stucksecond · 5 years
“Thanks.” Elsa gave a shy smile as she took a seat beside the younger male. A superpower of Elsa’s was making herself appear as invisible as humanly possible, so she’d easily blend in and leave the other to do his own thing despite sitting at his table. Although the library was a bit crowded, her original plan was to return some books for Anna and be on her way. After skimming through a few bookshelves and finding something that caught her eye, though, she couldn’t help herself as she decided to stay for a bit. “That’s okay — thank you again, I hope you don’t mind.”
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——- ❝ Oh - No, of course. People don’t usually ask, or uh, just tell me to leave so they can have the table so. . .It’s nice you even asked. ❞ He admitted. It sucked that people usually were not as polite, so he appreciated her kindness. He glanced back down at his book, trying to focus and not be annoying. But he couldn’t help but glance up to the title she had pulled out, ❝ Oh - I love that book. I found it really interesting. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
“I look funny when I’m angry!?” he asked, jaw dropping. “Well, maybe that’s why no one ever takes me seriously, then,” Michael huffed, frowning. “Anyway, you’d n e v e r say no to me, right?” 
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——- ❝ Only a little bit. ❞ John replied, holding his hand up where his thumb and forefinger up in a pinch. He grinned and laughed softly, only teasing his little brother. Something only he could get away with. If anyone else gave him shit for looking foolish, John would be furious.     ❝ Of course not. Besides, no one could ever deny those puppy dog eyes. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
“You’re alright, really,” she promised, giving the other a reassuring smile. Bonnie quickly sat down in the seat, a wave of relief passing over her as she claimed a seat for herself. “Oh! I don’t mean to rush you out,” her words flooded out, “I was going to put my headphones in, and probably forget you were even there in a few minutes.” Maybe not the kindest thing she could say - but it was true. “Bonnie. I’m Bonnie, it’s nice to meet you, John.” 
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——- John kinda grinned at the comment about forgetting he existed. It didn’t really hurt, it was amusing really. He was invisible to mostly everyone anyway, it’s what he’d come to expect. Didn’t mean it didn’t catch him off guard though.       ❝ Wow, burned by a total stranger. I’m gonna have to write that in my diary tonight. ❞ He chirped, light hearted of course, ❝ It’s nice to meet you too, Bonnie. ❞ he replied, nodding to her in recognition, ❝ Hope you enjoy your tunes. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
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     “Well it is the Darling way,” Wendy laughed. “Same as you, studying and doing some work for summer classes and in preparation for the incoming semester.”
——- ❝ Well then, look at us, a couple of well behaved students spending a Saturday studying. Wouldn’t father be proud. ❞       He was joking, of course. Although, the alternative would be, what? Troublemakers who spend more time with their heads in the clouds? Didn’t sound so far off from how things use to be, but John didn’t want to to talk about that.      ❝ What’re you studying for ? ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
leena raises an eyebrow, head tilting with sudden curiosity and interest. after all, it’s m o r e than she expected to get. it’s helpful and constructive, and she fully appreciates that he doesn’t seem to be judging her for simply asking — at least, not like the last person she asked. boy, was that a mistake !  she tries not to frown as she thinks of it. frankly, she’s not even sure rancis would’ve given her such advice, and he loves taking pictures of himself ! it’s why he’s normally her go to for any of those bff-approval-needed sort of selfies.
“ oh, do you really think so ? ” she asks, turning her phone back around to see for herself. she takes one look at the photo, though, and can’t help but agree, “ duh, of course ! carefree and confident, you are sooo right ! ” heeding his instructions, leena tucks her hair over her right ear and beams for the camera, positioning herself just right so that she can catch that perfect golden hour glow. snap. a quick look at the photo and she’s clapping her hands in glee at the result, turning the device once more for him to see. “ what do you think, do you like it … ? ”
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——- John watched her think it over, feeling a bit self conscious for talking too much. His advice wasn’t asked for, or well, it was but not in a literal sense. He looked back down at his book, fully intending on forgetting he ever even opened his stupid mouth.       But he couldn’t help but glance up when she agreed with him, John watching her snap the picture. Her obvious glee was enough for him to confirm he did the right thing, John sitting up a bit when the phone was shoved back in his face. He looked at the picture, giving an awkward smile and nodding, ❝ Yeah, it looks really good. Very uh, Vogue. ❞      Idiot, that was so lame.          ❝ Glad I could help. ❞ he quickly added, trying to cover up any social blunders he may have just made.
