The Benefits of Digital Identity Verification
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In this day and age where mobility and convenience have taken a foothold at the core of mobile network operators’ businesses, there is an increased need to add more and more innovative services while ensuring customer security and trust. This trend has led carriers to implement different solutions to improve how they verify their customers’ identities and create digital identities to access services. One particular challenge that carriers face is enabling customer-centric workflow across all channels and reducing subscription fraud. The good news is that solutions such as FIDO webauthn and automatic ID verification can reduce subscription fraud.
By using digital identity verification in your business, you can benefit in various ways. One of the things that this technology can do is improve customer experience. This not only significantly decreases the enrolment time thanks to the digitalization of the data capture, but it also assures the verification of customer identities (who they really are). Carriers can streamline and digitize workflows, something that helps reduce manual entry and paperwork which could take several days to process while customers get a smoother and faster onboarding experience.
Another benefit of digital identity verification is that it creates customer-centric workflow across channels. Another key success factor is to ensure a consistent experience and integration across different channels. When it comes to in store deployment, the solution needs to adapt to its specific processes by providing an automatic tool to validate customer identity documents in a few seconds. From the other side, when remote solutions are deployed, seamless tools for document capture and biometric solutions such as facial recognition and liveness detection are needed to verify identities and provide instant access to services instead of waiting several hours or even days to access them.
For more information on the benefits of digital identity verification, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of Passwordless Authentication UX
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Passwordless authentication UX is something that you should definitely consider if you want to make your business systems more secure. Passwordless authentication is far more secure than just passwords, which are responsible for over 80 percent of breaches. It provides organizations certainty of identity and keeps your sensitive data safe.
Any effort you make to improve your security must take into consideration the user experience. Regardless of how great it is or how well it works, the UX can be the difference between success and failure in adoption rates. If your security efforts are complex or cumbersome, users can find ways around it, which makes your resources even less secure.
There are many good reasons to passwordless MFA. Your users will thank you and you will eliminate password-based attacks.
The user experience advantage of passwordless authentication is not just limited to how easily employees can log in to their applications. Passwordless authentication solves user experience issues that are presented by passwords and password-based MFA.
Passwords are not only a security issue, buy they are also a user experience issue. Some employees rely on memory when entering in their usernames and passwords. The problem with this is that memories are notoriously fallible and the brain can’t possibly remember the average 191 passwords that they need to access all of their different resources.
When inevitably people cannot remember their password, they have to call the help desk to reset their password, and then try and remember the new password that they just picked going forward. It is a never-ending terrible user experience. Some companies have policies of changing passwords every few weeks or months. Whenever these alerts appear, it disrupts workflows as well productivity and leaves employees scrambling to update in time so as to avoid being locked out of their critical applications.
For more information on the benefits of passwordless authentication UX, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of FIDO2 Certification
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Getting FIDO2 certification is very crucial for the security of your business systems. FIDO2 is a new standard for secure login and strong authentication, and it is the successor of FIDO U2F. Both standards are set by the FIDO Alliance which is a non-profit organization that was formed in 2012 to develop specifications that define an open, scalable, interoperable set of mechanisms to securely authenticate users of online services.
FIDO2 works already on many sites, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, Dropbox, Github, and many more. Apart from being a consumer solution, FIDO2 also works with many services for B2B and enterprises, such as Salesforce and DUO.
What makes FIDO2 key special is the strong protection that it offers against online attacks. Like other forms of two-factor authentication, FIDO2 reduces reliance on complex passwords, and protects you against account takeover (for instance, if your password is stolen). Moreover, FIDO2 protects against phishing, which is often referred to as “the ultimate protection” against phishing.
Google, for instance, reported zero successful phishing attacks against 85,000+ employees “on their work-related accounts since early 2017, when it started requiring all employees to use physical Security Keys in place of passwords and one-time codes”.
Apart from being a strong protection against online attacks, FIDO2 security keys are also designed to be easy to use. For instance, to log in, you just have to plug it into your laptop or phone, and press its button. That’s it. Other security keys allow you to login by simply tapping it against your compatible mobile phone.
