stsciurus · 6 months
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I thought I'd show you the Yellow Room which is the door just to your left. The shared bathroom is at the end of the hall, but if you decide to rent, you'll be the only one using it so far. The ladder goes up to the attic, but I ask that you stay out. The kitchen and my bathroom downstairs are also my private spaces.
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So this is the Yellow Room …
I'm okay with yellow.
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I know it's not very big, but…
Oh! I'm okay with it not being very big. I really don't want a lot to take care of, and this bed seems very comfortable
I upgraded it for Mattress Firmness.
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And here's the mini fridge. You can eat in your room if you want, but please, no cooking. I will provide breakfast every day from 7 to 8 in the morning in the dining room, and dinner at 6 in the evening. There is also a charming café on the other side of the square, if you prefer to have a meal there.
This seems perfect! Is that your cross-stitch on the wall? It's so cute!
Thank you! Now let me show you the basement.
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You can see the washer and dryer.
And an old upright piano!
Do you play?
A little. It would be fun to practice!
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And I just installed some gym equipment.
There's a bathroom with two shower stalls just beyond the water heater over there.
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I can't wait to move in!
I can't wait to have you! Your lease runs from Saturday to Saturday so you can move in tomorrow if you like.
See you tomorrow then!
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And this must be Copper! What a handsome fellow!
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stsciurus · 6 months
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You're Summer Holiday?
Yes! And you must be Ms Crumplebottom. Very pleased to meet you!
Let's go inside. It's still so cold out considering it's spring.
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Thank you for emailing me your references in advance. Your current landlord says that you've been an exemplary tenant. May I ask why you want to move?
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Well, I just started at Quad Cities Hospital.
Oh, you're in the medical profession!
Sort of. I'm just a nurses aide right now but I hope to train and become an RN one day.
An admirable ambition!
Right now I'm living with my two best friends, Liberty and Travis. We're known as the BFF household. And I really love those guys, but they're content to go on like we're all still at university. I think it's time that I go out on my own. I told them that I needed to be closer to the hospital because of the crazy hours.
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I understand. You didn't want to hurt their feelings. You said in your email application that you were interested in the §112 a week room? Shall we go and take a look at it?
Yes, please!
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stsciurus · 6 months
Later that day…
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(to herself) I just don't know whether I should keep trying to get a boarder. Maybe Serena was right: nobody is interested in that kind of living arrangement anymore. And why are the flowers still blooming in my window boxes? It's the beginning of spring and none of the other flowers are blooming. Maybe they're plastic flowers? I thought they were real when I planted them yet they bloomed all winter.
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Still, it would be nice to have other people around in this big old house. Maybe I'll give it another week. Now let's see if the premiere of Real Housewives of Oasis Springs is on!
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This looks like Raiders of the Lost Plumbob. Why is this always on when I turn on the TV?
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Okay, I'm just going to check Home Wreckers for any inquiries and then I'm going to bed. Oh! Look, Copper, a Ms Holiday is interested in seeing a room! I'll write to her and tell her to drop by tomorrow.
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stsciurus · 6 months
The next morning at 10:35 am…
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Um… excuse me, young man! Can I help you?
What kind of table is this anyway?
It's a chess table. Do you play?
Do I play what?
Never heard of it.
Um, you wouldn't happen to be Mr. Schnookel, would you?
Mr. Schnookel is my father. I'm Ralph.
Okay… Ralph. Would you like to come inside and talk about renting a room?
Sure, whatever…
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This is a nice place you got here, but where are all the cats?
The cats? I have just the one and his name is Copper.
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I figured a single old lady like you would have at least 7 cats, right?
Um, no. Not right.
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Did you bring your references with you?
References? What's that?
You know, a letter from your employer, a letter from your previous landlord. Things like that?
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Well, I got none of them things. But you can call the Dust Bowl in Oasis Springs. I'm a pin setter there on weekends. And as far as landlords, I mean, I live in my parents' basement. It's a real cool setup but for some reason, they want me out.
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So can I see the room?
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Well! Will you look at the time? I'll let you know. I have many applicants to interview and I haven't made any decisions yet. I'll call you when I do. Buh-bye now!
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To herself Copper was right. This is a disaster!
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stsciurus · 6 months
A week later…
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Well, Copper, let's see if we've finally gotten any responses to our listing on Home Wreckers. Oh look! Someone named Ralph Schnookel is interested in a room! I need to write him right away.
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Dear Mr. Schnookel, if you would do me the kindness of visiting me at Number 7 Town Square in Copperdale tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning precisely, I will be most happy to talk with you about the possibility of renting a room. Please bring all appropriate references. Yours most truly, Dorothea Crumplebottom.
There! The adventure begins!
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This is going to be a disaster!
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stsciurus · 6 months
The next morning…
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You really seem to have thought through this boarding house business. I've looked at the sample lease contracts you showed me and they do what you want them to do. But who's going to want to rent a room with all these restrictions?
