stuartroadtrip · 13 years
So, this is it? It's been a good ride.
hahaha, that was a good pun, anon. Kudos to you. XD
But anyway, yeah, that's it.
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
are you gonna continue with your story?:(
No, I'm not.
I'm really sorry but it's NaNoWriMo now, and after that it'll be the holiday season and I'll be really busy with finishing my novel from NaNo if the 50,000 isn't the end of the story and my birthday is in December and just everything happens in December. Then holiday break we may go on vacation...
Honestly I don't want to be all excuse-y. I think that where this story is right now is kind of a good place, don't you think? I mean yes it would be cool to see where else they go and what else they do... But I don't think it's going to happen.
I'm so sorry, usually I finish projects that I've started, and I feel awful about not finishing this one, but it's really not in the cards.
Sorry again, anon, and everyone else.
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
Hello, everyone, I'm so sorry for the wait but I just realized I had another question I have to ask you!!
So what do you want them to do on the coastline?
Beach or do you want them to do something else? If something else, please give me suggestions!!
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
Coastline it is!
I'll try to have the next part up this weekend but I may not be able to. I'll do it as soon as I can, though, I promise!!!
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
Should they continue along the coastline or go north?
They'll go into Texas either way but do you want them to go by the Gulf of Mexico or go up into Northern Texas?
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
Day 12
Day 12
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Note: The last ‘day’ technically happened from 2-6 or so in the morning, so it was TECHNICALLY Day 12 but I called it Day 11. :)
Another note: I don’t write smut. End of story.
Another another note: Sorry this chapter took so long! School caught up with me and slapped me repeatedly in the face, and I realized I’d bitten off more than I could chew as far as writing projects go. But anyway. Here we are. Let’s do this thing.
Logan bit Julian’s bottom lip, hands snaking lower and lower down Julian’s back, reaching the hem of his shirt and pulling it up. He ran his fingers across the skin at his new boyfriend’s lower back and sighed when Julian pulled away.
“Someone might walk by,” Julian whispered, hair tousled, breathless, eyes bright.
“Then let’s get into the room,” Logan breathed, slipping his hand into Julian’s back pocket and emerging with the room card between his fingers.
“What if Derek’s there?” Julian asked, still pressed up against the wall. Logan stepped toward the door and stuck the card into the lock. A green light blinked up at him and he looked at Julian.
“Sucks to be Derek.” He grabbed Julian’s hand and pulled him through the door roughly, and Julian practically slammed it behind him.
The room was dark, the only light coming through the crack in the curtains, casting a line of light on Derek’s bed.
Which was not empty.
“Told you,” Julian whispered.
As they both stepped closer, hands still intertwined, they could see that Derek was not alone. A trail of clothing lay across the floor from the door, over Julian and Logan’s bed, there was even a thong hanging on the tv and a pair of teeny, tiny shorts on the mini fridge door.
“Fantastic,” Logan murmured, and then he cursed very loudly.
This woke Derek and the girl up, and they both appeared from under the covers looking surprised and confused.
“Who’s that?” the girl asked.
“Your worst nightmare,” Julian whispered in Logan’s ear.
Logan rolled his eyes but laughed anyway. “You’re such a dork.”
“No seriously. Who are you?” the girl asked, sitting up even further so that Julian and Logan got a nice view of her upstairs.
Logan turned away, disgusted, and went to open the curtain just to bother Derek and the girl.
“Hey!” Derek sat up as Logan pulled the curtains open and grinned wickedly.
Even Julian shaded his eyes at the sudden brightness. Logan was back at his side in an instant, though, whispering, “That girl sure has a lot of…yeah.”
Julian cracked a smile and said, “Yeah, that’s the definition of ‘girl.’ Also. Derek was on Bourbon Street, what did you think was going to happen?”
“We can hear you,” Derek said, shading his eyes, annoyed. “Now can you leave?”
“No, we want the room,” Logan said loudly.
“Why do you want the room?” Derek asked, feeling around in the bed for his boxers.
“So we can have sex,” Logan said in a very matter-of-fact voice, the same one in which he’d said ‘I’m hungry, let’s have breakfast’ the morning before.
Derek stopped moving and just stared open-mouthed at his two best friends.
The girl, meanwhile, was very confused and looking between Julian and Logan. “Wait, aren’t you…” she said to Julian.
“Julian Larson? Yeah, I get that all the time. No, I’m not, I wish.” Julian laughed and the girl just shrugged.
“You can go,” Derek said to the girl, apparently in a trance, staring at Julian and Logan’s hands.