In terms of platform support, FIDO2 devices work on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, and on all major browsers with FIDO2, WebAuthn, or U2F like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and very soon Safari.
For more information on the benefits of FIDO2 certification, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of Biometric Authentication
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Biometric authentication is gaining popularity these days. It is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control. Essentially, this is a method of proving that you are who you say you are with your body, not by remembering a set of numbers or a word. With biometric solutions, companies, governments, and other services are able to safely provide access to systems with more secure authentication than ever before. Some types of biometric authentication tools available include facial and voice recognition, fingerprint scanners, iris (eye) scanners, and hand geometry
Using the above-mentioned technologies, you can deploy a secure access model and enjoy enhanced security. You can already imagine the benefits of switching to this type of authentication for your secure data and areas.
One of the advantages of a switching to FIDO2 biometric authentication, like a fingerprint scanner, is improved security. Biometric authentication provides a secure and uncrackable access control solution that does not expose your information to cybercriminals. No one can leave their keys somewhere or tell someone else their password.
Another benefit of biometric authentication is the higher accuracy that it provides. Fingerprint scanners are one of the world’s most sophisticated biometric modalities. They provide almost 100 percent of accuracy during authentication.
You will also gain faster access when you start using biometric authentication in your business. Typing in a secure password takes a long time, if you even remember it. If you do not remember the password, it takes minutes or longer to retrieve it and get access again. Compared to this, a fingerprint scanner can lock and unlock your workstation or device quickly.
Biometric authentication also provides greater convenience. You will no longer have to remember complex passwords when you switch to this technology. Security experts tell us that you should never use the same password for different systems, meaning that you have a lot to remember. Fingerprint scanners increase security without overburdening you with numerous credentials to keep in mind.
For more information on the benefits of biometric authentication, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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A Look At Ecommerce Fraud Prevention Best Practices
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Implementing ecommerce fraud prevention technology is very important if you have decided to venture into the online business. Ecommerce fraud prevention is still a significant concern for businesses that strive to offer a fluid customer experience. Significantly, 63 percent % of small businesses suffer losses to cyberattacks. Any invasion of this nature can be hugely damaging. Most companies don’t realize handling of a fraudulent transaction for weeks or even months later. Therefore, by the time they are flagged, it may be too late to impose any criminal or dispute charges.
Constant monitoring as well as strong real time fraud prevention practices can play a critical role in protecting your business from a possible fraudulent transaction. It is with tracking and eradicating the potential threat in the very first instance.
There are various things you can do to prevent ecommerce fraud and help minimize the risks in your business.  One of them is PCI-DSS Compliance. You can safeguard a secure connection for online payments with your business by becoming Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant. The PCI DSS (Data Security Standard) is a set of security standards that are designed to ensure that businesses globally accept process, store, or transmit credit card information while ensuring a secure environment is maintained. You need to conduct regular PCI scans several times a year in order to reduce the risk of your ecommerce platform being vulnerable to hacking attempts.
Another thing you can do to eradicate potential threats is SSL certification. SSL certificates can help authenticate the identity of your company and encrypt data in transit. This provides extra protection to your business and for your customers. For instance, to validate a credit card payment, a payment gateway will make use of the online address verification services. This address, along with the card verification system, can prevent fraudulent purchases by validating it with the data listed online with their credit card company.
For more information on ecommerce fraud prevention best practices, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of eKYC
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The eKYC service has proven to be beneficial especially to the financial industry. The standard KYC (Know Your Customer) process is lengthy, manual and very expensive. Electric Know Your Customer (eKYC) is a new mechanism to facilitate the KYC process by using an electronic means. It bridges the gap between financial institutions and clients by providing a more efficient, seamless and faster process.
The eKYC service enables financial institutions to electronically authenticate customer identity and retrieve KYC data for both individual and corporate clients, in a secure as well as transparent manner. The provider would facilitate the member’s inquiries of their customer’s KYC authentication information through various authentication and retrieval processes. The processes include highly secured consent by the customer via biometric fingerprint, e-key, or written/electronic consent.