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stucksecond · 5 years
“Oh, no, it’s alright! I could - uhm, find somewhere else…” she retracted, holding her things close to her chest and looking around the almost full cafe. “Well, I would, if there was anywhere..” 
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——- ❝ No, it’s totally fine. I uh. . .I didn’t realize how busy it had gotten in here. ❞ He finally was able to look around, no longer buried in his book. This place filled up faster than he expected, maybe everyone had just gotten out from somewhere. He looked back to the girl, motioning to the empty seat, ❝ It’s fine. I won’t be long so uh. . .I’m John, by the way. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
❝  I  HAVE  A  QUESTION  ,   ❞  Alice  speaks  up  ,  voice  drifting  alongside  her  gaze  .  Two  slender  hands  cross  over  each  other  ,  ❝  do  you  think  that  animals  are  aware  of  our  words  ?   ❞
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——- Her sudden exclamation startled him, John’s mind racing to try and answer quickly, ❝ I - I don’t know - I mean - ❞ John stammered, forcing himself to slow down and think of his answer, ❝ I. . .I would suppose I do. Although, I don’t think animals perceive language the same way we do. They don’t fully understand everything we are saying, they wouldn’t be able to get in to lengthy debates or anything. But they can recognize the sound of words and connect those sounds to what they mean. Same way we understand a dog’s happy bark from his angry bark. Then again. . .It would also depend on what animal are we talking about. A primate has a better understanding of a human language then say - a fish ? If we are talking more domestic though, I think cats have a wider understanding than we give them credit for. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
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     “I wasn’t really asking, Johnny,” Wendy teased with a grin, setting her bag down and retrieving her laptop from within it. “I would’ve just tossed your extra stuff to the floor. What’re you doing here anyway?”
——- ❝ Well good to know I can trust you to take what’s your’s then. ❞ He joked, looking amused with his sister’s audacity. He lifted up his book, revealing it to be about history, ❝ I’m just studying. Figured it was a bit more socially acceptable to come here than to sit in my room. Isn’t that what normal college students do ? What are you doing here ? ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
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SURE IT WAS RISKY , spending time in a practical w a r z o n e . Still , despite all variable outcomes and events , Peter still felt a swell of joy overcome him being in a familiar place — even if he wasn’t quite welcome there anymore . He had been there for an hour or so already , a small box wrapped neatly on John’s bed was now present . All he had was some old newspaper and loose string to tie together , but he figured it was the thought that counts and not the actual presentation of it all . After all , he hadn’t needed to bring the middle Darling child a gift from his travels  and some might claim he hadn’t really . Recycling used goods was rarely considered a gift , if even a nice one . Peter knew the meaning of the unassuming gift though and how John might understand just how much it meant to pass the metaphorical baton down .
John wasn’t the writer of the family , but he was about to be given the story of their lifetimes . Perched upside down on John’s bed ( which was quite comfy ) , Peter waited patiently for his return . Not once in the last sixty minutes had he considered that John might not be home that night . He always returned at one point, hadn’t he ? It was only when Peter’s eyes began to flutter shut , fighting off sleep that he considered that even if John hadn’t come home , he would at least get a good rest in a warm place .
But as always , just when things began to settle in , there was a rupture that shook things up . ❝ If you are not John then you are having a dream . None of this is real . If you are John though , then this is all very real and you should take a seat before asking any questions . ❞ Peter declares with a hazy sigh , hardly bothering to look over at who had approached .