“But aren’t you going to--”
She looked annoyed, then stood up and with as much dignity as she could (which wasn’t much), gathered her small pieces of fabric that barely passed for clothing and ran out of the room.
“You…” Derek was still just sitting there lamely, partly because he had no underwear on, and partly because he was metaphorically frozen with surprise.
“We want to have sex, could you leave?” Julian was annoyed, his free hand on his hip, his eyebrow raised, giving Derek his best ‘please. I’m Julian Larson. My fangirls could kill you with plastic spoons’ look.
“You want to what?”
Logan picked up Derek’s boxers from the floor and, as if he were playing Hot Potato, tossed them to Derek with as little contact with them as possible.
Derek pulled them on, not even making a single comment about the length of his equipment, which was a surprise to Logan and Julian and they were slightly concerned about what them being in a relationship would do to Derek.
“We want to have sex. Me and Logan. Logan and me.” Julian gestured between the two of them. “Now kindly fuck off.”
“But…you…” Derek stood up. “I…”
“Go do something, go buy yourself something nice, go find another room, go streak through the lobby, I don’t care.” Logan tossed him the room key. “Just don’t come back for at least a few hours.”
Derek scoffed. “You couldn’t hold out for a few hours.”
Logan raised a challenging eyebrow. “Don’t come back until five.”
“But it’s ten now-”
  Derek knocked hesitantly on the door, but he heard no response. Sighing, he opened the door and stepped in cautiously, not wanting to walk in on his two best friends doing anything more than lying in the same bed.
And there they were.
Lying in the same bed.
Derek would later say that he wanted to gag at the sight, but it was actually really…adorable. Logan’s arms were wrapped around Julian, and Julian had his face buried in Logan’s chest.
Derek smiled a little bit. So they’d both finally gotten their acts together.
He tiptoed over to them and watched them, both with little smiles on their faces, both looking more content than he’d ever seen them.
And then he pulled their pillow from under their heads and whacked them both across the face with it.
Because sweet moments can only last so long.
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
What should the happy couple (and Derek XD) do in New Orleans?
Any suggestions?
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
You are trying to kill me slowly and painfully with joy and heartbreak, aren't you?
Well it isn't working very well, now, is it? You were able to write me this ask.
I guess I'll just have to make it more joyful and heartbreakful. :)
0 notes
stuartroadtrip · 13 years
Day 11
Day 11
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
“I don’t know what we’re going to do here,” Julian said, his face buried in his pillow.
“We’re going to have fun!”
“I don’t want to have fun.”
Julian was in a bad mood. It was 2am, they’d just gotten in, and he wanted to go to sleep, but Logan, who had been to New Orleans a few times before, insisted that they go out.
“It’s two o’clock in the morning,” Derek said from his own bed, where he was sprawled out on his back, glaring at the ceiling.
“I know! But if we go during the day it’ll be all crowded and shit. Stupid tourist attractions, always gathering,” he threw a pillow at Julian, “so many tourists,” he threw a pillow at Derek, “and making everything annoying and crowded during the daytime.” He stepped closer to Julian and took Julian’s hands. He pulled him up and Julian was forced to stand. Then Logan dropped his hands, only half a second too late, his timing was almost perfect.
Derek had launched himself up, and now they were all standing, Julian and Derek slumped and annoyed, Logan bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, more excited than Julian had ever really seen him.
It was new and it was good.
“Where are we going, though?” Julian asked, crossing the room to his suitcase and fishing out a dark blue sweatshirt. He grabbed his hat and sunglasses off the bureau, but then put them down again, deciding that at night time, he probably didn’t need them.
“Café du Monde,” Logan said, picking up his own sweatshirt from the floor and leading the way out the door.
Julian cast a long-suffering glance at Derek, and Derek sighed, shaking his head.
“We’re going out…to eat?” Julian asked, quirking an eyebrow as he stepped out into the hall behind Logan.
“Yes but no.”
  “These,” Julian motioned to his beignet, “are kind of completely delicious.”
“Best thing ever,” Derek agreed, licking powdered sugar off his lips and eyeing a girl talking on her cell phone at the next table.
“Do you ever stop ogling girls?” Logan asked, picking up another beignet and stuffing it into his mouth.
“Do you ever stop criticizing me for appreciating hot women?” Derek shot back.
Logan glared at him, and Derek glared back.
“WELL!” Julian said loudly, sipping from his hot chocolate and looking around. “This is nice, it’s not crowded and it’s not too hot. You were right.” He locked eyes with Logan. “This is really good.”
Logan smiled into his beignet and finished it off. He reached for another one, but his hand froze when he heard a squeal coming from behind him.