The eKYC service allows members to view, verify, and store personal records for safety and security reasons. The service could be distributed to other sectors such as insurance institutes, exchange companies, and others in the future.
The main advantages and benefits of introducing the service to the financial sector include safe and secure method to share confidential information, easier compliance with the regulator’s requirements, and instant verification against fraud. With this technology, information and personal details are relayed timely and efficiently, and it also makes it easier to facilitate the KYC process.
The eKYC process is a paperless system of collecting customer data, it is co-friendly and reduces costs. A reliable official government source verifies customer’s information, and it enhances customers’ due diligence.
For the regulators, eKYC provides maintenance help in updating customers’ personal information records. It also provides a single source of personal information in providing all members with valid, authenticated, comprehensive and updated KYC data.
For more information on the benefits of eKYC, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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A Look At The Ecommerce Fraud Prevention Strategies You Can Use
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Knowing the right ecommerce fraud prevention strategies to use is very important if you are an online retailer. Online retailers currently deal with around 206,000 attacks on their stores every month. As the popularity of online shopping grows, the opportunity for cybercriminals and unscrupulous consumers to scam online businesses also grows. If you own or operate an online store, it is imperative that you protect yourself against fraudsters who steal from you, wreck your online reputation, damage your brand, alienate your customers, and hurt your profits.
Ecommerce fraud is a criminal deception that is conducted during a commercial transaction over the internet with the goal of financial or personal gain of the fraudster while negatively affecting the bottom line of the merchant. It is also commonly referred to as payment fraud. Two things to remember about ecommerce fraud are that the target is an online merchant and the deception is usually intended to remain undiscovered.
The good news is that you can use methods such as login ID to prevent ecommerce fraud cases in your business. Remember that the key to protecting your online store from fraudulent credit card transactions, affiliate fraud and other types of ecommerce fraud is not just recognizing these activities when you see them. You also need to take preventative measures that will reduce your fraud risk in the first place.
One of the ecommerce fraud prevention strategies you can us conducting regular site security audits. If you want to discover flaws in your security before criminals and fraudsters do, you should conduct security audits often. You need to ask yourself if your shopping-cart software and plugins are up-to-date, check if the  SSL certificate us current and working, determine if the your store is PCI-DSS compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), and check if you are backing up your online store often enough.
For more information on ecommerce fraud prevention, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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Benefits Of Implementing A Real Time Fraud Prevention System In Your Business
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It is important to implement a real time fraud prevention system if you are planning to venture into the ecommerce business.  A good fraud management system should be able to automatically watch transactions and events in real-time in order to detect and prevent fraudulent activities occurring in-house, online or in-store. It should also be able to stop unscripted access to sensitive company and customer data. The suspicious transaction or event should be flagged and manually inspected through a management dashboard.
A real time fraud prevention and detection system will help prevent illicit activities related to payments, purchases, as well as chargebacks. It is employed to secure web, mobile and app-based financial transactions. The system helps contain digital payment fraud as well as account appropriation by validating identities, sometimes using two-step authentications, and by identifying malicious logins, and bot activity.
A fraud management system can also be used to prevent insurance fraud and money laundering. It will help guarantee compliance with security and data privacy regulations. It should be able to scan internal and external data, employees, customers, transactions, events, as well as databases. Detection and deterrence are based upon rules or predictive models.
What is login id? This is something you may need to know before implementing real time fraud prevention in your business. Login ID means personal identification used in conjunction with other access codes to gain access to the e-Service. A fraud management system should increasingly use artificial intelligence for predictive analytics which identifies imitation patterns. AI is also employed for customer Analytics which detects deviations from a customer’s usual behavior on a site and social media analytics which gathers information from social media and blogs.
For more information on the benefits of implementing a real time fraud prevention system in your business, visit our website at https://loginid.io/     
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The Benefits Of Digital Signature Authentication
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When it comes to securing your business systems, digital signature authentication is one of the technologies that you should consider implementing. In recent times, the increase in global businesses, online activities of general masses as well as digitalization of paperwork and personal identity have raised cybersecurity concerns. There are so many techniques being used to mitigate cyber threats right now, with a digital signature being one of the best.
