striker-brayden · 4 years
She doesn’t think too much about the future: when the present feels like so much already, it’s the only thing she can focus on, the only thing she has room for. She can’t think about what happens after the Foxes, when she already feels like she knows that she’ll want to keep playing Exy, and she isn’t sure if she’ll be able to. When she can’t imagine a professional team picking her, just like she hadn’t been able to imagine Wymack recruiting her. 
She hasn’t even thought far enough ahead to next year, but Brayden’s words make her do it: what if this, her first year on the Foxes, is the best that she gets? If they don’t make it this far in the Championships next year, or the year after that, and every year that comes after is just fighting and failing to recapture this feeling that she has now?
She thinks about it, but she just as quickly stops. That isn’t going to happen. She isn’t going to let it—and she believes enough in the rest of the Foxes to know that they won’t, either. 
Maybe Brayden doesn’t. Maybe he’s wrong, or maybe Glory is. But he’s got years under his belt, and he’s paid his dues. It’s just strange to think that, after sharing the court with him all year, next year he’ll just be gone, and they’ll be another striker in his place. That, eventually, the only people left on the court with Glory from this first, wonderful year, will be the other freshmen. 
“Have you told Wymack?” She asks, quietly. “Or anyone else on the team?“ Maybe it’d be a distraction, during Championships, the kind of thing they can’t afford. But she can’t imagine it’d be better to be blindsided by it, after they’ve won or loss and they’ll never play together again. Maybe there’s no good way to do it. Just ripping the bandaid off, and then living with it. “I won’t say anything to anyone, if you haven’t.” 
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When he first came up with the idea, he didn’t think it was something that he’d actually be able to pull off. He wasn’t even sure if it was what he wanted, leaving all this security behind, but Bee helped him realize that it wasn’t an impossible goal. When he signed up for those online courses, he probably should’ve started spreading the word, but he held back out of fear he’d convince everyone he’s leaving, only for him to fuck up and come back next year. 
“I told Betsy,” He shrugs awkwardly. “I was gonna wait and see if it looked like I’d actually pass before telling anyone else, but now it’s March...” He trails off. He’s gone the last five-ish years doing whatever without caring what anyone else thought, but things are different now. Will Wymack feel like signing Brayden on was a waste of time? Will Arlo hate him for leaving early? What will Grant think? 
“So, yeah, thanks. I’d rather tell them myself, you know?” Brayden mutters. He doesn’t know what led him to choose Glory as the first person to confess to. There’s something about her that’s always made her pretty easy to talk to, which is weird because he feels so old and jaded compared to her. 
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striker-brayden · 4 years
Brayden tastes like smoke and sharp, winter air. His lips are chapped and cold and his hands, where they rest against Arlo’s waist, spasm with tenuous restraint. He’s fucking perfect. This is fucking perfect, and Arlo slowly comes undone with it - the overwhelming affection and admiration he has for this man. It leaves him lightheaded. Helpless. Adrift. And he finds that he doesn’t really care at all. 
He snakes a hand up to grip the base of Brayden’s neck and uses the newfound leverage to pull him closer, until their bodies are flush against one another. The kiss turns messy, intense, and he can’t help the ragged noises that escape him at the slide of Brayden’s tongue, the brush of his stubbled cheek. He can’t remember the last time they sat somewhere, alone, and just made out.
He’s missed this. 
“Fuck,” he reluctantly pulls away after a few moments, chest heaving. His cheeks are flushed from exertion and beard burn, lips raw and wet. “You are… unfairly good at that.” He shakes his head fondly, but doesn’t move an inch, determined to stay close and leech as much body heat from his boyfriend as possible. “I swear I’m not trying to be like, one of those high maintenance partners that’s gotta be on your dick twenty-four-seven, but fuck.” He sighs. “I miss just being near you, man. I hate that everything’s so busy right now. That every second we’re not preparing for the next match feels wasted. Sucks.” He buries his face in Brayden’s shoulder, digging his nose into the other man’s collarbone.
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Brayden didn’t mean for the kiss to turn heated, especially when they’re on the roof, which is everyone’s favorite moping spot. But as Arlo draws him in and lets out those little noises, he can’t help it. Living with two other guys means they don’t get to be together like this as much as they’d like, unless they get creative— like using Brayden’s car, sometimes just as a place to go or to drive somewhere private, like that field they went to watch UFO’s.
A muffled low moan slips out of him as he lets himself get lost in it, carding his fingers through Arlo’s long, dark hair and kissing him deeper. It’s weird to think about when he had that stupid no kissing rule, back when he stuck to one night stands. It was his fucked up way to make sure no one got too close, not even these nameless guys he’d never see again. But Arlo changed everything, and continues to change everything he thought about himself.
He never thought he’d have a boyfriend, let alone one that he could so clearly picture the future with. He never thought he’d have someone important in his life after what happened with his family. It’s still fucking scary, but he’d rather have this and be afraid to lost it than not have it all. 
When the kiss finally breaks, he exhales shakily and licks his lips, his eyes trailing over Arlo’s flushed cheeks and swollen lips. The sight does nothing to help him calm down, but he can’t look away. It’s not hard to agree with him when he feels like this and can’t do a whole lot about it. “Yeah,” He answers quietly and rests his hand on the back of Arlo’s head. 
