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[Image ID: A flow chart with two branches. The starting point reads "does this character have problems." One branch leads to "yes" then "make them worse," while the other branch leads to "no" then "give them some." End ID.]
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I don't really like making infinitely long reblogs, but I realised that I kind of gave a piss-poor "there's regulations" kind of explanation. Fortunately, I actually know a fuckload about food and drug regulations in Denmark. Because usually, I write about health. And not about which green juice you should chug for rock-hard abs. I write about people suing the state after they had a severe allergic reaction from a spice mix, or about how disabled youth fall through the cracks of the social welfare net. Real cheery topics.
Anywho, in Denmark, the rules err on the side of caution, and basically: if something has the potential to cause an acute reaction in a not-teeny-tiny group of the population that wouldn't innately be aware of it (think, peanut butter isn't going to get pulled from the shelves because people are allergic to peanuts and could die: people who are allergic to peanuts usually know they are, and avoid peanuts. Or how one person with a hyper-specific food allergy who can't have a brand of chips wouldn't get all those chips taken off the shelves.) In this case, it's because DTU (Denmark's Technical University) found very high concentrations of capasasin in samples taken of the noodles- high enough to *have a risk of causing severe reactions* in (and this is a direct translation from the report) "children, the elderly, teenagers and weakly-constitutioned adults" (when I read this, I made a joke about the government probably thinking I was a "weakly-constitutioned adult" but then my partner reminded me that I eat questionable cheese even though I'm not sure it passed the sniff test and I'm the one who shovels the snow, tag yourself I guess). So, with the abundance of caution food regulations, they get taken off the shelves until more testing is done. Simple as that. And that's even without waiting around for an FOI request that'll probably make my boss have a couple of questions. I usually don't do these kinds of stories. The other story I'm producing right now is about hospices.
I would assume off the top of my head that there's something behind it that's not just my quick Google, because I love spice and have play-tested a lot of the most infamous things we have on sale here, and those aren't being pulled from the shelves. The company has also agreed to submit to testing in a "very timely manner" to get their products back on sale. There's been a very small subset of teenagers who've been eating this stuff for an online spice challenge, but it's not these noodles specifically. It's just "find any spicy crap and eat it". I could write paragraph after paragraph on specific food regulation, and there is something about specific percentages of specific spicing agents allowed (whether synthetic or "natural"), but really, all you need to know to understand this is the abundance of caution principle. They're also citing cases in Germany of people eating hot chips with less capasasin than these noodles and having reactions. Denmark isn't very good at keeping track of what people call the poison hotline (Giftlinjen) about, and I'm speaking from practical experience because I asked if they had those numbers a while back and no, they do not. At least not without effort that the clerk didn't want to put in.
Now we wait on the FOI! And I guess if it's interesting, I'll run both the hospice and the noodle story in one week. Eh. No one'll notice. Who the fuck reads the bylines and remembers them?
spicy food recall in denmark
samyang buldak 2x spicy, 3x spicy, and hot chicken stew ramen have been recalled in denmark for being too spicy.
yes, seriously.
“Three fiery flavours of the Samyang instant ramen line are being withdrawn: Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken and Hot Chicken Stew.
Denmark's food agency issued the recall and warning on Tuesday, urging consumers to abandon the product.”
this danish recall is the only known recall of these noodles in the entire world for being spicy. there is no problem with contamination, mislabeling, storage, or adulteration. there is no other problem here. these noodles are getting recalled exclusively for being spicy.