Digital signature authentication is being used to ensure a given data has originated from its actual owner. It assures the recipient of the authenticity of a message or digital document. This is done so that the sender cannot deny sending the message and that the contents of the message or document are not changed in the transmission.
A digital signature is not just the binary version of a scanned hand-marked signature. It uses cryptographic encryption techniques for secure communication. It is based on public-key encryption (PKI) and can also be formed using a Hashing algorithm.
There are various benefits that you can get as a result of using digital signature and FIDO WebAuthn technologies in your business. One of them is document confidentiality. Managing and storing signed physical documents can be a very difficult task as they are prone to be tampered with for various reasons, such as being stolen, destroyed by fire (intentionally or accidentally), or any other reason. Thus, they are prone to be tampered with and eventually leading to loss of confidentiality. On the other hand, digital documents are safe from such risks if they are properly signed and back up.
Using digital signatures can also be good for your business reputation. People usually feel security when they deal with businesses using digitally signed documents. This helps improve customer’s experience and enhances the reputation and market value of an organization.
For more information on the benefits of digital signature authentication, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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Things To Know About Passwordless Authentication Technology
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Passwordless authentication is one of the technologies that can help you reduce security risks and costs in your business. It is a method that allows a user to gain access to an application or information technology system without entering a password or answering security questions. Instead, the user provides some other form of evidence, like a fingerprint, proximity badge, or hardware token code.
Passwordless authentication is often used in conjunction with multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on solutions to strengthen security, improve the user experience, and reduce information technology operations expense and complexity.
In order to understand passwordless authentication, you need to know the answer to the question, “when was the first fingerprint scanner invented?” Fingerprint scanners have been a part of our lives for many years. The ability to identify yourself by simply touching a sensor has been a sought-after feature for years. Today, fingerprint scanners are present all throughout our everyday lives. It is a commonplace feature in our smartphones, computers, and other devices.
The first phone with a fingerprint scanner to hit the market was the Pantech Gi100, which was released in the first half of 2004. The fingerprint scanner was mounted in the middle of the D-pad, and at that time is was the big talking point for an otherwise unspectacular device.
In the coming years, companies such as HTC and Toshiba added fingerprint scanners to their phones. This was a step forward in making fingerprint scanners on phones mainstream.
The mid-2010s was when fingerprint scanners on smartphones really took off. At this time, this technology became a common feature for flagship smartphones. Apple’s first phone with the technology was the iPhone 5s, and Samsung’s was the Galaxy Note4. In the latter half of the decade, fingerprint scanners were on the flagship devices of the major smartphone manufacturer’s new releases.
For more information on passwordless authentication, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of Digital Onboarding
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Digital onboarding is something that you should consider whether you are a small or large business owner. Despite the heavy cost in terms of hard cash and in losing talent, many companies are still not taking onboarding seriously. They just don’t get it. There are some that even don’t have any induction practices at all. Below, we look at some of the areas where digital onboarding has real impact.
First of all, digital onboarding and psd2 strong customer authentication can be really helpful when it comes to reaching far-flung employees. Digital onboarding is the most effective way that organizations can be able to get essential training and core company values to a global workforce or remote workers. For global organizations that have staff all around the world, onboarding that can be delivered via devices is accessible, affordable, effective and measurable.
The trend towards flexible working, with remote workers or freelancers, has been common since the world was stuck with the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is set to continue and grow in the years ahead. Clearly, traditional onboarding is not going to work with the freelancers and remote workers as they need to be reached with a less head office-centric onboarding experience. The experience needs to be more personalized in order to reflect their circumstances. The most important thing is to make sure that they have a good induction. Don’t just leave them to it, as that can lead to isolation and an early exit.
Digital onboarding can also be helpful with preboarding and keeping warm. It has never been easier to have new starters that are virtually ‘good to go’ from day one. Digital preboarding programmes allow them to arrive feeling confident and comfortable. They will already have an insight into your company’s culture and values, and they will have learnt about the priority skills.