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I know. But certainly you can understand "no loud parties" and "no pets". I don't want Copper to have to deal with other animals and with strange noises.
No, those are sensible but it does restrict who might want to rent a room.
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Have you thought about how you're going to advertise?
I've already created listings on a few of the real estate websites. I might put up some flyers at the local stores like the Copper Kettle.
I guess it can't hurt.
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Oh, Serena, I wish you could stay longer.
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I do too! But I'm only a phone call away. Just be very careful with who you rent to. Take your time in deciding if someone is right for this place and your lifestyle.
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Believe me, I will!
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stsciurus · 6 months
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You've really fixed up the place, Dot. I'm impressed!
Thanks! I had actually considered some of the things we were talking about at the café. For instance, I had another bathroom installed in the basement for the use of my boarders.
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Well, that's a start, I guess. But these renovations must have cost you a fortune. I mean…
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I know what you're thinking, Serena: "Where did you get the money?" Believe me, I was very careful with what I had, and as it turns out, I had a lot! Aunt Agnes was—well, I'll just come out and say it—she was a cheapskate! She never spent her money if she could help it, and certainly not on me! So when she died she left a chunk of simoleons.
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You got to be careful, Dot!
I know, Serena. But I figure if this boarding house idea doesn't work out, at least I've made the old place more salable.
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Well look who we have here!
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If it isn't the famous Copper Cat!
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(laughing) He'd like you to think was!
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stsciurus · 6 months
The Boarding House
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It's wonderful to see you again, Serena! How long has it been?
High school graduation? I went off to Brightchester right after, Dot, and I haven't been back to Copperdale until now.
Well, I'm glad that you came. I have so much to tell you, but you must be famished after your flight. There's a new café just across the square. Let's get a bite to eat.
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Didn't this place used to be some kind of weird combination Thrift Store and Bubble Tea Shop?
Yeah, but bubble tea went out with iPods. Alex Moyer bought the place and turned it into a restaurant. It's now "The Copper Kettle".
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I'll have the haddock sandwich, and… what do you want, Serena?
Um… the tomato burrito wrap, I think.
Waiter : Very good, ladies.
Are you vegetarian now?
No, I just wanted something light after the crap they served on the airplane.
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So here's my big news. You know that my Aunt Agnes died last year and left me this big Victorian mansion.
Ah yes, the legendary Agnes Crumplebottom! The Watcher rest her soul.
Well, it's way too big for just me and Copper. And after spending my life taking care of my aunt, I really have no marketable skills, so I thought I would rent out rooms.
You mean like a Bed and Breakfast?
Well, not quite. More like a boarding house. You see, I know how to take care of people, and I didn't want the hassle of a constant turnover of guests, so I thought maybe a boarding house where…
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What?! Are you nuts, Dot? Who is going to live in a boarding house in this day and age? Copperdale isn't exactly San Myshuno, you know. And as I recall, there are only two bathrooms in that old house. Who would want to live in a place where you have to share a bathroom with a stranger? And what about your own privacy? And what about the cat?
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I have thought about these things, and I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd at least try. If it doesn't work, I guess I'll have to sell the old place and move somewhere else cheap.
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I don't mean to rain on your parade, Dot, but think of the risks even if you do find people to live with you.
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You can't be too careful nowadays. There are so many creeps out there, and you haven't been out in the world much for the last, what?, twenty years?
That's why I asked you to come, Serena. You being a big city lawyer, I thought you could help me come up with lease contracts and advise me on how to screen potential applicants.
If there are any applicants!
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So I've gotten the story bug again. And of course, my game also seems to be buggy, so I don't know how long I can keep this going. Let me know if you think this story has potential. Thanks!
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stsciurus · 10 months
I was playing the new Sims game pack this morning without any problems. When I opened up Origin this afternoon (I play on a Mac), the Sims 4 was missing from my game library! Does anyone know where to look for help? Should I reinstall Origin?
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stsciurus · 2 years
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I haven't felt much like playing the game lately but I am still enjoying building. Here is a grand mansion I've been working on using the beautiful Build CC of @felixandresims .
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stsciurus · 2 years
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Arid Ultra Modern
Lot Size: 40 x 30 Lot Price: §165,866 Features: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms; pool, hot tub, grill, computer, laundry, piano
I wanted to try out the new building kit, but unfortunately most of the items in it didn't really fit with the aesthetic I was going for. This house is inspired by a real house plan (top image). I have to say that the new kit is a bit disappointing. The patterns are few and rather limited. But I did my best to pattern match/clash using other packs mostly. The basic decor of this ultra modern house is black and white with splashes of red and yellow. It can be downloaded from the Sims 4 Gallery HERE.
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stsciurus · 3 years
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For some reason, Luca is angry now. "We don't need your money, Brad! We are not a charity!"
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I'm getting upset, too. "But you're treating me like a charity case! I'm perfectly capable of contributing to the household. I mean, why wouldn't I want to help those I lo…" The word catches in my throat.