Julian and Derek had frozen too, a look of complete horror spreading across Julian’s face and being wiped off immediately, replaced by a very calculated look of happiness.
“Julian Larson?” the fangirl asked.
“Up. We’re leaving.” Logan grabbed Julian’s arm and Julian’s beignet, and started to lead Julian out of the restaurant.
“But-” Julian protested as Derek appeared on his other side, holding a beignet in each hand. “We have to pay, you idiot!”
Derek just shot him a quick glare and then turned around and went to the back to pay.
“Come on,” Logan was murmuring, sliding his hand down Julian’s arm, so that he was holding Julian’s hand. He pulled, because Julian had glanced back to where the fangirl was standing, looking disappointed.
“No.” Julian pulled his hand away. “I want to say hi.”
“But Jules, it’s rude of her to-”
“Hi,” Julian said, walking over to her. She looked about 12 or 13. She grinned when he arrived in front of her.
“Hi! I just absolutely adore you, you’re such a good actor, really fantastic. You aren’t as good as some of the other guys on Something Damaged but you’re still pretty good.” She was gushing and beaming, her mother coming up behind her looking pleased.
“Oh.” Julian was a bit taken aback. “Yeah, um, the show has a lot of talent.”
“Will you sign something for me?” she asked, looking up at him expectantly.
“Um, sure. What do you want me to sign?”
“I don’t know, don’t you have something? You should carry around pictures of you so you can sign them for me!” She had her hands crossed over her chest and Julian took a step back in surprise.
“I, uh, well…”
“He’s on vacation,” Logan said, stepping up behind Julian, pressing his hand to the small of Julian’s back in a possessive way that made no sense to Julian. “He doesn’t have to carry around pictures of himself so you can have them! You’re rude and ignorant and stupid and we’re leaving now.” He turned around and Julian did the same, slower and more uncertain than Logan, but when Logan cast a glance back Julian snapped into place and followed Logan out of Café du Monde.
On the street, Julian and Logan just stood there, Julian looking up at the sky and wondering why it was so black, and Logan looking at Julian, trying to figure out if he was genuinely upset.
Derek joined them after a moment, but didn’t say anything, sensing the mood.
“Are you okay?” Logan asked quietly after a bit.
Julian looked back down slowly, taking in the buildings with all the wrought iron on their wrap-around porches, the light pinks and creams and all the other colors, dimmed by the darkness and then illuminated falsely by the streetlights. He came to Logan’s face and those green eyes and he said, “Maybe not.” Even trains stop sometimes, and now Julian had come to a standstill.
Derek and Logan looked at each other and then back at Julian. “C’mon.” Logan jerked his head to the side. “Let’s go get your mind off of that bitch.”
“Wait,” Derek said, and Logan and Julian turned toward him. “How long will we be here?”
“Not long. Maybe one more night? Why?” Logan glanced at Julian, who was looking at the sky again.
“Um, would it be okay if maybe I went to uh…”
“Bourbon Street’s that way.” Logan jerked his thumb behind him.
Derek grinned. “You two make sure to be safe, alright? I’ll see you at the hotel.” And he broke into a run in the direction Logan had pointed.
Julian laughed hollowly. “Glad I’m such a fun person to hang out with.”
Logan just looked at him. “You are a fun person to hang out with. Come on. Let’s go exploring.”
  Street lights and people, back alleys and shortcuts, Julian and Logan explored the city together. They walked all through the French Quarter, full of artificial lighting and darkened stores. They walked through the Garden District, the tree-lined avenues and the houses, full of sleeping people. They walked along the river at Woldenberg Park, and they were the only ones there, due to its being 4am. They stopped back at Café Du Monde and ate more beignets and no one bothered Julian this time.
Street lights and people were nice and they both loved the city.
Back alleys and shortcuts were nice too, they both loved each other.
But the best was when Logan looked up at the sky and saw the lightened quality of the blackness just before the sunrise.
“Come on!” He grabbed Julian’s hand and started pulling him in the direction of the water, of the place he wanted to go, the place he wanted to show Julian.
Julian laughed as he was pulled along, all thoughts from earlier, about how he hated being recognized and he really wasn’t as talented as, say, Clark, or Cameron, or any of the other guys on Something Damaged, all those thoughts were gone, had faded completely with the street lights and the people and the back alleys and the shortcuts, and Logan.
The sun was peeking over the water, hesitantly, as if it didn’t really want to come up, as if it was afraid of this dark world. But what the sun didn’t know was that when it came up, the world would be alight, full of color and brightness, rich and wild, perfect for adventure and excitement, and all the sun had to do was take that leap of faith. Because where’s the proof? Where’s the proof that the world will ever light up? Where’s the proof that anything will be colorful?