For more information on the benefits of digital onboarding, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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Benefits Of Using FIDO2 Biometric Authentication Technology In Your Business
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FIDO2 biometric authentication is something that you should definitely consider when it comes to improving the technology of your business systems. FIDO2 makes it possible for users to leverage common devices to easily authenticate to online services in both mobile and desktop environments. The FIDO2 specifications are the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Authentication (WebAuthn) specification and FIDO Alliance’s corresponding Client-to-Authenticator Protocol (CTAP).
So, how can you benefit from using FIDO2 authentication and digital identity verification technologies in your business? By leveraging these technologies, you will improve the security of your business systems. FIDO2 cryptographic login credentials are unique across every website, they never leave the user’s device and they are never stored on a server. This security model eliminates the risks of phishing, all forms of password theft as well as replay attacks.
You will also like the convenience of FIDO2 biometric authentication technology. Users can unlock cryptographic login credentials with simple built-in methods like fingerprint readers or cameras on their devices, or by leveraging easy-to-use FIDO security keys. Consumers are free to choose the device that best fits their needs.
Another thing that you will love about FIDO2 biometric authentication is the privacy. Since FIDO cryptographic keys are unique for each internet site, it means that they cannot be used to track users across sites. Moreover, biometric data, when used, never leaves the user’s device.
Scalability is another important benefit of FIDO2 biometric authentication. Websites can enable FIDO2 through a simple JavaScript API call that is supported across leading browsers and platforms on billions of devices consumers use every day. This technology provides scalability that you cannot achieve when using passwords.
For more information on the benefits of using FIDO2 biometric authentication technology in your business, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of Online Identity Verification
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Online identity verification is one of the technologies that have recently emerged to help legal, real estate, accounting, and similar industries streamline their verification processes. But some industries are still skeptical about the impact that this technology brings, especially since the conventional face-to-face methods have served them well for several years. To be able to understand better whether these new technologies are worth your investment, check out the following benefits of online identity verification.
One of the benefits that you can get as a result of taking advantage of id io technology is increased workflow efficiency and lower overhead costs. When you digitize your identity verification processes, you can save time, effort, and resources because you accomplish the verification steps more quickly and efficiently. If you were to manually request, photocopy, upload, and process identity documents, it means that more paper-based materials, filing cabinets and other related items, administrative personnel, etc. will be needed, all which will add to your office management costs.
Another downside with manual workflows is that they eat up more minutes and create increased idle time, meaning that you will have fewer productive transactions throughout the day, week, month, and year. When you switch to online ID proofing, you will spend less on training sessions and materials, shorten your KYC work and communication flows, and assign more business-critical tasks to your staff.
You can invest in an online identity verification solution that automatically updates individual and family profiles, notifies you of any information updates, and reminds you of upcoming document expiry and replacement dues, etc. This will help simplify your compliance audits and reporting, client onboarding, as well as other ID proofing activities.
For more information on the benefits of online identity verification, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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Things To Know About Passwordless Authentication
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If you still use passwords to protect your company’s systems and data, you should consider switching to passwordless authentication. This is a method that gives users within an organization access to systems and applications without the need of using passwords. With passwordless authentication, a different form of information is used to identify a user, like biometric data or (most usually) through a registered device or token. In most organizations that make use of passwordless authentication, it is often paired with multi-factor authentication as well as single sign-on (SSO) solutions to help further bolster security and enhance the user experience.
To be able to understand how passwordless authentication works, one of the important questions that you should get an answer to is “when was the first fingerprint scanner invented?” Passwordless authentication replaces passwords with other authentication methods that are considered to be much safer. In password-based authentication, the password that is provided by a user is matched to the record that is stored in a database.
However, in passwordless authentication, in a method like the use of biometrics, the comparison happens almost in a similar manner. Instead of the password, the distinctive characteristics of a user are compared. For instance, the system could capture the face of the user. It extracts numerical data from it and then compares it with verified data records in the database.
But the comparisons may be slightly different in other passwordless authentication methods. For instance, a system may send a one-time passcode to the mobile device of a user via a text message. The user then enters this code into the login box, and the system will then compare the entered passcode to the one it had sent.