——- In a moment of character change, John had actually spent some time away from home. It seemed like not long ago he had spent all his time away, running through the streets, causing havoc with his friends. But lately, his room was where it easiest to find him. Tonight however, John had spent some time in the library. If he was going to make up for the lost time, he’d have to do all he could to get the grades he should have been getting while in high school. He was tried, both in mind and in body from his long day, and he planned to go back to his room and study some more.He said hello to his mother as he entered and immediately went up the stairs to his room. If he was lucky, maybe he’d get finished with enough time to relax.      He was glad to be home, however, that warm feeling quickly shifted as he opened the door to his room.He heard what Peter said, jaw clenching and grip tightening against the door handle. This wasn’t a dream, obviously, John didn’t have nightmares anymore. He considered if he should just turn around and walk right out, but that wouldn’t fix the problem now would it?       John’s eyes darted towards his window, the curtains swaying in the breeze as it lay wide open. His mother must of opened the window when she came in to put his laundry away. That’s the only logical answer.        Although less than pleased, John shut his door. Dropping his backpack on the floor with a dull thud, and pulled his desk chair out. Sitting down and staring at Peter. His gaze held no warmth for his old friend, more of a contempt glare than anything else. He’d let him speak, but only because John was too angry and he didn’t want to alarm the others in the house with his shouting.
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stucksecond · 5 years
“I’m not saying I was going to be mad if you said no,” Michael began as he sat, putting his own little bag on the table in front of him, “but… I was going to be pretty mad.” 
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——- ❝ Well now you’re making me regret not saying no. ❞ John quipped, grinning at his brother, ❝ You always look kinda funny when you’re angry. Like your face isn’t meant to twist into such a sour face. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
“ oh em gee, it’s fine ! ” leena assures, quick about placing her valentino on the table as she fishes for her mobile device and takes a seat. without missing a beat, she hoists the phone in the air, tilting her head left and right for the camera. snap. snap. snap. “ i don’t like … have to read or study or anything, ” she takes a second to explain, blowing a kiss at her phone. “ this table just has the BEST lighting for selfies. what do you think ? ” she asks, turning her phone for him to see the different shots on the screen that she’s taken of herself before stopping at one she’d captured only seconds before, “ does this one say: you’re an idiot and should’ve never broken up with me … but it’s totally zingy because i look so good without you ?? ”
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——- John sat in uncomfortable silence, trying to go back to studying but he couldn’t help but glance up every so often over the brim of his book at the girl. He didn’t really get it, but he tried not to be the judging type.      He perked up when she spoke, eyes darting from her to the phone as she turned it around to show him, ❝ Oh - uh, yeah. Looks nice. ❞ He commented, trying to go back to reading. However, it looks like she was a conversationalist, so he set the book down, and gave her the attention.       ❝ Uh. . .Yeah, I think so ? I mean, it’s a good picture. ❞ He looked at it for a moment, then back at her, ❝ Try tucking your hair over your right ear, the sun is coming in from the east window. You’ll get more of a glow on your face. Also smile with your teeth in the photo, people tend to perceive that as someone who is carefree and confident. it’ll make. . .Whoever the idiot is, feel like an idiot. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
❝ Oh, uh, yeah. Sure, you can sit here. ❞        John put his book down so he could move his backpack and the rest of his things over to make room on the table. He hadn’t expected anyone else wanting to sit here. Silly him.      ❝ Sorry about that. ❞
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stucksecond · 5 years
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stucksecond · 5 years
Hi I’m Levi and I don’t understand how to intro but here goes.
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First a few things about me??
 I’m 23, I go by Levi, I’m a photographer and vidographer, and I live in Orlando Florida (wow Disney World). This is the first group Rp I’ve been a part of in a really long time, so I’m very excited to be here. :)
Also I’ve basically turned John into every emotional teenager from an indie coming of age movie and I hate it (and love it). The ‘no one understands me & I listened to bands no one’s ever heard of on vinyl and watch foreign films’ kinda dude and its HILARIOUS.
Ok now for some Headcanons about my little guy.
i. John Darling writes poetry, it’s not any good and it’s nothing he would ever share with anyone. He got into it when he was young, after reading a book about great poets. He keeps them all in a notebook he use to carry with him everywhere. It’s now locked in a desk drawer in his room (a long with many other things), but occasionally he’ll pull it out to write again. That or cringe at his own musings.
ii. John always quietly searched for something that would set him apart from Wendy and John, its important for a middle child to find themselves a place in this world. However, John found he was particularly gifted in anything. He’s not much of an artist, he’s horrible with sports, he can’t hold a tune, and although he is exceptionally smart, he’s no where near being smart enough to gain any recognition for it. His writing is subpar, nothing too special. The only thing he found any sort of reward in was photography. Despite his nearsightedness, John has a certain eye for beauty in nature and in life. Although he doesn’t share this with anyone, his photos won’t win any awards. And he’s fine with that, he just likes taking them for himself.  This hobby he picked up started when his mother let him keep an old camera they had found in the attic when he was just a boy, it ran on film and it took very long for John to figure out just how to take a photo that wouldn’t end up blurry.
