strngcreations · 1 year
watching lena get flustered so easily as she so often did back in the day never got old to carson. the two had fallen out over obvious reasons. he made a promise to the girl when they were younger that stayed true for her while he thought it was something lighthearted they both agreed to when they were kids. sometimes he wishes he would have kept that silly promise to her so he wouldn't be in the predicament he was in now. back home with no wife. --- plastered on his face was a look of confusion. he knew that they had stopped talking but he didn't know it was so serious that she had stopped talking to her other friend all together, "she didn't tell you? we're uh" carson scratched the back of his head nervously. " we're kind of separated at the moment. " he still didn't know how he truly felt about it yet, not like it was exactly fresh. it had been a few weeks since the couple made the decision, or more or so he made that decision. "lennox is there though, he's just spending time with my mom"
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❛❛ OH SHE IS? she is ---- of course, i knew that. ❜❜ in such a small town it would be odd if lena wouldn't be aware by now of the event, however it wasn't her first immediate thought when she saw the other, to be honest -- she had no thought besides ( holy crap, he's back) . ❛❛ for the week? a whole week? ❜❜ so that would mean having to do every mean possible to avoid him for a week, great. ❛❛ makes sense ---- i guess, where's mh , the wife? and your .... your baby, of course. ❜❜ although it was hard for still to process those words while associating the 'wife' to her former bestfriend and the 'baby' as well, her former best friend's baby ---- with the guy she loved her entire childhood into teenagerhood. ❛❛ would be ---- strange not to bring them to such an important day. ❜❜ did she sound bitter? probably a little, did she want to? no. it would go against every belief of hers ---- yet it was such a hard feeling to let go of, to know that this should've been her, her life, had he not broken his promise.
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strngcreations · 1 year
Kelan couldn't lie, he loved to get the girl riled up. it was his main source of entertainment to get him through the day without wanting to rip his own and her hair out. "oh, so you've been staring at my arms then miss natalie?" he teased, knowing how easily it was to get her going. it made for a fun practice, and maybe one day she would learn how to lighten up and take a joke. that as a long shot but at least he'd have fun trying.
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if looks could kill, she was sure the other would be dead. none of her other past partners had challenged her the way that he did and god, she hated it. "whatever." she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "just don't drop me. i'm still waiting for you to convince me those supposed muscles of yours are used for something other than show." @strngcreations
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strngcreations · 1 year
the way i have 2 carson walshs existing on this blog rn with two different faces. why am i this way.. just make them 2 separate muses ajdshg
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strngcreations · 1 year
he tried his hardest not to let her growing attitude so obviously bother him, but it was a hard thing to fight off. rolling his eyes at her comment, he couldn't help but chuckle lowly to himself. "yeah, well you need me just as bad don't you princess" carson tilted his head with a cocky smirk spreading on his features. "i'm not the one who can't seem to keep a partner here now am i?"
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natalie didn't know where her coach kept finding these guys but she did know that she didn't trust some hockey player to lift her up in a way that could hurt her if he wasn't careful. she placed her hands on her hips and glared over at carson, "because i think you're incapable. i don't think you actually would want to hurt me. after all, we're both reaching toward the same goal and we both know you can't do it without me." @strngcreations
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strngcreations · 1 year
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carson wasn't exactly surprised about this run in with lena. he knew where she used to like to hang out and if he was telling the truth, he kind of hoped she would be here so they'd have a chance to run into each other again. "uhh.. my sister is getting married so i'm back in town for the week, actually" he chuckled lowly at the girl before him trying to so blatantly avoid eye contact with him.
plot;; last time we saw eachother we were teenagers and you promised to wait for me and to marry me one day, but then you went and married my bestfriend instead and had a baby with her. // open to m.
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❛❛ OH, didn't expect to see you here.. it's been a while! ❜❜ seeing them again was the same feeling as if a wave splashed against her body -- unexpected and cold. lena could barely look the other in the eye as she tucked a small strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. ❛❛ did you.. just.. i thought... you moved out of town years ago? any reason why you're back? always thought this town was too small for your dreams.. ❜❜ she could barely keep a sentence together, although she was trying her best to keep her composure, her heart pounding louder by the minute.
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strngcreations · 1 year
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" yeah , well now i'm finding it a bit hard to keep that up " she studied the girls face , eyes trailing all around it , taking it in. the two had been playing this game for awhile now . mostly due to pipers family not being the most approving but now piper was ready to say fuck it.
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dulce's  eyebrows  raised  at  the  other's  words.  "  my  little  secret  ?  "  the  brunette  asked.  "  i  think  we  both  actually  agreed  on  being  secret  "  she  pointed  out,  pulling  her  closer  to  her.