Julian and Logan settled themselves on the levee, grass poking onto their legs, and normally it would have bothered them, but they were watching the world light up and it didn’t matter. They were watching as the sun took its leap of faith and lit the world, made the colors, created brightness out of darkness.
Rays of light shot across the sky, soaring over their heads, colors, starting soft and growing in vibrancy, a pale pink to a bright orange, light blue turning electric. A cloud appeared and it broke the up the brilliant sky. If Julian and Logan turned around to look behind them, they would see the growing darkness, gathering in the back of the world, or maybe it was the front, the frontier not yet explored.
Julian must have made some noise, a content sigh or something, because Logan looked over at him. Julian sensed this and tore his gaze away from the brilliant sky to look at those equally brilliant green eyes, the ones that had captivated him from day one.
“Do you like it?” Logan asked, meaning the sunset.
“Yeah,” Julian replied, breathing deeply and smelling the saltwater hanging thickly in the air. “It’s really pretty.”
“It’s for you,” Logan said softly, reaching over to take Julian’s hand. Though this was not the first time that night that Logan had held Julian’s hand, this time felt different. Julian’s heart began to race in a way he thought it never would.
“No,” Julian replied, his voice coasting out on a breath, “it’s for you.”
Logan leaned in closer, hesitantly, asking permission, and Julian granted it with a squeeze of his hand, and then he leaned in too.
The blond and the brunet, framed in the sunset, they had a gold lining as they kissed. Sunbeams shot out around them, they were glowing. The grass shifted slightly in the breeze, its dark green turning lighter as the sun ventured further into the sky.
The sun was discovering that there was nothing to be scared of in this world.
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
They could visit the oldest running all- girl school in america (Ursuline Academy) Im sure Derek would "enjoy" it *smirks* and they'd all freak out over Jules. (or maybye i just want you to do this considering I go there, BTW this is for their stop in New Orleans)
hahahaha that would be so cool though. Poor Jujubear and lucky Derbear.
And then Logibear would be yawning the whole time. XD
But unfortunately, I've already planned out what they're going to do in New Orleans. Sorry! :(
(you should write a drabble or something about the Stuart Trio at an all girls school though, that would be awesome)
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
The overwhelming response was New Orleans. 
Anyway, I know a couple people live in New Orleans, so if you do live there or near there, could you drop something you think they could do in my ask? It would save me a heck of a lot of time trying and failing to do research. Thank you so much!
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
So, what do you want them to do in Louisiana?
New Orleans, or should they go somewhere else?
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
oh dear god! day 10!
Oh, I'm sorry to be the cause of your death! D:
But I hope you liked it! :)
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
Day 10
Day 10
Location: Arkansas
“Well this looks stable!” Julian slapped the side of the raft and grimaced as it bent under his hand.
“It’ll be fine,” Derek said calmly, stepping into the raft.
The tour guide was saying something and only Logan was listening. It was a small raft, only room for four. Julian stepped in, too, and once the guide stopped giving instructions, Logan stepped in and sat on the little bench next to Julian. Derek was in the front, and the tour guide (whose name was Eric) sat next to him.
“He said that all brunettes die in these rivers,” Logan informed Julian matter-of-factly as the guide pushed them off from the shore.
“Shut up, nobody needs you,” Julian said, sticking his oar in the water and letting it float there.
“You should have been paying attention,” Logan scolded.
The guide turned around and said, “The biggest rapids are the first ones, so you’ll have to be extra careful. Just try to stay in the raft and you’ll be safe.”
“No duh,” Julian scoffed.
Eric looked hurt and he turned to Derek, who asked him for tips on staying in the raft since it was apparently so important.
“The biggest rapids are the first ones.” Julian scoffed. “This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, why do we have to do this?” Julian asked, annoyed and flicking his oar through the water without even trying to help the raft move.
“I think it’ll be fun,” Logan said perkily, and they kept moving.
And it was fun.
Until Julian fell out of the raft.
Logan cursed loudly and Julian spluttered, water rushing against him and when it found that it could not go through him, it went around him. He hadn’t hit a rock, thank goodness, but he’d been leaning too far to the side when the entire raft went over a tiny waterfall and he’d fallen out, tumbled into the water, and stood up immediately. His leg hit a rock and got scraped as he stood up and he cursed.