iii. John sometimes wonders if his life could have been better had he not run off with Peter Pan and his Lost Boys. Before all that, he had been on track to get into a good school, a university somewhere far away from here. His grades were high and his future looked bright. But then he let himself piss it all away, and for what? To have friends? Well a whole lot of good these friends got him. Of course he’s grateful for them, but still he wonders, were they really worth it?
iv. Obviously John felt in the dark when it came to his family, being a middle child and all. He gets forgotten about or left behind, little recognition or praise. His father was often the barer of it, never did pay much mind to John unless John had done something worth scolding. His siblings had their own lives, of course they were all close but he was their brother. They had to get along with him, and of course, they had friends of their own they’d rather be with. His mother although, she tried her best to give John all the attention and love she could manage. She was busy, as their household usually was, but she took time to notice and see John. Which is why he loves her so dearly.
v. John Darling keeps a journal where he mostly writes about all the things he feels cant be said out loud. His anger towards Peter, his worries about being invisible, his wishes to get out of this town. It gets locked away in the same drawer he locks all of his private things away in. It’s for his eyes and his eyes only.  
vi. John uses music as a big escape from his stupid feelings. He enjoys classic rock but also have a vested interest in underground rock/punk bands. He doesn’t really talk about that though, since he’s not sure if it’s cool or weird. 
Here’s a little writing thing of John being dramatic:
John lay quietly in his room, hands folded to cradle the back of his head as he stared up to the ceiling. Everything was so quiet. This room, this house, this entire town. It felt uneasy, like everything was wrong. But of course, something was wrong. The room had grown dim, and John wondered how long he had spent just laying here in complete silence. He didn’t bother to check though, afraid of the answer. His eyes instead focused on the window, the distant setting sun still letting some light in. His eyes focused on the window, it’s sill, the frame, the summer breeze that rolled through it bringing in the scents of cut grass. How many times had he climbed out that window? How many locks had his father had to install then reinstall when John broke them? He remembers frequent times he had tripped climbing back in and falling on his face, how scared he was that it would wake his parents. Yet it was funny every time, and Peter always laughed a little too loud about it.
What should be a happy memory now stung like an open wound. He’d been gone almost two weeks and already the entire world felt like it was shifting. Everyone missed him, his gang, his friends, and probably most of all, Wendy. She seemed inconsolable for the first few days, held up in her room crying. Mother and Father of course, had no idea as to why. But John and Micheal, they understood, and of course, showed their support where they could. Although, they couldn’t cheer her up the same way Peter could. Everything was different without Peter.
Without him, the Lost Boys were just that, lost. They needed their leader, and without him they were all going to fall apart, John could feel that. It was taking a tole Slightly to keep it all together, he was acting like he knew what to do, but John new he was worried. It’s not like John could help though, because really, what would he do?
John wasn’t a leader, he couldn’t possibly be.
He shoved the thought from his mind, getting out of bed and flipping on the lamp on his desk. He looked to the window again. He almost expected to see Peter when he did, coming back after his adventure to tell John and the rest all about it. But he knew he wouldn’t see him, Wendy said he was gone, and John knew she would never lie.
John shut the window, eyeing the lock at the top of his frame. He had always promised to leave it alone, in case Peter ever wanted to stop by and crash. Seemed silly that John still honored a pinky promise made by children.
But they weren’t children anymore, and John had no times for Fairy Tales and Neverland. He had wasted too much time on dreaming, time to face the real world.
He locked the window and pulled the curtains shut. Enough of this childish longing, in only a few months he’s start college and he had to prepare for that life.
…But many first he should go and check up on Slightly, see how he’s holding up.
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stucksecond · 5 years
If this lasts forever I’ll be just fine You are the rustling of leaves You are that honeysuckle breeze You are the sunlight Shine onto me
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stucksecond · 5 years
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Nick Robinson looking gorgeous in photo taken by Josh Stringer.