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"Brad Benson, you are not here out of charity. You are here out of love," Luca says quietly.
That shuts me up. He said the L word.
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"I know you will only be here for a few more months. There is not much I can do to keep you here. At least I can take care of you for a short time."
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I finally get my voice back. "I… I've looked into staying in Italy longer than March, but I'm here on a tourist visa. Residential visas are really difficult to get and I'd have to leave the country anyway to apply for one and probably couldn't come back until the end of summer—if I'm lucky. I…"
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Then out of the blue, the Signora pipes up, "Why don't the two of you get married? It's clear to anyone who looks at you that you're in love!"
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stsciurus · 3 years
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After the table is cleared, Luca announces that it is the custom on the Feast of St. Gennaro to tell what you are thankful for. "As our guest, Brad, why don't you begin?"
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Now I'm on the spot! I can't really tell everyone that I'm really thankful for Luca's big dick, so I make up stuff about enjoying my stay in Italy, how kind everyone is to me, and shit like that.
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Signore Puddu goes next and talks about his giant prize-winning eggplants.
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The Signora talks about her chickens and how this year they have made more money on the eggs than ever before. "I think Signore Brad is our lucky charm!" she says. "When he takes the eggs into town, he always gets a fantastic price from the grocer!"
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Luca's face becomes serious. "What do you mean, Olimpia? I talked to the grocer yesterday, and he apologized for the terrible price he's had to give us. There is a glut of eggs on the market."
"But Brad always brings back so much money," the Signora says, puzzled.
"Brad, have you been putting your own money in the egg jar?"
"Well, I…" I stammer. Busted!
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stsciurus · 3 years
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Today is the Feast of St. Gennaro, and the Signora has been cooking all afternoon. It's a little like Harvestfest in Simsylvania, but instead of a turkey, she is preparing one of the local fishes. The wonderful aroma of cooking fills the villa.
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We are expected to dress up, and luckily I have something other than my flannel shirt to put on. This is the first time I realize that Luca usually wears contacts, although he looks very handsome with his designer glasses on. Signore and Signora Puddu look very elegant, too.
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The dinner is delicious, of course, and the conversation is lively. At some point, Silvano comes in a plops down on the table and promptly falls asleep. Silly cat!
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stsciurus · 3 years
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The next part of my plan is to win over the Signora. I find her out in the backyard tending to the chickens. I ask about the egg business, and she explains to me how the eggs are collected every day and then brought into town where they are sold to a local grocer.
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"I could take the eggs to town for you," I offer. She looks at me dubiously, but decides to give me a chance. She carefully explains where to go and to whom to give the eggs. "Take the bicycle by the front gate. It is too far to walk with the eggs," she says.
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And so I bicycle into town with the eggs and sell them to the grocer. I note the current price he is offering because I intend on adding my own money to the proceeds. When I get back to the villa, I put the money in the "egg jar" in the kitchen as the Signora instructed me.
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"The egg money is in the jar, Signora," I tell her. (Who knew she and her husband liked to play chess?!)
"Did you get a good price?" she asks. I tell her an inflated figure, and she reacts with surprise.
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"Did I not get enough for the eggs?" I ask innocently.
"Yes, yes, you got much more than I expected!" she says. "I should send you every day with the eggs!"
"I will be happy to take them!"
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stsciurus · 3 years
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I told you I was planning to contribute to the upkeep of this old villa. It's generally in good shape, but I notice one day that the faucet in one of the upstairs bathroom sinks is dripping. Now my father taught me some simple plumbing skills, so I have no problem with a dripping faucet. Signore Puddu, however, is alarmed when he sees me with a wrench.
"Signore Brad! What are you doing?" he exclaims.
"The gasket needed tightening," I say. "I'm almost finished."
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"But you are a writer, Signore Brad! You should leave such things to me."
I explain to him about some of the handyman skills my father taught me. "It is really no trouble, Signore Puddu, and I promise I won't break anything!"
He laughs. "You must call me Paolo like il conte does."
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"And you must call me Brad," I say.
"Oh! I couldn't do that, Signore Brad! You are the special friend of il conte !"
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stsciurus · 3 years
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One evening, about two weeks after I moved into the villa, Luca and I are sitting in the parlor by the fire. Nothing has been said about me paying rent or somehow contributing to the household expenses, so I offer to pay what I had been for the house by the sea.
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"But you are my guest, Brad! I wouldn't think of charging you rent," Luca responds, surprised.
"If I were here for a few days, all right. But I am planning to stay in Sant'Anselmo for several months. I insist on paying something! Plus, Signore Puddu keeps looking at me funny. I don't want him to think I'm a deadbeat!"
"Paolo looks at everyone that way," Luca laughs.
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"But I insist!" I say.
"So you said," Luca responds bringing his mouth close to mine.
Despite Luca's attempt to distract me, I will find a way to inject a little of my own money into this old Italian villa.
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