The raft continued to float away from him, the guide was yelling something, and Logan was yelling something. He felt Derek’s hands on his arms, and realized dimly that he’d been about to jump into the water to go get Julian. Derek was holding him back and Logan was fighting and this was all in a dream world because in reality Logan was realizing something, something more real than Julian standing there in the rushing water, dripping wet and looking shocked, and Eric yelling orders at Derek, and Derek letting go of Logan, and Logan surging forward, and Derek shouting to Logan not to get into the water dammit, and then Eric telling Logan that he had to stay in the raft and if he wanted to do something useful he could start helping to paddle toward the shore.
But that was all a dream world with a foggy quality to it, fuzzy around the edges and in the middle. As Logan’s oar hit the water and he helped push the raft toward the shore, watching Julian, who was making his way toward the shore as well, Logan saw words in his head and maybe they weren’t in his head at all, maybe they were in his heart, and that’s a better place anyway because Logan’s head is a jumble and Logan’s heart is clear.
I love you.
Time skipped as it sometimes does in dream worlds that are real, when you’re in a reality that is a dream. In the midst of the white fog Logan was running toward Julian and hugging him tight even though Julian was dripping wet and shivering violently. And Julian wasn’t hugging back, he was just tense. So Logan pulled back and Julian said that he wanted to go back to the hotel and change into dry clothes.
So Derek would help Eric pull the raft out of the water and a car would come to pick them all up. And Julian and Logan would sit on a big rock and be together without touching because neither wanted their souls to touch accidentally when their hands brushed.
Logan took his lifejacket off and Julian did the same. Julian was shivering and Logan told him to take his t-shirt off and put on Logan’s dry one. Julian refused, saying that then Logan would be cold, and Logan said no, he’d just go shirtless, and this upset Julian and Julian said he’d just be cold, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world to be cold.
Logan took off his shirt anyway and handed it to Julian, who scowled and removed his own shirt. He threw it at Logan, who grinned and pulled it off his face, and watched as Julian put Logan’s shirt on.
It was just a navy blue v-neck, nothing special, but it looked so much better on Julian than it did on Logan.
The trees rustled above them and the clouds moved across the sky and a bird chirped.
I love you.
“I hope the car is here soon,” Julian said, watching the water fly past, fluffy-looking whiteness on the top, rocks breaking the monotony of the rapids.
“Yeah, you need to get back so you can change,” Logan said, watching Julian who was still shivering.
“Um, it was fun though!” Julian said. “The first five minutes.”
“Yeah.” Logan watched Julian’s jaw bone as it shivered, bouncing up and down almost imperceptibly and his nose as the nostrils flared slightly when Julian took a breath in and his lips which were a blue-ish red. Logan watched Julian’s eyes, flicking back and forth as he looked at the water, their deep brown such a perfect color. Logan watched Julian’s hair, plastered to his forehead, so dark it was black. Logan watched Julian’s eyebrows, sticking together in clumps, flutter as Julian blinked.
I love you.
“This hurts,” Julian said suddenly, bending down and looking at his leg. There was a gash in his shin. Logan looked at it in horror.
“Julian!” he exclaimed, kneeling on the ground to get a better look at it. “That looks terrible! You might need stitches.”
Julian looked at him. “I won’t need stitches, it’s not that deep. Just a bandage tied around there. Or maybe they’ll amputate the entire leg.”
“Just for good measure, maybe…” Logan reached out hesitantly and touched the area around the bloody part. Julian winced. “I won’t touch it,” Logan said hastily, “trust me.” He looked up at Julian. “Please.”
Julian didn’t respond and Derek came up then and said, “They’re sending a car now—Holy shit, Jules, that looks painful!”
  As it turned out, Julian’s leg did not need to be amputated, and stitches weren’t necessary either. He sat on the bed, propped up against a headboard, wrapped in the comforter which Logan had torn from the bed so Julian could wear it around him. He was looking at the TV screen, where a horror movie was playing. None of them were scared, but none of them were paying attention.
Logan was sitting next to Derek because he didn’t trust himself.
Derek was figuring out why Logan was sitting next to him and not Julian.
And Julian was wondering why Logan didn’t want to sit next to him.
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
White Water Rafting :D
The next part will be up hopefully sometime tomorrow or this weekend. :)
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
So they'll go down through Arkansas!
Whitewater rafting or biking?
You have until 4PM EST on Thursday. :D
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stuartroadtrip · 13 years
Where to next?
PICK A STATE, ANY STATE*, and they'll go in that direction!
I'll choose one of your states randomly (literally by closing my eyes and pointing at the screen).
*it has to be West or North of their current destination, and not East. Sorry about that.
You have until 8pm EST. :D
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