For more information on passwordless authentication, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of Real Time Fraud Prevention
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Investing in real time fraud prevention techniques is very important especially for financial institutions. During the last five years, financial institutions have made progress with fraud detection. For example, you have probably received an email or call from your bank asking to verify a purchase that you never made. You may even have been notified within five or ten minutes of the fraudulent transaction taking place.
Even though this level of speed may have seemed revolutionary a few years ago, the truth of the matter is that fraud detection is antiquated and unnecessary given today’s technology climate. Fraud detection, which means detecting fraudulent behavior after it occurs, is costing financial service firms millions of dollars and destroying the customer experience. It is about time for financial institutions got in front of the problem and focused on fraud prevention.
You know to know what is Login ID if you are serious about improving the security of your data and business systems. According to a recent study that looked at the psychology of waiting, 74% of respondents believe banks need to catch fraud as soon as it occurs, and 61% say they would leave their bank if a financial institution fails to report a fraudulent charge before they do.
A great number of consumers are impressed when their bank calls within minutes of a fraudulent purchase, but the reality is that the damage is already done at this point, and it is not just the consumers who suffer. Financial service firms have to budget millions of dollars every year in order to “cover” fraudulent charges. Apart from replacing stolen funds, it costs organizations significant time, money as well as resources to investigate and resolve fraud issues.  Real time fraud prevention can help prevent all this.
For more information on the benefits of real time fraud prevention, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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The Benefits of Digital Signature Authentication
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You need to consider using digital signature authentication in your business if you are not yet doing so. In this hyper-connected world that we live in today, traditional methods of signing and authenticating documents are increasingly being replaced by technological innovations like electronic signatures in general and digital signatures in particular. For more than a decade, the federal law has recognized the legality of digital signatures.
A digital signature is not in and of itself either a signature that is typed into an email or a signature that has been handwritten and scanned. Instead, the term refers to an online signature that is attached to a record and adopted by an individual with the intent to sign it.
There are various benefits of using FIDO webauthn and digital signature technology in your business. One of them is them is the added security. A digital signature offers provides more security compared to the normal signature. The unique identifying “fingerprint” data in a digital signature is permanently embedded within a document. You can easily tell if someone has tampered with or altered a document after signing.
Through the use of encryption verification technology, which is referred to as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), a digital signature provides the highest and most verifiable standard for identifying an individual by an electronic signature. The coded message in a digital signature uniquely identifies the signer and links them with a particular recorded document.
Another benefit of digital signature technology is the global acceptance and legal compliance. Many countries around the world are now accepting digital signatures on legally binding documents because they understand that the security protocols offered by vendors are in compliance with international standards in the field. Today, most of the world’s governments recognize digital signatures provided by LoginID and other similar companies.
For more information on the benefits of digital signature authentication, visit our website at https://loginid.io/  
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The Benefits of Digital Onboarding for Businesses
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Digital onboarding is something that you should consider if you find the traditional onboarding technique to be depressing. As a business owner, you need to develop an onboarding program that can engage employees, encourage them to search for more information, and help them grow the skills that they will need to succeed.
When you implement technologies such as digital onboarding and PSD2 strong customer authentication in your business, there are various benefits that you can get. First of all, you can be able to reach far-flung employees. Digital onboarding is the most effective way that organizations can get essential training and core company values to a global workforce or remote workers. For global organizations that have staff all around the world, onboarding that can be delivered via devices is accessible, effective, affordable as well as measurable.
We live in an era where people prefer flexible working, with remote workers or freelancers. This trend is set to continue and grow in the years to come. Clearly, traditional onboarding is not going to work for many businesses in different industries. Remote workers and freelancers need to be reached with a less head office-centric onboarding experience; it needs to be more personalized in order to reflect their circumstances. The most important is to make sure that they have a good induction. Do not just leave them to it. That way leads to isolation and an early exit.
If you have been in business for a while, you know that having new starters that are virtually ‘good to go’ from day one is never easy. Digital preboarding programmes can help them to arrive feeling confident and comfortable. The new employees will already have an insight into your company’s culture and values, and will have learnt about the priority skills.
For more information on the benefits of digital onboarding for businesses, visit our website at https://loginid.io/  
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