strongestblade-blog · 7 years
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This will probably lead to nowhere, but at least i will try. AHEM, my name is Void and this is Indie and selective rp blog for Furuya Utaemon - the fist class ghoul investigator Oc. this blog is multi-verse and multi-ship and also Oc & crossover friendly. If you would like to give this creep a chance, please drop a like or reblog this post! 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
Understandable, no one would like to talk to walls– wait, she kicked a random guy? What’s with her anyway?! Lubbock might have given this woman an awkward stare, already assuming that she could be randomly aggressive. It was then followed by a sigh.
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“It doesn’t just made people avoid you. In most cities, you don’t just beat up random people for no reason,” that was as far as he recall. “Why’d you even kicked that poor guy–” Just when he was about to ask what happened, there were incoming guards not too far away from where they stood. Either they’re aiming at her or at him. Worse if it’s both.
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“You’ve gotta be kidding!” he panicked under his breath as he prepared to make a run from it. “They ARE problematic! But whatever, we gotta scram!”
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“Well, excuse me for not leaving a poor girl to be raped by some fat pig. He deserves that and much more” She said with a little irritation to her voice. So they were a problem then. Well, okay then. not wasting her time on them sounded like a good idea. As soon as she thought of the path outside of the city, she suddenly wrapped her hand around the boy’s waist and pushed him closer, then proceeding to jump. And a few moments later, they were at the roof of a building. She moved so fast that the boy may think that they teleported. But they didn’t. GIel gripped the green-haied a bit tighter.
“Hold on. I am going to make it outside of the city with the next jump, please be sure to not move, kay?” She needed to do a tad bit slower then usual, just so that the other’s body could handle the pressure. But She jumped again. unlike her usual movement, this was a high jump. And a very high jump it was. They were about a hundred meters up in the air before starting to move downwards and towards the forest outside of the capital. And judging by the completely unfazed expression on the sword master’s face..she did that all the time
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
@aureumdraconeus for a sudden greeter!
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Well this was...anti-climactic. Giel enctounrered a rather big horde of those black creatures with masks. They looked a little bit stronger then the previous ones. This almost looked like fun. However, they all died after a few slashes from the sword master. She got too into destroying those things. And did not really hold back. And now the forest around her is also destroyed. With a long sigh, the woman returned the sword into it’s sheath. It’s better she learns that the most intimidating looking creatures usually bring no joy and die rather quickly. No fun. No fun at all. The green-haired was actually holding back. She never used any of her techniques, just pure force. They would probably all die from one single earth cut. How many were there again? She lost count.
“Well...i guess there’s that” the words sounded almost tired, yet she did not even break a sweat. And she was yet unawhare that someone was watching. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
Okay, bad move. He shouldn’t have asked that stupid question. This woman’s annoyed response made the lad stood corrected. And she even looks scary the way she glared at him. As if the sword ain’t enough to imply she ain’t a person messing around.
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“Sorry. I thought you’re talking to someone else,” he blurted. Maybe he should think first before another stupid word comes out from his mouth. Though whoever her little brother is, poor guy he thought. “I’m… not really in this city either so I’m not really familiar to this place.” At least he was being honest on that part.
“Uhm… so Giel, right? Well, nothing’s on your face so there’s nothing for you to worry about that. And uhh… I guess there’s a food stall two blocks away from here?” he recalled, hoping that’ll suffice for one of her questions. “You can just call me Lubbock by the way.”
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“Well...there is no one around at the moment. I don’t like speaking to walls you know? Ah, nevermind that. I have another question. I kicked the shit out of some fancy looking old guy. He is like. bald and all in gold. Some sorta noble i guess? Do people avoid me because of that?” This is really awkward for her. The swordswoman never actually bothered to look up or ask the rules of this city and the country. She would not really bother to follow them anyway. It’s not like someone can do any serious harm to her after all. Well, except gods. If there were gods here like in some other wold she was, this is not going to be very fun. Her own thoughs were interrupted by the sudden sounds of approaching people. Soundsl ike the guards finally got the report of what she did and were heading to catch her. There is a high chance that her whereabouts were pointed out by people she met in the past hour. Nobody wanted trouble after all. 
“Well...i guess i am not eating now. Ugh. What a bother. Oi, kid, are those guards problematic or not?” A fight that is unnessesary is not a fight she would like to have. Even if it will go for a few moments at most.
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
Okay but
I need a cool Male muse. I really do. SOOOO, since i started this thing of getting some unknown muses into this. I want to do this guy as well. He is a battle junkie with his own loli-mage. AND he is a beast-kin. 
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looks pretty cool right?
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
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hello, this is Giel. She is 35. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
  It was quite unusual for a random stranger to start a conversation out of the blue. Most people will think of that and Lubbock was simply no exception despite the damn troubles he had not too long ago.
He resembles her younger sibling? It may not be much of a wonder due to having similar hair color. Well, that was her natural hair color, right? Either way, the lad turned upon being called for attention, giving the other a confused stare. She better not be one of those vigilantes hunting for his head, he hoped.
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“Are you talking to me?” Okay, that was a dumb question. It’s not like there’s someone else in that same place anyway.
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“Well, yeah. And i did ask a question. No, you are really like my little brother. He never listens to what i say either. Well...to be honest, everyone is this city is kinda weird. I just asked directions from a few people and they kinda ran off into the distance without talking to me. Do i have something on my face?” And there she goes. Her annoyance at a rather cold welcome was completely outed before a first person who directly talked to her. Perhaps everyone ran because she had a sword in hand? But it’s notl ike she pointed it at anyone, or looked intimidating. And it was painfully obvious how unaware this woman is to the current situation in the capital. She was not nervious, rather loud and seemingly careless. She is yet to understand the true nature of this place. It won’t change much, since she has no reason to interfiere in other’s worlds buisness, but if she were to know, she wouls at least be less aggitated about the mood. But she does not know. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
@taintedxstrings requested a starter!