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strngcreations · 1 year
carson scoffed as he heard the girl go on about him dropping her. he was already getting enough shit from his mates about having to do this in order to keep his position on his own team. now with the added pleasure of having to hear her mouth complaining about him any chance she could get. "because you think i'm incapable or because you just know i'm not gonna wanna hear that mouth running any longer" a faint smirk peaked through on his face with his very monotone rebuttal.
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WHO: natalie cooper. ice skater. bisexual. jessica alexander fc. OPEN TO: anyone 21+ PLOT: basically the plot of the movie "the cutting edge" - she's dead set on winning an olympic medal and has gone through a number of partners before her coach found them, an ex hockey player (who also wants an olympic medal), and they're paired together despite how different they are. through all their fighting and ups and downs, they grow feelings for each other.
shock grew over her face as her coach showed a video of a move that was seemingly impossible for the two of them to learn in attempt to win their medal. "look, you two have made it this far. i think you can manage this." natalie put her hands on her hips, "oh, i know i can. i'm built to win but do you really think they handle this? they're an amateur." sure, they knew their way around the ice but in a completely different way. "i don't trust them not to drop me." she added as her eyes shifted to look at the other with her eyebrow cocked.
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strngcreations · 1 year
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strngcreations · 1 year
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" as exciting as it is being your little secret , i think it may be time " piper cocked her head to the side , retaining eye contact with the brunette.
open to : everyone +21 ! ( f or non binary if romantic )
muse: dulce ferreira, twenty-3, determinate, honest, warm, while being jealous, romantic, and confident. ~ lesbian. ( giovanna grigio fc )
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" so ... what ? " dulce raised her eyebrows at them. " you want to go around holding hands now ? "
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strngcreations · 1 year
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willa heard rustling outside, knowing it could be none other than her best friend without a doubt coming to confront her about her little outburst the other day. she knew he wasn't going to be able to leave it alone and now here he was outside of her window. making her way over to the clear glass where wyatt could clearly see her. "willa's not here at the moment, feel free to leave a message after the beep....beeeep." she was determined to mess with him and not let the man in so easily.
open to: females
connection: fling, old girlfriend, friend, friend's ex etc
please do not like my starters
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"i told you i was coming up," called out wyatt with a small chuckle. she had been shocked that he had shown up at her place. especially since the last time they had talked she had told him to get lost. yet she couldn't deny she was happy to see him given the smile on her face. that was why he was so utterly determined as he scaled up the fire escape," so now the question is are you going to let me in or am i going to have to stay out here?"
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strngcreations · 2 years
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"hmm" the woman hummed, making mental note of the name. "i'll have to check it out some time." not knowing many places around town just yet, at least she knew one place may hold a familiar face when she decided to venture out.
"are you laughing at me victor?" lorraine tilted her head, a small smirk spread across her face she the man across from her bellowed. "oh trust me, i've known for a long time i was going to be better off without him. kind of just stayed for the somewhat comfort and familiarity when i would come home." lorriane let a sigh fall from her lips before she began finishing her thought. "but of course, i had to put on my big girl pants and finally walk away."
lorraine could have gone into full detail of everything that lead up to her packing up her life and moving to what victor calls paradise, but she thought she would save him from that long ramble. "luckily i can basically move anywhere. as long as an airport with my airline is near, i'm good to go"
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he wanted to avoid her question, still a little embarrassed about the fact. victor took a deep breath, folding his arms across his chest. “there’s a diner, two blocks from here. david’s. that’s mine.” it’d already been a little over a year since he took it over, and it felt like he’s owned it for a lifetime. “it’s no iHOP, but it’s… cozy.” he waved his hand dismissively, wanting to change the subject, and quickly.
luckily, lorraine was so open about her past when he wouldn’t be. victor threw his head back in laughter, impressed with lorraine's ability to somewhat make light of her unfortunate situation, knowing if he were in the same situation he would have reacted similarly. in fact, when he found out about fraser and the death of his old girlfriend he thought: ‘i guess she would have rather died than raise a child with me.’ he tried his best to conceal the sympathetic smile forming on his lips, but it was to no avail. “he sounds like an asshole. you’re better off without him. ‘cause look at you now.” he gestured to the entirety of the apartment, “you’re living in paradise.” it was an ironic joke, when he considered where he used to live could be compared as paradise. 
“i hope you didn’t have to move too far from where you were, or had to change jobs. what is it that you do?”
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strngcreations · 2 years
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maybe it was the sort of comical way that they met, but she felt oddly comfortable with the soon to be not stranger. tilting her head as she listened to him, intrigued in the way he spoke. "used to be? well what do you do now?" placing her head on her hands, elbows resting on the table.
lorraine thought back on the actual reason they had broken up, and how it was absolutely far from her fault with the thousand mistakes she couldn't even count on one hand as to why she was newly single, but a long time coming in her opinion with all she put up with. "oh yeah, i really just couldn't help myself. i had to hit on all his friends while he was away working and then accuse him of cheating to throw him off just for fun" the woman said dryly, with an undertone of sarcasm. "Oh..wait no actually that was him" she pulled a face of genuine discovery. she knew laughing about the situation probably seemed inappropriate, but it truly was something she found so amusing.