“You wanna be on my dick?” He playfully asks after a beat with a raised brow, an attempt to lighten the mood a little. “Noted. I’ll pencil you in for...whenever we get the fucking room to ourselves.”
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striker-brayden · 4 years
There’s a split-second of silence. On one side of it is the Ravens, is that bond that he and Brayden have always shared by never acknowledged until tonight. On the other side of it is—Brayden, professing his love for shirtless dudes. 
And—fuck whatever came before, everything that could weigh Leo down until he drowned, if he gave into it. Because he’s not going to give into it. The Ravens took years from his life: the soul-crushing time at Castle Evermore, that felt like an eternity but was barely even over a month, but all the time that came after, too. The year he barely remembered, the blur of cities and faces as he ran and ran again. The year he remembered all too well, alone in Vegas with his father in the ground. Even the year in San Diego, because it was one more year away from Class I. A year that he was finding his way back to himself, sure, but still falling farther behind. 
But all of that was, like, fifteen seconds ago. Now he’s fucking laughing, the ceiling above him seeming to blur with the force of it as he clutches at his bare sides and lets it roll through him. 
“Oh, you better believe I’m going to quote you on that,” he says, once it’s died down enough for him to have breath to speak. He picks his head up off of the bed, makes a show of wiping the corners of his eyes in Brayden’s direction. “I’m never going to let you live it down.”
And then, because he can’t resist, he reaches out with one foot and jabs it into Brayden’s thigh, punctuating his teasing words: “Come on, talk dirty to me. Tell me more about shirtless dudes, Brayden. Tell me about pantsless dudes.”
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Brayden isn’t blushing, he tells himself. It’s just hot in this room, and it’s making his face all hot. As Leo bursts into laughter, he fights back his own, shoulders shaking as he purses his lips. But he feels lighter than he did only a few minutes ago, the vodka probably has a lot do with that, so he gives up the act quick and a low chuckle escapes his lips, which grows into a full body laugh. Tears of laughter spring to his eyes and before he can wipe them away, they roll down his cheeks. 
“Whatever, it’ll still be true tomorrow,” He relents with a feigned nonchalant shrug, wiping at his cheeks with his hoodie sleeves. Maybe, he won’t be as vocal about it when he’s sober, but it’s not like he’s ever going to disagree when someone declares that shirtless guys are hot. 
He rolls his eyes and kicks Leo in retaliation. It’s starting to feel like he’s at a sleepover, and they’re giggling over cute boys. Not that he’d know from experience, but he’s seen enough TV to get the gist. He feels good though—the weight of press duty and Championships temporarily lifted from his shoulders, so he doesn’t fight it. For once, he just plays along.
“Yeah, pantsless dudes,” He agrees with a solemn nod. Like this is a very serious conversation. “Naked dudes. My naked dude…” He trails off before shaking his head. He definitely shouldn’t go that far. Especially when said naked dude isn’t even in the room. 
“Oh. Speaking of naked dudes,” Brayden remembers suddenly, and pushes himself up to his elbows so he can look down at Leo. “Where the fuck is Sasha? Did she dump you or something?”
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striker-brayden · 4 years
Setting: Vixen’s Den, The Watch Party Date & Time: Friday, March 22, before the game begins Status: open for all
    A party for Indi meant a chance to dress up. Like her other teammates, she was eager to watch the game, record notes, and learn something; but possibly even more importantly was the statement pieces she had to decide on. In her dorm, she’d trashed her half, a pile of clothes strewn about, shoes on her pillow, makeup sprawled over the bathroom sink and counter. She’d left it that way, too, too excited for the pleasant distraction of a party to bother with tidying up. 
   Now, she leaned against the wall with a cup in hand, close by the snacks (she she belonged), proud of her choice of outfit for the evening. It was maybe a bit more stripped down, lacking in the usual bright colors and clashing patterns that she normally would dare boundaries with, but it was sparkly and skimpy and she felt confident. Palmetto State, and her friendships she’d made (Rosie, especially), had done wonders for her ability to shine. 
  “This party is off to a lame start,” Indi commentated, being one of the first ones there, eyebrows raised and a pout playing on her lips. She couldn’t help but think of the horror that was parties at her all-boys boarding academy, or even worse; the girls boarding academy. Palmetto had been much more her speed, but until things livened up, she’d continued to complain tactlessly. “Don’t make me start up a game of truth or dare — we’d all regret that.” 
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Throughout his years on his Foxes, he never came to this kind of thing. It’s not like he was so checked out that he didn’t keep up with the Championship scores, but rather than watch the games live, he’d just check updates online. He definitely didn’t go to watch parties. But those days of apathy and distance are long gone, because now he’s surrounded by Vixens and Foxes while hyper-focused on the TV, calculating points in his head. 
He sips from his cup, not really paying attention to his surroundings when Indigo suggests a game. He’s with her on avoiding truth or dare. He doesn’t trust any of these people not to give him some dare he’d regret, and he’s not into the idea of being asked shit he doesn’t want to talk about. 
“As long as it’s not Never Have I Ever. I always lose,” Brayden snorts. Although, he’s pretty sure there wasn’t a winner or a loser with his game with Leo. They didn’t really finish the game, just moved on to Fuck, Marry, Kill, which got out of hand pretty quick. “You got any better ideas?” He asks her with a raised brow, though his gaze doesn’t leave the TV in case he misses something exciting.
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