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“Hoh? you somehow look just like my little brother...well, a when he was young that is. What’s your name kiddo?” Starting a random conversation on a street? Someone would say this was highly suspicious, but Giel was just bored. Bored of an understanding that the only trully powerfull person here was....not so impressive. She saw her in combat. Ice. Just ice. Nothing of interest. She just can create ice. And ice can be cut without much effort. Well. Giel can cut practically anything to be completely honest. Ah, she is getting side-tracked by her own boredom. Not good, focus. Return to the topic at hand.
“Name’s Giel. I am....from far away. You know where i can find a place to eat? A good one” She finally smiled. An honest smile, it seems. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
@vericulumvenatrix requested a starter!
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“Whoever created those surely has no imagination what so ever. Why would you make black animals and then just slap a mask on them? If i meet the guy, i will surely thank him for making a weak spot so obvious, what is this, a video game?” Well, she was talking to herself. She just dealt with a large number of some annoying litte black bears with masks by simply slicing them with a dango stick she had. Whatever was their real name? She did not know, she did not really care. And yes, she was speaking about video games. Hell, The entire world she lived in seemed to operate on some fucked up game logic as well, so it’s not like she is surprised. However, her attention shifts. It seems like she had a witness for some time. How much time exactly? Well, whatever. At least it was a person. Well. This is oddly convinient. Every time she gets into a new world, she allways meets someone in a span of an hour, some times even less. 
“Yo” That’s honestly the only thing she can say. She needed to understand if that person is hostile or not before doing anything else. Well, let’s wait for a reply then!
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
@strxwhxt for a sudden greeter!
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“Oi kiddo! Are those good? Wana take some to myself too. you seem like a good kid! You will surely grow big and strong!” She smiled widely, coming closer to the kid in a strawhat, that seemed to devouer everything that was put on his table with a surprising amount of speed. She was impressed, Honestly, she was. Perhaps the kid just spent alot of his inner recources and needed them back in that form? She used to have the same problem as well. When she even had the fights that she could fight all out. Nowdays? She never really got all out...except that time with Mu. A god-damn monster. She is yet to apologize for destroying that mountain. It was a very nice mountain. Oh well. Now it’s not the time. She is not even in her own world anyway. And who knows for how much she is going to travel around. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
@caballera continued from here
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“Those black things with the masks. they are harmless though, don’t worry about them” She said calmly, while eating another piece of takoyaki. It was just a fun little day in this small town. Nothing really unusual. She have seen worst monsters then those adorable creatures. And they are so fragile as well, even if they could not be cut by any normal means. She had unnatural ones. Means that cut the soul itself. Perhaps they were some sort of ghosts? It did not make any difference. After she destroyed some of them, the others just stopped attacking. And those first were rather weak. A shame. She had hoped a new type of creature would be at least some fun to fight. 
“Anyway, would you point me in the direction of some other food shop? I want to try everything while i am in town!” she switched topics very quirkly, beaming with excitement. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
@guiiltlcss requested a starter!
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Even after all this time traveling around the different worlds, she learned one simple truth. Food as always the same, no matter where she goes. And that was great. She loved food. Possibly because of the fact that she earned alot of money by defeating many monsters in her travels back in her original world. And so, now she is enjoying some Dango. She bough a few portions right away, she does not know if it will be limited, as well as back home, or they will sell every day and however much the customers buy. Nobody seems to mind....well...most of the looks she recieved were focused on her chest, rather then face. It did not bother her. Not anymore at least. She could not help but have a figure like this, after all. However, this small park was rather,,,empty. Ah...right, she did not hide her aura again. People just avoided her because of the pressure she emmited. Maybe she just needs to stand out less? Though with her hair and eye color...well, she will anyway. 
“Boring....boooring” she mumbled to herself. Maybe someone will show up?
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
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Was this Zoro’s sister or something? How could she have made it this far into the Grand Line to not know she’s in the New World?  She seemed nice, but Drake was worried for her safety if she really was this clueless. “Well this is a port town in the New World. The next island should be 2 days away, according to our navigator. Sorry to say, but you won’t find mainland for at least a few months..” 
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“Oh, so it’s that kind of world huh. Well, i suppose it can’t be helped. Hoi, Kiddo, Would you, perhaps, point me into a direction of a nearest boat i can take? I can jump to the next island...but that would be a bother....hmmm....oh, can i go with you, maybe? I...know how to defend myself, i think i can be usefull” She gestured to her own sword that she was holding in hand. Who knows, maybe that kid will be king enough? Back in her own world she took jobes to protect others and escort them to different locations she needed to travel herself. She will probably trigger a portal some time in the future anyway. Something that will randomly throw her into a next world....and at least this time she was content to end up some place else. This little adventure of her was becoming rather fun. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
❝ You don’t scare me. ❞
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“….okay” She deadpanned with a very…..blank expression on her face. Was it good, was it bad? Who the hell knows? She does not seem to have any ill intentions to begin with. Just a kid trying to look cool. Well, she met alot of those. Nobody is usually as strong as they say. A shame, really. People who talk like that end up the weakest. Not thar she will tell her that. There is no point in reacting. It’s not her world. There won’t be a challenge anyway. And even if there was….she did not sense much danger for herself. There was potential, but no skull to support it. At least not the kinda skill that would be up to Giel’s own standarts. 
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
Giel. 15 y.o
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
i can relate to that.
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strongestblade-blog · 7 years
Giel is a bit of a badass.
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