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stucksecond · 5 years
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the stats:
Meet John Darling, the eighteen year old that is often mistaken for Nick Robinson. Born in 2000, Johh has had a lot of time to figure out who he is. Known by most as intelligent, mature, and impressionable, some are starting to see a resemblance to Disney’s John Darling. In Carthay, John can usually be found in Corona Hills. If he’s not at home, try Carthay University, where John is a college freshman.
the backstory:
✧  Since the beginning of his life, John Darling has always been number two. It was just the pecking order of things. second in command, second best….second worst…there really wasn’t much to say about it. John has never really minded that aspect of his life though. Just because he had an older sister who stole the limelight more often than not, did not make John a jealous boy. If anything, it made him hopeful. It made him unique, It made him view life in a more practical way, because at a young age, he learned what he was good at, and he stuck with it.
✧   But it was okay! He took advantage of his other perks! He used his sister to make friends for the longest time, using her stories as conversational pieces with others. He also took advantage of his extensive knowledge and applied it to all of his classes, often impressing his classmates with his quick answers and clever remarks against the professors. John’s a brave boy, and it only took some time before the school corrupted him. When he met Peter Pan and the lost boys, it all changed. With a blink of his eyes, he was surrounded by magic. All he had to do to keep it was to stay young. John had always been fascinated with pirates and adventure, so joining a band of misfits was ideal. Peter told the boy there was a pirate worth fighting, and John gave in. soon enough, John was spending all of his time with the lost boys and Peter, and forgetting to call his parents on friday nights like he promised. his grades were slipping and his other friends had no idea where he was disappearing to most nights. now that John has gotten a taste of the carefree life, he never wants to go back. he’s been doing all sorts of things he never thought he would, and honestly, he likes that.
✧ Then Peter ran away, and John had to become the leader of the lost boys. Even though he felt a huge loss of a friend, he enjoyed the power. That is, he enjoyed the power until Peter came back out of nowhere. John was hesitant to go back to second-in-charge, he finally felt like the “cool” kid. John just seems torn by his own image. he is so hung up on leaving his mark and being incredible all while having fun and being relaxed, that he ends up sacrificing more that he wants to. At the same time he’s still the same nerd he was before, keeping his old train sets hidden deep under his bed in case he wants them again.
the connections:
✧ Peter Pan- Peter was one of John’s closest friends, and then he wasn’t. Funny how it works at that age. John has always known he falls second to Wendy in the lineup, but when Peter left, he truly saw where he stood in the grand scheme of things. Now that Peter’s gone, John has been picking up the pieces of it all. He’s been helping his sister cope with the lost boy’s absence, all while trying to make sure the other boys don’t fall apart. John knew he had to grow up at one point, but he didn’t realize this is how it would all go down. John cares about Peter, but doesn’t think the feelings are reciprocated anymore. John has no idea that the night Peter left, Wendy was supposed to join him.
✧ Wendy & Michael Darling- The Darling parents don’t approve of Peter Pan, and that’s been made known to their children. The sneaking out through their windows late at night, the slipping grades, the defiance. When Peter vanished out of nowhere, all the kids had was each other to cope with, and it made them even closer than before. Now word is traveling that Peter is back, and John is trying to protect Wendy from more heartbreak and Michael from losing the amazing opportunities he’s earned at school. John on the other hand, is just trying to keep his social life together.
✧ James Hook- John knows that he shouldn’t talk to James, not after all of the horrible things he’s heard about him. The only problem is John has a fascination with all things regarding the history of pirates and sailing. With Hook living right on the harbor, where all of the boats are, it’s hard to avoid him. Once the two had quite the pleasant conversation about boats when they first met, but then John discovered who he was talking to and made a quick exit. Hook later came to realize that John ran with Peter’s group, and decided John wasn’t so kind after all. 
the social network:
✧  OUTGOING MESSAGE to WENDY: I dunno seems like a problem you’ll have to solve on your own Wen.
✧  INCOMING MESSAGE from SLIGHTLY: Meeting tonight at Hangman’s. Tonight we talk business. No Wendy or Tink.
✧  VOICEMAIL from FATHER: John, the cleaners noticed your windows weren’t secured yet again. There’s a reason we have locks, use them. And if I hear that you’ve been sneaking out with that Pan boy again, then we’re going to have to have a serious talk. You need to keep your studies in mind this year when it counts the most.
✧  NOW PLAYING: Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles
Interested in John? He is currently OPEN.
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