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Hi! I'm Danish, and also a journalist, so I had to check this out. Sorry if it's already been done by someone, I tried to check the replies to see if it was and it didn't seem like it. Here's the link to the original recall:
And here's the dirty, quick and greasy translation: the amount of spice (capaisasin) in them is deemed high enough to potentially cause acute poisoning. This is not a rising trend in Denmark nor has it really been in the news. Like, there's not some backcountry dipshits chugging a gallon of the noodle soup on TikTok or anything. Source: I do the news. In Denmark, we do have laws mandating the correct labelling of spice amounts in products like this, and that's probably partly the reason for the recall, but y'all will have to wait for my Danish FOI request to be processed to know if there's anything deeper behind this. I'll update if there is. Generally, there's an air of over-caution when it comes to food recalls in DK, and sometimes some of them can easily be ignored, or considered and then disregarded after thinking it through.
spicy food recall in denmark
samyang buldak 2x spicy, 3x spicy, and hot chicken stew ramen have been recalled in denmark for being too spicy.
yes, seriously.
“Three fiery flavours of the Samyang instant ramen line are being withdrawn: Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken and Hot Chicken Stew.
Denmark's food agency issued the recall and warning on Tuesday, urging consumers to abandon the product.”
this danish recall is the only known recall of these noodles in the entire world for being spicy. there is no problem with contamination, mislabeling, storage, or adulteration. there is no other problem here. these noodles are getting recalled exclusively for being spicy.
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Sometimes a creative outlet is a fun little hobby and sometimes it's a lifelong affliction. Like I crochet because making little woven animals sparks joy and I'm a writer whether I like it or not because I'm tormented by visions
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actually crying rn
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getting new mutuals that i think are really cool so i start firing the fact that i like minecraft youtube around as a form of rent lowering gunshot/letting them know early what it’s like around here
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if it sucks generally hit da bricks yes. but there are also going to be times in life where you have to stay in uncomfortable or sucky situations because the only way out is through. and that is how life works. sometimes you have to keep that terrible job or that shitty apartment. this site's policy of "don't sink years of your life into something that's not going to be worthwhile" can kind of turn into "immediately stop doing anything you don't like" sometimes and that bothers me
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im a blorbo apologist but also they did every bad thing they did and i will get mad if u ignore that. complexities
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damn you coryo- >:(((
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girl help im escaping from predators
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Behold: Plutarch. The only right way to write Plutarch. (and also my magnum opus) (jk I have so many versions of Plutarch in my head that I'll have to do another series with him eventually.)
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what? you don't clean up a thinly-veiled murder scene with the weirdest relationship in your life? weird.
(if you're a Burn Butcher Burn enjoyer, this is your formal warning to get reading all of the chapters I preloaded to dump on people before taking a break, because YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS Celeste getting adopted or Plutarch and Catalina getting a Shared Project again.)
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Always the writer, never the reader.
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this day (march 16th) 21 years ago (2003), american activist rachel corrie was crushed to death by an israeli bulldozer while she protested the demolition of palestinian homes in rafah. she was 24. this april, she would have turned 45.
Sandra Jordan wrote in The Observer that because Corrie was American her death attracted more attention than the deaths of Palestinians under similar circumstances: "On the night of Corrie's death, nine Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip, among them a four-year-old girl and a man aged 90. A total of 220 people have died in Rafah since the beginning of the intifada. Palestinians know the death of one American receives more attention than the killing of hundreds of Muslims." (Wikipedia)
while we honor corrie's sacrifice, we must remember what she fought for. you can read her emails from rafah about her experiences in palestine at the rachel corrie foundation for peace and justice, organized by her parents cindy and craig who continue her work.
donate to UNRWA donate to Help Gaza Children donate to PCRF buy e-sims for Gazans
ramadan kareem and may we see a free palestine in our lifetimes.
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Charles getting cancer is actually comical to me.
Imagine the only purpose you have in this life, the only reason you were born is to be king. That’s it, that’s all you have. IS TO BE KING. You were told from childhood that you one day would rule England after your mother. So you wait and wait. You wait for 59 YEARS. Because your 96 year old mother hasn’t carked it yet. THEN she finally kicks the bucket, you’re finally king at 73 years old. Congratulations. Your life purpose has finally happened. But not even two years in ASS CANCER beats you. What a life huh?
It’s a our princess coming through for the win.
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An Egyptian Story (1982) by Youssef Chahine
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