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usually one with dry humor himself, he wasn't sure how to navigate... this. this strange nervousness and uncertainty of whether or not to cross the rhetorical boundary with this new neighbor. "i'll let you in on a little secret," he started, taking the seat across from her, leaning forward to prep his confession, "i'm a little bit of an asshole, too. i used to be a lawyer." one with a really high success rate, too — and with a high success rate usually came with the gall to not only defend the good guys, but the so-called bad guys as well.
at her explanation, victor only nodded, but not because he understood what that was like. he'd never been with someone that had gone to the level of moving in. too focused on his career. the only relationship that made it to the unpacking boxes phase was with his son. and that was still an adjustment. "that fucking sucks. i'm totally sure it was entirely your fault too, no?" he grinned, meeting her comfortability in teasing diction.
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strngcreations · 2 years
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"they're not exactly friends . more like co-workers and i have to be here . you can't fake it for another hour?
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"i'm   not   gonna   waste   my   night   and   pretend   like   i   enjoy   being   around   your   shitty   ass   friends   ."
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strngcreations · 2 years
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lorraine could have sat here spilling her whole tragic life story to a stranger she had just met, but she knew that was more for second run ins rather than first encounters. she let a chuckle fall from her lips as he began to stammer again due to her dry humor not being picked up too well. something that the woman was all too familiar with.
"you're fine, victor. if there's one thing about me that you should know, it's that i'm a little bit of an asshole. don't take much of what i say too seriously." she started making her wait over to her dinning room table, that she would most likely use once then plop in front of the couch the rest of the times. lorraine gestured to the seat across from her. "well... when two people are together for a very long time. a break up usually makes for someone moving out. that is i"
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a slight smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth, seeing that she was surveying him just as he was her. at least they were both at least a little smart about this interaction between strangers. victor threw his hand up in a no-big-deal gesture when she offered a drink, not wanting to make himself too comfortable. he and fraser had stayed up some nights watching the discovery id channel, and shows like deadly women and fear thy neighbor, along with his son's own paranoia prepared him to be somewhat wary.
it wasn't until her reaction to his question that he realized he should have checked himself too, and his eyes widened with a hint of blush coming across his cheeks. "no, i mean, no... i don't mean anything by it. i'm sorry — i was... i was going to try to tease you," he started, grinning innocently, "and ask if there were going to be times where i would have to save you. but it's clear that..." he gestured to her — it was clear she could handle herself.
"i guess this is my way of asking why'd you move."
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strngcreations · 2 years
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lorraine watched as victor made his way further into her apartment. "i would offer you something, but all i currently have right now is brita water and black coffee" she didn't know why she was so comfortable letting a man who just walked into her place unannounced stick around for longer than a normal person would. he seemed less than threatening, eyeing him up and down, sizing him up incase she'd have to take him later. "we're getting a bit personal fast here huh" Lorraine huffed out a light hearted chuckle.
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anymore? a cocked brow showed victor's piqued interest, taking her cue to continue into her apartment. "i would hate to see you on a day where you do mind." naturally he scanned the room, taking in all the packed and unpacked boxes — resisting to step in to help as he normally would. "i'm victor. my son and i live next door and if you see a moody teenager on his phone with a hoodie on his head and ignoring everyone around him... that's him."
he mirrored lorraine's posture with crossed arms to punctuate it. "tell me more about no longer being a damsel in distress. is that why you moved here?"
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strngcreations · 2 years
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lorraine chuckled to herself, watching the man before her stammer on his words. "i'm messing with you. no worries... thank you though! i'm lorraine and luckily not a damsel in distress.. anymore" the brunette leaned against her counter to give her full attention to the mystery man. "you're lucky. you caught me on a day where I really don't mind."
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"yes——ah, shit! i mean, no. nonono, i don't always walk into strangers homes. it's just that last tenant that lived here always had some trouble over and some guys that were banging on walls and yelling and... she was a bit of a damsel in distress and i just... i got worried. force of habit, i guess." victor flashed a quick smile. "but welcome to the building. i promise everyone is super normal and doesn't barge in unannounced. most days."
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strngcreations · 2 years
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"sorry, i was just breaking down some boxes. just moved in... do you always walk into strangers homes?"
muse: victor french, 46, a former criminal defense attorney who inherits his dad’s diner after his passing. he has an 15 year old son who he recently found out about after the mother passed and now he has custody of. he’s going through a life/culture shock as he’s moved from three-piece suits to tattered tees and dirty jeans. open to: women (romantic 25 & over) connection: neighbors, can become platonic or romantic! note: made with beta! can switch if asked! @indiestarter
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"i heard strange noises coming from your apartment and just wanted to make sure everything is alright."
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