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The Birth Of Mondern Mass Manipulation Via The Unconsious
 Edward Bernays plays a large contribution to why media and   marketing is the way it is today. He was Sigmund Freud's nephew and the reason why he is such a fulcrum in today's media and marketing is   because he took the published research of Freud concerning topics such   as the unconscious and distilled it into a formula in which to passively  manipulate to masses . I believe he coined the term Public Relations and his first work was titled Propaganda. A book that is still considered to be the go to book for marketing. His first note worthy use of  the techniques he pioneered is centered around cigarettes and creating a  social acceptance for women to smoke, at the time it was looked down  upon. To make a long story short he was aware that women were oppressed  and not socially equal to men. he set out to subconsciously suggest that  smoking would make a woman equal, liberate them from social oppression.  The theory behind it was a cigarette could represent a male phallus, a  symbol for equality. How he crafted this suggestion was classical media  and marketing, through emotional imagery. He set up women from some kind  of Broadway show to be photographed smoking after a huge sold out show,  specific headlines  crafted and a story to be written to drive  the point home. Apparently the exercise was a success and women started  to smoke almost over night doubling the amount consumers smoking  cigarettes .
  Which is a big reason why media and  marketing is they way it is today. People are sold on emotions and  imagery rather than necessity and utility.
It is rather disgusting if you ask me especially because of how ignorant people are of how suggestive and emotionally reactive their nature really is. -Chris http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays
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In Kabbalah, the focal point is the intention. Desires create our thoughts, but intentions give them direction. This, in turn, creates our actions and ultimately our whole reality. -
The guide to the wisdom
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"Knowledge increases in proportion to its use -that is, the more we teach the more we learn -
H.P. Balvatsky
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To arrive at the truth once in your life you have to rid yourself of all the opinions that you have received and reconstruct anew from the foundation, all the systems of your knowledge.
-- René Descartes
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The universe works perfectly, always has and always will. Its our understanding that is imperfect.
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